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The Money Talks (Adult BWWM Billionaire Romance Book 1)

Page 16

by Cherry Kay

  “You know, Paul, Florida is a really nice place during the winter and fall months.” Mark tried to convince his long time-driver to move down to Florida. Mark went as far as promising to find Paul a nice place to stay.

  “I’m sorry, sir. My family is here in New York, I couldn’t leave them behind or uproot them.”

  Mark understood, but wished Paul was unattached. Paul was the closest thing Mark had to an actual friend in New York, which was sad and spoke volumes to the kind of life Mark was leading before he met Ari.

  “I understand Paul, you’ve been a great driver and friend over the years.” Mark was truthful with Paul and he caught Paul's smile in the rearview mirror. Paul pulled up to the front of the first bank Mark had to visit today. He needed to authorize transferring a couple of business accounts to banks in Florida, and his personal account as well. Mark hoped he had enough time to make it to all three banks today before they closed. Then all he needed to worry about was picking up the ring early the next morning and then he was home free to get back to Ari.

  Mark managed to get the bank business out of the way and by the time Paul dropped him off at his parents’ house, all he needed to do the next day was pick up Ari’s ring.

  “Marco! Come in, come in and tell us how things went with your Clarissa.” Mark’s mother hurried him inside and into the living room where Mark’s father and Ignacio were seated in their usual places. Mark’s dad was in his sofa chair and Ignacio was asleep on the floor next to his dad’s feet.

  “Marco, good to see you again, why are you back here so soon?” Mark’s dad looked at him expectantly as Mark’s mother pulled him down for a seat on the couch.

  “I just had to take care of some things with the banks because I’ve officially moved my executive offices to Florida,” Mark said proudly.

  Mark’s mom gasped in glee as she clasped her hands over her heart.

  “Good, so we can assume she took you back then?” Mark’s father got straight to the point and Mark chuckled before he nodded.

  “Oh, I’m so happy for you, Marco! Well, when can we meet her? You know your father has a lot of vacation time saved up, we can be snow birds come winter.” Mark’s mother was already up and planning their trip.

  “Well, hopefully you guys can visit a little sooner because I’m anxious to ask her to marry me. I was thinking I’d plan a party and invite everyone close to us so I could ask her there,” Mark told his parents. Mark couldn’t help but laugh at the overjoyed expression on his mother’s face. Ignacio finally lifted his head and was looking around at all of them with an annoyed expression for having been woken up.

  “We could get away for a weekend and get some sun, can’t we Cristiano?” Mark’s mother looked at her husband expectantly and he laughed at her expression as well.

  “Of course we can, calm down, Isabella, you act as if you are about to get a daughter-in-law and a grandchild all at once.”

  Mark chuckled as he watched his father reel his mother in a bit.

  “Well, I am! I am getting a daughter-in-law, and soon I will have grandchildren!” Mark’s mother slapped Mark on the arm and gave him a stern look with a point of her finger. “Soon Marco, I’m not going to live forever you know!” Mark rolled his eyes while shaking his head fondly at his mother.

  “Of course, Mama, I know,” Mark reassured her. He actually didn’t mind her rush for him to get married and start a family. Truthfully, it was about time and Mark found that he didn’t completely freak out at the thought of running after a little kid with Ari’s eyes and beautiful skin. In fact, the more he thought about it the more he wanted it. Mark took a second to realize the magnitude of his love and need for Ari. Amidst his mother’s gleeful excitement over planning their trip to Florida and longer stay come the holidays, Mark wondered if men had this moment - where their worlds shrank and ballooned all at once when they planned the rest of their lives with the one they loved.

  “You have that look, Son, I’m happy for you. Finally, you have become a man right before my eyes.” Mark’s father was standing next to him and had his hand on Mark’s shoulder. Mark shook himself from his epiphany and smiled up at his pop.

  “Took long enough, huh?” Mark joked lightly and his father clapped him on the back.

  “You got that right,” he said while chuckling. Mark’s dad went to take Ignacio for a walk and Mark’s mom had gone into the kitchen to start dinner. Mark took the time to call Ari.

  “Mark! I miss you already.” Ari’s voice was like a breath of fresh air. Mark relaxed into the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table.

  “I miss you too, baby, but good news is I’ll be home early. You can expect me tomorrow around noon.” Ari was glad to hear that he’d be back sooner than expected and Mark asked her about me and what went on while he was gone. Ari told Mark all about how me could now really emphasize their being a café as well as a jazz lounge, what with the Food and Wine festival having brought in critics who love me’s chef and all.

  “So now we’re more officially a jazz lounge and café. I’m so excited, baby,” Ari finished in a rush and Mark chuckled.

  “You did a great job in hiring and it’s really paid off,” Mark said while he played absently with one of his mom’s couch pillows.

  “Yeah, it’s giving me ideas about the space in your hotel.” Ari played around with ideas, bouncing them off Mark. He realized Ari was really good at what she does; she was a born businesswoman. She really knew the Las Olas culture and knew what would draw people in and what would make a lasting demand.

  “So, I was thinking, since I officially have my office up and running down there, I should throw a party celebrating it and also my partnership with Ron Windsor,” Mark said.

  Ari thought it would be a great idea and Mark told her he wanted to have it at me.

  “How about the weekend after the Food and Wine Festival ends?” Ari asked and Mark decided he could wait a couple of weeks to ask her to marry him. He’d just have to find a good hiding place for Ari’s engagement ring. He’d keep it at his office, that way he didn’t have to worry about her finding it while he wasn’t home.

  “That would be perfect, also my parents really want to meet you so they’ll be coming for that, as well,” Mark told her.

  “Oh, that would be great! What are your parents like? I know you said they were Italian…” Ari asked, wanting Mark to fill her in about his family.

  “They’re great really, most of my family is back in Italy so it’s just my parents, Ignacio our dog, and me here. I know my mom will love you, the way you described your mother I think they are a lot alike. Then my dad is pretty much your regular dad. He’s real fatherly and caring so I think you’ll like him too. They already love you.” Mark finished telling Ari about his parents just as his dad came back with Ignacio.

  “So how is your sister? She getting any morning sickness yet?” Mark joked with Ari and she laughed.

  “No, she’s having an annoyingly perfect first trimester. She hasn’t been sick or had to stay in bed at all. She’s been here a lot, though. We made this bet during a Black Friday sale once. We have the same shoe size and there was this really cute pair of pumps we both liked, but there was only one left. One of us had to buy them so no one else would, so we played rock paper scissors for who would take them home. Lisa wanted to share ownership over them, but I knew that wouldn’t work out. So we made a bet. If I gave our mom a grandchild first, then I’d keep the pumps, if she did, then I had to give them up.

  “Lisa has been here every day now trying to steal my shoes because I refuse to give them up.” Mark laughed. Of course Ari wouldn’t give up a pair of shoes for a bet, she was too stubborn.

  “Well, I’m glad she’s keeping you company… no run-ins with Darrel?” Mark needed to make sure Ari was safe while he was away. The court date for Darrel’s restraining order couldn't come fast enough. Though Mark would much rather handle Darrel on his own terms, he didn’t want to call on shady connections if there were
legit ways of dealing with the pest.

  “No… but uh, I forgot to tell you that he left a package at the door the other day, it had my old engagement ring inside…” Ari trailed off, she was probably waiting for Mark to blow up over the phone.

  “He knows exactly where you live now?” Mark asked Ari carefully and there was a pause on the other line before she confirmed.

  “Ari… I don’t like this. I need you safe and I’m not there to make sure you are. I can hire security for you it would be no problem.” Mark didn’t want to just tell her that he’d be hiring security for her, but he didn’t want to ask exactly either. Mark needed her safe.

  “Mark, that’s not necessary. Since then he hasn’t even called. I’m vigilant in my comings and goings. I think maybe he just gave up. Maybe the ring was to say he’ll finally move on. He’s heartbroken not homicidal, I don’t think I have anything to worry about. Especially as he knows I’ve filed for a restraining order, I think he’s actually going to leave me alone now.” Ari tried to reassure Mark, but Mark wasn’t having it. If he had to hire someone to watch over Ari from afar, he would.

  “Ari, it’s just that it could take another week before he’s served and I don’t want to take any chances with you.” Mark tried to convince Ari to let him hire security, but she wasn’t having it.

  “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll be fine. Plus you’ll be back tomorrow and there won’t be anything to worry about because you’ll protect me.”

  Mark sighed at Ari’s placating words. As soon as he got off of the phone with her he was hiring someone to keep an eye on her.

  “All right, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Mark told Ari he loved her and they hung up a moment later. Mark stood up and went outside to place a call with a guy he knew in security. He would get someone to keep an eye on Ari when Mark couldn’t.



  Ari was sure she was doing the right thing by mailing the ring back to Darrel. It was an expensive ring and she didn’t want to just throw it out. Nor did she want to pawn it, as it technically was no longer hers and she didn’t need the money. After Ari dropped the package off at the post office, she went over to her mom’s house for a family dinner with her sisters. It would just be the four of them, like old times, since Lisa’s husband and Sandy’s new beau had to work late on a project.

  “So all our men are busy at work. It’s nice to have a girls night with Mom again, isn’t it?” Lisa said as they set the dining room table. Ari’s mom was in the kitchen finishing some last touches on the salad.

  “Yeah, it is for you. You’re the perfect daughter who is ahead of the other two, already married with her first grandchild on the way,” Sandy said almost sarcastically. Both Ari and Lisa looked at her in concern.

  “Did something happen between you and Kevin, Sandy?” Ari asked her sister in a soft tone so their mother wouldn’t overhear.

  “Yes… no… I don’t know.”

  Lisa and Ari exchanged glances and they stopped what they were doing to pull Sandy into the living room, well out of their mom’s earshot.

  “What happened?” Lisa asked as Ari rubbed Sandy’s back. Sandy looked almost scared and like she would cry.

  “I’m uh… I’m pregnant. It’s Kevin’s, he freaked out when he saw the pregnancy test and I haven’t heard from him since Lisa’s birthday dinner.”

  Both Ari and Lisa gasped in shock, eyes wide as they both did the math in their heads.

  “That means you got pregnant when we all went out that night…” Ari said, still in shock.

  “You’ll have the baby a month after I have mine…” Lisa said, awe entered her voice and she couldn’t help but be happy over the fact that she’d be going through her pregnancy with her sister.

  “Yes, but the baby might not have a father. Mom will drop dead and roll all the way to her grave,” Sandy said, revealing her true fears. Ari hugged her younger sister tight and held her close.

  “It’s okay, maybe he’s just taking his time to get over the shock of the fact that he’s going to be a father. Lisa, you call Marcus right now and tell him to knock some sense into Kevin or I’ll go down there and do it myself,” Ari said fervently. She was trying to reign in her anger for the sake of not being overheard by their mother, who would indeed drop dead at the news that Sandy could be raising an illegitimate child all on her own.

  “Okay, I’ll go and call him, you guys go and finish setting the table, and try to act normal. Mom is old; her heart isn’t as strong as it used to be,” Lisa said as she pulled out her phone and headed outside to make the call. Ari gave Sandy another tight hug, promising her that she had Sandy’s back through anything, then they went into the dining room to finish setting the table.

  Sandy collected herself and went with Ari to finish the table just as their mom was setting the food out. She made steaks for everyone because she was sure Lisa was having a boy and needed the protein.

  “Where is Lisa?” Ari’s mom asked and she acted a bit too nonchalant as she told her mom that Lisa was outside on the phone. “So when is your Marco coming back from New York?”

  Ari’s mom chose to use Mark’s given name ever since he told everyone at Lisa’s party that he actually changed his name for his business. It was odd hearing her mom use Mark’s actual name when, to Ari, Mark was still Mark.

  “He’s actually coming back a little earlier, he’ll be here tomorrow by noon,” Ari told her mom. Marie looked at Sandy as if she was about to ask her something when Lisa came into the dining room, saving Sandy from whatever question their mom was about to ask.

  “What top secret business did you have to discuss outside? You could have just gone upstairs at least, Lisa. The night air isn’t good for you,” Marie lightly scolded her. The room was silent as they all took food for themselves. Marie looked between her daughters and lifted an eyebrow. She knew when something was up and Ari wondered what excuse they’d give her to save Sandy’s butt.

  “Mom, did you know that me is on the Food and Wine Festival list? We’ve had a lot of publicity because of it, as well as new customers.”

  “Really? Ari, you do such a good job with marketing me I’m so proud of you.” Ari didn’t expect that her mom would have such a brief reply. She thought for sure that her mom would make a conversation out of it, asking questions and such. Instead, she looked like she was about to ask what was really going on.

  “Yeah, and some really well known critics loved Chef Andrew’s dishes. Especially paired with his recommended wines. I just hope that no other restaurants try to steal him away.” Ari looked to Lisa and Sandy so they could jump in at any time.

  “You discovered Andrew and gave him his break, I don’t think he’s leaving you any time soon.” Lisa finally decided to put her two cents in and Ari took the opportunity to talk about the restaurant she and Mark decided to open in the extra space he’d have in his hotel.

  “It would pretty much be a restaurant with jazz performers, there won’t be a club or lounge aspect to it. We decided that would be best since it would be in keeping with Mark’s luxury hotel feel.” Ari was rambling on with Lisa and effectively distracting their mom from studying Sandy too closely. Though Sandy wasn’t exactly helping by acting like her normal, upbeat self.

  “Okay, arrêter votre babillage vous deux. Sandy, what is going on with you, child?” Marie told Ari and Lisa to stop babbling and they held their breath while they waited for Sandy to answer. Ari wondered if Sandy would tell their mom the truth.

  “Nothing… it’s just—I’m a little sad is all. I don’t think things with Kevin are working out.” Sandy didn’t exactly lie, she more like evaded the truth. Ari wondered if that was legal. It was brilliant, but questionable seeing as her mom was an expert at seeing right through her daughter’s evasions.

  “Yes, but there is more?”

  Lisa and Ari still hadn’t taken a breath. If Sandy was forced to tell their mom the truth, this could be the end of Marie as they all knew it.

  “Um… uh… n—no…?” Ari rolled her eyes at Sandy’s reply and Lisa sighed loudly, shaking her head.

  “Whatever it is, you might as well tell me now Sandrine.” Marie used Sandy’s full name—she meant business.

  “I’m… I got… I mean…”

  Ari felt like she could cry for her sister at this point. Ari didn’t think it would be worse if Sandy were a teenager and pregnant.

  “Pregnant? You’re going to have this Kevin’s baby.” Lisa gasped at how their mom guessed correctly as if she were a mind reader. “I heard you all speaking in the living room,” Marie explained and she turned her attention back towards Sandy.

  “Are you upset? Are you going to disown me?” Sandy squeaked, her heart clearly in her throat.

  Ari was simply wide eyed as she took it all in.

  “No, why would I do that? I’m your mother and I love you. Stop your fretting. I heard you three in the living room, which is why I bring it up now that you all know. But I also received a visit from Kevin last night. He wanted to ask my permission to marry you, Sandy.”

  Ari’s hands went to her heart at the sweetness of it all. Her eyes were filling with tears of happiness for her sister. Everything was going to be okay!

  “He… what? I haven’t heard from him in days, Mommy.” Sandy was perplexed; she really wasn’t ready to hear that bit of news.

  “I’m sorry I ruined the surprise, but I can’t stand seeing my girls upset. So now you know. He is going to ask you to marry him. He loves you, too. I thought he was only going to ask you out of obligation for the baby, but I saw it in his eyes.” Marie smiled at Sandy while Lisa and Ari were practically crying with happiness for Sandy.

  “See! It’s going to work out!” Ari couldn’t keep quiet any longer and Sandy laughed, her eyes watery too.

  “He will come back to you tonight, don’t be sad, darling,” Marie reassured Sandy and they all stood up from the table for a happy group hug.


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