The Devils Daughter (The Devils Soldiers mc Book 1)

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The Devils Daughter (The Devils Soldiers mc Book 1) Page 4

by Cilla Lee

  “We should put a bullet in that fucker” Stryker says, I couldn't agree more but where hear for a reason so I just shake my head

  “We can't do shit without bein' gunned down man, just get the pictures and let’s get the fuck out of here” he nods

  “I said open your fuckin' mouth bitch” Spyder yells again and the chick on her knees starts crying and beggin' louder “You either open your fuckin' mouth willingly or I get my VP Breaker here to get a hammer and smash out all those pretty white teeth, then you'll suck me off” he pulls his dick out and she leans forward and proceeds to suck him off makin' me gag a little

  “Fuck man I can't watch this anymore, let’s go we've got what we need”


  When we get back to the club house everyone’s in church, Gunner walks straight in and Stryker and I sit and wait when the doors open and we look up. Nash is standing there with the door open and he nods for us to come in, Stryker and I look at each other we've never been allowed to sit in church with the full patch members before. We sit off to the side and Cuff goes over what he found out about the pictures Stryker took.

  “The suit the Prospects got a picture of is a guy named Emilio Chavez he's a procurer of things for people, and at the moment his clients want women and of course we all know the slimy motherfucker Milo”

  “How does he get the girls” Tiny asks him

  “Some are sold to him others kidnapped each girl is picked to order”

  “Who are the buyers?” Nash asks this time

  “All overseas buyers” Nico says

  “Why women?” Gunner asks

  “Each girl is worth five-grand, some more”

  “Fuck” Razor says lookin’ at Stryker and I

  “Where are the girls now?”

  “Shipped off” I tell him

  “Fuck there moving fast” he says

  “What do you wanna do Boss?” Tiny asks him

  “Cuff we need information on the ship, container numbers the lot”

  “On it boss”

  “Alright on other business we need to call in our debts with the businesses closed where not earnin' so tomorrow we start getting our money back” everyone nodded

  “Right go get pissed fuck some pussy but be ready tomorrow where cleanin' house boys and your all up tomorrow collectin'” We all head out to the main room

  “Fuck I need a drink” Tiny says, as he slaps Stryker on the back and pushes him towards the bar.

  “Colt, Stryker I need you two to head with Tiny and Blaze tomorrow morning early, that motherfucker Jeff's has had enough time and we ain't no fuckin' charity case” Razor says and we both nod

  “No problem we'll be ready” I tell Razor

  “Good see ya in the mornin’ boys”

  Chapter Five


  It's Saturday morning when I hear a banging on the front door, I glance at the time seven-forty-five am who the hell would be here at this time. I swear if it’s someone trying to save my soul I’m ganna kill them, I slowly climb out of bed knowing my dad’s, still passed out. He came in around two last night stumbling around like a drunken idiot, slamming my door open and dragging me out of bed to make him something to eat. The knocking on the door turns into banging hard banging, I slowly walk backwards trying to be as quite as I can. The door flies open and I'm face to face with a scary looking biker giant who is standing in my living room, I back away from him as he heads straight for me. I start to run to my room when I see two other bikers come in the door behind the first guy guns in hand. I open my mouth to scream when one of them grabs me from behind putting his hand over my mouth and lifting me off the ground, the gun still in his hand the cold metal on my stomach.

  “Shh” he whispers in my ear my heart racing a hundred miles an hour (god please don't let me get killed today). The other two head towards my dad’s room and kick open the door, I’m frozen in this guy’s arms unable to move, I hear my dad yell

  “No” sounds of my dad being hit and him begging for his life

  “Where here for the money motherfucker” one of them yells

  “I don’t have it man”

  “That’s not the fuckin' answer I want to hear dickhead”

  “NO PLEASE WAIT, I CAN GIVE YOU MY DAUGHTER” I hear him yell and I shake my head (no how can he do this god I hate him)

  “She ain't worth twenty fuckin' grand asshole”

  “No wait she's worth something to someone, she's a virgin you could sell her to someone”

  Sounds of things being broken come from my dad’s room and I know there hitting him, the one holding me lowers me to the floor. I move to stand next to him and he just stares at me with his fingers to his lips shushing me, I just stare at him should I run if I do how far would I get. All these things run through my head, but I just stand there not making a sound frozen.

  The guy holding me doesn't look that much older than me he's maybe my age or a little older, but he’s really tall, I estimate about six foot-one maybe two and muscular. He's watching me so closely I feel my cheeks heat up (what the hell is wrong with me I'm feeling turned on by a guy who's probably going to rape and murder me, than bury my body in an unmarked grave by the end of the day thanks to my useless father) his grip on my upper arm is firm but not too hard, I hear my dad beg for his life over and over and the hitting goes on and on I'm surprised the neighbours haven't called the police, but they never do when my dad’s hitting me so maybe we just have really shitty neighbours.

  As I'm standing there I look at the guy holding my arm, he has greens eyes that are just boring into my soul. He looks at the marks on my neck and face, his grip on my arm tightens and he takes a step towards me. I can't stop looking at him though, it’s like all the air has been sucked out of my lungs. He has light brown hair and beautiful tanned skin like he works outdoors a lot. My heart is racing and not because three huge scary bikers just kicked in the door with guns again, but because he's so gorgeous. I swear I feel like licking him (what the hell are you doing my conscious screams at me lick him) argh, I’ve lost my dam mind, but I swear I'm swooning like a character in all my romantic novels (that’s it no more romance novels for you) I unconsciously berate myself, he's wearing a leather vest like the one Mad Dog had on. But this one has a skull that’s wearing an army helmet with a bullet hole in it and a large bullet in its teeth and written in bold letter on the back are the word Prospect embroidered under the skull (Is this the same club as Mad Dog fuck I hope not)

  I watch as my dad is being dragged down the hall out cold past me and out the door to a van, Mr green eyes pulls me out to the van and helps me in next to my dad. He closes the door and gets in the passenger’s seat, I look at my father and wish I’d had a different life why was life so unfair two days that’s all I had left to escape my father just two days and I could have gotten away. I turn and stare at the two men who most likely will end my poor existence of a life sometime today (god I hate my useless father) and a tear slides down my face but I wipe it away not wanting them to see me cry. I won’t give them the satisfaction of my tears, I won’t beg or plead if they’re going to kill me than I’m not going to give them anything not one dam thing.

  We travel for a while and slowly turn into a gravel road, I can see him watching me, he keeps turning around but I just sit there in silence. As I sit next to my unconscious father, a quote from the bible that I read one day out of boredom comes to mind 'Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared' (dam I hope you’re watching out for me today, I need all the help I could use right not) When I look up again he's still watching me, will his face be the last one that I ever see (fuck I hate my life) a tear slips down my face again and I turn away from them and wipe the tears away (never let anyone see you cry) I curse my father for getting us into this situation.

  It's a long dirt road that we travel up for about ten minutes when I see a red barn off into the d
istance, as we pull up to the barn the door is pulled open and my dad’s unconscious body is dragged into the barn. I don't know what to do but Mr green eyes comes to the side of the van and holds out a hand, I take it and feel a jolt of electricity run up my arm. I watch as he helps me down and we walk into the large door of the barn. I watch as the men chain my dad to some shackles that are hanging from the roof and I’m placed in a seat off to the side, Mr green eyes stands next to me. I turn when a door opens to my left, five more bikers walk in and I keep expecting to see Mad Dog and the other two. There all wearing the same vests and a flash of Mad Dog comes to mind and I see the Green Dragon with a golden crown flash through my head, The Dragon Kings I remember Mad Dog saying who they were. The guy who beat my dad says something to one of them and he walks over to me and grabs my chin, Mr green eyes moves closer there's a look between the two men and I suddenly feel uneasy, the guy still holding my chin moves it side to side, I know when he looks at me the sorrow in his eyes. The swollen lip bruised eye and hand print on my neck tell a story, one of a shit life and shittier parent.

  “Your, dad do that?” he asks, and I nod

  “Take her in the back” (fuck is this it is this when I die)

  Mr green eyes pulls me up and I walk through the door with him (I should run, but to where, there’s nowhere to go)

  I still haven’t said a word when we walk down a long hallway pass a kitchen and a large open living room, we walk down a few more halls when he pushes a door open and I step in still unable to say anything it’s like my mouth is wired shut. Mr green eyes pauses but just before he closes the door he shakes his head, I’m left in a room with a large bed two mismatching side tables a dresser mini fridge that has a small Ensuite. The windows are high and I have to stand on the bed to look out, but its only fields and a few trees here and there nowhere to really hide, I try the door handle but its locked and I know I’m trapped in here until they come for me, I search the room to see if there is anything I can make into a weapon but there's nothing. I promise myself there and then that I'll fight to my last breath if I have to, because there’s no way in hell I’ve survived all these years with my father to be raped and murdered in a country barn by a bunch of bikers.

  I hear my farther screaming over and over and go to the door to see if it’s still locked it is and my heart is pounding, I slide down the door and hear my dad scream again. I don't want to feel sorry for him at all but something in me does.

  The screaming goes on for a while when all of a sudden there's nothing just silence and I know my father is either dead or he’s given them what they want and we'll be going home soon, but knowing my father and how stubborn he can be I know deep down he’s dead. I wait for what seems like eternity and before I know it the sun is going down and I’m still sitting on the floor in front of the door, its totally dark now and the only light is coming from under the door. I can hear people walk past every now and then, I’m not sure how long I’ve been in the room, I stand up go over to the bed and lie down feeling exhausted. I must have dozed off because before I know it the sun is up and the light is shining through the window. The door opens and Mr green eyes comes back in a plate of food in his hand. it’s just a few sandwiches but I’m starving and I take it from him, he stares at me as I eat enjoying the peanut and jelly sandwich I stop eating and look up at him. He shakes his head again and walks to the door closing it behind him and I hear the lock click. (okay)


  I'd been at the barn now for three days and I knew by my calculations that the day was the first of March and my eighteenth birthday, I sing happy birthday to myself like I do every year since I found out when it was my birthday. I imagine blowing pretend candles on a cake and making a birthday wish, for the first time in six years. I wish for something other than my father’s death, this year I just wish for freedom and to survive this shitty situation.

  I still don’t know what’s going on, Mr green eyes comes in three times a day to feed me. On the second day, he brought in some clothes to wear, all way to tight and revealing if you ask me. So, I opted to just keep my pyjama’s on knowing it’s a good XXL size something I've always done worn clothes way bigger than my size twelve. I like being comfortable I mean I have curves but not too many, my hair is long dark brown and straight. I’m only five-foot one with honey coloured eyes like my mothers and a warm mocha colouring nothing really to look at. Its late in the evening when I hear the door open and a scary looking guy walks in “Get up girl you’re coming with me”

  I slowly get off the bed and walk towards him, he takes my upper arm and we walk down the long corridor, well I'm more like dragged and I have to double step to keep up with him. We walk back down the long winding corridors past the kitchen and living room, where I see three huge bikers talking. I swear there all friggin' giants, maybe that's a requisite to be in their gang. Tall, no not tall huge with muscles and no smiling, oh and of course have the manly chin lift down pat. We walk through the doors to where I last saw my dad and he’s nowhere to be seen, the shackles have disappeared and I’m placed in a chair in the middle of the room facing another two bikers. The guy from before walks over and kneels down in front of me and we stare at each other.

  “You got any family girl” he asks me, I shake my head knowing that my mother’s family are all gone, my grandparents and Uncle where all killed in a car accident when they were coming home from my Uncles’ graduation my mom being the only survivor and I’ve never known any of my dad’s family or if he even had any.

  “Who are you?” I ask

  “Who do you think we are!” he says and I shrug my shoulders

  “Are you going to kill me?”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Are you going to rape me?” they all turn and look at me and I cringe a little

  “No were not goin' to fuckin' rape you”

  “Where’s my dad?”


  “Gone where?”

  “Just gone”

  “Did you kill him?”

  “What do you want me to tell ya darlin', that we let him go so he can pay the money”

  “Did you?”

  “No darlin' we didn't”

  “Are you going to give me to the Dragon Kings?”

  “What the fuck did you say?” one of them says

  “The Dragon Kings are you going to give me to them?”

  “How the fuck, do you know those assholes?” I bite my lip (shit did I put my foot in it)

  “My, dad use to hang around them”

  “Who the fuck told you that?”

  “Um Mad Dog”

  “Fuckin' hell man, that's how they knew shit about the club”

  “FUCK I wish that fucker was still alive so I could kill him again”

  “Razor what the fuck are we ganna do with her”

  “You sure you got no family” he asks me again and I shake my head no

  “What did your dad tell you about the Kings?” he asks me

  “Nothing just that I was to pay his debt off for him”

  “How” I roll my eyes at him (how do you think)

  “Did you ever meet anyone other than Mad Dog”

  “Just the two that came to the house looking for him one day”

  “That fucker was sellin' us out Boss”

  “Yeah he fuckin' was”

  “So, what are we ganna do with her?”

  “Your daddy still owes us darlin', you up for payin'”

  “H... ho... how? I don't have any money” he smiles at me looking me up and down

  “Not sure yet”

  “I won't sleep with any of you, you might as well kill me now I won't be a whore”

  “Calm the fuck down, we don't force women to do shit, we like our woman willin' darlin, don't get your panties in a twist”

  “Than what will I be doing”

  “Cleanin', cookin', other shit”

  “Nothing sexual”

  “Who knows darlin' you might see
some of the boys and want to be club pussy”

  “Hell will freeze over first” I say and he laughs

  “We'll see, what’s your name” he asks me


  “Well Niya you’re now the newest acquisition for the Devils Soldiers” acquisition, acquisition I can’t believe he just called me that, why doesn’t he just brand me like cattle with the initials DS on my forehead, (bastard acquisition what an asshole.)

  Chapter Six


  We arrive at clubhouse about an hour later, I haven’t said anything since we left the barn. I'd been shoved on the back of a bike with a guy named Tiny, talk about ironic the guy was the size of a house. Not in a fat way but as in, he drinks steroids for breakfast, lunch and dinner way. I clung to his shirt so tight, it was going to be permanently crinkled where I was holding on for dear life. I swear I saw my life flashing before my eyes at least four times, defiantly twice around two corners.


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