The Devils Daughter (The Devils Soldiers mc Book 1)

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The Devils Daughter (The Devils Soldiers mc Book 1) Page 3

by Cilla Lee

  “Beau you good” I yell out and stand up as Beau stands on the other side of the bar and gives me a chin lift

  “Yeah, I'm good” I look around Pixie, Sun-shine, Kitty and Saffron are all in a little group together, Kitty's cryin' as Saffron holds her

  “You two good” Razor asks and we both nod

  “Yeah all good” I tell him looking around at all the mess

  “What the fuck happened?” Razor asks to no one in particular

  “Fuckin' Dragon Kings boss ambushed me and Socket” Cuff says comin’ forward

  “FUCK” Razor yells “anyone hit” he asks

  “Nah man all good” Tiny says as he looks Beau up and down

  “You good boy” he asks him, Beau just nods

  “You” he asks me and I nod to

  “Razor man what we ganna do, fuckin' Kings have been up our asses lately” Socket asks him

  “Fuckin Church now” he yells “You two clean this mess up” he points around at the glass and over turned furniture


  The guys are in Church for the next hour as the club-whores and us clear away the mess

  “That was some shit huh” Beau says smilin'

  “What the fuck are you smilin' at asshole we almost died” he smiles more

  “Yeah my dicks hard as fuck” I shake my head

  “You need some serious help man if your dick gets hard at almost dyin'” he laughs but I just shake my head (fucker’s crazy)


  A week passes when the Dragon Kings hit the club again, the guys where comin' back from Oregon to talk to Preacher and his boys when Tank Blaze Gunner and Ace where ambushed. Tank was shot in the leg and managed to stay upright Blaze and Gunner got away clear but Ace one of the long-time brothers was hit right in the chest crashed and died. Razor took it really hard they'd Prospected together back in the day. All the Chapters had come for the funeral it was one hell of a week drinkin’ drinkin’ and more drinkin’, Razor drank the entire week straight until Maggie his Old Lady came to the clubhouse and ordered the boys to get him home. After that Razor was determined to get the club heading in the right direction, but first the Dragon Kings had to pay for the loss of a brother, one last act of rebellion and justice for a fallen Soldier.

  Razor had contacted a guy named Nico Sala, his dad was some big mob boss in New York but Nico had calved out his own reputation as a don't fuck with me kind of guy he dabbled in a lot of things money lending, bounty hunting, hired gun you name it, Nico had connections to a lot of people who done a lot of things under the radar, and pissing off someone like that only lead to one place a six by six hole in the ground. He was young but fuck his reputation alone could still put the fear of god in you.

  “Beau, Tobi get your shit you’re coming with me “Nash our VP yells as he comes out of the office

  Nico had come through with information that the Kings were in one of the abandoned warehouses out of town and now we were sittin' in the van hidden from the road, but still far enough away to see what the fuckers where up to

  “VP” I said, Nash sits up and looks out the window and pulls out his phone as we watch Spyder and another man come out and start talkin' next to a black van

  “Razor man it’s that sketchy fucker Milo, yeah yeah I can see him”

  “What's the word?” I asked as we watch Spyder the Dragon Kings President shakin' hands with a fat little round greasy lookin' fucker”

  “What we doin' man?” I ask Nash

  “We sit and wait”

  As where watchin' the warehouse a truck pulls up next to the van and slowly backs into the warehouse and through the large roller door, twenty minutes later it leaves and we follow it, it pulls into the marina through the gates and out of sight

  “Fuck” Nash says and pulls out his phone again to update Razor we sit there waiting for a while when the truck comes out and heads towards the highway

  “Follow it” we sit back waiting to see where the driver goes, he pulls into a truck stop and gets out we parking behind it and get out, the doors unlocked and we look inside


  “We wait” we watch the driver sit for a while eating (fucker doesn’t know what's coming) he stands about twenty-five minutes later, Nash's waiting for the guy to get closer and when he does he whistles and the old guy turns around, one minute he's standing the next he's on the ground with Nash standing over him.

  “Grab his keys” I go through his pockets and fine his keys throwing them to Beau

  “Meet us at the barn” Nash and I drag him to the van and throw him in and head towards the barn behind Beau.

  The barn is where the club goes for privacy of a sensitive nature, it’s not linked to the club but it is owned by us. It's a huge red barn in the middle of know where with plenty of acreage, miles of it in fact. We drag the driver into the barn and tie him to a chair in the middle of the room and we wait. It’s about an hour later and Razor, Chance, Blaze and Gunner pull up, Beau and I are talkin' when the driver comes to, he's an older man maybe in his late fifties early sixties as he comes around, he starts to pulls on his restraints.

  “Hay old man” Razor says even though there probably the same age, but where the old guy looks his age Razor still looks good for a man in his sixties, the guy just looks at him with a blank expression

  “Do you know who I am” the old guy nods his head yes

  “Good I hate wasting time, now where are the guns going” we'd heard that the Dragon Kings had been dealing in some expensive merchandise and we needed to stop them and soon, we couldn’t let them build up and arsenal that could wipe us out. And judgin' from the fire power they used on the clubhouse they must have at least a good cache already

  “I only drive the truck, I don't know anything please” the old man begged

  “Wrong answer” Blaze the Devils Soldiers enforcer punches the old guy in the face knocking him out, I feel bad for the old man, I don't think he could take another punch from Blaze

  “Fuck Blaze you've knocked him out” Nash says but Blaze just shrugs his shoulders

  “It was just a tap”

  “Fuck, you idiot” Razor says

  “Tobi man get a bucket of water” I run to the back and grab a bucket. When I get back Razor throws it on the old guy and he comes to sputtering water and shaking his head

  “Ok let’s try this again, where are the guns”

  “I don't know really, I just drive the truck”

  “Who else do you work for apart from the Dragon Kings”

  “No one else, but not by choice, please let me go don't kill me please”

  “What do you do with the guns?” Razor asks him but he just shakes his head no

  “I don't know about any guns I don't even know what they put in the back, I'm given an address to go to and that's it, I'm never even allowed out of the truck, I take things to the marina or I drive things across the border. I just drive the truck honest please, I just drive the truck”

  “You’re no good to me if you don’t have any information, so when’s the next shipment”

  “They call me when they need me”

  “Blaze grab his ID” Blaze goes through his pockets and throws his wallet to Razor

  “Ok Marco I know who you are and where you live, my boys and I will be keeping an eye on you, here's my number call as soon as they need you, you got me” The old guy nods his head in agreement and Blaze unties him “Oh, and Marco you double cross me you won't like what happens you feel me” Marco nods his head again “You two get him out of here” we grab the old guy but, before we take him outside we put a bag over his head “Remember old man I'm watchin' you” Razor says again and he nods his head again under the bag. When we get outside I pull the old guy to the van, Beau drives the truck and I follow, we drive for a while when we pull over and let the old guy out Beau hands him his keys as I pull the bag off and push him towards his truck

  “See ya round Marco” Beau and I laugh because I swear the old
guy pissed his pants.

  When we get back to the clubhouse everyone’s in church, obviously Spyder the President of the Dragon kings has everyone on edge and with rumours of large shipments it makes a person real weary of ones’ surroundings. I heard stories of Spyder years ago when Beau and I were hanging around the club as kids, but we were kids and never really took notice. To many half naked and sometimes naked women walking around and for two horny teenage boy’s tits, ass and pussy where the only things on our minds back then.


  It had been a week when Marco the old man got in contact, We were sittin' outside there makeshift clubhouse where the guns were supposed to be loaded into Marco's truck than driven to the marina again, the Dragon Kings President Spyder his VP Beaker and Milo the slimy motherfucker that sells everything and anything for the right price of course, walks out pulling a girl with him he's got a piece of rope tied around her neck like a leash and then there's another one and another one all up seven girls all tired together around the waist with a piece of rope and their hands tied

  “What the fuck I thought the shipment was guns?” Nash says, Beau and I just look at each other and shrug, Nash grabs his phone

  “Razor man we've got a problem, the shipment it's girls not guns man, what do you want us to do, yeah yeah ok” he says into the phone

  “Well” Beau says

  “We stick to the plan”

  “There fuckin' girls not guns man”

  “Yeah, I fuckin' see that, Razor says we stick to the plan so we stick to the fuckin' plan”

  The girls are pushed into Marco's truck and Spyder hands the old man an envelope patting him on the back and saying something to him, Marco gets in his truck and pulls off with girls in the back and two riders following heading towards the marina. We follow at a safe distance when where spotted, shot after shot comes in our direction a couple hitting the van. Nash pulls out his gun and fires back I pull the sun roof back pull out my own gun and fire in quick succession round after round one of the riders goes down skidding along the road and Beau aims the van and runs him over just for good measure “Strike” I yell and he smiles, the other one speeds off. We manage to get Marco pulled over and he jumps down and comes to the back of the truck. I pull the latch as a figure comes out of the bushes and tackles me to the ground punching me in the face, I recover quickly pulling my leg up and kicking him off of me he pulls a gun from behind his back but I grab his arm and we wrestle on the ground, we go blow for blow and the gun slides out of our hands and I he goes to grab it but I get a hold of it first firing. I hit him in the stomach but he grabs me punching me hard in the face, he’s a big fucker with a lot of power. I manage to kick him again getting him to the ground, I grab the butt of the gun and hit him in the head and keep hitting him until I’m pulled off of him and look down at nothing but brain matter.

  “Fuck man thought you were ganna lose that one” Beau says

  “Thanks for the fuckin' help dickhead”

  “You had it under control, nice piece Colt .45”

  “Yeah and I'm keepin' it, so get your grubby eye's off of it” Beau holds up his hands smilin'

  When we get to the Barn the girls are crying and cowering in the corner of the truck, we get them out one by one and we cut the rope on each girl. There taken into the barn and into the large living room at the rear, there sitting holding on to one another, Razor, Nash, Tiny and Blaze are talking in the corner, Razors phone rings and he leaves the room coming back in moments later

  “Nico's on his way, get the girls something to eat Beau, you he points to me go clean-up” I look down at my clothes, there covered in blood

  “Who'd we hit on the road?” I ask after I cleaned up

  “Fucker Bullet” Blaze replies

  “Shit man Bullet” I look at Beau

  “Dude you killed Bullet ran him over like a bowling pin one Strike and he was out”

  “Who'd Tobi kill?” Beau asks


  “Shit I thought he'd be bigger”

  “Fuck man you annihilated his head”

  “Yeah and got this nice Colt as a souvenir”

  “Fuck that's really ganna fuck off Spyder, he's ganna come gunning for the person who killed his SGT at arms man”

  “Yeah well, I'm keepin' the Colt, fucker can look for me all he wants”


  It was a few hours later when we hear a van pull up outside

  “Boss Nico's hear” Tiny says and Razor and Nash stand up, Nico and two guys walk in

  “Nico thanks for coming”

  “How many?”




  Ok so Nico's a man of few words, he nods to his two guys and they follow Tiny. After the girls left Nash was telling the guys how we handled ourselves on our first real gun fight, Beau’s Strike and me and the Colt, Razor was really impressed naming us after our actions Beau was now Stryker and I was now known as Colt our official road names.


  A couple of days later Stryker and I were watching the news when a breaking story came on

  'elderly gentlemen and his wife where found murdered this afternoon by a neighbour who was concerned for the neighbour having not seen them in two days when the neighbour knocked on the front door he noticed the door was off the hinges and called the police, when the police arrived they found a sixty-five year old man a Mr Marco Evans and his wife sixty-two year old Emily Evans the two victims seem to have been a victim of a home invasion and the police and asking anyone who was in the area at the time to contact them if they have any information the number is on the screen'

  “Fuck man, call Razor” I grabbed my phone

  “Hay boss you watched the news”

  “No why?”

  “The old man Marco the truck driver and his Mrs where found murdered”

  “Shit when?”

  “It was just on the news”

  “Stryker with you”



  “On our way”

  “What did he say?”


  When we get to the clubhouse the guys are in Church so we sit and wait for them to come out. It doesn't take long when Gunner walks up to Stryker and I

  “You two are with me” he says and we follow him outside

  “You two armed” we both nod


  It takes us half an hour to ride to a line of trees where Gunner stops

  “We hoof it from here” he says, we push our bikes off the side of the road and hide them behind a line of trees and make our way through the trees. As we move through the trees we find an old warehouse a few Dragon Kings are standin' outside so we make our way to the other side of the building to see if there’s a way in

  “Fire escape” Gunner says and I nod and make my way to it

  “No camera” Stryker says so make our way up. When we get to the second floor Stryker checks the door for any traps or alarms

  “All clear”

  We slowly open the door and it leads to a few offices a kitchen and a bathroom its mostly open plan so we stay low, we freeze when we hear moaning from one of the offices and take a quick look, we see Masher the Dragon Kings enforcer being sucked off by some chick, his back is to us so we make our way down the hall, we come to a supply room full of boxes perfect hiding spot, we can see down into the warehouse Beau takes photos of everything we can see including a group of girls in the middle of the room, Spyder's standing talking to some suit and Milo the cockwad. Spyder pulls a blonde girl out of the group of girls that are all tied together

  “I like blondes” he says to her and he grabs her by the hair and shoves her to her knees “Open your mouth bitch” he pulls on her hair and she starts beggin' for him to let her go but he just slaps her, everyone in the rooms laughin', watchin' and my hand twitches on my gun


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