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His Wild Kiss (His Kiss Series)

Page 3

by Heather Marie Adkins

  Addy cocked her head, her face impassive. “What are you doing here? I could have killed you.”

  “You almost did.” Wate rolled over, touching his neck. It still bled, but the injury was not nearly as bad as it could have been. He called his magick and healed the fang marks with the cool rushing sensation of water on his skin. He motioned to her hands. “May I?”

  Addy looked down at her fists, clenched in her lap at the apex of her thighs. It was a not-so-effective shield. “Um.”

  “I’m not trying to get a look at the goods,” Wate assured her. “As gorgeous as you are, and as much as I want to see every inch of you right now,” and do a lot of other things with every inch of you, “all I want to do is heal your hands where I hurt you.”

  Addy’s lips curved, and she held out her hands.

  It took a lot of energy for Wate to heal others, which was a good thing because otherwise he would have had a much harder time not ogling the naked woman in front of him. He cupped her hands in his and closed his eyes, reaching for the wildness.

  The moment his cool water magick left him and washed over Addy’s injuries, she gasped and nearly yanked her hands away. She was strong, but Wate held her tightly.

  “It’s okay,” he told her softly. “It’s just simple healing magick. It only takes a moment.”

  Instead of calming at the sound of his voice, her breath hitched. “Please let go.”

  “Does it hurt?” Wate opened his eyes, but kept focus on his power. He could sense it smoothing her burned skin.

  “No.” Her eyes were bright and her cheeks red. “Not at all.”

  “Then what’s wrong?”

  “It … ” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “It feels like … ”

  Wate waited for her to continue, easing his magick away. She didn’t look like she was in pain, but she was obviously in distress …

  And then Addy broke free of his grip and attacked him. Again.

  Chapter Seven

  She wasn’t in her right frame of mind. Obviously, he’d worked some kind of mojo on her to make her feel like this.

  Addy landed on top of Wate, her lips slanting over his as he opened his mouth to speak. Whatever words hung there disappeared as Addy slipped her tongue inside to dance with his. She entwined their fingers above his head, shoving his hands into the concrete as she worked her hips against his jeans.

  She didn’t know if he’d been hard before she tackled him, but she could feel it now, his heavy erection pressed into her pelvic bone. She was more aroused than she’d ever been in thirty years. She’d never yearned for anybody the way she yearned at that moment for Wate Jackson.

  The kiss was deep and wild and heated Addy’s body to temperatures she didn’t know were possible. She let go of his hands, aware his magick was gone but the throbbing at her core was worse than before. She slid her hands over his chest, lifting his shirt to expose his torso as his palms cupped her ass and he undulated against her as if they were naked.

  Some small part of her wondered what the hell she was doing — she’d met this guy just that morning. He’d found her naked and bruised on the side of the road and offered her a ride home. And his jacket.

  She thought back to smelling his jacket, reveling in the scent of him. She’d thought then that he smelled like home. But that was ridiculous — werewolves mated with werewolves. Period. The pack above all else. It didn’t matter that all the wolves she’d ever dated had never done this to her. Sex with them had been child’s play compared to the raw seduction flowing from Wate.

  Snap out of it, Adeline.

  Her body was a traitor, however, as attested to when she allowed him to roll her to her back, his weight heavy between her legs. She gasped as his lips disappeared and moved to her nipple. He licked and nipped, his fingers wrapping around the other breast possessively, a little too hard but oh-so-right.

  His lips returned to hers, and Addy sucked his tongue into her mouth. She swallowed his moan when her fingers found the button to his blue jeans and worked it free, the zipper jumping open against the weight of his erection. She wrapped her hand around him, thrilled and shocked at her wantonness.

  Wate groaned against her lips when he dipped a finger into her and felt how ready she was. “Addy … No. The magick … ”

  Addy bit his lip, her fingernails tracing a path up his erection. She angled him against her, sliding him over her wetness.

  “Addy, stop.”

  She could hear the heaviness in his voice, the difficulty with which he said it. She let go of him, gazing up at him through a haze of lust and need. He was so close. All he had to do was take her.

  “I’m not going to lie,” he murmured, brushing his lips across hers. He traced a path down her neck, putting his lips to her ear. “I want to rip off my jeans and sink into you until I bottom out. But Addy … this is the magick talking.”

  Addy blinked. “What?”

  “For whatever reason, the touch of my wildness brought out yours.”


  Wate rolled off of her and zipped up his pants. His black hair, mussed by her hands, had come loose from its ponytail and cupped his jaw line. “My clan are practitioners of Wild Magick, nature magick. I guess whatever you are as a Skin-Walker is a kind of Wild Magick, and it spoke to you.”

  “Skin-Walker?” Addy pushed herself to her elbows and raised an eyebrow. She didn’t miss the way his eyes flicked to her chest, and the way he licked his lips.

  “That’s what my people call your people.”

  Addy rolled her eyes as she got to her feet. “We’re both human. You act like we’re different species entirely.”

  “I don’t mean it like that. Look,” Wate sighed, climbing to his feet. “I came to see you because I need to get in touch with your leader. I come from an ancient line of Native Americans with control of Wild Magick. My father is our leader, and the council wants to help the Skin-Walkers. Some of our people can feel the wolves are in trouble.”

  “Oh.” Addy stared at him.

  “Can you take me to your leader?”

  Addy crossed the barn, her mind awhirl. Why were these magicians reaching out to her pack? She’d never even known they existed, and here they were popping out of the ether with the promise of help against an enemy. An enemy Addy hadn’t been sure was a problem until she’d been tortured for two days straight and left to freeze to death.

  “How do you know the pack is facing confrontation?” Addy opened a drawer in the sideboard that rested against the southern wall. All werewolves stashed clothes in lots of places around their property; otherwise, they’d always be naked. She withdrew a sweatshirt and a pair of baggy sweatpants, her back to Wate as she put them on.

  “There are people in my clan who can sense feelings.”

  “Empaths,” Addy clarified.

  “Correct. Our empaths caught wind of malice. Towards your pack.”

  “Funny. We haven’t even figured that out completely — whether they were toying with us or truly after us.” Addy pulled the hem of her sweatshirt down and turned, straightening her back as she caught Wate’s gaze. “I’ll go see your father.”

  Wate grinned. “That’s great. You can come, too. But he wants to see the leader of your pack.”

  Addy clenched her fists. Five years she’d stood in her father’s place, always concerned she’d never measure up to him. Then some witch comes along and smiles like she’s a little pup trying to play with the big dogs. Her voice was frosty as she bit out, “I am the leader of this pack.”

  Chapter Eight

  Addy’s tone made it very clear Wate had hit a sore spot.

  He couldn’t pretend hearing that phrase fall from her sweet, soft lips wasn’t a surprise. He’d expected the wolf pack to be led by a man covered in hair and bigger than even his father; not small, thin Addy with her luscious lips and amazing tits.

  He’d just made out and gotten half-naked — had almost had his way — with the leader of the Skin-Walkers.

  “I apologize,” Wate said formally, offering Addy a bow. “I’m honored to make your acquaintance as pack leader.”

  “Shove it, Wate. Just take me where we need to go.” She brushed by him, her soft auburn hair swishing.

  He caught the scent of tea tree shampoo, and desire coursed through his veins. He was in trouble with this one, this strong wolf who made his body sing.

  She caught his eye before they left the barn. “I promised my people war tonight. I’d love to go back on that promise.”


  Yaholo Jackson met them on the front porch as if he’d been told they were coming. Chances were, he had been told. With every kind of Seer possible gracing their ranks, little escaped the knowledge of the clan.

  Wate hoped his father was diplomatic enough to not put his foot in his mouth the way he himself had done. “Father, this is Adeline LaBarre. She is the leader of the LaBarre pack.”

  To her credit, Addy stood tall and strong, dressed casually in a pair of khakis and a fitted sweater — a brief stop she’d made before getting in Wate’s car. She offered a hand to the chief. “Mr. Jackson. It is an honor to make your acquaintance. I hope our clans can build a mutual relationship of trust and assistance.”

  Wate cringed, waiting for his father to laugh or smile or brush off the solid greeting she’d made in her husky voice.

  Yaholo smiled, clasping her hand. “Ms. LaBarre. Please, call me Yaholo. I welcome you to my home. I can see your strength of character as easily as I see your beauty.”

  Wate stared at his father, and then looked at Addy. Surely she’d at least get offended at Yaholo’s offhanded comment about her beauty.

  Addy blushed. “Thank you, Yaholo. You may call me Addy.”

  Addy took his father’s offered arm and let him lead her into the house, Wate trailing behind. He hadn’t inherited his father’s charm, apparently, because Addy had barely spoken a word to him on the way over thanks to his indirect snub. Yaholo commended her beauty, and she melted in his hands.

  Wate was jealous and a little put out.

  The council awaited them in the kitchen, exactly where he’d left them only a couple hours before. Dela and two other wives stood at the sink washing dishes, while the council chatted amicably among themselves, gorged full on a dinner of venison and potatoes.

  Yaholo made introductions quickly, and then jumped into the heart of the matter. “Addy, we have been discussing the predicament as we understand it. Could you elaborate as to exactly what is happening?”

  Wate hung on Addy’s every word as she described the Hansen pack’s vandalism, including the burning of one of her family’s homes, and the kidnapping and torturing of two of her pack’s wolves before her own abduction two days ago. She spoke matter-of-factly, letting no emotion stand in the way of the complete story.

  And it really made him feel like an ass. He’d found this girl moments after she’d woken up covered in gashes, blood, and bruises, half-dead and totally naked in the middle of nowhere. She hadn’t been hysterical. She hadn’t even had streaks down her cheeks from tears. She’d simply gotten into his car and thanked him for the ride home.

  And he’d been too obtuse to see the royalty in her.

  I’m a fucking idiot.

  “This story you tell sickens me,” Yaholo said softly. “These monsters have come into your territory and waged their own war upon you, seemingly for their own gain.”

  Kita spoke up. “It appears they are playing with you. Maybe wearing you down in an effort to usurp your lands?”

  Addy frowned. “That’s been foremost on my mind. I’ve heard of other packs having their territories challenged, but it always seemed like legend.”

  Yaholo nodded. “It never seems real until it happens to oneself.”

  “I’m not complaining in any way,” Addy began, appearing to choose her words carefully, “but why does your clan offer my pack assistance? We don’t even know you.”

  This time, Marco spoke up, a bit sheepishly. “Many generations ago, your pack saved us from annihilation by a rival clan.”

  “We owe you.” Kita winked.

  “And you are children of nature, just as we are,” Yaholo added with a smile. “We help our own.”


  The council meeting continued late into the night. By dawn, a plan was put into place. A plan that seemed crazy to Wate.

  “You’re really going into battle against them?” he asked Addy as they got into his car. The dawn sky was rose-colored, and the illumination made Addy look like a regal queen when she responded.

  “Yes. It’s the only way to draw them out. We must lure all their strongest members into one place to cast the spell.

  Wate started the engine. “I don’t … want to see you hurt.”

  Addy chuckled. “You don’t even know me.”

  “I want to.”

  Her smile vanished beneath his gaze, replaced by longing. She turned her face away. “My pack would never allow their kikua to mate with anyone other than another wolf.”

  “The kikua can’t be happy?” Wate gripped the steering wheel tightly. This was day number two with Addy in his passenger seat, a puzzle he wanted to piece together.

  “I can be happy with a wolf.” Her voice was sharp.

  The idea of Addy in someone else’s bed made his blood boil. He jerked the car to a stop in the emergency lane, threw it into park, and gathered her in his arms.

  If their first encounter had been reckless, this one was even more so. Wate kissed her as if he couldn’t get enough of her, as if he wanted to reach all the parts inside that no one else could see. When he broke the kiss and caught her eye, Wate knew he would move mountains to have this woman.

  “Give me one night. One day,” he amended with a grin. “Come home with me, Addy. Let me show you what life would be like by my side.”

  Chapter Nine

  She couldn’t believe she’d agreed to it.

  Well, she could believe it. His handsome face, the way he stared at her as if he saw her soul, the way he irritated her but then touched her soul with a smile … there was no contest. Even if she couldn’t have a life with him, she could have a few hours. A few hours to forget what was ahead; to forget that instead of celebrating the solstice, her pack would be walking into war with their hope for survival resting on the shoulders of Wild Magick.

  She made several phone calls to inform her family of what had taken place and let them know she would be home soon. She called each family’s representative within her pack and told them what had occurred. She could hear the worry in their voices, but there was determination there, too.

  Wate lived in a town home not far from his parents’ place. As he unlocked the door, Addy touched a wind chime that hung beside it. It tinkled prettily, the translucent strands of a dreamcatcher reflecting the sun as it rose higher in the sky.

  “My grandmother made that,” Wate told her as he opened the door. “Many years ago, rest her soul.”

  “I’m sorry,” Addy replied, touching his arm.

  Her touch lingered as the door shut out the sunlight. They stood in the cool, dim foyer, staring at each other. Addy didn’t know what to do: make the first move? She was scared. Nervous. Excited.

  Just this once, she promised herself.

  Her heart pounding, she moved toward the stairs and ascended.

  The hallway was short with only two rooms and a bathroom lit by a nightlight. Wate’s fingers pressed against her lower back, steering her towards an open door at the end of the hall.

  The bedroom smelled like Wate, that special wood smoke and sandalwood mixture that set her pulse thrumming. Addy stepped away from his touch to survey a bookcase inside the door. It held classics and modern thriller novels, as well as picture frames and Native American items that looked handmade and ancient.

  “Three days ago, everything was normal.” Addy touched a picture frame gently, her voice soft. Wate smiled out from the frame beside a woman she recognized as his mother.
“I didn’t know Wild Magick existed. I didn’t know you.”

  Wate moved up behind her, sliding his hands over her sweater to cup her hips. His touch caught her breath, closed her eyes. Through the sweater and her pants, she could feel his heat. His fire.

  He turned her to face him. “You know me now. My clan is on your side. Tonight, we band together to protect your territory. Our land.”

  “I’ll never be able to repay you if this works.”

  Wate leaned, pressing his lips to her collarbone. He trailed his tongue up the hollow of her neck, taking his time. She wondered if he liked the taste of her. She wanted to taste him, every inch of him, to claim him the way she did prey until no one else could have him again.

  “Don’t think about that.” Wate’s lips moved to hover over hers. His dark eyes glittered in the sunlight attempting to break through his curtains. “Think about right here, right now.”

  His lips met hers and everything else disappeared. She returned the kiss with a passion she hadn’t known was smoldering within herself , her arms tight around his neck as their bodies pressed together shoulder to hips. It was slow but sensual, a merging of lips and tongues as hands roamed, discovering each other’s secrets.

  She broke the kiss long enough to lift his shirt over his head. She couldn’t get enough of his warm skin, her fingertips sliding over the peaks and valleys of his torso. She moved down, his muscles beneath her lips, his chest rising and falling with his desire. Then she moved further, glancing up at his hooded eyes as she unbuttoned his jeans and tugged them down enough to expose his manhood.

  He was beautiful. She touched him with the tip of her tongue, gazing up as his head tipped back, and he moaned with pleasure. She loved this angle, her lips near his cock and the expanse of his torso rising above her. He looked like a god — a wild god of nature. And for the briefest of moments, he was hers.

  In a swift move, she took him in her mouth. He groaned, his fingers entwining in her hair as she pulled back, letting him feel her tongue and teeth on every lovely inch of him.


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