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Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series)

Page 15

by Marie Higgins

  “He is resting. A horse stomped on his right shin, and amazing as it sounds, no bones were broken. However, he has a severe sprain. I placed a brace on his leg to help him heal faster. His head wound is not serious, although he did lose a lot of blood. However, I was surprised to see a bullet had grazed his shoulder.” He frowned and shook his head. “I imagine plenty of bed rest and proper nourishment will cure that.” He turned to the colonel. “I suggest Mr. Braxton not be moved for at least a week, just as a precaution, you understand.”

  “Quite right.” The colonel nodded. “Mr. and Mrs. Braxton can stay here for as long as necessary.”

  “A moment, please?” Mercedes said to the physician. “May I see him?”

  “Yes, but allow him to rest.”

  “Thank you.” She hurried past the two men and into their room, closing the door behind her. William lay on the bed stripped of his clothes, his only covering the sheet and blanket. His right leg protruded from under the sheets, braced and precisely wrapped. Clean bandages now covered his head and shoulder. The color of his skin almost matched the white strips of cloth.

  Her tense muscles demanded rest, and she plunked down into the sitting chair next to the bed. “Oh, William,” she sighed. “What has my sister gotten you into?”

  She didn’t expect an answer, but wished she could think of a solution. What if she, or her sister, had committed some offense to upset another man like Brandon Kennedy had suggested? And what if the gunshot had been intentional after all? Staying here another week would be dangerous for them both.

  * * * *

  William kept his gaze on his wife as the physician finished examining him. Mercedes had remained by William’s side every minute, tending to his needs and comfort. Even through all of this, he didn’t dare believe she had become the wife he’d always wanted. He couldn’t have his heart broken again.

  When he’d regained consciousness, his head had throbbed and his leg ached just as painfully, but she’d done everything possible to alleviate his discomfort. So different from the woman he’d married two years ago.

  The physician finally pulled away and closed his medical bag, then turned to Mercedes. “Your husband is one fortunate man. His injuries could have been much worse.”

  “Thank you for checking him over.” She smiled.

  “Just remember what I told you earlier about keeping him still.”

  “I will follow your instructions.”

  “You have a caring wife, Mr. Braxton.” The physician chuckled as he looked at William.

  “Appreciate it while you can.”

  William grinned, but he didn’t answer.

  Mercedes showed the physician out then returned. “Can I fetch you anything?”

  He reached up and brushed his hand over the back of his head, then winced. “Perhaps a glass of brandy to dull the pain?”

  She rushed over to the supply of liquor Lady Burwell had brought up earlier, and after pouring an ample draught into a glass, carried it back to him. He struggled to sit. She braced her arm behind him to help, and he breathed in her sweet fragrance. Oh why did he have to become injured now?

  “Thank you, my dear.” He took the brandy and gulped it down. He fought back the burning sensation scalding his throat as he handed her the glass.

  “I wonder how this could have happened?” she asked.

  He furrowed his brow. “I have my suspicions.”

  “So, you believe it not an accident?”

  “I believe someone shot at me.”

  She sat on the edge of the bed next to his good leg. “I hate to say this, but I think Mr. Kennedy is behind it.”

  He studied her pretty face, her wide, green eyes still too innocent to be real. He nodded, then winced and moved his hand to his head. “He is at the top of my list.”

  “After they put you in the wagon, Mr. Kennedy stopped me. Some of his suggestions led me to believe he knew more than he let on about your accident. He is trying to put the blame somewhere else, though.”

  “Yes, I am certain he is.” He covered her trembling hand with his own. “Mr. Kennedy is not a very good sport when it comes to losing, is he?”

  “Losing?” She frowned.

  “I think if I were in his situation, I would be very upset over losing a woman to her very own husband.”

  Her cheeks darkened with a blush. Was there a reason she acted so innocent? Could the reason be what he’d suspected? He stroked her cheek and smiled. “He has lost you, has he not?”

  “Mr. Kennedy never had me.”

  “Indeed? Several months ago, it appeared that way to me.”

  “Please, William, do not think of the past.” She squeezed his hand within hers, her moist eyes pleading with him to believe her words. “Just concentrate on the future. That woman no longer exists.”

  Strange, but she’d been saying that phrase since she’d returned from visiting her sister. He wondered if this could be another slip up. “Mercedes? What made you change your mind about me? What happened with your sister to make you come to care for me?”

  The sweet smile stayed on her rosebud mouth. “I realized how precious life is, and how I had been throwing mine away. Just like my father, my sister was never happy with her life, and I want to make mine better.” A blush stole across her cheeks and she lowered her head. “I want to be happy. I want to feel love.”

  “Do you realize you have never really told me about your family?” He relaxed back against the many pillows stacked behind him, still keeping her hand within his. “In fact, I do not think you mentioned your sister overmuch.”

  Unlike yesterday, her face remained unreadable, no signs of panic. “What is there to tell?” she whispered, then cleared her throat. “My mother died when my sister and I were very young, and Father never remarried. His hands were full raising two daughters, though. We lived in a small country home. My father had a prominent business as a merchant for the most part of my life, but as the disease ate away at his mind, he spent his money unwisely. After he arranged for an earl to marry my sister, my father’s condition grew worse.”

  “How bad was your father’s illness when I met him?”

  “His mind was pretty much gone, but I do not think my sister or I wanted to believe it.”

  “How did you feel when I asked for your hand in marriage?”

  “I was shocked, to say the least, but only because we did not know each other, nor did you know my father very well. I went along with it to please him since I was not used to disobeying him.”

  Strange, after he’d married her, she couldn’t stop disobeying him. Once again, there was a hole in her story. “Tell me about your sister.”

  Her expression didn’t waver. “What would you like to know?”

  “What is her name?”

  She hesitated again. “Katherine,” she said in a whisper.

  Shock vibrated through him. “Katherine?” He lifted his brows. “Is Kat her nickname?”


  “The first time I called you Kat, you threw a temper. If you recall, I was comparing you to a wild animal. You were not the pussycat I had thought you were. After that, I called you Kat just to see you react.”

  “I know.”

  “Why did you not tell me?”

  She shrugged. “Perhaps because I was so upset.”

  “What is Katherine like? Is she like you?”

  Mercedes laughed and gave a negative shake of her head. “Kat is nothing like me. We are as different as night and day.”

  With his free hand, he toyed with the curl of hair by her ear. Pain sliced through him from his shoulder, but he tried to ignore it. He enjoyed touching her and didn’t want anything to stop him. “Is she as pretty as you?”

  Her face lit up when she blushed. “People say we look alike.”

  His heart picked up rhythm. “What do you think?”

  She stared at him for a few seconds, then leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I think you need to get some rest. I do not want the phy
sician scolding me for not taking proper care of you.”

  She attempted to withdraw, so he grasped her upper arms, halting her. “Do not leave. I have enjoyed carrying on a pleasant conversation with you.”

  She smiled. “As have I, but the physician said you need your rest.”

  “I will rest, but before you go, I would like a kiss.”

  Her green eyes smoldered. “Well, all right, but it can only be a small kiss.”

  “Why only a small kiss? What if I want more?”

  She giggled. “You have lost a lot of blood, my dear husband, and you are as weak as a babe.”

  “I bet I can prove you wrong.” He wagged his eyebrows.


  He pulled her against his chest, and she gasped. A surge of warming tremors shot through him, making him want more. “Kiss me like you did yesterday morning,” he whispered.

  “No, William. Not yet. You must regain your strength.”

  “Then just give me a sample of what I can expect when I am feeling better.”

  He met her mouth in a soft kiss. She pecked lightly on his lips at first, but he tightened his hold and deepened the kiss. Her sweet kiss ignited flames clear down to his toes. Abruptly she broke away, leaving him gasping for more.

  “You are a tease, my darling wife.” Taking her hand, he lifted it to his mouth and kissed. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  The color of her eyes darkened. “I am truly sorry,” she whispered.

  “Oh, no, my sweet. Never be sorry for making me happy.” He pulled her closer again and kissed her, but once again, she withdrew.

  “That is not why I am sorry.” Her hand stroked his chin. “I am sorry,” she continued, “because I have to stop this before it goes any further.” She laughed and quickly jumped off the bed.

  “Oh, so cruel.” He groaned in mock torture. “You shall pay for that one.”

  “Later, my dear.” She moved toward the door. “Now rest.” She walked out of the room.

  He relaxed and turned his thoughts to his previous questions. Although he had no solid proof, he actually believed Mercedes was the other sister. She mentioned she and her sister were very different, and since she’d come back from New York, his wife had done a complete turnaround. Now he was almost convinced the woman he was falling in love with was not his wife. Instead of upsetting him, he relished the idea.

  Chapter Twelve

  William fidgeted with the bed covers and groaned from inactivity. He pulled the sheets tighter across his leg, and the subtle movement caused a sharp pain in his knee. He gnashed his teeth. Thankfully, his head wound healed quicker. He prayed his leg would be as speedy so he could get out of this bed and back home with his family where he belonged.

  His nerves had been tight and his temper ready to explode since the accident. Of course, it didn’t help when his wife kept herself from joining him in bed, laying blame to his injured leg. She didn’t want to accidentally bump it, she told him. As much as he protested, she had stuck to what the physician said about not moving him. If he could get his hands around the physician’s throat, he’d strangle him for giving such a command.

  The physician allowed William to bathe this morning, although it was only a sponge-bath, and it irritated him that Mercedes hadn’t offered to assist. Instead, the colonel’s servant helped. After the bath, William had slipped on a pair of his breeches, but nothing more. The servant had to rip the pant leg up the side just to get it over the brace strapped to his calf.

  With a deep sigh, he prayed this week would pass in a hurry. The Burwell’s other visitors had returned to their homes, and because of this, Lady Burwell occupied Mercedes most of the time. The colonel had other tasks to perform, so the man hadn’t bothered to check on his injured guest. But it was just as well. The old man irked William. Too bad because now would have been the perfect time for him to look for information. Unfortunately, the staff wouldn’t allow him to leave his bed either.

  Curse his critical state of health.

  The bedroom door opened and Mercedes poked her head inside, interrupting his foul mood. “William? Are you up for a surprise?”

  “I know not,” he snapped, shifting his weight on the bed. “What is it?”

  She grinned before fully opening the door. James and Lizzy rushed into the room, giggling. “Papa,” they shouted in unison.

  His heart beat with life again, and he smiled wide. He held out his arms as they ran to his side. His wife rushed behind them, keeping them from bumping his leg.

  He laughed as he gathered them close. “What a pleasurable surprise.”

  “Look at your leg, Papa,” James exclaimed.

  Lizzy cautiously reached out and touched the brace. “Hurt, Papa?”

  “Only once in a while.” He met Mercedes’ cheerful expression with one of his own. “When did they arrive?”

  “Only moments ago. I sent a message to Gabriel, informing him of our delay. He and Jane brought them.”

  He winked at her. “Thank you. Seeing my children is the best medicine of all.”

  “I knew it would be.”

  The children sat around him and he listened to their tales of how they’d spent their weekend. It seemed since Mercedes’ heroism with the dog, his children had obtained more friends. William’s heart burst with pride as he listened to them. When he glanced at his wife, his heart twisted in a different emotion. For certain, he was falling in love with her—whether his wife or her sister—he loved the woman standing before him.

  Like the dutiful wife, she ordered the afternoon meal brought to the bedroom so the family could share it together. She placed a pillow under his sprained leg, which kept him comfortable. Before she left his side, he took her hand and brushed a kiss upon the delicate knuckles. She privileged him with a brilliant green-eyed gaze, then left to attend the children. He loved watching her help James and Lizzy, and he hoped she’d always be the mother they needed.

  Soon the day slipped by and the children grew tired. William kissed them goodbye before Mercedes walked them out to the carriage.

  “My dear?” he asked before she left.


  “Is Gabe still here?”

  “I believe so.”

  “Would you have him come see me, please? There are some matters I need to discuss with him.”

  She nodded and left. A moment later, Gabe knocked at the door then stepped inside. His smile widened with each step he took toward to the bed. “So, what happened, you gawky oaf?”

  William laughed. “Yes, I am an oaf. Either that or I had other things on my mind.”

  “Your wife said you needed to see me.”

  “I would like you to keep a close eye on Brandon Kennedy. I think he was behind my little accident. I cannot go into details, but he is becoming troublesome lately.”

  “I will.”

  “Also,” he lowered his voice, “have you found out any more information about Mercedes’ sudden departure when she allegedly went to New York to be with her sister?”

  “I have talked with several witnesses who said she did indeed travel to New York. Someone mentioned her being with a minister.”

  “Perhaps the story about her sister is true?” He lifted his brows. “But why would she be seen with a man of the cloth?”

  Gabe shrugged. “For decorum purposes, I am certain.”

  “Well, now I want you to look into her sister’s story. From what Mercedes has told me, her sister is in an asylum. I would like for you to arrange for a specialist to take over as her physician. I will pay whatever the cost.”

  “What is her sister’s name?”

  “You are not going to believe this.” Arching a brow, he stroked his jaw. “Her name is Katherine. Her nickname is Kat.”

  Gabe’s eyes widened. “Kat? Is that not what you call your wife when you are upset with her?”

  “Yes. Now I know why she gets mad at me.”

  “Why did she not tell you this before?”

; “I cannot fathom.”

  “I will get right on it.”

  “Thank you. I need to know everything about her sister, what she looks like, how she acts—everything.”

  “What are you searching for, William?”

  “I do not know yet.” He shook his head. “Call me insane, but I do not think the woman who came back from New York is the woman I married.”

  “Who else could she be?”

  “The sister.”

  Gabe’s eyes widened. “You think they are twins?”

  “I am starting to believe that, yes.”

  “The one with us now was the one in the asylum?”

  “That is what I want you to find out. Contact my solicitor, but I want to know every detail about my wife’s sister. Specific details.”

  “I will get right on it.”

  When Gabe left the room, William stretched his sore muscles as he folded his arms behind his head. Had the sister indeed come back? He surely hoped so.

  * * * *

  Mercedes couldn’t endure the lazy afternoon by herself, neither could she chance seeing William so soon. His alluring gaze was too powerful, and lately, she didn’t want to fight it. Never having felt this with Frederick, she now wanted to experience the greater joy of being a wife. Being a real wife. Which meant she had to find the courage to tell William the truth.

  She wandered back from Lady Burwell’s flower gardens. When she stepped across the patio, her attention snapped to Lady Burwell who sat sipping tea by herself. Mercedes wasn’t in the mood to visit with her, but she smiled in greeting and approached.

  “Good afternoon, Lady Burwell.”

  The older woman nodded, then placed her teacup on the table in front of her. “How is your husband faring?”

  “I believe he is getting stronger by the day. In fact, if the physician will permit, I think Mr. Braxton will be able to travel by tomorrow or even the day after.”

  “Would you like to join me?” Lady Burwell motioned to the chair next to her.

  Reluctantly, Mercedes sat, but refused the tea Lady Burwell tried to pour her.

  “You know, Mrs. Braxton,” Lady Burwell began as she picked up her cup, “I will confess my first impressions of you were wrong. You are nothing like I had thought.”


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