Masked Feelings
Page 33
“Thank you,” I whispered.
“You should be more confident, Athena,” Rose said. “You can get any man you want.” She added.
“But the man that I want, doesn't want me,” I added chuckling to ease the atmosphere. But instead, Rose frowned.
“You need to give him time,” Rose said. We both knew who we were talking about. “He loves you. He just need to find the courage and the will to trust someone again,” she said. “He's been hurt before and seeing how big his ego is, it's pretty normal that he wouldn't want to get hurt again.” I nodded. I already knew that.
“I told him that I love him.” I watched as her eyes widened. “When we were at sea, I actually admitted that.”
“What did he say?”
“Anything. He didn't say anything,” I mumbled before walking to get my handbag. “He was about to say something but then I told him he did not have to say it back,” I said. “Now let's go,” I told her as I picked my bag up then walked to the door. When we reached the foot of the stairs, I heard Damian’s voice in the living room. We walked to them and as soon as I got in, they stopped talking. Isaac whistled, making Damian roll his eyes. I was surprised when I saw Damian walking towards me.
“You look beautiful,” he said, making my heart race and giving me butterflies in my stomach.
“You don't look bad yourself,” I whispered back after staring at him. He was wearing a tight black shirt and blue jeans. Pretty far from the usual suit and tie. He smiled. Yeah, the kind of smile which would dazzle anyone.
“Do I really have to go?” Damian moved a little bit so that we could both look at Dean. He looked like he was about to cry.
“Yes Dean, you have to come with us.” Rose sighed from behind me. “What's so wrong with coming to the club with us?” she asked.
“What's so wrong with me not coming to the club?” Dean asked back, making Rose huff in annoyance. Isaac shook his head in Dean's direction.
“You're testing her patience,” Isaac said.
“And she has none.” I added. Rose nodded in agreement and motioned for Dean to walk out.
“So move your ass before I break it.” Rose ordered. Dean groaned but reluctantly walked to the door with Isaac walking behind him.
“Athena and I are taking my car,” Damian said suddenly.
“We are?” I asked in surprise. Rose wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, making me roll my eyes. What was Damian planning?
“We are.” The smirk plastered on his face was scary. When we got out of the house, I smiled to the guards before walking towards the car. Damian wrapped one of his hands around my waist, pulling me towards his car. I noticed Isaac staring at me from Dean's car. He was sitting in the back seat. He most probably thought I was coming with them. Well, I thought so too. Damian opened the passenger door for me. I blinked several times before getting in. He closed the door then walked to driver seat. Dean's car was already gone by then.
“What are you planning, Damian?”
He turned to look at me, then grinned.
“Nothing. I wanted to spend some time with my favorite girl.”
What happened? Why did he change that much? Was it because I admitted my feelings? Did he pity me? Damn. Here I go again with the overthinking.
“And how many girls do you have?” I asked when he started driving.
“Only you,” he said seriously.
I smiled a little bit.
“You're so confusing at times,” I said as I leaned my head against the window.
“What's so confusing?” he asked, his eyes still on the road.
“You're hot, then you're cold,” I quoted Katy Perry, making him chuckle.
“Katy Perry? Really?” he asked, chuckling.
“You know her?” I asked, quite surprised that he even listened to music. He always seemed so busy.
“Do you think I live in a cave?” he asked in disbelief.
I chuckled and quickly shook my head.
“Doesn't seem your type of music,” I said.
He nodded, then turned his head slightly to look at me.
“Alena usually listened to Katy Perry.” Damian explained. I smiled. Yeah, Alena loves Katy Perry.
“Alena is coming to the club as well,” I announced and watched as he sighed in relief.
“Dean was starting to annoy me with all his ranting,” Damian said. Yeah, true to that. Dean was annoying when Alena was not around. In a few minutes, we reached the club. Damian parked his car next to Dean’s.
“Let's party now and get drunk,” Isaac said cheerily when Damian and I got out of the car.
Chapter 49
The Club
As we walked in the club, Isaac slowly found his way beside me. He looked like he was about to say something but he was reluctant to. I turned to look at him while making our way to a table. Damian was behind us, watching our every move. Ah. Now I know why Isaac was reluctant to talk. Dean and Rose took settled on the chairs. Isaac sat next to Dean. Damian and I sat next to each other. I was tired of Isaac's several attempts to talk to me.
“Talk already, Isaac,” I huffed.
He smiled sheepishly then took a deep breath before finally talking.
“You're still helping me, right?” he asked, hope coating his words. I rolled my eyes and nodded.
“I told you I would. Why would I change my mind?” I asked.
Isaac's eyes shifted from me to Damian. Oh. Yeah. I turned to look at Damian who looked rather calm. No glare.
“She's already here,” Isaac said. I smiled and looked in the direction of his gaze.
“The barmaid? Is that her?” Rose asked.
We were all now looking at the blonde bimbo who was standing behind the bar. She seemed to be half naked with her small skirt and crop top that was too small for her. Her boobs seemed to be on the verge of falling out from the top. The amount of makeup she wore was surprising. I turned to look at Isaac and shook my head in disbelief.
“Are you serious?” I asked. Isaac looked at me then sighed.
“When you were in high school, popularity was a priority, okay?” he said before shaking his head. “Come on, let's go to the bar,” he said, taking my hand in his, forcing me to stand up as well.
“Wait.” I stopped him. “What are we supposed to do?” I asked, not really knowing what to do or say once I had to face Blonde Bimbo.
“Just act like you're my girlfriend,” Isaac said as if I was stupid. “You know what?” he said with a smirk. “Let me go first, then come after a few minutes,” he said. I nodded quickly and sat back down. I rolled my eyes when he fixed his jacket and made his way to the bar.
“Should I give you some quick advice?” Dean said with a mischievous grin on his face. I nodded, feeling like I was going to like his idea. “When you go over there, flirt with the bimbo,” he said, chuckling.
“It would be priceless if the bimbo flirts back.” Rose laughed.
“I'm up for it,” I told them.
Damian simply sat next to me, saying nothing. He was observing. I turned to look at Isaac and I noticed how big boobed bimbo was leaning towards him a little more. She was definitely flirting with Isaac. After a few minutes, I stood up, a smirk on my face. Isaac was going to hate me. Rose and Dean stood up and followed. I turned to see Damian using his phone. I felt myself getting angry. He was always using his phone. He raised his head to look at me. I shook my head and walked to the bar.
“Hey,” Isaac said with a smirk when I approached them. Big boobed girl turned to look at me, then smiled. I smiled back, ignoring Isaac. Rose and Dean sat on the chairs next to us, pretending to be drinking.
“Hey,” I said to big boobed bimbo. She looked quite shocked by the flirty tone I was using.
“Hey,” she said, after recovering from the shock. She batted her eyelashes at me, making me realize that she was actually flirting back.
“I saw you from over there and I was wondering what a beauty like you was named,” I said. I turned to look at Isaac to see him lookin
g at me in confusion, shock, and disbelief. “Is that your boyfriend?” I asked, faking disappointment. Isaac sighed and shook his head. He knew what I was about to do. Seeing his face, I knew that this plan meant a lot to him. I pitied him and decided not to ruin this thing.
“I'm Stacy!” Bimbo exclaimed, licking her lips grossly. “And no, that's not my boyfriend!” she quickly exclaimed. “I'm single.” She added with a wink. I approached the bar and leaned a little bit.
“Well, come nearer, Stacy,” I whispered in a flirty tone. She did. She leaned over the counter so her ear was next to my mouth. I pulled away a little bit to look at her face. “So Stacy,” I started. “The next time I see you flirting with my boyfriend, Isaac here,” I said as I took Isaac's hands in mine. “I'll make sure to choke you with your fake boobs.” I heard someone choking next to me. It was Dean. He was laughing and drinking at the same time. Stacy glared at me before rolling her eyes.
“Sorry to inform you, bitch,” she started with a bitchy voice. “but we dated in high school.”
I turned to look at Isaac, faking shock.
“Babe!” I exclaimed, sounding horrified. “You had such bad taste,” I said, shaking my head. Isaac laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. Stacy rolled her eyes and walked away.
“You ruined the plan,” Rose exclaimed in annoyance. I walked out of Isaac’s arms and sat next to her. Dean was looking at us in amusement.
“He looked like he was about to cry.” I pointed out.
“I was not!” Isaac shouted so we could hear him over the loud music. I looked around to see Damian walking out of the club with his phone glued to his ear.
“He's always working,” Dean said, turning to look at me.
“And it's starting to annoy me,” I mumbled, turning to the barman.
“Here!” I heard Isaac shout over the music. I turned around and smiled when I saw him with a bottle of beer. I took it from his hand and turned back to look at the door. Damian was still not back yet. I groaned and took off the bottle cap. He could have taken care of his work later, right?
“Stop glaring at the door, will you?” Dean asked. I turned and glared at him instead but my glare quickly disappeared when I noticed my sister standing behind him. Seems like Dean was still not aware of her presence. He took a gulp of the beer in front of him. Just as he was about to put it on the table, Alena took it in her hands. Dean turned around to look, and when he realized that it was his wife, a big smile appeared on his face.
“Hello sweetheart,” Alena greeted and lightly pecked his cheek. My sister looked glad to see how happy Dean was to see her. The latter stood up and wrapped his hands around her. I nearly said aww on the spot but then I realized that the guy I love was currently outside the club, ditching us for his work.
“I love you,” Dean said.
“Aww!” this time the word left my mouth. I took another gulp of beer. Alena watched him carefully. I knew that she was analyzing the situation I was in, and the beer bottles of beer and the shots of vodkas in front of me were not helping.
“Do you want to dance?” Isaac asked suddenly.
“Yes!” I exclaimed quickly. I knew that if I stayed there, I will have to face my sister’s questions. I stood up, then realized that I was a little bit drunk. I knew that I was drunk because the floor was spinning. Unless that's a new kind of floor?
“Are you coming or not?” Isaac asked. I raised my head to look at him, then nodded. He took my hands in his and guided me to the dance floor. There were a lot of bodies dancing around me. The only thing I heard at that moment was the loud music in the club. Isaac placed his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him. We started dancing and let me tell you Isaac was a really bad dancer.
“You're a bad dancer.” I heard myself say. I'm a bad person. Isaac chuckled. Why was he chuckling? I meant what I said. I noticed Rose walking towards us so I detached myself from Isaac and turned towards my best friend. We started dancing with each other. The vixen part of me hasn't died yet. By the look of lust Isaac was sending in our direction, I knew that we still had it. Rose and I started grinding, getting some whistles from men around us. I was such a lightweight. I had to close my eyes to ignore the spinning of the room.
“What the hell do you think you're doing?” I heard someone snap after pulling me into his chest. I opened my eyes to see Damian standing in front of me. He seemed pissed.
“Dancing,” I simply said then giggled.
“Dancing? More like putting on a show for the men around you,” he said as he pulled me from the crowd. I noticed we were making our way to the door of the club. My friends and sister simply watched and let Damian pull me away. Once we were out, I took a deep breath and smiled. The air was so fresh. I opened my arms and let my pores absorb the air.
“What are you doing?” Damian asked as he stared at me.
“Breathing in,” I said, smiling.
“You're so fucking drunk. Can't I leave you alone for a minute without you getting drunk as hell and putting on a show for all these assholes on the goddamn dance floor?” Damian spat.
I took a deep breath, then the smile disappeared. I glared at him, then took a few steps in his direction.
“One minute?” I asked. “You fucking left for forty-five minutes, Damian!” I exclaimed. “If I can't get your attention, at least I can get theirs.” I turned to make my way to the door.
“Athena.” I heard Damian call. I turned around to see him just behind me.
“What?” I asked in anger.
The next thing I knew, Damian was kissing me. I didn't waste another minute to pull him even closer. He lifted me up, making me wrap my legs around him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, not breaking the kiss. I could feel us moving and then I was being pressed against the wall. Damian bit my lips then pulled away to look at me.
“The next time I catch you drunk and sexy dancing on the dance floor, it's going to end badly,” Damian whispered and buried his face in my neck. He slowly kissed my skin, giving me goosebumps. I moaned and gently tugged on his hair. I could feel him biting my skin. I was getting lost in all the emotions I was feeling. I tugged on his hair, causing him to groan and look at me. I crashed my lips against his again, enjoying the feeling of having him close to me. I bit on his lip, pulling on it. I could feel him smiling. I put my hand on his cheek, caressing it gently as he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. I could feel his hard on pressed against me. He pecked my lips against before putting me on the floor.
“We need to get back in the club,” I said, feeling a lot more sober.
“Yeah, we should,” Damian said with a smirk.
Something was wrong. He was planning something in his head. I shrugged it off and we walked back in the club.
Chapter 50
Club Sex
“Holy shit!” Alena gasped when she saw me.
I simply looked at her in confusion. Her eyes moved to Damian who was standing behind me. I turned around to look at Damian. He still had that annoying but still sexy smirk on his face.
“What?” I asked in confusion.
“What were you guys doing out there?” Dean asked, wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive way.
“Why?” I asked.
“Sweetheart, you should take a look at your neck,” Alena said, offering me a sheepish smile.
I touched my neck and it felt a little bit sore. I turned to look at Damian with wide eyes. Without wasting another second, I ran to the toilet. I opened the door and dashed in. Surprisingly, it was empty. I turned to look at myself in the mirror. My neck was covered with huge ass love bites. After a few seconds, the door opened and Damian walked in, locking it.
“That's your punishment,” he told me as he approached. He smiled, observing the marks he placed on my neck. He seemed pretty proud of himself. I wasn't angry because of the love bites. I could feel happiness radiating from me. I was happy because I felt like I was his.
“You should punish me more oft
en,” I whispered huskily, staring at him. He clenched his jaw then closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. It was as if he was trying to control himself. He was finally in front of me, our foreheads were touching. I ran my hand through his messy hair and smiled. It felt good to have him near me. He suddenly lifted me up, then put me on the counter, causing me to yelp and giggle.
Gosh. I hate giggling.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing his face closer to mine. What about I give him a little punishment for working when we were supposed to spend time together? I moved my lips closer to his, but just when they were about to touch, I moved slightly, resulting in him kissing my cheek. He moved his head so that it was now in the crook of my neck. He took a deep breath and pecked my skin over there.
“You always smell so good,” he whispered, making me chuckle. I pulled away so that I was able to look at his face. One thing I was sure about was that he was not definitely not drunk. I didn't wait longer before crashing my lips against his. To hell with the punishment. The kiss was rough and passionate at the same time. I was pouring all my feelings into it. I needed to do that. I needed him to know how I felt. I could feel his hands on my legs, travelling upward, lifting my long skirt.
“Damian,” I moaned, breaking the kiss when I felt his hand skimming my sex. My hands found their way to his pants and at that moment, my goal was to open his zipper. After a few seconds, his pants were down and we were kissing again.
“You're so goddamn wet.” Damian growled in want as he inserted one finger inside of me. Without waiting another second, he thrusted inside of me, making me gasp in pain and pleasure. My nails buried in his shoulder as he started moving. His eyes were on my face. “Open your eyes!” He ordered when I closed my eyes as emotions overwhelmed me. I opened my eyes, making him speed up. I held onto him, trying to absorb each and every little ounce of pleasure.
“I love you,” I said, not caring whether he was going to say it back or not. I simply needed to let him know. I felt him twitch inside of me at the words. He crushed his lips against mine again. I could feel an orgasm building as he kept thrusting inside me. I moaned and quickly bit my lips to stop myself from making more embarrassing noises. The next thing I knew, we both exploded at the same time.