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Claiming His Pregnant Innocent

Page 14

by Maggie Cox

  ‘Oddio!’ His dark eyes crinkling delightedly at the corners, he laughed out loud. ‘I can feel the baby kicking!’

  Smiling, Lily tenderly touched his face. ‘It happened for the first time yesterday, when I was loading the washing machine. I jumped into the car and headed straight over to tell you.’

  Although he immediately drew her back into his arms, the visible pleasure he’d expressed in feeling the baby move turned into a pained frown. ‘And you arrived just in time to see another woman kissing me.’

  Releasing a soft breath, she grimaced. ‘Let’s forget about that now, shall we? I now know that you want us to be together and that’s all that matters... You, me and our baby. That’s why I married you.’

  ‘If I hadn’t already made plans to whisk you off to somewhere especially beautiful for our honeymoon, I would take you into the bedroom and leave you in no doubt that I want you and only you, my angel.’

  This declaration was followed by several delicious little kisses that inevitably set a flame to Lily’s blood and made her want to beg him to do just that. But in the mesmerising haze of his words she found herself returning to what he’d said.

  Folding her hands into the front of his shirt, she freed her lips for a moment. ‘You said you’d made plans for our honeymoon? Where are we going?’

  ‘I’m taking you to an exquisite hotel on the Adriatic coast, where the guests’ privacy is guaranteed to be respected and we won’t be troubled by anyone. It’s perfect for our honeymoon.’

  ‘It sounds wonderful.’

  ‘I guarantee it will be, tesoro.’ For a moment his expression was fierce. ‘And we won’t be in any hurry to get back. Nothing and no one will get in the way of our special time together.’


  ‘Now, do up the top two buttons on your dress, lest it distracts me too much, and go and pack a few clothes.’

  In response to the comment Lily widened her green eyes to twin emerald moons. ‘What kind of clothes am I going to need?’

  His seductive dark gaze sweeping candidly up and down her figure, Bastian replied huskily, ‘If I have my way...not very much...’


  BASTIAN WANTED EVERYTHING to go without a hitch. And as far as their arrival at the hotel and the magnificent suite of rooms they’d been shown into were concerned, everything was flawless—from the wonderful service to the luxurious decor. The attention to detail in every respect was outstanding, and Bastian had stayed in enough such establishments throughout his career to know that this one more than lived up to expectations.

  However, there was one thing—and without a doubt the most important thing of all—that didn’t immediately fall into place. From the moment they arrived he sensed that Lily was uneasy.

  Was she still mulling over that unfortunate incident with Marissa?

  He hoped not. But she’d suddenly turned quiet, and when he’d asked her a couple of simple questions in Reception she’d flushed even pinker than she usually did, as if drawing any attention to herself was almost painful.

  When the immaculate male concierge had finished showing them around their accommodation and wished them a pleasant stay, after generously tipping him Bastian saw him to the door. When he returned it was to find Lily sitting straight-backed in one of the luxurious armchairs.

  Lifting her head as if she were in a dream, she remarked woodenly, ‘This is really lovely, Bastian.’

  ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘Nothing... Why would you think that?’

  ‘Perhaps because I sense that something is bothering you?’

  ‘I’m fine...’

  ‘Are you? I really want you to enjoy this experience, amore. And right now you look as if you’d rather be anywhere else other than here.’

  Her pretty face was immediately awash with hectic colour. ‘That’s not true. It’s our honeymoon, remember? Of course I want to be here with you, Bastian. It’s just...’


  ‘Well, it’s just that you don’t have to go out of your way to give me everything you imagine will make me happy. This place is wonderful, but I’d be equally happy anywhere if I could just be with you.’

  Now it was his turn to colour. It came to him that he was probably trying too hard to make everything perfect and not leave anything to chance. And it was having the opposite effect from the one he’d hoped for—which was to let this beautiful woman know that she meant everything to him and he would do anything in his power to have her love and devotion.

  The thought of living his life without her was unbearable.

  It was then that he realised he echoed her feelings. It wasn’t his ability to provide a beautiful place to live nor any of his rich assets that had brought them together. It was a force far greater and more powerful than anything remotely worldly, and Bastian knew unquestionably that they had been destined to find each other...

  Going to stand before her, he tenderly helped her up from the chair. His hand cupped the infinitely soft cheek that was already glowing with warmth. ‘I have waited for a long time,’ he breathed, ‘perhaps too long to tell you how I feel, tesoro. I love you. I love you beyond anything in this world and in the next too. I would lay down my life for you and our children.’

  As she let go of her breath, Lily’s eyes were moist as her gaze met his. ‘I love you too, my darling. I always have and always will. But I was scared to tell you in case it pushed you away from me—in case you thought I was being too possessive.’

  ‘Never. My greatest wish has come true in hearing you say that you love me. I swear I will do my utmost for the rest of our lives to make you never doubt that you made the right decision in being with me.’

  Their kiss seemed infused with a special kind of magic now. Their breaths became as one as their lips met and drank deeply of each other in a passionate, heartfelt union of body and mind. Finally, his smile rueful, Bastian carefully tipped Lily into his arms and carried her into the sumptuous bedroom.

  There was no sense of time passing.

  Instead, the seconds, minutes and hours melded into one.

  The delicate white voile curtains were moving sinuously in the warm air that drifted in through the open windows and as she lay beneath him on a bed that was covered in voluptuous silks and satins Lily automatically anchored her hands on her lover’s shoulders.

  They were magnificent—strong and muscular—and they gave her a wonderful sense of being protected, a sense that whatever happened he would be there for her in a heartbeat. They were undeniably sexy too...

  Filling her with his hard, scorching heat, Bastian possessed her with dizzying passion. Moving inside her as deeply as he dared, he felt her fingernails bite into his flesh as she began the passionate, irresistible climb to fulfilment. She whimpered her pleasure, moaning low in her throat as she came apart. Bastian followed helplessly.

  Breathing hard, they stared at each other in wonder.

  Finally, their desire satiated for a while, Lily lay back in his arms and heard his heart beating wildly against her ear. Then she gently pushed aside the recalcitrant lock of hair that brushed his brow and delicately touched her lips to his. But in the next instant his unexpected admission wholly captured her attention.

  Winding a strand of her honey-coloured hair round his finger and letting it spring back into a curl, he said, ‘You once told me that before you married Marc you’d had no romantic relationships. And that your marriage was never consummated. Is it true, then, Lily, that you must have been a virgin when we first made love? That no man had ever touched you?’

  For a second or two all thought was suspended. Then quietly Lily replied, ‘It’s true. You were my first lover, Bastian.’

  With a satisfied sigh she turned and pressed her lips to the masculine chest that was lightly dusted with dark chestnut hair.

  Her husband rolled
over just then, and carefully took her with him, mindful of the fact that she was carrying their baby in her belly. She helpfully positioned herself more comfortably on top of him and sat astride. The glint in Bastian’s eyes instantly revealed his pleasure.

  ‘I’m serious, Lily,’ he said. ‘Don’t you know what a gift that is to give to a man?’

  The earnest expression on his handsome face told her in no uncertain terms just how fervently he meant it.

  With a warm glow in her heart, she sighed. ‘I’m glad that you feel like that. It makes it even more meaningful that our baby came from our first time together.’

  ‘Yes, it does.’

  His sherry-coloured eyes flicked over her, avidly taking in her sexily tousled hair and much fuller pink-tipped breasts.

  ‘Perhaps it’s time to drink that toast now? Or before we get round to it my temptation to make love to you again will be impossible to resist.’

  She answered the comment with a distinctly cheeky smile. ‘Will that be such a hardship, my love?’

  She wriggled a little, her satin-textured derriere tauntingly brushing his groin, and he groaned and looked flushed.

  ‘For pity’s sake, you know very well it’s no hardship, you little witch! But there’s a chilled bottle of the finest champagne waiting in the other room. I know you can only have a sip, but I’m a firm believer in celebrating life’s important occasions. Trust me—it will be worth it.’

  ‘I’m sure it will, but can’t we just enjoy each other for a little bit longer first?’

  With a lascivious grin, and pulling her face down to kiss her, Bastian answered, ‘You know I can’t refuse you anything, my love...’

  * * *

  Standing on their private terrace, gazing out at the crystal blue ocean, Lily couldn’t imagine a more breathtaking view. Every arrow of sunlight that pierced the water seemed to leave behind an array of dazzling diamonds. The sight was hypnotising.

  Just when she thought it impossible that life could get any better, she sensed the sultry air stir around her and knew that Bastian had joined her.

  Approaching her from behind, he lowered his hands to her hips and nuzzled the back of her neck. She was wearing a muslin tunic dress that had a flattering gathered effect around the tummy area, and she was so glad she’d arranged her hair up, on the back of her head, when she’d got dressed.

  It gave him much easier access.

  ‘Mmm...’ he breathed. ‘That’s nice...’

  Turning round, she kissed him lightly on the mouth. ‘You’re nice.’

  ‘I aim to please.’

  His smile was both pleased and incorrigible as he fitted her more snugly against him.

  ‘By the way, I’m moving your home office into Buona Stella when we get back. I can’t bear for us to be apart for even a moment.’

  A series of effervescent tingles—not unlike the sensation she’d felt when she’d had a moderate sip of the champagne—ran up her spine. For the first time the thought of moving into the imposing house with Bastian filled her with genuine excitement.

  ‘Like I told you before, your home is perfect. There’s so much space and beauty all around. Our children are going to love living there as they grow up.’

  ‘I trust you will too? I mean, love living there?’

  ‘Do you really need to ask?’

  ‘No, amore. You see, I believe we were always meant to be together. Even when I had the house built I prayed someone as good and beautiful as you would come into my life, and the powers that be heard my prayer and generously answered it.’

  Lily leant her head back so that she could more easily study him. He wasn’t the only one who was blessed. He was a veritable vision of masculine beauty brought to life, she thought, with all the qualities that any woman could want, and she was glad that fate had saved him for her.


  LILY WAS IN the sizeable garden, examining some of the eye-catching blooms, when without warning and out of the blue a sharp pain knifed through her abdomen. It was so painful she abruptly dropped the secateurs she’d been dead-heading the flowers with and clutched at her distended stomach. Another stabbing pain and then another followed, in close succession.

  Already three days overdue, Lily knew this must be the start of labour.

  Biting her lip and slowly heading back to the house, she was glad that her husband had insisted on working from home these past few weeks—just in case he was needed earlier than they’d anticipated. And being aware that his wife was now overdue had made Bastian even more watchful of her. Knowing that his own mother had died in childbirth, it hadn’t been easy for Lily to allay his fears.

  Inching her way across the lawn, Lily went inside and reached his study door just as another wave of pain hit. Abruptly coming to a stop, and pushing her long hair behind her ears, she took some deep breaths in and out and schooled herself to try and stay calm.

  As if intuiting that she was there, Bastian opened the door, his dark eyes lit with concern. ‘What is it? What’s wrong?’

  Grimacing, she answered, ‘I think the baby’s coming. My labour pains have started.’

  ‘Mio Dio!’ His face drained of colour, but he quickly calmed himself and said, ‘Then let’s make you comfortable while I phone for an ambulance.’

  His voice was reassuringly even.

  Guiding her to the generous-sized leather couch in his study, he gently lifted her legs up onto the cushions and put the generous-sized pillow he sometimes dozed on when he was working late behind her back.

  ‘Concentrate on your breathing, tesoro, and don’t worry about anything else,’ he advised, smoothing back her hair.

  ‘Easy for you to say!’ she quipped, and then immediately hoped he wouldn’t take that the wrong way.

  But she didn’t even know if he’d heard her. He’d dropped down onto the chair behind his desk, and right then his focus was on ringing for an ambulance.

  Minutes later, after relating all the necessary details, he rang off and hurriedly came back to join her. ‘The ambulance is on its way. In the meantime, is there anything I can do to help make you more comfortable?’

  Swallowing hard, Lily concentrated on her breathing, at the same time anticipating another dizzying wave of pain. But she knew that her love for her husband wouldn’t let her forget that he also needed some support during one of the greatest, most life-changing events a couple could have in their lives.

  ‘Yes, my love. You can stay close to me. Then I’ll know that everything will be all right.’

  ‘Are you worried that something untoward will happen?’

  Bastian couldn’t hide the brief flare of fear in his eyes. This was the closest he’d come to confronting one of his darkest terrors. The possibility that Lily—the love of his life—could die in childbirth, like his mother, tormented him like a cruel enemy he could never vanquish.

  Her green eyes glistened. ‘Of course not—and nor should you be. But that’s not to say I won’t take some gas and air if the pain gets too—’ Her face crumpled and this time it was she who gripped his hand like an iron fist.

  He sprang into action, immediately putting his own fears aside and concentrating wholly on helping his wife. ‘Breathe deeply, my sweet. That’s it. And when the wave comes ride it and all will be well. That’s it, my beautiful and strong wife.’

  He was mopping her brow with a soft cloth dipped in some cool water when the air was suddenly and abruptly punctuated by the sound of an ambulance siren.

  Just a few minutes later they found themselves on their way to the hospital...

  * * *

  Bastian stayed with his wife in the delivery room throughout the birth, feeling his heart pound and his stomach clench at every gut-wrenching groan she made, alarmed that she seemed to be suffering so much.

  More than once he questioned the obstetrician and
the assistant midwife who were in attendance—was the birth progressing normally? But their assurances didn’t help as much as he wanted. The spectre of his mother’s death in the same situation never left him.

  Even Alberto hadn’t been able to disguise his concern when Bastian had rung him from the ambulance to tell him that the birth was imminent and that he and Lily were on their way to the hospital.

  ‘How is she, son? She is not in too much distress?’ he had asked.

  He had glanced down at his wife on the stretcher, where she’d been displaying all the hard-to-bear agony of a woman soon to give birth because her pains had started coming more quickly than she’d thought they would. She’d been gripping his hand hard enough to cut off his circulation.

  He’d done his best to stay as calm as he could before answering his father. ‘Apart from with the labour pains, you mean? No, Dad. It’s just hard to see her suffering so much.’

  The line had become tellingly silent for a few moments, and he’d known his father must be reliving what had happened to Bastian’s mother after she’d given birth to him. Annalisa had developed a dangerous fever called sepsis and had never recovered.

  ‘Everything is going to be all right, son.’

  Coming back to him with renewed resolve in his voice, Alberto had reassured him.

  ‘Lily is a strong woman and she is determined to deliver you a healthy baby. We have talked about it together many times and she has told me how much joy it will bring you both. She loves you so much. History is not going to repeat me.’

  ‘Thanks, Dad. I can use all the positive predictions I can get right now.’

  ‘You know I will be there with you in spirit, if not in body, my son, don’t you? As soon as we can, after the baby is born, Dolores and I will come to visit. Keep strong, Bastian. You must keep strong for Lily.’

  ‘I will. I don’t intend to lose her any time soon. She is everything to me.’

  There had followed a nail-biting few hours, during which his wife’s pain had grown distressing, and her obstetrician had now advised her to take some gas and air.


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