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The Devils Daughter (The Devils Soldiers mc Book 1)

Page 9

by Cilla Lee

  “You remember what I said boy” he rolls his eyes and we walk to his truck

  “What was that about Colt?” I ask him

  “Got the dad lecture today baby that's all” he tells me and I look at him confused

  “You got the what?”

  “The dad lecture, you know anything you do to my little girl I do to you, be home before midnight sort of shit”

  “Ok I know Razor he did not say that”

  “Ok he didn't”

  “So, what did he say?”

  “You touch her your dead boy Bella Mae’s got a hot lead bullet for you right here” he says in the best Razor impression I've heard and we both just laugh

  “Now that I can believe”

  “Come on baby get in”


  Dinner was at small little restaurant the was just up the coast, we'd driven for about forty-five minutes and by the time we got there. The sun was just setting and we had the best view

  “What you ganna get baby?” Colt asks me as I look at the menu

  “I think I might have the lasagne with the salad on the side”

  “Sounds good” he says, we ordered our food and enjoyed each other’s company. Colt talked about when he became a Prospect and how excited he was being a full patched member, he talked about his mom and grandma and how him and Stryker had been friends since they were kids, it was comforting, sweet.

  “How about you baby what was your childhood like?” I'd never talked to anyone about my life apart from Maggie, I mean he seen the bruises on me when I first meet them all but he never asked and neither did any of the other guys.

  “Nothing much my dad moved us around a lot so I never really had friends” I told him about finishing school early and the things I remembered about my mom but it had been so long ago now some of my memories of her where gone. After dinner, we took a long walk along the beach where Colt kissed me again god his lips where divine soft but strong and his taste oh, his taste was addictive, I really was falling in love with Colt (OMG I was falling in love with him a crush yes but love) By the time we made it back to the clubhouse it was after eleven, Colt was so sweet walking me to my car like two teenagers on their first date. Well technically this was my first date and to me it was perfect. when I got to my car he took my keys and opened my door but just before I got in he turned me around kissing against the car devouring me. I moaned angling my mouth so his tongue could delve into the depths of my mouth licking me swallowing me, his other hand pulling my ass into his grinding crotch and I moaned louder.

  “Ahem” we heard and both pull away from each other turning we see Chance and Socket standing there smiling

  “Nice night you two” Chance asks

  “It was” Colt says through his teeth, Chance and Socket laugh

  “Night Niya girl see ya tomorrow” Socket says giving me a wink

  “Night guys” I say to their retreating backs

  “Get in your car baby” Colt says and I climb in and do up my seat belt, Colt closes my door and leans in to kiss me again

  “See you tomorrow” I nod my head as I turn on my car “Call me when you get home” I nod my head and put the car in gear and pull out. I watch him watching me as I drive to the gate, out the corner of my eye I see a red glow and notice Pixie leaning up against the building smoking a cigarette she pulls her finger across her throat like and imaginary knife and points at me I drive out and shiver god that bitch can ruin a moment.


  When I pull into the drive Razors sitting out front on the front porch I shake my head cause all the time I've lived here he's never once sat there

  “Hay Razor”

  “How was the date that little prick better had been a gentleman”

  “He was” I say as I sit next to him


  “Yeah he was a perfect gentleman opened my car door and everything”

  “Good than I don't have to get Bella Mae out”

  “No, you don't” I laugh, I told him about where we went and our walk along the beach leaving out the making out part and how beautiful it was yawning I got up and kissed Razor on the cheek

  “Night Razor”

  “Night darlin'” When I got to my room I called Colt to tell him that I was home

  “Fuck baby I was worried, took you long enough”

  “Sorry I was talking to Razor”

  “Oh, what you wearing baby”

  “I haven't even taken my shoes off yet Colt”

  “Oh yeah good than we can take each other’s clothes off than”


  “Baby take your shoes off” I sat on the bed and slipped them both off

  “Ok done”

  “You have to take mine off to baby”

  “Oh, ok Colt take you shoes and sockets off” I said with a smile, I hear him shuffle around and two loud thuds

  “Really Colt that's not even remotely sexy”

  “Fuckin' buckle was stuck”

  “Ok your turn”

  “Ok baby, slip you shirt over your head” I hear him moving around again


  “Now slide your jeans down those gorgeous legs baby”

  “Wait it's my turn” I tell him

  “Already ahead of you baby” he says making me frown

  “Take you jeans off” he says again and I hear him moving and lying on his bed

  “Colt what do you have on” I ask him

  “Nothing baby” my breath hitched a bit and I bite my lip imagining him naked lying on his bed

  “Now take your bra and panties off baby” I do as he asks and I'm standing in all my naked glory

  “Lie on your bed on your back and open your legs” I go over and lay on my bed and open my legs

  “Pinch your nipples baby I wanna hear you moan” I grasp both breasts squeezing and rolling my nipples in my fingers and I moan

  “Fuck my cocks hard baby” he says and my core tightens thinking about him naked

  “Colt do you want me to touch you to” he hisses in between his teeth

  “Yeah baby what do you want?”

  “I want you to run your hands up and down your cock” (OMG this is so hot)

  “Fuck baby put your hands in between your legs and rub that little clit of yours” I move my hand keeping one on my breast tugging my nipple and use my finger to rub little circles over my clit


  “Yeah baby”

  “Imagine my tongue sliding up and down your cock, can you see me”

  “Fuck babe, rub that little clit harder baby” Oh the pressure building in my body is amazing, I rub it a little harder and my body feels alive

  “ARGH Colt”

  “Rub it baby imagine my head there licking that pussy” (oh fucking hell yes)


  “ARGH colt I'm moving mouth to the tip for your cock, god I want to taste you lick and suck on your cock and make you moan”

  “Fuck baby your killing me”

  “I'm crawling up your body now licking your abs all the way up to your neck straddling your legs, I can feel your cock rubbing my clit Colt, I'm rubbing my pussy up and down can you feel me Colt”

  “Fuck yes”

  “I move my pussy over your cock and slowly inch by inch taking your cock in my pussy”

  “Rub that pussy harder baby” he tells me and I rub it more (god the dreams I’ve had about this)

  “Colt” are the only words that I seem to be able to say as I rub imagining Colt between my legs bobbing up and down “Colt I'm so wet”

  “Stick a finger in that pussy baby” the second I do I have one of the most amazing orgasms of my life that seem to last forever, I don't know who's moaning louder me or Colt I hear Colt yell

  “Fuuuck I'm coming so hard baby” he says and I can hear his hand moving on his cock making my mouth water

  “Baby” he says


  “You ok” he asks me and I start laughing
and so does he

  “I'm better than ok Colt” I tell him


  “Yeah baby”

  “What are we doing?”

  “It's called phone sex babe”

  “I know that, I mean with us... what are we?”

  “Oh, you mean us”

  “Yes us”

  “You’re my women Niya”

  “Like your Old Lady”

  “I have to talk to the club, but yeah baby you’re my Old Lady” the smile on my face is so big

  “I love you Colt” I tell him and the line goes quiet (shit why did you say that) I close my eyes wishing I could take it back “Colt” I say nervously

  “You love me” he finally says (fuck it too late to take it back)

  “Um hum I know we've only known each other a while, but I feel like we've known each other longer” I tell him

  “Fuck baby I loved you from the moment I saw you”

  “You did”

  “Fuck yes baby my dick gets hard every time I think of you”

  “It does” I giggle

  “Fuck yes your gorgeous Niya”

  “You’re not so bad yourself you know” he laughs

  “Fuckin' love you baby now get some sleep I'll see you tomorrow yeah”

  “Love you to Colt night night”

  “Night Baby”


  Christmas was around the corner and Razor had been on edge, the whole club had been. I had only seen Colt a couple of times this week so I knew there was something going on in the club, I'd heard a few of the guys talking about the Dragon Kings but I didn't say anything or ask questions not really wanting to get involved if it had anything to do with Mad dog and his club.

  “Hay Maggie” I said walking into the house

  “Hay sweetheart how was work”


  “Razor not in”

  “No, they've called a meeting”

  “This late” I knew when they had their meetings in the clubhouse that it was always in the mornings never in the evenings

  “Yeah club business was all I got out of Razor before he left”

  “Oh, hope it's nothing serious”

  “If it was he'd tell us don't you worry sweetheart” I didn't hear from Colt all night and I was starting to get a bit worried, we'd planned on going out tonight but it was seven and he still hadn't called. I tried texting and calling and he still didn't answer

  “Maggie have you heard from Razor”

  “No sweetheart why?”

  “Colt and I were going out to dinner tonight and I can't get a hold of him maybe I should drive over to the club”

  “No, he's probably doing something for Razor”

  “Yeah, your probably right I'll leave it until later” by ten I was pacing in my room, Colt wouldn't worry me like this something was wrong, I grab my keys and headed to my car

  “Maggie I'm going to the clubhouse”

  “Ok sweetheart drive safe”

  On my way to the club house a van pulls up next to me at the lights, I looked to see a man chin lift me. I did the same not wanting to be rude the lights changed and I noticed the gas light on so I head for the gas station two streets over from the clubhouse, as I pulled up to the pump I noticed the same van pull in next to me again. I get out to pump the gas and as I'm bending over to open the gas tank lid a hand covers my mouth lifting me up and dragging me backwards towards the van. I bite the man’s hand and kick him in the shin, he spins me around punching me hard and that's the last thing I remember.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Hay babe” Razor says walking into the house

  “Is Niya staying at the clubhouse” I ask him

  “What? she wasn't at the clubhouse” I sit up and look at him

  “Razor she left two hours ago”

  “What?” Razor pulls his phone out

  “Nash is Niya there.... fuckin' check all the rooms” he yells I stand up and walk closer to him getting a bad feeling

  “Razor is she there” he shakes his head for me to be quiet

  “What the fuck, gather everyone and fuckin' find her” he yells louder into the phone

  “Get your shit Mag's where going to the clubhouse” he says and I run for my coat. By the time we get to the clubhouse the car parks empty it's an eerie feeling not having anyone here when we walk through the doors Dover's on the phone his phone

  “Any news Dover” Razor asks him as we walk in

  “No man nothin'” I burst into tears and Razor grabs me

  “Shh baby we'll find her”


  “Hush honey we'll find her I promise” Razors phone rings an hour later, I've been pacing so much I swear there's a line from my foot steps on the floor

  “Boss man got her car at the gas station its empty man” Gunner says walking in

  “Any CCTV” Razor asks, I watch them all doing something and I feel hopeless

  “Nah the kid that works here said there all dummies” Gunner tells Razor and my heart beat skips, I sit down trying to hold myself together

  “Bring the car back to the clubhouse” Razor tells him

  “On it already the Prospects are getting’ it now” he says

  Watching Jaxson drive Niya's car in has my heart racing all the scenarios go through your head she's been murdered, kidnapped and everything else that goes with those sort of thoughts, the guys go over the car and find nothing. I watch Colt pacing the floor yelling into his phone and everyone else Stryker, Tiny, Gunner, Cuff and Socket all pacing around tears run down my face as I sit and watch all of these men worry about a woman they've all fallen in love with slowly lose their minds with worry (please let her be ok)

  “Fuckin' find her call everyone we know I want her found” Razor yells again the guys scatter like rats, everyone on phones calling all of their contacts throughout the city



  I wake up in a dark room lying on a cold concrete floor my head aching from the punch, I looked around to see where but it's so black I can't even see my hands in front of my face. The only light coming from the bottom of the door I hear whimpering and turn towards the sound.

  “Who's there?”

  “Shh you'll get us in trouble” a voice says in the dark

  “Where are we what is this place?”

  “Be quiet they'll come in please stop talking” another says, I hear shuffling behind me and then jingling of keys and girls whimper the door opens. I squint my eyes with the sudden light. A sleazy looking fat guy's standing in the doorway flicks on the lights and that's when I see about eight girls all sitting on the far wall of the room with a piece of rope tied around their waist, there hiding their faces whimpering away from the guy and I turn back around and he's standing right in front of me and I look up

  “Get up” he says and I stand up not saying anything, I know the drill I've done this dance many times with my father

  “Well an obedient one that's what I like” he walks around me looking me up and down his slimy hands rubbing my ass making me flinch

  “Mmm you'll bring a good price you used girl”

  “Excuse me” I say turning to look at him

  “You a virgin or what?” he asks and I nod my head yes and he laughs rubbing his hands together

  “Nub” he yells a skinny guy walks into the room with his thumbs tucked into his belt loops and I look at him he leans on the door frame staring at me licking his lips and I instantly cringe, he's wearing a Cut and instantly know he's a Dragon King member (fucking hell I have the worst luck) “Tell Spyder we have a deal” (oh god please don't let Mad Dog be here) the thought of his disgusting hands on my makes me want to throw up

  “Them all or just a couple” the Nub guy asks

  “I'll take them all” they walk out together and turn the lights back off and I hear the door being locked (fuck where am I) I have no idea how long I'd been unconscious, so I don't know if
anybody knows I missing all I know is I have to get out of here. I go to the window that I saw that was boarded up and try and pry the wood off. Dam it they've screwed it on I feel around on the ground to see if I can use anything for a weapon I feel so stupid I've been taking Krav Maga for months and when I can actually use it I fail so much for not letting anybody get the upper hand as I search I crab one of the girls’ legs and she screams


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