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Worth the Wait

Page 17

by Rhonda Laurel

  “Avery Reed.”

  The announcer called Avery’s name, and Wyatt stood and whistled. He knew it was against the rules, but he was so damn proud of her. They’d spent a lot of time together since they’d announced they were an item at her birthday party. He thought that now that they were a couple, those jittery feelings he had whenever he saw her would abate, but they hadn’t. That sweet megawatt smile made his heart flutter. The touch of her hand in his made his body stir. Over the past few months, they’d redefined intimacy while waiting for the right time to make love. A wave of applause brought him out of his heady daydream. They’d finally called the last name. As the students completed the ceremony with the placing of their tassels on the left side, commencement finally ended, and he was ecstatic. He waded through a crowd of excited fellow graduates and found her. He scooped her up into his arms and lifted her off the ground.

  “We did it!”

  “We sure did.” She giggled while she tried to adjust her cap.

  “I couldn’t have made it without you.”

  She laughed. “Does this mean I get your degree when it arrives in the mail?”

  “My mom has dibs on it.”

  “I’m so proud of you, Wyatt.” She caressed his face.

  “I’m proud of you too Dr. Reed.”

  She rolled her eyes. “We have years before anyone calls me that.”

  “I’ll be the first one to say the words.”

  He could see the family charging toward them in the distance. It was party time. There was going to be a huge celebration at the ranch.

  * * *

  Avery held her glass, waiting for her Uncle Channing to finish his toast. He was one of the many people who’d said a few words about her and Wyatt this afternoon. Her dad made a moving toast but couldn’t finish before bursting into tears. Her mom tried to finish for him then she started crying too. Finally, Charisma stepped forward and completed the speech for them. She was the only Reed who’d been able to keep her composure that afternoon. And there were a lot of Reeds on the ranch, including Great-Grandma Reed.

  She knew the family was thrilled for them. Like her mom said, it was an exciting time in their lives. Her dad had calmed down tremendously since the bar fight incident. She’d been doing the community service and had been on her best behavior ever since. He’d even took the news about her and Wyatt pretty well. He’d had his own private talk with Wyatt one day during their visit to Philadelphia. They’d sat in the yard talking for hours, and she’d been dying to know what was said. Neither Wyatt nor her dad would say what they’d talked about. After pleading with her dad, he did finally tell her that he and Wyatt had come to an understanding about what he expected from the man who was dating his daughter.

  Pretty sure the final toast hadn’t been made, she couldn’t wait to make her announcement. She’d made her official gracious toast an hour ago. But this one was about independence and her new living arrangements. Bo was next in line to make his speech, but she butted in before he could start.

  “Bo. I’m so sorry. Can I say something really quick before your speech?”

  “Sure, Avery. Go right ahead.”

  “Everyone. Can I have your attention?”

  The room quieted.

  “I want to say again that I love everyone in this room and appreciate the support you’ve collectively given me. I know med school will be tough, but I fully intend to immerse myself in my studies so I can one day be a fine doctor. In an ongoing effort to be a responsible adult, I’ve decided that, like college, I’ll need a place of my own. That’s why I’ve decided to get an apartment with Parker.”

  “That’s a great idea,” Seth said. “Do you know where you want to live?”

  “I don’t know.” She looked at Parker.

  “We were going to look over the summer,” Parker added.

  J.J. folded his arms like he did when he was negotiating a deal. “We want you to be safe. Why don’t you stay at one of the condos? The other unoccupied units on the floor are owned by the family.”

  “J.J.,” Bo tried to interrupt.

  “One second, Bubba,” J.J. replied. “You’d have your own place but would be living right down the hall on a secured floor from family.”

  Parker raised an eyebrow. “That depends. What’s the rent on a multi-million dollar condo? We don’t want any handouts.”

  “We can work out a reasonable rent for you ladies.” J.J. smiled.

  “Still.” Avery straightened up. “We’d like to pay a fair amount.”

  “How about two dollars a month?”

  “We’ll take it,” Parker blurted out.

  “John Jacob and Teri-Lyn, I hope you don’t mind if I keep my room,” Avery said. “I’ll still be coming to the ranch as much as I can when I’m not flying home to visit my parents.”

  “Of course, sugar.” Teri-Lyn beamed. “I won’t change a thing.”

  “Then it’s settled,” J.J. said, turning to Bo and patting him on the back. “Bubba, you have the floor.”

  “I was just going to give Wyatt his graduation present. It’s an investment in his future, and I hope he likes it.” Bo dug into his pocket and produced a shiny brass key. “Congratulations kid, you’re the owner of one of the condos down the hall.”

  “Are you serious?” Wyatt’s mouth gaped open.

  “I never lie about real estate. It’s our present to you.” Bo slipped his arm around Summer’s waist. “I think you’d make a respectable neighbor.”

  “Sweet!” Wyatt grabbed the key and sauntered over to Avery. “Looks like we’re going to be neighbors.”

  “There won’t be any sugar borrowing or anything else,” her father huffed.

  “We could post a Regency staff member on the floor twenty-four hours a day,” Seth replied.

  “What about motion detection and cameras? It would easy to—”

  “Nobody’s putting any spying devices anywhere,” Morgan chimed in. “We’re going to leave these two alone while they’re pursuing their dreams.”

  “Morgan’s right,” Alicia said. “Or was all that stuff you said in your speeches a bunch of crap?”

  Teri-Lyn cleared her throat. “I think someone else in here has some big news to share.”

  Everyone looked around the room, waiting to see who had some exciting announcement to make to the family.

  When no one answered, John Jacob spoke up. “Teri, maybe this is enough news for today.”

  “I don’t think so.” Teri-Lyn put her hand on her hip. “So nobody’s going to claim the pregnancy test I found in the bathroom?”

  The expressions on the faces in the room ranged from stunned to thrilled. Avery tried to recall the last few days. Which one of the women in her life had been acting out of character lately? She’d have to diagnose symptoms in the future, this was a good time to investigate. But when the eyes began to burn holes at them, Avery and Parker responded in kind.

  “It’s not mine,” the two new roommates said at the same time.

  When the commotion started around the room, Wyatt grabbed Avery’s hand and headed toward the kitchen. That was their thing now. When things got too hot in the house, they’d ditch out and find a quiet place to talk. Avery took his hand, but she stopped and looked around the room. The kids were huddled in the corner like they were plotting something. It was time to get them some fresh air too. She went over and joined the group.

  “What’s going on?” Avery said.

  “Nothing.” The fact that they all answered at the same time was a big red flag. From her years of babysitting them, she could read this brood like a book. Right now they just looked plain bored.

  “Let’s go outside and get some fresh air.”


  They ran for the patio door.

  Wyatt held out his hand for high-fives as each little one burst outside like they’d been freed from jail. When it was Mackenzie’s turn, she reached out for him instead, and he happily picked her up. Looked like she had competitio
n for her boyfriend’s affection. But Avery didn’t mind. The kids loved him, which was a plus. Avery motioned for Parker to join them, so she went over and tried to wrangle toddlers Owen and Gabe from their moms. Once the kids were playing on the labyrinth of a jungle gym in their grandparent’s backyard, she took a seat at the patio table with Wyatt.

  He held up his key. “I can't believe it.”

  “You’re a full-grown adult. You own real estate.” She giggled.

  “It was an awesome gift. And also an investment in the future.” He looked into her eyes.

  “I like that.” She ran her hand through his hair.

  “What I don’t like is you living so close to Riley.” Wyatt put Mackenzie down so she could run over to Parker and get fastened into a swing along with Gabe and Owen.

  “Riley and I parted as friends. He knows how I feel about you. Besides, Riley kind of has the hots for Parker.”

  “He does?”

  “Yeah. When they’re in a room together, you can practically cut the tension with a knife.”

  “That may explain why Parker always has her hand on her service weapon when he’s around.” He glanced at her and raised his eyebrows. “I have to warn you. Corbett may be visiting often.”

  “What’s been going on with him and Anna Beth?”

  “I don’t know. He’s been pretty tight-lipped about the whole thing.”

  “And I should warn you. My place is going to be a parade of people checking up on us for absolutely no reason.”

  “Soon the condo squad will be having their own babies. They’ll be too busy to butt into our business.”

  “I love you, Wyatt.”

  “I love you too, Princess.”

  Teri-Lyn poked her head outside and said it was time to sit down for dinner. The kids stampeded back into the house with Parker’s help. Avery took Wyatt’s hand and led him back into the living room. The owner of the pregnancy test still hadn’t confessed. Maybe there was something to Teri-Lyn’s theory about passing the baton of happiness at special occasions. She was sure whoever had bought the pregnancy test was thrilled about the possibility of bringing a new life into the world. Gabe and Owen were ambling around and Mackenzie was doing pretty well with keeping up with the other kids. The family was growing again.

  Her mom and dad were having a good time. She looked forward to taking a family vacation with them in the summer before she started school. The revelation that she’d almost had a sibling still lingered in her mind. She’d been grateful her mom had talked with her like an adult that day. It opened a line of communication that deepened their relationship. She’d loved being a daddy’s girl, but her relationship with her father was evolving too. Still, there was nothing like the loving, reassuring embrace from Robert Reed. She was convinced he knew magic. Grandma Sydney said the magic was the unconditional love and devotion he had for his daughter.

  She was embarking on a new adventure, and in the end she would be a doctor. She looked forward to buckling down and learning and spending time with Wyatt. He was talented in so many ways, she knew it was only a matter of time before he found a profession that suited him. But it was important that he knew why he was doing it. She knew he’d thought about what she’d said about his natural knack for communicating and he was now considering public relations as a career.

  She looked over at her Aunt Morgan and smiled. She’d wanted to be like her aunt her whole life. She was beautiful, smart, funny, and independent. She’d never settled and ended up with the man of her dreams and a wonderful family. She could see a similar happily-ever-after for herself and Wyatt in the future. There would be twists and turns, but she knew the day she’d met him he would change her life. He’d helped her define love and friendship. She was finally ready for the intimacy of making love to someone with which she shared a deep everlasting connection. She looked forward to the next chapter in their lives.

  ~ About the Author ~

  Rhonda Laurel is a contemporary interracial/multicultural romance writer whose two great loves are writing and landscape photography. She uses both as a vehicle to convey the complexity of the human spirit and the beauty of the world around her. Ebb Tide, For the Love of the Game and Masquerade were released in 2012. Shutter, Memories of You, Star Crossed, MVP, California Bored and Tourism and The Blake Legacy in 2013. The print anthology, The Rhonda Laurel Collection, featuring Ebb Tide, For the Love of the Game and Shutter released June 2013. Texas Heat, Love Notes & Football and The Perfect Storm, books 4, 5 and 6 in The Blake Boys Series released in 2014. Slow Burn, Hollywood Heat, Cowboy’s Heart, Tempting Fate, Executive Desires, Meet the Blakes, and The Final Play released in 2015. Stranded in Paradise and Slap Shot released in 2016.

  The author is happily building her backlist.

  Discover more about Rhonda Laurel here

  ~ Coming Soon ~

  Double Exposure

  ~ Also by Rhonda Laurel ~

  Off Season

  The Blake Boys Book 15

  Rhonda Laurel

  Retired quarterback Seth Blake is looking forward to the next chapter of his life with Morgan and the kids on the Twelve Horseshoes ranch. But when an old family friend and owner of the Texas Tomcats asks him to have a chat with Riley Sloane, his troubled star quarterback, Seth is reluctant to get back into the game and the celebrity that comes with it. Riley is arrogant and a wildcard, yet Seth can’t help but see a little of himself in the budding superstar—even if the two of them can't stop butting heads long enough for Seth to keep his promise. Even worse, a family crisis quickly forces him to put the brakes on his future to be there for those he loves.

  While Morgan Blake is happy that the family has settled into ranch living, part of her misses the hustle and bustle of her old life in Philadelphia. As she tries to get her footing again and oversee the expansion of another bookstore, an unforeseen crisis arises that threatens everything. As she struggles to deal with the changes in her life, she fears Seth will put his career plans on hold indefinitely to be there for the family. She's desperate to find a way to keep Seth from putting off a new career opportunity, even as her world begins to crumble around her...

  Buy Off Season here

  Slap Shot

  The Blake Boys Book Fourteen

  Rhonda Laurel

  Sometimes the only thing harder than redemption is love...

  Derek Popovich has it all. He's a hot hockey player and owns a booming restaurant, the Slap Shot, which caters to professional athletes. Unfortunately, his off-field romances are infamous in the media, and he's growing tired of his playboy image. But when Charisma Reed begins to work with him on his restaurant renovation, he can't help but be attracted to the beautiful, sassy woman who is strangely resistant to his charms. Everyone is warning him that she's trouble, but Derek is curious about what's beneath the hardened shell of the sexy Ms. Reed...

  Charisma is having the worst luck ever. Just as she's finally escaping the notoriety of her last tumultuous relationship, she stumbles into the heated breakup between the gorgeous Derek and his ex--and the photograph that shows up in the gossip rags throws her right back into the limelight. Exactly what she wanted to avoid as she struggles to put her past behind her and grow as a person. She swore she was done with professional athletes, but the hunky hockey player with the smoldering blue eyes pushes all her right buttons. Charisma just wants to finish the renovation and get on with her life, but working so closely with Derek makes him so much harder to resist...

  Buy Slap Shot here

  The Final Play

  The Blake Boys Book Twelve

  Rhonda Laurel

p; Can the star quarterback make it to the final play?

  Star quarterback Seth Blake cannot believe how fast time has flown by since he announced the timeline for his retirement. He's determined to drive the Philadelphia Titans to one more championship before the clock runs out and secure his place in football history. But when tensions flare between Seth and a problematic wide receiver, the whole season and Seth's legacy are threatened—not to mention the newest addition to his family.

  Morgan Blake is pregnant and excited about all the coming changes in their lives. She knows life on the Texas ranch will be great for their growing family, and the bookstore and non-profit that she runs will definitely need to make some adjustments without her. But outside drama might ruin everything right at the goal line. One thing's for sure, there's a storm coming for the Blakes...

  Buy The Final Play here

  Stranded in Paradise

  The Blake Boys Book Thirteen

  Rhonda Laurel

  Will love bloom when stranded in paradise?

  Jared Reed, a handsome, divorced architect, has been busier than ever since he started doing business with his in-laws, the Blakes. He won't need a social life if he consumes himself with work. Everyone seems determined to set him up with software executive Autumn Waverly, but who has the time for romance? Besides, his ex-wife has resurfaced with an outlandish request that will change his life forever if he agrees. In dire need of some alone time to clear his head, Jared decides to vacation at the Executive Desires resort...where he runs into none other than Autumn.


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