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Worth the Wait

Page 15

by Rhonda Laurel

“Yes.” Autumn sniffed as tears fell from her eyes. “Yes.”

  Avery’s heart skipped a beat when Jared and Autumn embraced. She’d noticed a tremendous change in her uncle since he’d met the beautiful, vivacious woman, and it was wonderful news that they’d be getting married. She fought back the urge to go on social media and announce to the world that her uncle was getting hitched. Instead, she went over and grabbed the happy couple for a congratulatory hug before they were mobbed by the party guests.

  Wyatt waved and pointed to the door. She nodded in agreement. They both casually eased out of the room and were heading for the patio door when they ran into Parker coming out of the kitchen with Gabe in her arms.

  “Where are you two sneaking off to?” She smiled as she cradled her nephew.

  “We need some air.” Avery smiled back and looked quickly behind her shoulder. “I just hope they don’t send a search party looking for us.”

  “Go. I’ll cover. It’s the least I can do after I missed all the fun last night. But I wouldn’t take the cell phones.” Parker winked.

  “Thanks, Parker.” They both kissed her on the cheek and scooted out of the house. Once they were a few feet away, they stopped and burst into laughter.

  “That was a scary scene in there,” Wyatt said. “But the engagement lightened the mood.”

  “I agree.” She put her hand on her stomach. “I can’t believe my uncle’s getting married again.”

  “That’s pretty sweet.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Speaking of crazy, I can’t believe my recently unengaged brother went on a date with Anna Beth last night.”

  Avery’s eyes widened. “Do tell.”

  “First thing’s first. Want to get out of here?”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “I don’t care as long as I’m with you.” He took her hand in his.

  “How about a ride? Comet may be the only living thing on this ranch that isn’t disappointed in me right now.” She bit her lip.

  “You could never disappoint me.”

  She squeezed his hand. “Let’s go to the stables.”

  * * *

  The sun was beginning to set and the air was cool when they reached the stables. Wyatt made sure Avery was safely mounted on Comet before he got onto his horse, Duke. He’d never been the earthy type, but like so many things, all that had changed when he’d met her. Avery gave Comet the command and went racing off, so he went after her. They’d spent many days like this before, but now it was different. The innocence of youth was fading, but not in a bad way.

  Now he finally understood and embraced his feelings for her. Something the man he was three years ago would never have done. It would have been too introspective and painful to open up and be vulnerable to someone. But he confided in her and told things he’d kept secret in his heart, like worrying about not being as smart and successful as his brothers. Or the gnawing feeling of not knowing what a healthy relationship was after seeing his mom and dad’s marriage implode, only to have her back with her first husband. Avery had been there to comfort and encourage him.

  He knew exactly where she was going. She often checked on the aqueducts the horses used when they grazed. She always had to make sure all the animals on the ranch were OK. It was one of the many things he loved about her. Soon they reached the aqueduct near the sloping hill and dismounted.

  “Looks like the repairs are holding up,” she said. “Bo said if it didn’t they’d install a new one.” She peeked over the cliff.

  “Be careful.” He grabbed onto her waist. “You’d think with all the money flowing around here, they’d just put a new one in, but that’s not how this family works. You put forth every effort to fix what’s broken.”

  “Pretty much.” She moved back from the edge and starting walking with Comet.

  He reluctantly let her go and followed with Duke. “As much as you love animals, I thought you’d be a veterinarian.”

  “Uncle J.J. gave me a great piece of career advice. He said never turn something you loved into a career. He said he loved football, but he knew when he played it was a business and he was an asset in a business model. I should save my grandest passion for myself.”

  “What do you think his grandest passion was?”

  “I’d say Sam and the kids. You think everyone noticed we’re gone yet?”

  “It’s a safe bet.” He smiled. “But it’s nice they haven’t loaded up into the pickups and come looking for us.”

  “Parker probably sent them on a false trail.” She pulled her hair onto her right shoulder to stop it from blowing in the breeze. “I really made a mess of things the last couple of days.”

  He smiled. “Don’t feel so bad. It’s not every day you do something out of character like get drunk, start a bar fight, and get arrested.”

  “If you’re trying to make me feel better, you’re not. I had to convince my dad that he and my mom didn’t need to cut short their cruise to come to Texas to chastise me. I assured him that half the state was already going it. And have you seen Texas? It’s a big place.”

  “It was awesome of him to suggest the community service.”

  “Yes, that’s my dad. The punishment should fit the crime.”

  “I’m glad you’re OK. You held your own. I don’t think Kelly will be making any snide comments for the rest of the school year.”

  “I shouldn’t have let her get to me. She’s always tried to bait me when it came to you.” She gave him a knowing look.

  “She’s just jealous because I call you princess.”

  She laughed. “And I hate it when you call me that. Why have you insisted on calling me princess all these years?”

  “Because.” He looked at her. “You’re gorgeous, graceful, poised, and intelligent and have a smile that’s contagious. I didn’t think girls like you existed anymore.”

  “I come from a long line of odd ducks.”


  She waved her hand. “Something my Aunt Morgan told me a long time ago to make me feel good about being a little eccentric when I was little. She said the women in our family were odd ducks, but in a good way and it was OK.”

  “She’s right.”

  “Thanks for the stethoscope, by the way. It was lovely and thoughtful. I’m going to cherish it for my entire career.” She looked at him for a moment. “I’ve missed you Wyatt.”

  “I’ve missed you too. I kick myself every day for pulling away from you.”

  “Why did you do it?” She bit her lip.

  Wyatt took a deep breath. It was time to throw caution to the wind.

  “I got scared. Something happened between us the night we kissed at the school fair. We’ve kissed before, but this time it was different.”

  “No. I felt it too.” She squeezed his hand. “I’ve been having all these sexy feelings for you lately, and it scared me too.”

  “It did?”

  “Sure. I knew it meant something had changed between us.” She sighed. “But then you kept running away. Then we argued at the wedding and went off to talk and ended up almost having sex. Then you tried to hustle me out of there, and I thought maybe you’d changed your mind and that you didn’t want something to happen.”

  “Avery.” He caressed her arms. “Believe me. The only thing I wanted to do that night was to be with you. But your first time should be special, not rushed and confusing. The entire family was literally only a few yards away. And I wanted to make sure I was worthy of the gift you were giving me.”

  “So you did want to be with me? I thought you changed your mind because I was an inexperienced kid.”

  “I’ve been taking cold showers every day since.” He laughed to lighten the mood. He looked into her eyes and saw so much doubt. “You really thought I wasn’t interested?”

  “Yeah. I thought you’d gotten fed up with the family looming over you with veiled threats and watching your every move. I thought when I saw Kelly at your place you’d decided to have a wild senior year, fre
e of the drama.”

  He caressed her cheek. “Is that why you started spending time with Riley?”

  “Well, there’s no mistaking what he wants. It felt nice to be around someone who desired me.”

  “Yeah. I had a talk with Riley. I told him if he screwed you over he’d have to deal with me.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes. If he was your choice, I wanted you to be happy even if that meant I was miserable. But you didn’t need to be jerked around by some celebrity quarterback who has a new girlfriend every month.”

  “Oh, Wyatt.” She sniffed. “That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

  He shook his head, not willing to accept her praise just yet. “I know his type can be alluring. I can’t compete with that right now.”

  “Why would you have to?”

  “You’re on your way to becoming a doctor. You need someone who is marching toward a successful career of his own. I’m still finding my way.”

  “Just because I’ve chartered a course for my future doesn’t mean you have to rush to catch up with me. You’ve done so well the past few years, I know you just need a little more time to find the right fit. You majored in business because of your brothers. But you also minored in communications. Look how well you’ve helped Cal with the marketing of the Bright Star. It’s second nature for you to organize things and put a good spin on it. You’re the guy everyone goes to help finish off a project or get the word out.”

  “You know, I didn’t think about it that way.”

  “You’d make a good public relations person. But you still have time to explore. Nobody has the right to pressure you into selecting a career, not even our well-meaning family.” She smiled.

  He loved her smile. “You deserve to be with a good man.”

  “I know. I’ve been with him for three years.” She stared into his eyes, her expression serious. “You’re my best friend, and ever since we shared that life-altering kiss, all I’ve wanted to do was kiss you again. I know that sounds kind of corny—”

  Wyatt didn’t wait for her to finish. He leaned in and kissed her. Avery wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He parted her lips with his tongue and probed deeper. This was what he’d been missing. The taste of those soft lips, the feel of her smooth skin. She smelled like fresh flowers picked from Teri-Lyn’s garden. It was intoxicating being with her, and he never wanted to be without her again. They broke apart when Comet started nudging them.

  “You said the next time I kissed you I had to know what it meant.” He touched his forehead to hers. “I know what it means in my heart. I love you, Avery.”

  “I love you too.”

  “I wanted you so badly that night, but I didn’t want us having regrets about it. I know you may not be ready just yet for a sexual relationship. But we have the rest of our lives. We can be intimate when it feels right for you. I’m in no rush.”

  “I’m not in this alone,” she said softly. “How about when it feels right for the both of us?”

  “It’s a deal.”

  He worried he was hugging her too tight, but he’d missed her so much. The lovely hue of the sun was fading from the landscape. It was starting to get dark. It was time to get back to the party and face the family.

  She seemed to read his mind. “Think we should be heading back?”

  “I’m afraid so.” He sighed.

  “I think we should tell the family about our new relationship status. I don’t want to feel like we’re sneaking around,” she said as she mounted Comet.

  “You want to tell them tonight? It’s been a wacky past few days.”

  “Yes, silly. They need to get used to it and there’s no better time than right now.”

  “If that’s what you want. We’ll do it.”

  * * *

  When they returned to the party, the family didn’t look as if they were mad they’d disappeared. It was quite the opposite. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. The ladies were admiring Autumn’s engagement ring and talking about wedding plans, while the men were having a heart-to-heart with Jared.

  “Everyone,” Avery said as loudly as she could, but they kept on talking. “Can I have your attention?”

  When that didn’t get their attention, Wyatt turned off the stereo and yelled, “We have an announcement to make.”

  The room finally quieted.

  “Bonnie and Clyde are back,” Bo Sr. said. “You two didn’t go out and commit any more crimes while you were gone?”

  Avery shook her head. “I’ve learned my lesson.”


  Wyatt took a deep breath and exhaled. “Avery and I had a long talk tonight and we’ve decided to start dating.”

  “Start? Haven’t you been dating for years now?” Tyler replied as he bit into a deviled egg.

  “I guess you can say we have, but this time it’s official.”

  Avery chimed in. “We’re both ready and we’re not looking for approval, but it would be awfully nice if we could get your blessing.”

  “And if you don’t…” Wyatt cleared this throat. “Then that’s tough on you. We’re responsible, despite what you may have seen from us the past few months. I’ve been trying to find my way, to have a solid answer about my future for all of you accomplished people in my life. I don’t have that answer yet, but I know when I find my calling, I want Avery by my side.”

  Seth folded his arms over his chest. “How does Riley fit into all of this?”

  “He doesn’t,” Avery replied. “Uncle Seth, I’d still like to explain so he won’t lose his job.”

  Nobody said a thing for a few moments, so it was hard to gauge the room.

  It was John Jacob who spoke first. “You take good care of her, Wyatt. We love you both, but you’d have to hide in Hell if you hurt her in any way.”

  “Understood.” He grinned and put his arm around Avery’s waist.

  The men looked like they weren’t comfortable but didn’t say anything. Corbett was in the corner giving him a thumbs-up for standing up for himself. Even Bo had a slight smile and gave him a nod. It was nice that his brothers had his back. The Blakes did too, he just knew everyone needed time to adjust to them being together. Wyatt looked over at the spread on the table. He was starving. He clasped Avery’s hand and headed over there, but John Jacob stood in his way.

  “Boys. How about we go outside and have a little talk with Wyatt?” John Jacob put his hand on Wyatt’s shoulder.

  “Sounds like a fine idea daddy,” Seth replied.

  Wyatt stared longingly at all the tempting food. “But I’m kind of hungry.”

  “I could use some fresh air and good conversation,” J.J. added.

  Tate swirled the contents of his glass around. “I have a few words of wisdom.”

  “Since we’re not going to kill Riley, we could go outside and talk instead,” Channing added.

  “I’d like to plead the case for leniency,” Bo chimed in. “He is my baby brother, after all.”

  “I could provide references and verify that he’s had all his shots,” Corbett added. “And I’ll bring some finger sandwiches.”

  Bo Sr. laughed as they filed out of the house. “The men are going outside to get some fresh air.”

  Wyatt went over to Avery and stole a kiss. If he were going to face the firing squad, he wanted to do it with a smile on his face.

  Avery looked on as the men left the house with poor Wyatt. She looked to the women in her life for support. “Teri-Lyn, isn’t there something you can do?”

  “I know it looks scary, yet it has to be done. But we can go into the living room and pray that Wyatt comes back alive.” She patted Avery’s cheek.

  Isabelle bit back a smile and rubbed a sleepy Owen’s back. “This way Wyatt isn’t a nervous wreck for weeks until they lure him to a poker game under false pretenses.”

  “Ladies, while the men are out there posturing, let’s grab some birthday cake and have a good talk ourselves.�

  Avery put her hand on her hip. “Wait. You cut my cake?”

  “Parker said you wouldn’t mind.” Michelle pointed at her friend.

  Parker shrugged. “You know my sweet tooth gets out of control.”

  Avery glanced around her, suddenly missing the little ones running around the house. “Where are the kids?”

  “We fed the kids.” Sam smiled as she rocked Gabe, who was fighting his sleep too. “They’re watching a movie in the family room.”

  The ladies hunkered down on the couch with cake and drinks and talked about the last few days. “Avery, what did you do?” Michelle asked. “Decide to break every rule at one time?”

  “I don’t think Morgan and I broke that many rules combined.” Isabelle laughed as she cradled a sleeping Owen. “But you’re still way behind your cousins Charisma and Trina.”

  Cassidy gave Avery a sly look. “What exactly was your drink of choice?”

  “Tequila.” Avery groaned and clutched her stomach.

  “The hard stuff right out of the gate. Thanks goodness you didn’t drink any of Bo’s moonshine.” Morgan shook her head.

  Teri-Lyn rubbed her back. “You’ll feel better in about a week.”

  “I was arrested once in college for putting the dean’s car in the swimming pool,” Michelle said.

  Cassidy giggled. “You and Tyler make so much sense.”

  “Bonnie and I got into trouble for late-night skinny-dipping with John Jacob and Bo.”

  “Teri!” Bonnie’s cheeks flamed red.

  “Relax. I’ve told these ladies about our adventures.” She gently nudged her friend.

  “She gave up being dignified around us a long time ago,” Sam quipped.

  Avery laughed and shook her head ruefully. “My parents are going to kill me when they finally get here. I’m surprised Dad didn’t jump off the cruise ship and swim to the Texas shores.”

  “I talked him down.” Morgan stroked her hair. “Your mom said she was relieved that you were safe and wouldn’t have a criminal record.”

  “I’m especially relieved to hear that.” She sighed. She’d gambled with her future last night. A police record wasn’t a good thing, no matter who she was related to with connections. Thank heavens the sheriff agreed to the community service her dad had proposed.


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