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Husband's Friend

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by Sybil Laine


  An Alpha Male and BBW Steamy Sweet Romance

  Sybil Laine


  An Alpha Male and BBW Steamy Sweet Romance

  By Sybil Laine

  Copyright © June 2018 by Sybil Laine

  Cover Photo by Vishstudio purchased through

  Cover designed by Sybil Laine

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This literary work is fiction. Any names, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.


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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  Chapter 1


  My husband only lets me orgasm once during sex if at all. For the longest time I thought this was how it was supposed to be.

  On a recent trip to my parents, I decided to pick up a romance book to read during the long flight. Just a quarter of the way through, the story was leading up to the first intimate scene. I was expecting either a lot of innuendoes or a cut to right after the sex. To my delight the author described the sex in intimate detail. I was so into it. This was definitely not the romance novels my mother had lying around the house while I was growing up. I wanted to scream out to the rest of the passengers on the plane, "Are you reading what I'm reading?" In the story the love interest was not upset that the heroine orgasmed before he did. He insisted that she have multiple orgasms and that he prided himself on having his lovers orgasm at least in the double digits. Is this what a normal relationship is like and have I been missing out?

  My husband, Ryan, and I are high school sweethearts. I’ve never had sex with another man. My husband has been my one and only.

  Our first time being intimate with each other was when my parents were out of town. We were alone in the hot tub. Our clothes were off and we were heavily petting and making out. I straddled him but before he could enter me, he ejaculated prematurely.

  The first time he managed to penetrate me, it was equally underwhelming. Two pumps and a groan and then he was finished.

  It wasn't that much better after we've been married. His endurance has improved to more than two pumps, but never long enough to get me to orgasm. The one time I was close to orgasming before Ryan, he stopped and said that I couldn't orgasm before he did. I took this to be a normal thing for the longest time. Once Ryan is done he typically just goes straight to bed. I've always felt shame when I would have to masturbate in the bathroom afterward.

  I got pregnant early within a year of getting married. Having our son Jake was the proudest moment of my life. I’ve had a hard time keeping the weight off since. When I was a cheerleader in high school I wasn’t one of the skinny ones that could be blown away in the wind. I was always a little broad shouldered and would be at the bottom of the pyramid. When I gain weight most of it goes to my breasts. I now wear a size 14. Since gaining weight, I’ve noticed Ryan doesn’t want to get intimate as often. It’s almost just a mechanical function for him.

  The romance novel I had read also showed me that it's normal for a man to give a woman oral stimulation. The character in the book took great pride in pleasuring the female character with his mouth. I'm going to bring this up to Ryan and tell him that it's normal and that I want to have a more fulfilled sex life.

  Ryan returns home from work. He and his partner run a company that flips houses and other real estate properties. My son and I greet Ryan at the doorway. Our son, Jake, is five-years-old. He’s very energetic and is a handful to deal with. Ryan makes enough for me to stay home and take care of Jake.

  “Welcome home,” I say giving Ryan a kiss.

  “You’re all dressed up. Is there something going on, Amanda?” I had bought some new clothes and also some lingerie for tonight. I want to get Ryan in the mood when I tell him what the romance novel has taught me.

  “There’s something I want to talk to you about after Jake is put to bed tonight,” I say giving Ryan a suggestive look and caressing his hand with mine. Ryan gets the idea and winks back at me.

  At dinner, I sit across from Ryan and run my foot up his leg and tease his groin with my toes. Jake is telling us about his day and what his friends have been up to. I can tell my husband is hardly listening and can only think about tonight.

  After dinner Ryan helps me clean up the dishes while Jake is in the living room watching TV.

  "Can you tell me what you want to talk about?" asks Ryan as he stands behind me with both hands on my hips and his head on my shoulder. One of his hands moves to my front, underneath my shirt and up to my breasts.

  “Not now, Ryan, Jake may be watching.”

  “We’re close to being done with these dishes. It’s close to Jakes bedtime. I’ll put him to bed and meet you upstairs.” Ryan gives me a kiss on the cheek and squeezes my ass before gathering Jake up.

  I go up to our bedroom and change into the lingerie that I had bought. It’s a set of red stockings with lacey bra and panties. I lay on top of the bedding in a seductive pose waiting for Ryan to enter.

  "You have really gone all out today, it's not even my birthday. Wait, is it your birthday?"

  I throw a pillow at him. “No, I just wanted to make tonight romantic. Do I have to have a reason?”

  “No, you don’t. It’s always a special night with you even without the lingerie.” Ryan pulls his shirt over his chest. His blonde short hair getting ruffled. He has a broad chest and a muscular physique. A few years past he expanded his office and added an exercise room. He works out almost every day at work. It has really paid off. Ryan begins to unbuckle his pants.

  "Wait, let me do that." I get off of the bed and kneel before Ryan. I undo his belt buckle and pull his pants and boxers down far enough to reveal his fully erect cock. I place my hand on his cock and give him two strokes. I'm familiar with his dick. I know where to apply extra pressure to get him to moan. I release my grip and allow him to get fully naked. "Sit on the bed," I command.

  I take my place kneeling between his knees. “Do you want me to suck your cock?”


  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, I want you to suck my cock.” I love being told what to do in bed. Ryan is never assertive enough for my liking.

  I raise my hips from resting my butt on my legs so that I can get a good angle above his dick. I flick my tongue out and taste the bead of precum that had pooled in the slit of his penis. The brine taste causes my mouth to salivate. I feel Ryan’s fingers weave through my hair and clenches my hair in a fist. Guiding my mouth up and down over his cock. This is a familiar routine. We’ve had countless nights play out exactly like this.

  While Ryan’s having his way with my mouth. I slide a hand under the fabric of my panties and rub myself.

  I'm full of apprehension. I want to ask Ryan to pleasure me next with his mouth. I imagine Ryan being so into it that he willingly agr
ees and this will be the best sex we've ever had. It would be the beginning of my own sexual renaissance and feel what other couples are feeling. I want what those characters in the romance novel I read have. I don’t want to feel like I’m missing out.

  Ryan’s groining more frequently and his breathing is getting harder. I release my self from him. I don’t want him to cum yet.

  "Come, lay down up here and I'll get on top of you," Ryan says.

  “I was thinking of something else. Something new. I want you to lick my pussy. I want you to give me multiple orgasms tonight.” I say as I lay down on the bed.

  “We’ve never done that before. Why would I do that? What we’ve been doing works. We don’t need to change anything.”

  “I’ve been reading and it’s totally normal for a woman to have multiple orgasms. I just want us to have the best sex we can.”

  “You should try to cum the same time I do. I won’t talk about this anymore. This is how we do it and it works.”

  I feel defeated. His tone is one I’m familiar with. He’s put his foot down and there’s no sense in arguing. I lay on my back and open my legs. Ryan pulls my panties to the side and enters me.

  “Your blowjob was too good, I don’t think I can last too much longer.”

  Ryan pumps three times, shudders, and erupts inside of me. He rolls over and gets under the sheets.

  "I have an early morning tomorrow, I'm going to turn in," Ryan says.

  I start rubbing my pussy again to try to get my orgasm to rise up.

  “Can you do that in the bathroom? I really need to get some sleep,” Ryan says. I must have been rocking the bed and disturbing him.

  I go into the bathroom remove my lingerie and get in the shower. I imagine a large masculine man covered in body hair. He throws me down on the bed, opens my legs, and begins licking me. I rub myself. I imagine his tongue stiffening. I penetrate myself with two fingers. I feel my orgasm rising. The man laps up and replaces his tongue with fingers sawing in and out of me. I let out a moan as water cascades over me. I brace myself with my free hand against the shower wall. The man uses his thumb and massages my clit. It throws me over the edge and I feel a current run through me and try to stifle a scream.

  I come to my senses. I’m light headed. I’ll keep trying to press Ryan to do more. I hope he hasn’t made up his mind. If he has it would be near impossible to change it.

  Chapter 2


  I can’t believe Amanda asked me to do more in bed and wanted me to eat her out. That’s just disgusting. It’s like she was suggesting I wasn’t man enough to satisfy her. She has never complained before. I’ve fucked her good enough to have a kid and we have sex at least once a week. She’s never complained before. I wonder what kind of books have put these ideas into her head.

  Amanda isn’t one to talk about not being adventurist in bed. Most of the time she only wants to have sex missionary style. She doesn’t get into at all. She’ll usually just lay there until I’m done. It took months of convincing her to start giving me blow jobs every now and then.

  I can’t believe Amanda brought up wanting multiple orgasms. From what I’ve read online the female orgasm is a myth.

  I try to be the good husband. It’s just so hard to get intimate with Amanda. Since she gained all of that weight I find it hard to be spontaneous with sex. I do make sure we have sex every Sunday afternoon while Jake is on his play dates. That should be enough to satisfy any woman.

  I arrive at the office early. I make it a point to not be late for anything. Peterson and Howlett Remodeling sign is out front and printed on the front door. That's me, Ryan Peterson, I run the office. I do the accounting, work through the contracts, and generally do all of the paperwork that a house flipping company requires. We really lucked out. During the housing crisis my partner, John Howlett, and I bought up distressed properties at pennies on the dollar. We started flipping them and making multiples of our investment back. Over the years we’ve grown to be a midsized firm.

  I met John when I fell behind on payments to my loan shark. The loan shark sent John to collect. I was able to talk John out of breaking my legs and going into business with me.

  John’s in charge of all of the groundwork. He supervises the contractors at the work sites and leans on them to meet deadlines. John’s typical work attire is jeans and a t-shirt. I show up in a business suit every day and drive a BMW. They say opposites make good business partners. It’s proven true with us. John and I are total opposites. We both do certain things very well and there’s not a lot of overlap.

  John should be here for our morning meeting. He’s late as usual. I get the coffee going and try to get my mind off of Amanda’s crazy demands. I’m lost in my own thoughts but I’m taken out of them with the put put put sound of John’s motorcycle pulling up to the office. I look at the clock. Half an hour late.

  John enters the office. He’s tall at 6 feet 2 inches. His hair is dark longer but slicked back. He has a beard that he keeps short and close to his face. Dressed in a leather jacket and blue jeans. If I didn’t know him I would probably be a little scared.

  “You’re late,” I say.

  “You said morning, bub. Here I am in the morning.” John walks over and pours himself a cup of coffee, taking it black. He plops down in a chair opposite me and pulls out a half-smoked cigar, lights it up, and begins puffing away. Tobacco smoke fills the air between us and the smell of tobacco lingers.

  “I could remind you that this building doesn’t allow smoking, but I don’t think you’d listen to me.”


  “Okay then, let’s get to business. Creed is trying to pass on his costs to us again. You’ll need to give him a talk.”

  “I hate that guy. I threatened to break his legs last time. I may have to follow through with that threat.”

  “I don’t want to know the details, just work your magic.” John gets up to leave and heads to the door. He stops and turns around.

  “Oh yeah, I saw Amanda the other day looked like she was out shopping. How are you two doing?”

  “The truth.”


  “We’re kind of on the rocks right now. Amanda wants to do stuff in bed that I’m not entirely comfortable with.”

  “Sorry, that I asked. You two will get through it. You’ve been together longer than anyone I know. I can barely manage to keep a lady for a few months.”

  “I just have a feeling maybe I should get away by myself for a few days. Think things over. I don’t want to lose my temper with Amanda. Maybe by the time I get back things will have blown over between us.”

  “That’s not a bad idea. You need to recharge your batteries. Find yourself in nature and remember what it is to be a man.”

  "You're right. I think I'm going to take the sailboat out. I've been paying boat docking rentals for over a year without taking it out to sea. I could go down to Turks and Caicos spend a day and be back here within a week. Can you do me a favor and keep an eye on Amanda and Jake for me?"

  “What are partners for?”

  “Great. This sounds really great. I’ll make my arrangements today and set sail tomorrow.”

  John leaves the office to start his day.

  All I can think of is solitude, the rocking of the sailboat and nothing on the horizon except for ocean. I can forget my troubles.

  John should be okay with the business. My absence for the week won’t cause too many troubles. If anything comes up John can take care of it. As for Amanda, I hope she comes to her senses.

  Chapter 3


  6 Months Later

  Ryan has gone missing off the coast of Florida. The Coast Guard said that he never made it to Turks and Caicos. They tried looking for his emergency transponder but couldn’t find it. I check the news articles every day for any signs that Ryan has been found. I call the Coast Guard every week. They are very kind, they must get these follow up calls all of the time. I get the same response
, they haven’t found anything. They assure me that as soon as they do I will be the first to get a call. I keep calling them anyway, it’s one of the few things I can do. One of the few things I have control of.

  Ryan's business assets have been frozen. I've been using my personal savings to get by. It will soon run out. I have a meeting with a financial advisor to see if I can withdraw money from our retirement accounts. I'm denied money I should have access to until Ryan is declared dead. In Florida, it can take up to seven years for a missing person to be declared dead. In the meantime, I'm living in limbo. I can't financially move on with my life or even continue living the life I once had.

  John has been my saving grace. He comes by to check on us me and Jake every few days. He’ll give me whatever money he has that he can spare to give.

  John has not had it easy since Ryan went missing. With their business gone, John has had to find other work. He had saved some money and is trying to flip houses on his own. His business is slow and he’s struggling. He says he has really had to cut back because the money isn’t the same as it was.

  Whenever John comes over he gives me a hug. It’s so tight that my breasts press into him and I swear I can feel the bulge in his pants. I can smell the sweet smell of cigar smoke hanging on him. His touch always lingers longer than it should. I have caught him several times staring at my large breasts. I always bring my hands up to them when I catch him. He must think that I’m being modest trying to cover myself. His stares surprise me. I don’t know why he would stare at my breasts. I use my hands to trace the outline of them to assure myself that my breasts are desirable.

  I have thoughts of inviting John in. Taking his hand and guiding him to the bedroom. Closing the door and have him ravish me and make me his plaything. The thoughts are always followed by guilt over Ryan and his likely death. It's too soon for me to move on. I would be a black widow and a person to be scorned if I gave into my desires.


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