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Shadows of Love

Page 15

by Crystal V. Rhodes

  “According to the desk clerk Mrs. Nedra Davis-Reasoner checked out of the hotel early this morning.”

  James frowned. “Let me make a call. I’ll get back to you.”

  Sin was in his home office catching up on some work when he got the phone call from James. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  “What do you mean she checked out? Where is she?”

  “That’s what I called to ask you. I thought that maybe she might have arrived home by now.”

  Sin tried to stay calm. It wasn’t easy. “If she left L.A. this morning she should be here. It doesn’t take long to get to Carmel from there. Let me call her.”

  His hand was trembling as he hit speed dial. With every ring of her cell phone his heartbeat quickened, until he heard her voice.


  “Where are you?” Sin demanded, too upset to think about his tone.

  Surprised by the harshness of his inquiry, Nedra hesitated. She was in a cab headed to Carmel from Pacific Grove, where she had stashed Hardman. Mrs. Spencer had arrived and taken over. A pleasant woman, in her sixties, she and Thomas had hit it off immediately. Nedra had left knowing he was in capable hands.

  She was going home to talk with her husband to see if they could resolve their differences. But, this phone call was giving her serious doubts about that.

  “I’m on my way to the house,” she answered frostily. “Why do you ask?”

  “You checked out of the hotel this morning.”

  Nedra sat straight up in the cab. “How do you know that? Why would you call the hotel instead of calling me?”

  Sin had to think quickly. He didn’t want her to know that he had hired a bodyguard for her. “I’m calling you now. Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming home today? Where is he?”

  “If by he, you mean Thomas, he’s out of the hospital and in a safe place.” She had to cut this call short or the argument would be on. “I’m not far from home. We can talk about it when I get there.” She disconnected before he could say another word.

  Sin called James and told him his wife’s change in location. Afterward, he paced the living room waiting for her to arrive and wondering what in the world was wrong with him. How could he speak to her like that? On top of it, he was plotting to have her followed! But desperate means called for desperate measures.

  None of this would have happened if it hadn’t been for one man. He felt no love for Hardman, but he wouldn’t let this man’s presence in their lives interfere with his marriage. He and his wife were going to fix what was wrong between them, no matter what.


  The Reasoner house was located on a cul de sac. Because mega stars, Darnell Cameron and Thad Stewart lived on the street, there was a large fence at the street’s entrance with a security gate allowing entry. Each of the houses on the street was equipped with cameras that alerted the households to cars entering the gate. As soon as Sin saw the cab headed toward the house, he was at the front door to greet Nedra.

  Paying the driver, he took his wife’s suitcase and helped her exit the cab.

  “Welcome back.” He said, resisting the urge to plant a kiss on her cheek.

  “Thank you.” Her reply was indifferent. She walked stiffly past him without another word.

  Sin knew that wasn’t a good sign. He followed her up the stairs, into their bedroom and then into her dressing room. It wasn’t until then that she turned to face him.

  “We need to talk.”

  Setting the luggage aside, he stepped up to her. “I know, but first I owe you an apology. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that over the phone.”

  “Truer words have never been spoken.” Backing away, she started walking toward her closet, unbuttoning her blouse along the way. Sin trailed her.

  “You’re so gracious when I’m wrong,” Sin cracked, helping her remove the garment from her body.

  Looking at him over her shoulder, she rolled her eyes at his sarcastic reply. Reaching the closet, she shimmied out of her pants.

  “I’ve been in these clothes all day. It sure feels good getting out of them.”

  Dressed in panties and bra, she turned back to her husband From the look in his eyes, and the bulge in his pants, it was obvious that he was losing focus. Grabbing a robe, she slipped into it and tied the belt firmly.

  “Down boy. We talk first.”

  Sin knew she was right. He wanted things between them to be right again.

  “Yes we do. I want to work through this, and then—” He wiggled his brows.

  Nedra couldn’t help but smile. It looked like the old Sin was back. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too. I don’t like it when we fight.”

  “I feel the same, and I know that what I did for Thomas started this argument.”

  Sin looked at her askew. “I seem to hear a but in that statement.”

  Nedra blew out a breath. “Well, I understand that he’s a sore subject between us, but I’d like to tell you something about him.” She spoke quickly to halt his expected reply. “Then, I won’t say anything else about him if you say you don’t want to hear it.” She paused, looking hopeful.

  Sin didn’t want to dampen the mood, not when things seemed to be going well. But, it looked as though she wasn’t going to let the subject of Hardman go. Reluctantly, he relented.

  “Okay, what is it?”

  Taking him by the hand, she led him to the sofa in their sitting room. Settling beside him, Nedra took a deep breath.

  “Before he got really sick, Thomas and I had a good talk, and as I’ve said, I got the impression that he left Bev and Darnell to save their lives”

  “Or, to save his own.”

  “He’s kept Bev’s picture all of these years. He still loves her, and I have no doubt that he loves Darnell.”

  Sin wasn’t impressed. “He doesn’t even know her.”

  “He told me that at one time he had this fantasy about getting to know her. He wasn’t specific, but I think that it was that time Ray told us about. Remember, Ray said that he’s sure that years ago, Moody rented the house across the street from Darnell’s house. He did that in an effort to get close to her so that he could turn his fantasy of knowing his daughter into a reality.”

  Sin was getting irritated. “What’s your point? Is this supposed to make me like the man? I already told you, I can’t respect someone who abandons his family.”

  Not surprised by his response, Nedra pushed off the sofa and stood looking down at him. “I just feel that you need to know that Thomas does have a heart.”

  “I hear you, and I still feel the same about him.” Rising, Sin tilted her chin so he could look into her eyes. “Baby, what is this obsession you have about this man? Since you grew up without a father is he some kind of father figure for you?”

  Nedra recoiled. The very idea! “He’s your father, not mine!”

  “I’d call him more of a sperm donor, but being without a father can take its toll. From the look of it, I think that’s what’s happening in your case.”

  Balking, Nedra walked to the French doors leading to the balcony and stepped outside. She didn’t like the direction this conversation was taking. Beyond the windswept trees, in the distance the ocean was calm. Above her, the clouds in the sky were perfect. Yet, Nedra didn’t see any of it as her husband’s words reverberated in her head.

  Her father had died in an accident the night she was born. Like Darnell, she only knew him through her mother’s loving recollections. Just like Colton Cameron, he had been put on a pedestal. She had always wondered what having a father-daughter relationship would be like. Could it be that Sin was right? Did Thomas Hardman fill a paternal need that she wasn’t aware she had?

  “By the way,” Sin called out to her, “where is Hardman?”

  The question jolted Nedra out of her musing. This was the moment of truth. He wasn’t going to like what she was about to tell him, but there would be no further deception. She stepped b
ack inside, wanting to face him when she broke the news.

  “He’s staying at Davia and Justin Miles’ vacation home in Pacific Grove.”

  Sin looked flabbergasted. “Are you telling me that you put that man in our old house? The home you and I shared when we were first married?”

  “Yes, I did.” Nedra was unrepentant. “I couldn’t think of anywhere else for him to go. He needed to be someplace where he would have privacy while he recovered.”

  Sin literally saw red. “Damn his privacy! You put that man less than a thirty minute drive from where we live!”

  “There’s little chance that anyone he knows will see him there,” Nedra said evenly. “And stop yelling!” She stalked to the French doors.

  The positive feelings that had developed between them a moment ago vanished like smoke in the wind. Sin rubbed his throbbing temples.

  “I don’t believe you. You have definitely lost your mind.” He started to cackle, making a low mournful sound like a man going mad. “This is unbelievable.” He turned in a slow circle, arms outstretched. “Absolutely unreal.”

  Nedra kept her back to him, fighting to control her anger. “That was the best choice, Sinclair. Right now, he’s too sick to go back to the island. As soon as he recuperates he’ll be gone.”

  Walking to her, Sin gently gripped her shoulders and turned her to face him. Looking into those beautiful eyes he adored, he whispered harshly, enunciating every word slowly, as though addressing a small child.

  “Nedra, you put that man much too close to our home.”

  Stiffening, she snatched away from him. The stormy look on her face let him know that she didn’t appreciate the truth that he was dispensing.

  Releasing another maddening chuckle, Sin withdrew, plopping down heavily on the sofa. “You want to know something? I’m so tired of being angry. It’s getting exhausting.” Placing his elbows on his knees, he dropped his head in his hands.

  It took a while for Nedra to control her breathing and clear her head. If she didn’t rein in her anger, it was certain that words would be exchanged that they both would regret. Enough animosity had passed between them to fill a lifetime. Not that there hadn’t been arguments before, but there had never been anything like this.

  Seconds ticked by without a sound in the room except their breathing they contemplated how they could fix this. Each wanted things back the way they used to be.

  Having gained control of her emotions, Nedra walked to where Sin was sitting.

  “It’s going to be okay.” She tried to sound as reassuring as possible. Nobody knows he’s there and he wouldn’t dare come anywhere near here.” Why would he?

  Sin looked up at Nedra with eyes as hard as steel. “If anything happens to you or to our children because of this mess, I’ll kill him.”

  His words were said with such conviction, the hairs on Nedra’s arms stood straight up. This was the second time that he had threatened Hardman, and she had no doubt he would do exactly what he said. She started to speak, but his cell phone rang. Jerking it out of his pants pocket, Sin barked into the receiver.

  “Hello.” Darnell was on the other end. “Hey, sis. No, everything’s fine. What’s up?”

  Darnell? Nedra was on instant alert. “Is something wrong? Are the kids okay?” Her brows knitted with concern.

  Sin didn’t answer as he listened intently to what was being said. Nedra hovered near him, watching his expression for any sign of trouble until he finally spoke.

  “No, it’s all right. We’ll be looking for them. You guys be safe and we’ll see you soon. Love you too.” He disconnected.

  “What’s going on?” Nedra nudged.

  Taking a calming breath, Sin got up and headed for the bedroom door. “Darnell and Thad have to leave Aruba to go to Australia. There’s some emergency post production work they have to do on their new film. Trevor is going with them.”

  “What about Gillian?

  ”That’s why she called. They’re sending both the girls home. She wanted to make sure that it’s okay if Nia stays here with us since their housekeeper isn’t available. I told her it’s fine.”

  Nedra gave a sigh of relief. “Of course it is.”

  Sin’s face hardened. “Hopefully, this will make being in Carmel a little more important to you than being in Pacific Grove.” He slammed the door behind him, hard.


  Lamont Madison stepped into the elevator, having left the headquarters of Starr Webb Security. He was tired, but exhilarated. What a day!

  This morning he had been in L.A. heading home to New York City to await another assignment. Hours later, here he was in one of his favorite cities in the world, San Francisco.

  The job he was assigned to do merely verified the positive feelings he had about the company from which he hoped to retire. Acting as an invisible body guard to Nedra Reasoner represented Starr’s continued vote of confidence in his abilities. He recognized her name as having been in the headlines a few years ago when her youngest child was abducted. He was also aware that she was a member of the family into which James had married. That he was that trusted made Lamont feel doubly good.

  His boss had explained that there had been no specific threat or designated suspect. Trailing her appeared to be a precautionary effort on her husband’s part. The job should be an easy one and at the moment had no specific time line. Yes, Lamont was feeling on top of the world when the elevator doors opened and he stepped into the lobby.

  Ham was coming out of a public bathroom in one of the multitude of buildings in downtown San Francisco when he got the shock of his life. A familiar face was exiting an elevator. Ham did a double take. Wasn’t that Lamont Madison, the private dick from New York?

  When the man stopped at a newsstand at the building’s entrance, Ham glanced at the roster on the wall. When he saw Webb Starr Securities listed, his suspicion was confirmed. Ham couldn’t help but wonder what Madison was doing here? He worked in the East Coast office. Did his presence in this city have something to do with this Moody Lake thing? Maybe—

  Lamont left the building and so did Ham, making sure that he kept a discreet distance. After a brief walk, Lamont stopped and slid inside a car not far from where Ham’s rental car was parked. Flashing a sly smile about his good fortune, Ham doubled back and got into his own vehicle.

  Inside the car, Lamont set the GPS system that would guide him to the Monterey Peninsula. He had heard a lot of great things about the area and was looking forward to going there. Pulling into traffic, he failed to notice another car a few yards behind doing the same.


  It was difficult for Hardman to admit, but Nedra and the doctors were right. He was in need of a good rest. He’d been out of the hospital for four days and it had taken every minute of that time to help him regain his strength. Mrs. Spencer, a freckled faced, red head with an infectious smile, turned out to be a fabulous nurse and a great cook. She had put together a menu that had him eagerly eating three meals a day, plus snacks. He had even gained weight. The medication, daily exercises and massages had him on his feet and feeling like a new man. He couldn’t believe the difference in his body or in his attitude in such a short time.

  His environment helped play a part in his miraculous recovery. As promised, the house in which he was staying provided much needed privacy. The lush trees and plants surrounding it gave him a sense of peace, as did the familiar sound of the nearby ocean which lured him to sleep at night. The deer roaming the area were an absolute delight. They often peered into the windows of the house, seemingly unafraid.

  On the second day of her arrival, Mrs. Spencer insisted that he take short walks inside the house. Accompanied by the nurse, he took a stroll in the neighborhood on day three. It was now day four, and the plan was for him to walk along the beach alone.

  He hadn’t seen Nedra since his arrival at the house, but she called everyday to check on his progress. He liked her. She had a good heart, but he couldn’t afford the luxu
ry of attachments given the life he led.

  Even though the feeling wasn’t reciprocated, he liked Sinclair too. He reminded him of a lion protecting his lair. Hardman wondered if Nedra told her husband about his presence on the Peninsula. He figured she had and that was the reason she wasn’t coming around. Sinclair probably had a fit.

  Unfortunately, Hardman couldn’t remember Sinclair’s mother. When the name Karen Reasoner was mentioned, it didn’t ring a bell. Apparently there had been no relationship other than sexual between the two of them. He suspected that Sinclair was aware of that, but he would never ask. Few people would want to know that their existence was the result of a careless after thought. In his talks with Nedra, Hardman had deduced that her husband’s youth had been as difficult as his own. Still, Sinclair had evolved into a man to be admired and respected, and he had earned both from Thomas Hardman.


  “Listen, Ray, I haven’t been avoiding you,” Sin insisted. “Since we got back from Mexico, we’ve been busy.”

  Ray wasn’t convinced. “Uh huh, I still say you owe me an explanation.”

  Leaning back in his office chair, Sin felt bad about the lies and deception in which he was engaged, but it was better if Ray continued to think that Hardman was dead. He had been through enough harboring the secret of Colton Cameron. Let him enjoy his marriage and some peace of mind, even if both were lacking in his own life.

  “Okay Ray. What exactly do you want to know?”

  “Did you see Colton’s grave? Did you talk to his housekeeper? What did she say?”

  “No, I didn’t see his grave.” That wasn’t a lie. “But, I do know that he had something called dengue fever.” Truth #2. “People get it from mosquitoes or something. Mrs. Ruiz didn’t know anything about Hardman’s life, but Nedra and I did find a photo that he had of Bev when she was pregnant.” Truth #3.


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