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From the Earth (Ember Society Book 2)

Page 23

by AR Colbert

  Billy nodded. “Yep, let’s get moving.”

  Bilton Gragg, or Billy, as we called him, worked with Raf and my brother at the sanitation headquarters when they were still there. I hadn’t seen him since I left the Peacemaker training, where he’d helped me exchange notes secretly with Raf. I had no idea he was a part of the Embers.

  I asked him about it as we trotted along toward the Outside.

  “It was a recent thing,” Billy said. “I really owe it to you and Raf, actually. I’d heard murmurs of the Outsiders, rumors here and there of their existence. But when you asked me to help you communicate with Raf I knew there must have been something real. No one develops a trashcan message delivery system unless they have something important worth hiding.”

  I laughed. “So you knew we were a part of it then?”

  “Not exactly. I just knew something was up. Raf is the one who really got me informed about everything. We used to talk after work. He even introduced me to Frank and the others at a couple of meetings. It was a sad day when he and Marissa disappeared.”

  I just about choked on my own spit. Marissa?

  “I mean, I know they had to do it, but I sure miss him. I’m excited to finally join them Outside now.”

  I nodded. I didn’t care to get into the specifics with Billy. I barely knew him. And to be fair, I didn’t know who Marissa was. Though I certainly had my suspicions.

  We reached the ladder that led to the gas station, and I was proud of myself for recognizing it even before Billy pointed it out. “Ready?” He grinned and motioned for me to climb up first.

  I maneuvered the ceiling tile out of the way and poked up through the gas station floor. Another man and woman were already standing inside. They smiled when they saw me and immediately came to assist me. Normally I would have been frightened, but there was nothing suspect about these people. They were glowing with excitement.

  “Come on up,” the man said, lifting me to my feet.

  “Billy! You made it!” He helped my friend out next.

  “Is this all of us?” Billy asked.

  “I think so. Sarah’s pulling the truck around now.”

  Right on cue, a truck with a small trailer pulled up behind the gas station. I couldn’t have hidden my smile if I’d tried when I saw the familiar red ponytail bouncing in the window. Sarah! We were going to Sarah and Tim’s camp.

  She greeted us briefly with hugs, and we all hopped into the trailer for the rest of the short drive out to their camp. The others explained that they’d been waiting for this day for a few weeks. There were lots of people in Morton eager to join the movement, but they’d had to exit in waves to keep suspicions down. That—and the Embers had needed time to prepare accommodations for the influx of new people.

  Butterflies soared inside as we approached the camp. This was it. I really was going to be one of them. A small crowd was gathered in the center of the cabins, but the people made way for our group to squeeze in. The crowds parted enough for me to see three people standing in the center. Frank, Raf, and a beautiful petite brunette with full curly hair and a broad smile. Raf held her hand, and Frank stood proudly with one hand on Raf’s shoulder.

  “Here are some of our newest recruits now!” Frank beamed.

  Raf’s gaze settled on me and he quickly hid the flash of horror in his eyes. I was sure no one else had noticed it. No one else knew our connection. But I saw it.

  The brunette, Marissa I presumed, smiled warmly in our direction. If she knew who I was, she didn’t show it. But Frank did.

  “And Claren Greenwood, too. What a surprise!” He gestured for me to step forward. “Many of you knew her brother Cato. Claren has now decided to join forces with us as well, and she has already proved herself valuable to the cause.” He leaned in and dropped his voice to a whisper in my ear. “Your father is in Tim’s cabin. I’ll meet you there shortly.”

  Louder, to the rest of the group, Frank added, “Thank you for coming out to support us as we establish an additional camp with our new members. I’m sure you agree that Raf and Marissa will be fine leaders for the new establishment.”

  It was like a knife to the gut. Raf and Marissa. Such a gorgeous couple, living the life I wanted. Working together for a greater cause. Leading efforts that really mattered. I needed to get away from them before I broke down in front of this crowd.

  I bobbed my head politely. “I’m sure they will. Congratulations.” With a forced smile, I turned to Frank. “Please excuse me, I’ll talk to you in a moment.”

  I quickly turned on my heels and made a beeline for Sarah and Tim’s cabin. I couldn’t bring myself to look at Raf again, but I felt his eyes boring a hole through my back as I retreated. I just needed to see my dad. He would help me find my way. He would help me redeem myself for all the mistakes I’d made. All the lives that were lost on my account.

  The door swung open with a twist of the knob. “Dad? Are you in here?”

  My father came around a corner from the kitchen. “Claren, sweetheart. What are you doing here?” He looked panicked from window to window and toward the door, checking to see if I was alone.

  “I had to get out, Dad. I’m ready to join you. Here. With the Embers. What can I do to help?”

  He didn’t rush forward with a smile or a hug. He looked pained. Saddened, even. Did he not want me here?

  “I’m confused,” he said with a wrinkle of his brow. “I thought we discussed this last time I saw you. The work you’re doing in the Center is important. It’s so important, sweetheart.”

  “But that work is done. We got the Exiled leader, dad!”

  “You got one, yes. But this battle is only just beginning.” He sighed. “Claren I would love to have you here by my side, but this isn’t where we need you most.”

  “Right, of course. I’m sorry.” My voice was trembling as I walked backward toward the exit, feeling around frantically for the knob that would allow me to escape. What was I thinking coming here? They didn’t want me here. Even my dad was pushing me away.

  “Please don’t be upset.” He came forward and rested his hand on my shoulder. “I love you. And I love your heart. Your spirit. It’s on fire. You’re going to do amazing things for us. We just need you to do them from the Center. Lead us from the inside.”

  Finally, my fingers wrapped around the doorknob. I could leave. But where would I go? I told Felix goodbye, and I really wasn’t ready to go back. I couldn’t keep up my front with Justice Hines anymore. Even Edgar seemed to be on to me.

  And I couldn’t stay here with the Embers. Dad didn’t want me. Raf had moved on. Even James tried to convince me not to come here.

  There was only one other option. Emmaline’s offer.

  I twisted the door open. “I will, Dad. I love you, too.”

  “And Claren—there’s one more thing.”


  “Don’t tell anyone I’m here. I’m still dead to most of the world.”

  I nodded and turned away, not even saying goodbye. I didn’t know what he meant by that, and I didn’t care. This man looked and sounded just like my dad, but I didn’t know who he was anymore. I didn’t even know who I was anymore.

  “Claren!” A familiar voice called out to me. It was like honey for a sore throat. But my throat was too raw. And this honey had been poisoned.

  I froze on the dirt outside, closing my eyes and bracing myself. I was hoping to get away without talking to him. I didn’t know if I could face him.

  “Claren, look at me.” Raf touched my arm and I couldn’t help but open my eyes. His heart was pounding in time with mine, his dark features drawn down. “That’s not what it looked like back there,” he said. His full lips were pulled into a frown, his eyes pleading for me to listen.

  “It doesn’t matter,” I said. My voice was harsh and colder than I’d intended. It softened as I continued. “I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be going away for a while.”

  “What?” Raf wrapped his fingers gently
around my wrist, as if he could keep me here if he just held on long enough. “Where are you going?”

  “I don’t know,” I answered honestly.

  “When will you be back?”

  “Maybe never.”

  I turned away, unable to look at him any longer. I didn’t know where I was going, but I definitely couldn’t spend another moment in the heartache working against me here. It was time for me to carve my own path. It was time for me to move on.


  THANK YOU again, for continuing to read Claren’s story with me.

  Her adventures continue in Book 3: From the Embers

  Stay tuned for other new releases by joining the AR Colbert Newsletter. You’ll also get great recommendations and free books from other authors. You may even get some surprise bonus content and special looks behind the scenes. Sign up HERE.


  I will always think of From the Earth as my corona book. That’s probably a weird thing to say, but the majority of this novel was written while I was in quarantine from the COVID-19 pandemic. It was difficult at first. My mind was at capacity many days before I even opened my laptop. But eventually I learned to channel my feelings about our real world into motivations and thoughts for Claren in her dystopian world. The similarities were unsettling at times.

  If you’re left feeling unsettled about anything in either Classen City or your real city, feel free to reach out to me any time- I’m not a trained counselor, but I do have a large file full of memes designed to make me laugh no matter the circumstances, and I’m happy to share. :)

  I love you all, sweet readers. Take care of yourselves!

  “Be sincere in your love for others. Hate everything that is evil and hold tight to everything that is good. Love each other as brothers and sisters and honor others more than you do yourself. Never give up. Eagerly follow the Holy Spirit and serve the Lord.” Romans 12:9-11 (CEV)


  To my readers: you guys are amazing, and I am so thankful for you- every. single. day.

  To Debi and Luise: my incredible editors. Thank you for early morning phone calls and quick responses to my panicked texts. Thank you for your time and your suggestions and your very strong opinions (#TeamFelix vs. #TeamRaf)! This book is better because of you.

  To Clint: my husband. You are everything. Thank you for your love and patience during the long hours I spent behind a screen. Thank you for being an amazing father to our children and my strongest supporter. Thank you for encouraging me to keep going. Also thank you for inspiring great kissing scenes!

  To Christian Bentulan: my cover designer. You knocked it out of the park once again. I love this cover so much, and I recognize that much of the book’s success is due to you! Thank you!


  AR Colbert is a wife, mother of two, and life-long daydreamer from central Oklahoma. She believes in the magic of a good story and would love nothing more than to spend the rest of her days getting lost in books. Her other hobbies include baking, cheering on the Oklahoma State Cowboys, and obsessively scrolling through Zillow.




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