This Time

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This Time Page 10

by Kristin Leigh

  Michael practically drooled. “Do you think you could find a pizza place that’s open? I haven’t had real pizza in almost a year. Lt. Paulson promised me some, but he won’t be here until January sometime.”

  “I’m sure I can find something. I’ll stop by the nurses’ desk on the way out and ask.” She stood up and moved to get her purse. “Come on Maddie, let’s go pick up dinner.”

  Madelynn stuck her bottom lip out and said, “Can’t I stay with Michael and color?”

  Michael quickly spoke up. “It’s okay with me if she stays.”

  Tara looked at him skeptically. Maddie had only met Michael a few hours earlier. “I don’t know…” she trailed off.

  “The nurses will be here if I need anything or if anything happens. We’ll be fine. We’ll just color for a while.” He looked like a little boy in a candy shop, and Tara just couldn’t say no.

  “All right.” Realizing this may be her only chance to pick up a small Christmas tree as well, Tara said, “Can you come show me the way out, Michael? Maddie, stay right there, honey; Michael will be right back.” Tara hated asking him to walk and see the pain line his face again, but she had to talk to him without Maddie hearing.

  Michael obviously sensed there was more to her request, and he stood to walk her to the door.

  Tara whispered as they got to the door, “I was thinking I could get a two or three-foot tall pre-decorated tree to put in here. I can get one while I’m out. Would that be all right?”

  Michael beamed down at her. “I think that would be perfect.”

  Tara got the phone number and address for the closest pizza place from the nurses at the desk and also got directions to the nearest Wal-Mart. She decided to go and get the tree first and call in the order for pizza as she was leaving the store. All in all, the entire trip took only an hour, and by the time she got back, Michael’s wall was plastered with pictures of princesses and fairies. When Tara turned the corner into his room, Michael and Madelynn were both bent over the table, coloring as though it was the most important thing in the world. And, she thought, to him it was possible that it was.

  “I’m back!” she called from the doorway.

  Madelynn jumped up and ran to her. “Mommy, Michael colored a Snow White, but he made her dress purple and pink instead of red and blue, and I told him it was s’posed to be red and blue, but he said we could color it whatever color we wanted, so I said I want purple and pink!” She ran over to a picture taped to the wall and pointed happily at it.

  Michael laughed and said, “I’m sure Disney won’t mind if we take certain creative liberties with their design. I think we improved it.”

  Madelynn nodded and said seriously, “We improved their liberties, isn’t that right, Michael?”

  He replied, deadpan, “Absolutely, kiddo.” Noticing that Tara was balancing two pizzas and a two-liter soda in one hand and a small Christmas tree in the other, he stood and took the pizzas and drink from her. “Here, let me get that.” He put the pizzas on the table and neatly stacked the coloring books and began putting the crayons back into the box. “Put the tree wherever you think would be best.” He smiled grimly at her. “I don’t have a lot of furniture to move for it.”

  Finally noticing the tree, Madelynn bounced around Tara as she crouched down to put it in the corner by the window.

  “A white tree!” Madelynn exclaimed, kneeling down to count the bows and finger the snowy white needles.

  Tara nodded. “Yes, a white tree with gold bows.” She turned to Michael as she straightened. He was standing as still as a statue, staring at her rear end. Tara blushed as she realized she’d probably flashed him a little when she crouched down to adjust the tree, giving him a view of her underwear. Tara suddenly remembered he wasn’t a leg man or a breast man. He’d always been fascinated by her behind. She’d keep that in mind when she was dressing tomorrow and make sure not to wear tight jeans.

  She cleared her throat and said uncomfortably, “This was their display, and it was all they had left. I had a devil of a time getting the manager to agree to sell it to me. I gave him a sob story, though, that he couldn’t say no to.” A sob story that was 100 percent true. Tara wrung her hands together nervously.

  Michael quickly jerked his eyes up to hers and nodded. He closed his eyes, cleared his throat, and nodded again. “Well, you got one, and that’s what’s important.” Nodding to the pizza, he said, “Are you ready?” His eyes were intent, boring into hers, unnerving her.

  Tara nervously gestured to the door and said, “Yeah, let me just get some cups and ice.” She slowly turned and practically ran out the door. She could feel Michael’s eyes on her as she fled the sudden tension in the room.

  * * * *

  Mike watched her go, the memories flashing through his mind far different from the usual ones. When she’d bent down to arrange the tree, he’d gotten a brief glimpse of pale blue panties and been swept back in time to another pair of blue panties she used to wear. They hadn’t been elastic; they’d tied into little bows on the side instead. They’d also been bright blue and lacy, unlike the pale, simple ones she had on now. In fact, the only thing the two pairs of underwear had in common was they were both a shade of blue.

  Mike vividly remembered untying those little bows with his teeth. He’d fantasized about those panties for years but had never seen another woman wearing a pair similar to them. He wasn’t sure why the images of her in the little blue panties came back now, but he’d found himself unable to move or speak for long moments. Once she was well out of the room, he sat down, realizing his thoughts would be obvious to anyone who looked below his waist.

  Madelynn bounded over to the table and peered over the top at the large and small pizza boxes resting there. “Did Mommy get me a pepperoni?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” Mike responded, opening the top box to check. “Yep, pepperoni.” He set the small box to the side and opened the bigger box. It looked like a supreme, and he nearly melted with anticipation. Mike noticed Madelynn was opening her small box and reaching in to grab a piece. He gently reached out and stopped her. “Wait for Mommy, okay, kiddo?”

  Just then Tara reentered the room with three cups full of ice. She carried them over to the table and set them down. Opening the soda, she began pouring some into each cup and said, “Sorry, guys. No plates. We’ll have to eat out of the box.”

  Mike leaned over and whispered to Madelynn, “Isn’t that how you’re supposed to eat pizza?”

  Madelynn giggled and said, “Just when you don’t have plates.”

  Tara smiled and bent down to pour Michael’s soda. He leaned in closer to her so her hair almost, but not quite, brushed his cheek. He inhaled deeply and struggled not to moan. She smelled so good! Like vanilla and cinnamon and warmth. She pulled away quickly, giving him a frustrated glare. He gave her his most innocent look, but Tara eyed him as though he was a cat and she was the canary. She moved behind him, out of his line of sight for a moment, and filled the other cups. She finally sat down and gave a bright smile to them both and said, “Let’s eat!”

  Mike opened the large box and got a slice for himself while Tara got Madelynn a slice out of the smaller box. He bit into it and closed his eyes in ecstasy. She’d remembered he liked everything on his pizza and had gotten a large combination, even though she had to pick off the black olives. He inhaled the first slice in record time and reached in for a second. Halfway through the second slice, he remembered his manners.

  “Uh, thanks for going and getting this. I haven’t eaten anything but hospital food since I got here. Their pizza leaves something to be desired.”

  Tara nodded. “No problem.”

  A few moments of silence passed as they ate before Tara spoke up again. “By the way, there are a couple of things I’d like to talk to you about. When we’re done eating, I’m going to take Madelynn down to the childcare and come back up before we leave for the night.”

  He’d forgotten they would have to leave, and Mi
ke looked down quickly to hide the stricken look on his face. His heart sank.

  He nodded, brushing his hands off, and said, “Sure.” He looked over at Madelynn, busily chewing and swinging her legs back and forth under the table. Mike smiled to himself, and his eyes crinkled in amusement. He met Tara’s eyes for a split second before she lowered her gaze back to her pizza.

  By the time they were done eating, Madelynn had eaten half of her pepperoni pizza, and there was only one slice of the supreme left. Mike combined the boxes, telling her he would offer it to the night shift nurses when she took Madelynn downstairs. Once the table was clean, Mike realized how tired Madelynn was. She was yawning almost nonstop, and her eyes were only half open. With a softly spoken “I’ll be right back,” Tara left the room with Madelynn trudging slowly behind her.

  Chapter 12

  By the time Tara returned, the nurses had finished the rest of the pizza, and Mike was waiting on his bed, his hands clenching his knees. He stood painfully as she walked in. He’d worn the prosthesis too long, put too much weight on it, and passed his breaking point hours ago. But there was something he wanted to do now that they were alone. He walked over to the door and closed it behind her.

  She turned to look at him and began, “I…”

  Mike cut her off before she could say anything else. “Shh.” He moved in front of her and framed her face in his hands. “Just…let me. Okay?” Without waiting for her agreement, Mike bent down and pressed his lips to hers. The moment he felt the full softness of her lips against his, he groaned and tilted her head back for easier access. It had been months since he’d kissed a woman, and years since he’d kissed this woman. Though Mike wouldn’t have admitted it over the years, he acknowledged it at that moment. Tara had haunted him. Her scent, her taste, her voice: they’d been plaguing him since the instant he’d pushed her away.

  Mike put slight pressure on her chin, encouraging her to part her lips, and slid his tongue into her mouth with a triumphant groan. She tasted like freedom, hope, and joy, and as her tongue hesitantly moved against his, he felt all of those things shiver through his body. He slid his hands through her hair and down her body to the small of her back and pressed her closer to him. Mike filled his hands with her ass, her glorious, wonderful ass, and groaned. Tara’s hands rested lightly on his shoulders, and it wasn’t enough. Moving his hands over her hips and up her sides, he grasped her hands and wrapped them around his neck. He gathered her tightly against him again and slid his tongue more fully into the warm sweetness of her mouth. Tara gave a little whimper and opened her mouth wider, softly stroking the hair at the nape of his neck. Mike slid his hands down farther, unable to keep his hands away from the full roundness of her bottom. He knew she could feel how turned on he was; there was no way she couldn’t. His dick surged against the zipper so hard he was certain there would be an imprint. Squeezing lightly, he pulled her hips harder against his and ground his erection against her.

  Maybe it was the strain of the day or maybe he shifted his weight wrong. Whatever the reason, his leg gave out, and he lost his balance. The kiss broke abruptly off, and had it not been for Tara, he would have fallen. As it was, she ended up pressed against the wall, holding him up, while they both stared at each other, dazed.

  She spoke first. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah,” Mike replied, his jaw tightening in pain and frustration. “I just need to sit down.” He fucking hated this. Hated feeling helpless and weak, especially in front of Tara.

  Tara helped him over to the bed and waited, watching as he removed the prosthesis. Mike grimaced as he pulled free of the device and set it aside. He knew he was going to be worse tomorrow, but he would deal with that when it happened. Right then, he wanted to find out how much harder it was to make love with just one leg. He knew that wasn’t going to happen, though, so he settled for a better ending for their kiss.

  Mike reached out for Tara’s hand and pulled her closer to the bed until she sat beside him. He leaned over and kissed her again, gently this time, trying to keep the heat and urgency he felt contained. When he finally pulled away to look at her, her eyes were soft and hazy. He’d done that, put that look on her face, and he felt like cheering because of it.

  “I’ve been dying to do that since you walked in the door.” He pushed her hair behind her ear and stroked his thumb down her cheek.

  Tara looked at him, uncomprehending for several seconds, before she finally swallowed and said, “You have?”

  Mike smiled and brushed his thumb across her lower lip. “Yeah.” He couldn’t seem to stop touching her now that he’d started.

  Tara linked her hands together in her lap and pulled away from his touch, looking down at them. “I don’t think you should do it again.”

  Mike frowned. “Why not?” Like hell he wasn’t going to do it again! A surge of anger bubbled up that he struggled to tamp down.

  Tara gave a sound of frustration and stood up, moving out of his reach. “Because I don’t know if I want you to or not, and when you do it, I forget why I shouldn’t let you.”

  Well, that was a good sign. “All right,” he conceded. “I won’t spring it on you again. I’ll give you a heads up so you can decide if you want me to kiss you or not.” This was thin ice he was walking on, and Mike knew he would have to tread carefully. He hadn’t been able to resist just one taste, though. Clearing his throat, he asked, “What was it you wanted to talk to me about?”

  Tara moved over to the desk where they’d eaten dinner and sat down in one of the chairs. It was safer over there, and he knew she was retreating. He just didn’t know if it was a good thing or not.

  “I just wanted to ask if I could bring the presents up here and tell Madelynn Santa left them here. I thought you’d like to be part of it, but if you’d rather I did it at the hotel, that’s fine too.” She watched him warily. “I’m going to bring the gifts that you sent us up here anyway; I just didn’t know if you wanted Santa to visit here. I wanted to check with you before I brought anything up. I forgot to ask earlier, but I’m glad I didn’t. Maddie could have heard.”

  Mike slid himself back on the bed until both legs were stretched out in front of him. He gently began massaging the stump of his left leg through the cotton of his jeans and the bandage that he wrapped around it when he wore the prosthesis, trying to alleviate some of the pain.

  He frowned as he dug his fingers into the sore flesh, but not from physical pain. It stung a little that she felt she had to ask. “I would really like that. For you to do it here, I mean. How are you going to get the presents up here, though?”

  Tara watched him massage his leg, and his jaw tightened. He didn’t want her to know he was in pain, that he’d pushed himself too far today on their account. Frowning, she moved over to the bed and sat down, putting her hands over his. “Let me help you.” She looked up at him when he shook his head in stunned horror. “Michael, I can if you’ll let me.”

  Mike swallowed and looked down at her hands and said, “Tara, I would love for you to do this. But there are two problems with that. First, you don’t know what you’re asking. I can’t even stand to look at it, much less show it to you. Second, if you spend five more seconds on this bed, you’re going to be in it with me. That’s the heads up I promised.” He watched her, trying to gauge her reaction to his words, but was unable to read more than mild surprise.

  Tara stood quickly and moved back to the relative safety of the chair. He watched her go and murmured softly as she sat down, “Chicken.”

  She stiffened but didn’t respond and went back to the safer topic of presents, despite the fact that Mike knew she’d heard. “The gifts are in the car. I’ll bring them up here and then pick Maddie up from the childcare. We’ll come back tomorrow morning when visiting hours start at eight o’clock.”

  Mike nodded and said, “That sounds great. I would love to share that with Madelynn.” He was silent for a moment, considering the ramifications of his first Christmas shared with h
is family. Then he offered, “One of the nurses might help you bring the presents up if you ask.” He looked at her and said dryly, “I’d offer to help, but I seem to be a little indisposed.” He gestured to his legs.

  Tara shook her head and said, “No, that’s fine. I’ll ask one of the nurses.” She paused thoughtfully. “I guess I could hijack a wheelchair and use that. I’d only have to make one trip that way.”

  Mike turned and pointed his thumb to the headboard of his bed. “You don’t have to hijack a wheelchair. Mine’s folded right here.”

  Tara craned her head and looked at the wheelchair folded discreetly against the wall and placed carefully within reach of his bed. “I’ll use yours if you’re sure you don’t need it.” When he shook his head, she continued, “I hope the nurses don’t think I’m stealing it.”

  Mike grinned at her. “You were planning to hijack one and didn’t worry if they would notice, but you’re worried they’ll notice you taking mine?”

  Tara gave a short laugh. “Something like that.” She stood and walked over to the wheelchair, pulled it out, and unfolded it. “I’m going to go ahead and get the gifts. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Mike sat patiently on his bed, waiting for Tara to bring the gifts upstairs. He still couldn’t believe she was here. It seemed so surreal. He kneaded the stump of his left leg absently, wincing slightly at the twinges of pain shooting up his leg and into his hips. She hadn’t pulled away immediately when he kissed her. He was going to assume that meant she reciprocated his feelings, at least a little. The day had been full of good signs. Mike slowed his motions, pushing his fingers into a particularly sore spot. Dr. Walters had certainly been right when she said to expect good things. He paused. Tara had to have a pass to get on the compound and approval to visit him because of his PTSD diagnosis. He hadn’t questioned it before, but now he wondered if Tara had called Dr. Walters. His heart thudded low in his chest. What if Dr. Walters had told her how bad it was? But no, she couldn’t have. The doctor/patient confidentiality agreement prevented that. But Dr. Walters had known Tara was coming when she’d made her cryptic comment.


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