Husband's Friend
Page 3
Jake screams and tries to attack the debt collector. The man backhands Jake across the face. Delivering a loud smack. Jake is hit with such force he's off of his feet and flies back onto his back. I rush over to Jake and hold him. Tears fill my eyes as terror and hopelessness wash over me. "Please don't hurt us."
“Stay there and shut the fuck up!” The loan shark goes over to the desk in the living room and rips open drawers, turns them over, and empties them out onto the ground. Papers and small items are scattered everywhere. Not satisfied the man moves to the kitchen to tear it apart.
Jake is dazed and is coming to. I hold and rock him. I’m crying hysterically, praying for this nightmare to end.
After ten minutes I hear a motorcycle pull up to the house. I hope that it's John but fear it could be a friend of the loan shark. A large muscular man bursts through the door. It takes me a second to recognize that it's John. A sense of relief washes over me. John looks around and then looks at me and Jake. His eyebrows are furrowed and his teeth are gritted. I can see that John is full of rage.
The loan shark comes into the house from the garage and stops dead in his tracks. The man makes a move to pull a weapon from his jacket.
John closes the distance before the loan shark has a chance to pull a gun out. John delivers a punch to the man’s gut. It doubles him over. With John’s other hand he puts his weight into the next punch to the loan shark’s temple. The loans shark is knocked to the ground. John finds the gun and tosses it aside. I'm wide-eyed watching this. It happened so fast.
John gets on top of the man and is delivering punch after punch to the man’s face. The loan shark’s blood is covering John’s fists. I run over and grab his John’s arm. “Stop! You’re going to kill him.” John tries to throw me off of him. “John stop! You’re scaring me.” John stops and slowly gets off of the man. The loan sharks face is covered in blood. He’s still breathing.
I embrace John. I’m crying with my face buried in his chest. John snaps out of his rage and holds me. I feel safe and secure. John has come for me, has come to protect me.
The loan shark comes too and struggles to get up. “That was a mistake, pal.”
John grabs the man by the lapels of his suit. “Who are you? Why are you terrorizing this family?”
“I’m here to collect money for my boss.”
“Who do you work for?”
“I work for Danny Merlino. When my boss hears about this you’re going to be dead meat buddy.”
“I’m going to go see your boss.”
“I’m not taking you to my boss.”
“I know where he is. Call him and tell him that John Howlett is coming to see him.”
“I’ll follow you there. Can I have my gun back?”
"No." John takes the gun and tucks it into his waistband. John turns to me. "You and Jake need to leave. Is there a place out of town you can go to?"
“I’ll take Jake to my grandparents. Then I’m coming back here. I’m not leaving you.” I say with resolve and give John a look that says I won’t budge an inch on this.
“Fine, once I take care of things. I’ll meet you back here." John gives me a kiss on the cheek. I try to stay perfectly still to keep from meeting his kiss with my lips.
I get on my bike and got to Danny Merlino's club. The loan shark is right on my heels. It takes all of my effort to not stop, pull out the gun, and shoot the loan shark to death.
I arrive at the club. The doorman opens the door for me. “The boss is expecting you.” The loan shark with the bloody face enters behind me. I find Danny sitting at the bar. He gets up and welcomes me with a hug.
“John it’s been too long. You’re a hard man to replace,” says Danny.
“Wait. You know this fucker. Look what he did to my face. Let me take him out back and cap him.”
“Watch your language. That’s no way to treat a friend. John and I go way back. Leave us now. I can see that John has a few things he wants to talk with me in private.” The loan shark turns to leave.
“Wait,” I say. I pull out the loan sharks gun and hand it over to him. The loan shark takes the gun and leaves.
“I understand you’re associated with Ryan Peterson.”
“He was my business partner. He went missing while sailing, likely dead. I promised him I would look after his family.”
“I see. He still has a debt that he owes me. It’ll be placed onto his wife.”
“It won’t. I’ll settle it today. I’ll pay off his debts. Any business you have with Ryan will go through me. You understand?”
“I would normally tell you to go fuck yourself but I owe you a great deal after what you did for me. I will honor your request.”
“Make sure your man doesn’t come after Ryan’s family for revenge. If he wants revenge he can try to come for me.”
“It would be his funeral if he tried to attack you. I’ll tell him you and that family is off limits. I have some work for you if you want to come back to the fold.”
“I’m working on something right now. If it doesn’t work out, I may be interested.”
Chapter 7
I dropped Jake off at my parent’s house. Jake’s face had swollen over. My parents had a lot of questions. I wanted to get back to the house as soon as possible. It was an hour before I could leave. I should have taken my time. I’ve come back to the house and there’s no sign of John. I don’t feel safe waiting inside so I stay in my car with the doors locked.
What if things went badly? Is John hurt somewhere? Is that why he’s not here now? Scenarios run through my head. None of them good. My mind goes to a dark place.
I hear the motorcycle before I see it. I’m relieved, it’s John and it looks like he’s not harmed. I get out of the car and have him in my arms.
"I was so worried. I thought you might not come back."
“I’ll always come back for you.” John kisses me. Our lips lock. I feel our tongues meet. I can feel his beard poking against my face. It hurts a little but in a good way.
“Where are we going to go that’s safe?”
“We’re staying here.” John gestures to the house.
“Will it be safe?”
“I’ll always keep you safe and besides I don’t run. I do need to pick up a few things from my place. Hop on.” John indicates to his motorcycle. I’ve never been on a motorcycle before. I straddle the back of the bike. I keep my hands on the back of the seat to balance myself.
“Not like that. Lean into me. Put your hands around my waste.” I do as I’m told. I wrap my arms around John and lock my hands together. I can feel his muscular abdomen underneath his shirt. I rest my head on his shoulder. John has a scent of moss and leather. We start riding. The wind whips my hair around. The air blows across my face.
We stop at a light. The people in the car next to us are staring. I get self-conscious. Are they staring because of my weight? “John, those people are staring at us.”
“They’re staring because we look so good.” I let out a yelp of laughter.
We pull into a trailer park and stop in front of a blue double wide.
“Stay here. It’s a mess inside. I’ll go grab a few things and come back out,” John says. He unlocks his front door and disappears inside.
I’m curious about what John keeps on the inside. Does he have a sex dungeon in there? Or is he into some S&M he doesn’t want me finding out about. My curiosity gets the best of me. I slowly open the front door and peak in. I'm a little disappointed. There are beer cans and empty liquor bottles on the ground. I poke my head in a little farther and John appears from a back room carrying a duffle bag.
“Hey, I told you to stay outside.”
“Sorry, I was just curious. I thought you may have a sex dungeon.”
“I keep the sex dungeon in the back. If you play your cards right I’ll take you back there some time.” I can feel my cheeks get warm.
“I want to go there now.” I try to
force my way past John. He holds me back with one muscular arm and drags me out the door.
“Let’s get back to your place.”
“Fine, but there’s no sex dungeon at my place.”
Back at the house. John said he was tired and wanted to go to bed. I invited him to share a bed with me. He politely refused. Said we both have had a rough day. I guess John is right. We should get a good night’s sleep and see where we stand tomorrow.
In bed, I toss and turn and can't fall asleep. I keep thinking of how John burst through the front door and saving me and Jake. I was on such a high afterward. I would've done anything for John. John is right that we should be vigilant. I don't know if any more of Ryan’s hidden secrets will come up and threaten me and Jake.
I hear John yell from downstairs. I get up and see what is going on. John is tossing and turning on the couch. This is similar to the last time he slept here.
“Leia,” John screams out. He is obviously in a nightmare. His breathing is hard and a look of pain is on his face.
I want to help him. I want to tell him everything is okay. I sneak down the stairs careful not to wake John. There’s enough room for me on the couch to lay next to him. I snuggle up against John and drape his arm over me. It’s warm with this man wrapped around me. I can feel his body move next to me with every breath he takes. My presence settles John down he has stopped tossing and turning.
“My love,” John whispers in my ear, still asleep. I imagine that it’s for me. I want to tell him that I love him too. Sleep finally comes to me.
Daylight creeps into my eyes. I slowly open them and John is laying by my side facing me and staring.
“How long have you been staring at me?” I ask.
"Not enough. You're beautiful." John brushes back the hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear. His fingertips brush against my cheeks.
“I’m sorry about coming to sleep with you last night. I don’t know what overcame me.”
“I want you here.”
“It was just that…you were tossing and turning…and yelling.”
“I’m sorry that I scared you.”
“It’s not that I was scared. You seemed so hurt. You screamed out a name. Who’s Leia?”
John’s demeanor changes. His face goes flat, not showing any emotion. I instantly regret asking. John looks away from me, deep in thought. I decided that I had crossed the line and that I should leave and give John his space. I move to get up.
"No, don't leave." John grabs and holds my arm. I lay back down facing John. "Leia was my wife."
“Was? What happened to her?”
“She died.” I can see John’s eyes getting watery. John has felt the same pain I have. He knows what it’s like to lose the love of your life. I reach and take John’s hand in mine. “It was a long time ago. I was happy back then. She died in a house fire, while I was away working in the oil fields. I wasn’t there when she needed me most. She never wanted me to take the job, but it was good money and we needed it. We were planning on starting a family. I had lived my life the only way I knew how. When the pillars of my life burned down, I didn’t stand and watch them fall. I turned and walked away.”
I take a hold of John’s face with both of my hands and give him a passionate kiss and I can’t stop. I can’t get enough of him. I can feel his hands on my hips. His lips open up enough and I can feel his hot breath exhale with a sigh. John forces his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues wrestle. John pulls me closer and I can feel his hardened cock through his boxer briefs, pressing against me.
I push myself away from John and begin to get up. John groans in frustration. “Don’t leave I’m not done with you.”
I grab John’s arm and try to pull him up. “I’m not done with you either. Let’s go upstairs, we can get more comfortable.”
John gets up. The first thing I notice is the huge bulge inside his boxer briefs. Before I can say anything. John sweeps me off of my feet and carries me up the stairs. There's no strain on John's face, despite my weight. John carries me with ease. John is focused on his single mission to ravish me.
I keep telling myself that I want this. I really do. A small voice in the back of my head reminds me that I am still in love with Ryan. Ryan has only been gone for few months and I’ve already fallen into another man’s arms. His friend, his business partner, and someone he trusts. I try to force it down. I don’t want to think about that right now. All I want to do is live in the moment. My body screams out that it wants sexual satisfaction. I want John right now. I want this man that is carrying me to possess me.
Chapter 8
John lays me on the bed. My legs hanging off the side. He grabs the waistband of my pajamas and pulls them down and off of me, leaving me bare from the waist down. John leans over me holds the sides of my head and gives me a kiss.
"Do you want me to kiss you here?" John asks, pointing at the ridge of my collarbone.
John kisses. He unbuttons my pajamas top, exposing my generous breasts. I try to cover my stomach embarrassed by it. John grabs my hands and forcefully put them at my sides.
“You won’t hide any of your sexy body from me.”
John continues his kissing trail down my body.
John asks permission to kiss me at each spot moving lower and lower on my body. John is between my thighs. Touches my vulva. “Do you want me here?”
“Yes…” The word came out as a pant.
“Tell me what you want.”
“I want…” I sigh as I feel the tip of John’s tongue touch my outer lips. “I want…I want you.”
The anticipation is overwhelming. I’m desperate for his touch. I feel John’s tongue lash my pussy, up and down. John’s rough hands stroking my outer thighs.
This is the last thing I asked Ryan to do before he disappeared. John did not need asking.
John stops licking me. I’m about to protest. I was almost to my orgasm. His tongue begins circling over my clitoris. He knows that this will push me over the edge and it does. I let out a scream. My thighs clamp tight around John’s head. I’m overcome with utter ecstasy. I haven’t had this intense of a feeling before. I didn’t know that sex could be this good. I thought Ryan and I had good sex before, but now I’ve had this. Ryan was angry at me suggesting I could have multiple orgasms during sex. Does John feel the same way? Is he upset at me?
“I’m sorry, I came before you.”
“I’ll make you cum multiple times tonight. I won’t deny your pleasure.”
“I want to help you now. Trade me spots.”
John sits at the edge of the bed. I kneel before him. I remove John’s boxer briefs. John’s cock is fully erect. I’m taken back on the size. I didn’t know they could get so big. Definitely bigger than Ryan’s.
“I’m bigger than most men. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
“I already told you I want you. I want all of you.” I lick the head of John’s cock. I taste his salty arousal. I lean back and stroke John’s cock from root to tip. I admire his cock for a minute while stroking it before I take John into my mouth. I try to take John in as much as I can, but he is too large. I stroke the part of his cock I can’t get around my mouth. John is breathing hard. I can tell he’s close. I remove my mouth from him.
“Don’t stop. I want to cum in your mouth.”
I take John back into my mouth. I work my mouth on his cock and stare into John’s eyes.
“I’m going to cum.” I remove his cock from my mouth except the tip. John explodes spurting on my tongue. It takes him long moments to recover. John’s gasping for breath. “Thank you, Amanda, that was amazing.”
I get up and sit beside John. "Are you really thankful? Do you want to thank me properly?" I grab John's hand and place it between my legs. John gets the idea. John picks me up and has me lay atop of him and
facing away. He reaches around me and rubs my pussy. With his other hand, he caresses my breast. The roughness of his hands brush across my hardened peaks and sends little stings of pleasure through my body.
John’s cock is pressing against my lower back and is starting to perk up from my squirming.
“Give me more…” I get out between pants.
“More what?”
“Fingers. I want you to fill me up.”
John presses a finger inside me. I let out a loud moan in response. John is getting me closer to a second orgasm. John must recognize this. He stops massaging me with his finger.
“Do you want more?”
“Yes, give me more fingers.”
John enters me with three fingers. Sawing in and out of my hotness. I want more and I buck my hips against his penetrating fingers. I’m getting close to my orgasm. John presses his thumb against my clit and I explode. My body convulses upon John’s. John steadies me with his free hand on my waist.
When my orgasm subsides. John strokes my wet warm place one last time. I can feel John’s hardened cock pressing against my back. John lifts me and gets out from underneath me. He leaves me lying on my back. John leaves the room. I’m still catching my breath when he returns.
John pushes my legs apart and lays his hardened cock across my stomach. John had put on a condom while he was gone.
“Do you want me inside you?”
“Please, make me yours. I want you to take me.”
John positions himself on top of me. I feel the tip of his cock enter my wetness. John enters half way.
“Is this too much for you.” I can feel John’s girth stretching me, I’m not used to his size. I don’t want him to stop.
“I want all of you.” John presses and I let out a loud moan. John begins sliding in and out a few inches at first then almost his entire length.
“Wait, stop.”
“Am I hurting you?”