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Masked Feelings

Page 15

by Baram, Lechna

  “Yeah, right,” Ross said as he pulled me to him, making room for the guys to walk away. Damian glared at Ross's hands on me and clenched his jaw before stomping away.

  “I'm going to get going. Good night guys,” Dean said awkwardly before walking in the same direction that Damian went. I took a deep breath and kept walking to the guest room to show Ross where he was going to sleep. Damian was still on my mind. His glare was still present.

  Maybe I'll be seeing Damian Hulk earlier than I thought.

  The wedding day was two days from now. Everything was already prepared and for the first time in my life, I can say that the bride and the groom were nowhere near stressed. Alena and Dean seemed pretty relaxed and happy. They already had everything prepared and the only thing left is the 'I do' that they will have to say on the big day.

  “What's up?” Rose asked in the living room. Jace sat next to her and started playing with a strand of her hair. I shrugged, not really knowing what to do. Damian has not really talked to me since Ross's arrival last night. I had a strong feeling that he was kinda pissed after the whole Ross situation yesterday.

  “What about we play a game?” Alena asked as she sat down, on the floor. Yes. On the floor. “Come sit down, guys!” she gushed as she patted the floor with a big smile. The only one who wasn't here was obviously Damian. Rose, Jace, Dean, Jasmine, Rosemary, Ross, and Alena were now all settling on the floor as if it was normal to ignore the comfortable couches for the cold floor. I could see irritation on Rosemary's face but she still sat down, next to Ross.

  “What game are we going to play?” Jasmine asked excitedly as she sat down Indian style and stared at each one of us. I was still on the couch, reluctant to leave the warmth I just created by sitting in this seat.

  “Someone needs to go get Damian,” Alena said and Dean's eyes shifted to me.

  “Athena, can you go and get Damian for us?” Dean asked with a wicked grin, making me glare at him.

  “Why should I go?” I asked, well, whined as I let my head fall on the back of the couch.

  “Because everyone already settled down and you're the only one on the couch,” Dean explained. I groaned and stood up. I was going to face Damian. I knew that he was angry. Maybe he cooled down since last night.

  “Fine, I'm going.” I gave in, heading upstairs.

  “Do you want me to come with you, Athena?” I turned to look at Ross, who was starting to stand up. Oh No! Stay here.

  “No, I'm good. Stay here,” I told him with a smile, hoping that he would listen to me.

  “I would advise you to stay here,” Dean added, making Ross sit back down with a confused facial expression. I continued walking, breathing out in relief but soon, my heartbeat started speeding up again. How am I going to face Damian? Is he going to be the arrogant jackass again? I started playing with the hem of my shirt, nervousness slowly overtaking me. Why did he have to intimidate me so much?

  I was soon in front of his room. I was contemplating on whether I should open the door or not. Should I knock? Obviously yes! I lifted my hand and knocked on the door. I could hear footsteps, I bit my lips and let my eyes drop to the floor. Why was I acting like this now? The door opened and I slowly lifted my head to look at him. In front of me a shirtless Damian stood. I didn't even have the time to look at his face when he suddenly grabbed my shirt and pulled me in his room. I was now pressed against the wall with Damian in front of me. Damian closed the door next to me with a loud bang as he rested his forehead against mine.

  “What do you want?” he asked as he clenched his jaw and glared at me. I blinked several times and swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat.

  “D-Dean and Athena are calling you downstairs,” I cursed myself for stuttering. My eyes drifted to his chest, then his abs. I unwillingly licked my lips as I stared at him.

  “Don't do that,” he whispered as he pulled away. I took a deep breath as he was now a few metres away. He walked to his bed and put a shirt on. I thought about apologizing about yesterday but I didn't know how to start. “Let's go,” he said, sounding so cold. Katy Perry's song Hot and Cold came to my mind as I stared at him. We walked out of the room, with Damian in the lead.

  “Damian, I'm sorry for yesterday,” I said, making him stop walking. “I was a bit annoyed that Dean and you were following us,” I explained. He turned and shrugged at me.

  “I don't give a damn. As long as I get to do you, you can do whatever you want,” he said. My heart wasn't breaking at his words. But I could feel anger resurfacing but I decided to ignore it. “But never disrespect me in front of people again.” He ordered, his voice dangerously low. I rolled my eyes and walked passed him, trying not to snap at his words. Just as I walked pass next him, his hand enveloped itself around my wrist. “Did you hear me?” he asked, glaring at me. I pulled my hand away and glared back.

  “My ears are still good,” I snapped and walked back to where the other guys were sitting. He doesn't give a fuck, right? Okay.

  Then watch me.

  My number one mission right now was to get a reaction out of Damian. I put on a smile as I approached my friends. I knew that Damian was following behind, so I decided to settle down next to Ross who was now staring at me with a bright smile. The only place left was between Rosemary and Dean.

  “Why would you sit on the floor when you have couches?” Damian asked, his question directed towards my sister, probably already knowing that this idea was hers.

  “Why would you talk when you know you can keep quiet?” Alena asked with a sheepish smile, knowing that she just roasted Damian Spears.

  “So why are we here?” Rosemary asked in a bored tone.

  “I don't know,” Alena answered, making all of us turn to look at her. “I can't find any interesting games for old people,” she then added, making me scoff.

  “Old people? Talking about you, sister. I'm only twenty,” I said, making her laugh.

  “Yeah, you're too young,” Dean said with a grin. I decided not to comment on that and thought about some stuff we could do to kill time.

  “What about we go to a night club?” Jasmine suddenly proposed and I quickly nodded. I wanted to get drunk and party hard. We all nodded but then I realized that we need someone to look after Tommy, even though he's sleeping.

  “I'm going to tell Mrs. Johnson to keep an eye on Thomas,” I told my friends as we all started to stand up.

  “Hurry up because you need to get ready,” Rose said and I nodded. I noticed that Damian was staring at me but once my eyes met his, he looked away. I rolled my eyes and made my way to Mrs. Johnsons room. As she was a full time cook in the house, she had her own room.

  “Mrs. Johnson!” I called as I knocked on her door. The light seemed to be on, so she was most probably still awake. The door opened and Mrs. Johnson stood there with her glasses on and a bright smile on her face.

  “Athena Darling,” she said as she motioned for me to walk in. I quickly shook my head because I needed to go and get ready.

  “We are going out and I'll need your help,” I said with a small smile and did the puppy eyes to bring luck on my side.

  “What is it, honey?” she asked, offering a smile to let me know that she didn't mind helping me.

  “The guys and I, we're going out and I was wondering whether you could keep an eye on Thomas,” I said and she quickly nodded.

  “Of course! Where is he?” she asked with a bright smile.

  “He's sleeping right now,” I told her. She smiled and nodded.

  “Don't worry, I'll look after him,” she said. I walked closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. I really missed her all these years I wasn't here.

  “I missed you,” I said as she wrapped her arms around me as well. I pulled away and stared at her black love filled eyes and blinked my eyes when I realized that they were turning teary.

  “I missed you too, Honey. The house was no more the same when you were gone.” She admitted as she wiped a tear away from my cheek.
  “Athena!” I heard my sister call.

  “Go on. I'll take care of Thomas” Mrs. Johnson said and pecked my forehead. I smiled and walked towards the direction of my sister’s voice. Alena was in the corridor with Damian standing behind her.

  “What?” I asked as I reached them.

  “Go and get ready!” she pressed, making me roll my eyes. As I started walking away, my sister grabbed my hand and pulled me back in front of her. She stared at me for a good thirty seconds before taking a deep breath. “You've been crying,” she stated.


  “Why?” Damian was the one who asked the question. I glared at both of them before sighing in annoyance.

  “I got a little bit emotional when I went to see Mrs. Johnson,” I told them. “Can I go now?” I asked and my sister shooed me away. I walked in my room to see Thomas sleeping. I smiled and walked to him. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. I leaned and pecked his forehead making him stir a little bit.

  “Athena?” he mumbled as he popped open one eye to peek at me. I chuckled and sat on the bed next to him.

  “Hey, little boy,” I said. I was now considering not going out because he was awake.

  “What are you doing?” he asked as he closed his eyes again. He cuddled the pillow next to him.

  “Aunt Alena and the other guys are going out. I think I'll stay at home,” I told him as I started playing with his hair. He opened his eyes to look at me with his blue hypnotizing pupils.


  “Why what?” I asked.

  “Why are you staying?” he asked. He sounded so serious for a seven-year-old boy.

  “I want to stay with you,” I answered with a small smile, trying to ease the atmosphere.

  “I'll be sleeping. You go,” he said and slightly pushed me away from the bed. “Go,” he whined, making me laugh. “A man needs to be alone sometimes,” he said, making me gasp.

  “Where did you hear that?” I asked as I stood up and put my hands on my hips, to look intimidating.

  “I heard Uncle Jace say that.” He admitted sheepishly. I rolled my eyes. Sounds like something he'd say. “But you can go with them,” he continued. I smiled at him and nodded.

  “If you need something, you take the phone right here and call this number,” I said as I scribbled Mrs. Johnson's number. “Mrs. Johnson's room is just down the hall. It's the only white door in the house, you'll notice,” I said and watched as Thomas settled back comfortably under his blanket. I needed to get ready so I opened my suitcase and decided on what dress to wear. A grin crept on my face when I noticed my small mid-thigh red dress. It had long sleeves and was curve hugging. It was sexy but somehow classy as well. I pulled my black high heels stilettos and my makeup bag. I took my things and walked to the bathroom to get ready. I turned to see Thomas already snoring and I chuckled at his soft but still funny snores.

  Chapter 17

  Night Club

  “Cock sucker!” I heard Alena yell before laughing.

  My eyes widened as I stepped into the living room where everyone was already waiting. Jasmine and Damian were still not here.

  “What the hell, Alena?” I exclaimed, making the other guys aware of my presence. Ross whistled as soon as his eyes fell on me. I didn't have to wear blush right now. My cheeks were most probably red. I was wearing my red tight-fitting dress which ended mid-thigh and it had long sleeves, which made it seem really classy. My hair was tied in a high ponytail and my lips were of the same colour of red.

  “Who's a cock sucker?” I asked, trying to ignore Ross's eyes on me. To say that it was making me feel uncomfortable would be an understatement.

  “Hopefully, you” Ross said and winked when I stared at him. What was wrong with him? Even my sister cringed at his words. As if sensing the uneasiness dominating the room, Rose decided to talk.

  “Me. I told her to describe me,” Rose told me as she rolled her eyes.

  “It's not as if she was lying,” Jace said out of the blue, making my best friend's eyes go wide open while Alena and Dean burst out laughing. Ross was simply grinning at Jace's words. Even Rosemary was smiling.

  “Are you guys together?” Alena asked bluntly. Jace nodded while Rose shook her head.

  “We're together?” Rose asked with raised eyebrows. Jace glared at her and then huffed.

  “I thought we were!” Jace said, throwing his hands in the air in frustration. Alena and I were laughing our asses off at the situation.

  “You never asked me out!” Rose pointed out in exasperation.

  “We've been having sex like hormonal teenagers!” Jace stated. This conversation was probably the best thing I've ever heard. Damian walked in the room. Damn. Damn! He was wearing a shirt and his tattooed arms were in full display. He looked so sexy right now. His hair was messy. He was wearing blue jeans and a tightfitting shirt which hugged his body and presented his muscles damn well. He was far from the suit and tie. I would definitely like him pressed all over me, his lips adorning me with kisses.

  Now I sound like a hormonal teenager!

  “It doesn't mean we're together! I mean look at A–” Rose started and as soon as she was going to motion to me, she turned to see my glare. She was going to say something about Damian and me. She quickly shut up and sat quietly. Apparently, my sister seemed to catch up that there was something that Rose was going to say.

  “Look at what, Rose?” Alena asked as she fixed her eyes on me.

  “Nothing,” she said a bit too quickly. My sister stared at me suspiciously. Just as I was about to talk, Jasmine walked in with a bright smile on her face.

  “Hello People! Bow to your queen,” she exclaimed, making Rose and I laugh. Jasmine was wearing a long white skirt with a small crop top. Her makeup was on point. I smiled as Ross actually bowed to her. “We can go now,” Jasmine said with pride as she started walking to the door. I silently thanked Jasmine as I knew that Alena would have never let go of that subject otherwise. I quickly walked to the door and everyone started making their way to the door as well.

  “Who's driving with who?” Dean asked suddenly. I didn't really fancy carpooling with Damian who was most probably thinking of different ways to kill me. I quickly put my hand up, as if I was still in school.

  “I'm driving my own car!” I exclaimed and made a run to my car to show them that I wasn't backing away.

  “I'm going with Athena,” Jasmine announced.

  “Same,” Ross said as they made their way in my direction. Damian's eyes were fixed on Ross. If looks could kill, Ross would definitely be six feet under.

  “I'm riding Damian,” Rosemary said. “I mean, I'm riding with Damian,” she said with a little smirk of her own.

  I rolled my eyes and opened the door to enter the car.

  “Jace and Rose are coming with us, then,” Alena said with a smile. I waited for Ross and Jasmine to settle in the car and when they were done and the doors were closed properly, I started the engine.

  “Put the music on!” Jasmine said. I turned on the music and Adam Levine's voice was soon heard. We all started singing along and I noticed that Ross was looking at Jasmine quite a few times. A smile stretched on my face as I started thinking about playing cupid.

  “Like animals! Animals! Animal! Yeah!” Jasmine sang, well, more like shouted. I laughed at how crazy and free she sounded.

  Soon we all arrived at the night club. I waited for the others to park their cars and once they did, we all made our way to the entrance of the club. I noticed that Rosemary was clinging to Damian. Yeah. We're in a public place and let me tell you that there were a lot of paparazzi. I huffed in annoyance as they started taking a lot of pictures. The flash lights were annoying all of us, but we kept our calm, knowing that a simple reaction from us might end up in the front page of various magazines.

  “Alena! Alena! Where are you going for your honeymoon?” One of the paparazzi yelled. I laughed at his question, making the other paparazzi turn towards Jasmine, Ross,
and me.

  “Athena! Did your parents forgive you for leaving?” One of them asked, making me roll my eyes. So many questions were asked as we tried to enter the club quickly.

  “Damian! Why did you return with Rosemary when she cheated on you?” One of them asked. I stopped and turned to look at the young petite blond woman who asked that question. I gave her a thumbs up as I burst out laughing.

  “Good question!” I complimented before walking in the club. To say that Damian was pissed would be an understatement. I simply smirked and walked by Jasmine. Once we were in the club, we walked to a table and we all sat down.

  “What are we guys drinking?” Dean asked as he stood up.

  “Vodka shots for everyone!” Alena exclaimed excitedly. We all nodded, gladdened by the idea of getting drunk and partying once in a while.

  “I want to dance,” Rose whined as she wiggled in her seat. I have to agree that the song was really tempting. I wanted to stand up and walk to the dance floor.

  “What about we go?” I said, motioning towards the dance floor where there were already a lot of people dancing. Jasmine nodded and stood up with a big smile on her face. Damian was sitting, his phone in his hand, trying to ignore all of us.

  “I wanna dance too!” Rosemary announced. I noticed that she was looking towards Damian to see his reaction, but his eyes were fixed on his phone. Jasmine scoffed as she rolled her eyes at her sister's words. Why that reaction?

  “Come on. Let's go!” Rose exclaimed as she pulled on my arm. I put my handbag on the table and motioned to Ross to look after our stuff. He nodded and turned to continue his conversation with Jace. Dean was gone to get the drinks. As we reached the dance floor, Jasmine pulled me to her and we started dancing together. I laughed as she turned around and started twerking.

  “Damn!” I shouted as I watched her. When a whining song came on, Rose stared at me. I stared back at her. Jasmine moved to dance with Alena. Rose and I started moving our hips together. Usually when we would clean the apartment back home, we would put the music out loud and we would dance together. Our hips moved sensually as we stared at each other.


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