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Masked Feelings

Page 44

by Baram, Lechna

  “Do you know that I love you, Mrs. Spears?” Damian asked when he pulled away to look at me.

  I nodded. Damian trailed his hands on my thigh and gently lifted me up. He pulled my dress over my head, leaving me in only my bra and panty sitting on his lap. “It's been a long time since we had sex—”

  “We had sex this morning.” I interrupted him with a frown.

  “It's been a long time since we had sex here,” he said, rolling his eyes.

  “That was three days ago.”

  He nodded with a pout as he gently pinched my nipple through my bra.

  “Exactly, a long time,” he said like a child.

  “I love you so much,” I told him as I crashed my lips against his.

  This was our happy ending.


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  Here is a sample from another story you may enjoy:

  Chapter 1

  When I First Saw You


  Bump. Spike. Trix.

  No, that can’t be right.

  Bump. Spike. Chips

  No, that’s not right either. Why am I even thinking about food? I thought while shaking my pencil nervously in my hand. I was in the gym, and I was taking a written test on volleyball since it was obvious that I couldn’t take a physical one and pass. I was not what you would call an athletic girl. I’m more of a book girl if you ask me. But since I missed breakfast this morning, I wasn’t really following the topic at hand.

  While I sat on the bleachers with a piece of paper and a pencil, everyone else was on the court playing the said game I was taking a test on. It was great for me; I had the answers right in front of my face. But I couldn’t really figure out the answers since I couldn’t really figure out the game. Poop.

  I settled on choosing answer C which was “Bump. Set. Spike.” It sounded dumb, but it still made more sense than the other ones I thought of and saw.

  Soon, the period was over, and people were exiting the gymnasium. I had finished the test ten minutes ago but decided to take the extra time to look over it. Even though it was gym class and I hated it, it was still a class that I got graded on, and I could not fail any of my classes. If I did, my whole reputation and future would be ruined. I wasn’t my sister who could get an F and take it as if it was just a piece of used paper.

  My twin sister, Tessa, was one of the bad, popular girls at my school and was the exact opposite of me and what I represented. She dressed in tight jeans and revealing shirts with combat boots or heels. She went to eight classes a week if she was feeling generous. She liked hanging out with a gang called KILL, which was an acronym for something I didn’t know, but the fact it spelled kill was scary enough. Her boyfriend, Brian, was part of that gang. She was always with him, either making out with him or just causing trouble. I didn’t dislike nor like him. He was just there. I didn’t really know him that well to make a judgment.

  My sister and I looked nothing alike. We were the definition of fraternal twins. I had long, light brown hair, blue eyes, and tan skin while she had jet black hair that she cut to touch her clavicle, green eyes, and pale white skin. We were different in other areas apart from our looks. Just one conversation with us would make you immediately notice.

  “Hi, Blake. Did you hear about the project we’re doing in English today?”

  I looked up from my book to Lily’s cheery face. Lily was my best friend. We had known each other since elementary school and been stuck together since then. Lily was more outgoing, outspoken—an extrovert—while I was very quiet, shy—an introvert. Even though we were almost the exact opposites, we still managed to be as close as sisters.

  Speaking of my sister.

  “No, I didn’t, but did you see Tessa in Math class today?”

  Lily shook her head sadly before patting my back. “No. She skipped again. Brian wasn’t there either, so that’s probably who she was with. Anyway, I heard that we’re having a project based on some war thingy. I don’t care what it’s exactly about as long it has to do with fighting. I mean, we get to read all the details about the bloody brawls. How fun is that.”

  My face twisted in disgust as my friend began to impersonate a famous “brawl” as she calls them. My friend had this weird liking for violence that was associated with males, preferably ones with a lot of muscle and sweat. She spent her weekends watching boxing and wrestling matches while eating popcorn and drinking 7-Eleven slushies. I had a strong suspicion that her interests weren’t really in the fight or even the cause.

  “Lily, you do understand that these wars were significant in the history of the United States and other countries and weren’t solely focused on the fighting, right? That there was an actual reason behind the fighting?”

  “Sure, I mean there’s a reason for everything, not that I actually care.”

  I sighed at my clueless friend and continued to walk with her to class.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you how ‘Tumblr girl’ you look today, and your dress today is quite short. I’m very proud of you.” Lily dressed more like my sister, except in a girly way. She wore skinny jeans, moccasins, and a tight, colorful shirt almost every day. On her lazy days, she would come to school with sweatpants, sneakers, and a crop-top. My sense of style contrasted with my best friend and my sister. I liked to dress more girly and sweet, very modest, but sometimes I would be risky and wear shorts that went above mid-thigh. Lily and Tessa always got excited on those rare days. I didn’t necessarily like wearing shorts or pants in general because the males at my school tended to look at my butt when they thought that I was not paying attention. It made me feel uncomfortable, and I would always leave class blushing because the thought of a man looking at me sexually never ceased to make me feel weird.

  “Thanks, I guess,” I muttered before we entered Mr. Henley’s class. History was my favorite and least favorite class. It was my favorite class because I loved history and learning about the past always interested me. It was my least favorite because Ray Brenalds was in it. Ray was the leader of the KILL Gang and never failed to attend his classes. I assumed he was a man that valued education the same way he valued guns, violence, and the market for drugs. Ray Brenalds always sat at the back of the class staring at the teacher in disinterest or staring at me. Sometimes I would be reading a passage from the given text to look behind me and see Ray looking right at me. It soon got to a point when I didn’t even need to look to know his eyes were on me. Sometimes I could literally feel his eyes on my back. I started to get used to it, and it didn’t bother me as much as it did before. Sometimes it felt weird if he wasn’t looking at me, which was weird by itself.

  “Oh, look. Brenalds’s staring at you, and class hasn’t even started yet.” I wasn’t the only person who noticed the looks. Lily seemed aware of it too. She found it amusing and cute while I found it just darn scary. How is someone staring at you cute? “I’ll sit by him today and be on the lookout. ’Kay?”

  I rolled my eyes at her and shrugged. I knew she secretly just wanted to ogle him. She let out a goofy laugh before heading to the back of the class where Ray and other uninterested students sat.

  Mr. Henley started class with an introduction explaining the different wars and the causes and effects over the years of modern civilization. Most students zoned out by then, but I managed to hold myself up through the whole presentation mostly because I actually enjoyed the subject. Mr. Henley stated that the project would be to pick a war, explain both sides, and choose which you believed was stronger and provided more evidence and reason. I could hear the groans of students who started to figure out the given assignment required doing research and we were not, in fact, just getting a packet to choose from.

  Mr. Henley then told us to read passage eight on page 160 in our tex
tbook for the rest of the class. While reading, I felt the familiar sensation of having someone watching me. I had decided today I wasn’t going to turn around and look. But then I felt the sensation grow until it was a pestering bug that wouldn’t leave me alone until I looked. Sighing, I turned to look at the back of the class, and there Ray sat staring at me, a blank expression on his face. Today he was dressed in a college sweatshirt, his regular blue Levi jeans, and a pair of Timberland boots. His dark brown, wavy hair was done messily on his light brown skin, and his hazel eyes didn’t seem to waver from my face.

  I looked at Lily. She had a dumb grin on her face and was making a heart with her hands. He totes likes you, she mouthed, and I rolled my eyes before turning back to continue reading my book.

  After I finished reading the passage, I raised my hand to ask to go to the bathroom. After being given my approval and signing out, I left the classroom. I was about five steps in my journey when I started to hear the echo of footsteps behind me.

  “You’re in my way.” I heard a deep voice grunt out behind me.

  I turned around to see Ray Brenalds standing behind me with a hard glare. My heart stopped, not because the hallway was empty and there was plenty of space for him to walk, but because he spoke to me. Ray Brenalds didn’t speak to people, so it was surprising that he took the time out of his day to actually speak to me.

  Nervously biting my lip, I quickly stepped out of his path and watched him march his way down the hallway, taking a sharp turn at the end.

  At that moment, my heart was beating faster than when I first found out my sister was inviting Brian over to our home. My heart had never beaten that fast, and it was truly shocking me that I was reacting like this because a boy spoke to me. But it wasn’t just any boy. It was Ray Brenalds, the gang leader of KILL.

  After composing myself, I continued my walk to the bathroom with Ray’s face constantly running through my head.


  I stared patiently at my black Vans as I waited for my sister to stop lip-locking with Brian. I was already standing there for about three minutes, and in the next two, I decided I would nicely ask them to stop so I could start walking home. I didn’t like walking home without my sister. First, because I wasn’t really good at defending myself physically—something my sister was great at. Look at her past fights for examples. Second, because I liked having company while walking. It made me feel content.

  So, it didn’t really bother me if I had to wait a couple of minutes to leave. As long as it ended with my sister coming, I didn’t really care. I looked up from my Vans and around the sidewalk where I stood in front of the school. Members of Ray’s gang were standing around, also waiting for Brian and Tessa to stop kissing. Some of them were also occupied, though. Two of his members were fooling around with some of the cheerleaders from my school. Ray stood leaning on his motorcycle, staring at the couple. He didn’t seem grossed out at all with the visible display of tongue and the vile hand movements. Just glancing at them disgusted me.

  “Tessa, your sister looks like she’s ready to leave.” Ray growled out. I guess he always speaks with an aggressive tone.

  Tessa moved her lips from Brian’s and took a step back before nodding at Ray and walked towards me.

  “Come on. Let’s go. I have a surprise to tell you.”

  After a couple steps, Tessa finally stopped tapping her phone and looked at me. “Okay, so there’s a party this weekend—”

  “I’m not going, Tessa. You know I don’t like those things. It’s always so sweaty, and people are always touching and drinking. I just don’t like it.”

  Tessa rolled her eyes and stopped walking. “I know you don’t like them, but I don’t get how you can make all those assumptions when you haven’t even been to one,” Tessa whined while lazily shaking my shoulders.

  “Tessa, I have an Instagram and Snapchat, and I follow you and your friends. I’ve seen enough.”

  “Shit, I forgot about those things. Okay, so maybe they are like how you described it. But you don’t have to do those things. You could just stand by yourself like a creep in the kitchen or something.”

  I pushed her hands off and continued walking. “I’m not going.”

  “Please, if you go, I’ll go to all my classes this month, I swear. I know how much you care about my education, Blake. Come on, please.”

  I stared at her for a while trying to figure out if she was lying to me, but she didn’t seem to be. I sighed before nodding.

  “Oh my gosh, this party is going to be the freaking bomb, Blake. I swear you won’t regret it,” she squealed, wrapping me in a tight hug. “You know what’s gonna make it even better? The fact that Ray’s coming! Isn’t that great? He’s sure to lighten up the party with his damn grumpy mood.”

  I was sure I would die at this party.

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  To people close to my heart who I left on the beautiful island of Mauritius, I miss you and even if we’re miles apart, you guys are still my inspiration. The unexpected calls and forever laughter make me feel so happy and always encourage me to write.

  To my parents, I wonder how I am living so far from you? Wait? I wonder how I manage to survive on my own. Thank you for encouraging me and scolding me when you needed to. I miss your hugs and kisses. Thank you for being my main inspiration.

  Oh! How can I forget my main girl who’s so far away from me? Yes. Nudhistee. I miss you and your craziness. I love our daily talks and how your life dramas would inspire me. Lol. I love you. You’re the best.

  I cannot NOT mention the people surrounding me here, my aunts, my cousins and my friends. Thank you Ashreet and Thaneeya for always making me laugh and annoy me when I’m writing. Yes. Thank you. The last but not the least, Nat, Paaz or Pazhany, thank you for being in my life and helping me become a better person? What would I do without such amazing friend like you?

  To all those people, thank you for your existence. I love you.

  Author’s Note

  Hey there!

  Thank you so much for reading Masked Feelings! I can’t express how grateful I am for reading something that was once just a thought inside my head.

  I’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to email me at and sign up at freebies!

  One last thing: I’d love to hear your thoughts on the book. Please leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads because I just love reading your comments and getting to know YOU!

  Whether that review is good or bad, I’d still love to hear it!

  Can’t wait to hear from you!

  Lechna Baram

  About the Author

  Lechna Baramdoyal is an ordinary island girl who lives through her books. She personally thinks that inspiration comes from everywhere. We just need to know how to take life positively. Lechna wants to make you live, dream, and experience different emotions in her book. Unlike her characters, she is quite shy and quiet. Her ultimate goal is to make people escape reality even just for a few hours.



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