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Secrets of a Kept Chick Saga

Page 13

by Ambria Davis

  “What’s ’sup, playboy?” I said as he answered the phone.

  “Ain’t shit, I’m just living. What’s up with you?”

  “Ain’t shit, man. I’m in yo’ town right now,” I said.

  “Oh, yeah, man? Where you at?” he asked.

  “I’m chillin’ in my hotel room.”

  “All right, man, take down this address that I’m about to give you,” he replied, reciting an address.

  “Where I’m coming to, nigga?” I asked him.

  “That’s the address to Mimi’s club. I’m over here getting everything ready for the concert at the club tonight,” he replied.

  “All right, homie, I’ll be there in a minute.”

  “For sure. See you when you get here,” he said.


  I shook my head and sat there, smoking a blunt. Then I left my room and made my way to Mimi’s club to meet Kaylin. This nigga really didn’t know what’s coming to him, I thought.


  After I left the salon, I went to pick up my kids before I went to get Kayla. Once I had them, I called Tyreek to see where they were. When he informed me that they were at the mall, I made my way to go and get her. I was excited and nervous at the same time, because I didn’t know how my kids were going to react when they see their sister. I really hoped that this would go as smooth as I thought it would; either way, I wasn’t turning back now.

  After finding a parking space, I got my kids and headed inside to get Kayla. They were sitting in the food court waiting for me. With every step that I took, my heart pounded an extra two beats. My plans were to introduce Kayla to her brothers and sister, take them shopping, then hit the road and never look back.

  Only the Lord knows that I hate having to fool with Tyreek. He made me sick every time I looked at him. Like now, all I said was thanks for letting me spend some time with her, and here he was saying something smart. All he had to do was say you’re welcome, but he didn’t, which was why I ignored his ass and went about my damn business.

  I waited for him to leave so that I could get this over with. I sat in the food court and watched as my kids stared at each other. K3 was looking at Kayla like, “Bitch, who you is?” but don’t get it wrong, she was mugging them back. I just smiled because all of my kids had my attitude.

  “Come here,” I said to my kids.

  “You too, Kayla.”

  “Kayson and Kaylon, this is your sister Kayla,” I said to them.

  They said nothing as they stared her down closely. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Kailay watching her. So I went over to talk to her.

  “Kailay, baby, this is your sister Kayla. She’s your twin sister,” I said to her. I waited to talk to her last, because this was a big deal to everybody, especially her.

  “Twin? You mean, like Kaylon and Kayson?” she asked me, looking confused as hell.

  “Yes, baby, like your brothers, you and Kayla are twins,” I responded to her. She looked back at Kayla, and then me.

  “Come here, Kayla,” I said, motioning for her to come over to us.

  “Baby, I know this might be a little weird for you all, but this is your twin. You and Kayla were in my tummy at the same time and were born on the same day,” I said to my daughter Kailay.

  “If she’s my twin, then why we don’t look alike, like Kaylon and Kayson?” she asked me. I swear, for an eight-year-old, my daughter caught on to everything.

  “It’s real complicated. I promise to explain it to you one day. But let’s get through this first, okay?”

  I watched as Kailay walked over to Kayla.

  “Hi, I’m Kailay, and I’m your twin sister. Nice to meet you,” she said to her, extending her hand.

  “I know, and I’m so excited to meet you. I never knew that I had a twin sister,” she replied.

  She then reached over and hugged Kailay. Kailay hesitated a little, but she hugged her back. At the sight of their sister hugging Kayla, the boys ran over and joined in.

  “Hi, I’m Kayson, and this is Kaylon,” he said, as he started hugging and kissing on her, while Kaylon was talking nonstop about his toys and whatnot.

  “Nice to meet y’all. I’m your sister, Kayla,” she replied, smiling.

  “We know,” they both said together, causing everybody to laugh.

  “Mom, can we go shopping now?” Kailay and Kayla asked at the same time.

  I laughed because they’d just met, and it’s like they were never apart.

  “Yes, we can go shopping now,” I responded to them.

  That went smoother than I thought it would go. After getting acquainted with each other, I took them shopping. Every store that we went to, the girls picked out the same clothes, but in different colors. I guess they were trying to make up for lost time. The boys reminded me so much of their father. They picked out the same kind of clothes and shoes they saw him in and kept on talking about they got swag or whatever.

  After we were finished shopping, I took the kids to get something to eat, and after that, we left. On my way home, I called Troy to tell her that I was leaving. I informed her that if anybody came by looking for me, she was to tell them that she hadn’t seen or heard from me. She informed me that Kaylin and Tyreek came by the shop together. Hearing that made me speed up a little. I was not trying to run into them because I already know that Tyreek was going to try to start some shit. I told her that I would call her once we were on the highway, then I hung up the phone, and threw it out the window.

  I arrived at my house, quickly parked, and got the kids out. Once we were inside, I instructed them to go to their rooms and get one thing that they really wanted. After I told them what to do, I then headed to my room. I wasn’t trying to pack anything. I would get all new stuff once I arrived at my destination. I walked into my closet and grabbed my safe. I opened it and removed four yellow envelopes, which contained our birth certificates, Social Security cards, passports, and other important documents. I then removed my bank statements and deeds to my properties.

  I took one last look around and then headed to get the kids so we could leave. We headed down the stairs, but before we could get to the door, someone entered, stopping me dead in my tracks.

  “Well, well, well. I hope I’m not interrupting anything. You going somewhere? You look like you’re in a hurry,” I heard a voice said.

  “What are you doing here, Stacy?” I asked her.

  “I came here looking for Kaylin. Is he here?” she asked with a smirk on her face.

  “Obviously, you can see that he’s not here. So you’re gonna have to come back when he is,” I replied, trying to move past her.

  “Not so fast. You see, I came here to introduce somebody, with the intention that Kay would be here too, but since he isn’t, I’m going to do it anyway,” she said.

  “Introduce who? As you can see, I don’t have time for your bullshit right now. I’m busy.”

  “We’ll see,” she said, stepping to the side. A little boy was standing behind her.

  “Meet the fifth member of Kaylin’s crew, Kaylin Jr.”

  I stood there shocked. I mean, obviously he was Kaylin’s child, because he looked just like him. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was Kayson or Kaylon, only taller. That’s how much he looked like them, and they looked like Kay.

  “Kaylin Jr., say hi to Mimi and your sister and brothers,” she said to him, pointing behind me to where the kids were standing.

  “Hi,” he said to the kids.

  “Oh, and little Ms. Kayla’s here too, I see. I take it Kaylin knows about you and Tyreek then?”

  “How old is he?” I asked, ignoring her last statement.

  “He’s nine years old. Only a year older than Kayla and Kailay,” she replied.

  “How do you know about Kayla?” I asked her.

  “Well, I’ve known about Kayla for a year. You see, my plan actually was to come and tell you about Kaylin Jr., and to tell Kaylin Sr. about you, Tyreek, and Kayla,” she replie

  “What could you possibly gain by telling him about Kayla?” I asked her.

  “Everything that I’m entitled to. I’ve played the back end to you for too long. Now it’s time that I finally get what I deserve, and that’s my family, which includes Kaylin and his kids,” she said, drawing a gun from behind her back.

  “Bitch, I could give zero fucks about you or Kaylin. I don’t want him, and the only way that you’ll be able to take my kids is over my dead body,” I told her.

  “That can be arranged,” she said, pointing her gun toward me, but before she could pull the trigger, we heard Kaylin’s voice.

  “Mimi, where you at, and why is the door wide open?” I heard him ask, but I didn’t answer him.

  Once I entered the living room, my eyes landed on Kaylin and Tyreek. I watched as he looked at me then Stacy holding a gun.

  “Mimi, what’s going on? And, Stacy, why the fuck are you here?”

  “As you can see, I got tired of you hiding me and keeping my son a secret. So I came here to finally tell Mimi. But when I got here, little Miss Mimi was leaving, and imagine my surprise when I saw little Miss Kailay together with her twin sister Kayla,” she said to him, pointing toward Kailay and Kayla.

  “Twin sister? Bitch, what the fuck are you talking about? Kailay’s not a twin,” he said to her, then looked at me.

  “Why don’t you ask Mimi what I’m talking about.”

  Just then, Kayla ran over to Tyreek.

  “Daddy, what’s going on? Why do that lady has a gun pointed at Mommy?” she asked him. I looked at him and then looked at Kaylin, who looked like he was getting madder by the second.

  “Daddy? ’Reek, I thought you said that you didn’t have any kids, and, Mimi, why is this little girl calling you Mommy?” he asked me and Tyreek.

  Again, I said nothing as I watched them.

  “Well, I lied. This here is Mimi’s and my daughter Kayla. She also happens to be Kailay’s twin sister,” Tyreek said to Kaylin.

  “Yo, Mimi, what the fuck is going on?” he asked me again. All I did was look from Kayla to the rest of my children.

  “Cat got your tongue, bitch?” Stacy said, a little too loud for me.

  “Bitch, you better say something. Explain this shit right now!” Kaylin screamed.

  I was so busy looking at Stacy that I didn’t see him pulling a gun from his waist.

  “Don’t have a lot to say now, do you, Mimi?” she taunted.

  “I guess Kaylin will finally get to see you for the real ho that you are.”

  “Fuck that, I’ve had enough of both of you. Bitch, you came in here trying to start something over a nigga who will never be for you,” I said to Stacy, shutting her up.

  “And you, I’ve had just about all I can take from you. First, you cheat on me with these random, microwaveable bitches, and then you go ahead and cheat on me with a bitch that was supposed to be my friend. Not to mention that you have a baby with her,” I said to him, pointing to Stacy.

  “Now you want to bitch about me. Nigga, I should’ve been left yo’ ass, but I played a game of catch back and started fucking your friend. I pulled one of your moves on you.”

  “Bitch, and you proud to say that, ho?” he said, inching toward me.

  “What, nigga, you mad or nah?” I asked him.

  “You want to know something else? On the day that y’all got knocked by the police, I fucked both of y’all and got pregnant with Kayla and Kailay. When I found out that Kayla wasn’t yours, I decided to move, but you were supposed to stay behind. Instead, you followed me, and I had to leave Kayla with Tyreek’s mother. But don’t think that I’ve completely abandoned her. That ten thousand that I would get from you each month went to Tyreek for Kayla. Remember the ‘monthly meetings’ I’d have to take? Well, it wasn’t actually a business meeting. I went to see Kayla.

  “You want to be so high and mighty like you’re so innocent, but you’re not. Kayla and Kailay are eight, if I can recall right. Didn’t you say Kaylin Jr. is nine years old? So you do the math, but that’s not all. I ran into Jade today at the salon, and she told me that you all are expecting,” I spat.

  “Bitch, and you think you got something special,” I said to Stacy.

  I then walked over to my kids and prepared to leave.

  “Bitch, I don’t care what the fuck I did. You were fucking my friend, my best friend at that, and you got pregnant. Not only did you get pregnant with one baby, but you got pregnant with twins, by two different niggas,” he said.

  “And you, nigga, you was supposed to be my boy, but you go behind my back and fuck my bitch and got her pregnant,” he said, pointing his gun at Tyreek.

  “Kayla, go to your mother,” Tyreek said to the child.

  She then ran over to me crying. I instructed my kids to go upstairs to their room. They all started crying but went anyway.

  “Nigga, you fucked my bitch, so why you mad? I think we even,” Tyreek responded, moving closer to Kaylin.

  All of a sudden, things started going in slow motion. I watched as Kaylin raised his gun and shot Tyreek in the head, killing him instantly. I heard screaming and crying, but I couldn’t move for nothing. Kaylin then pointed his gun at me. The look on his face was one that I’ve never seen before.

  “I told you that I’d kill you if you tried to leave me,” he said, walking toward me.

  I tried to run, but I didn’t get too far before I felt four hot slugs in my back. I heard more crying and screaming as my life started flashing before my eyes. The last thing I remembered was Stacy standing over me with a smirk on her face. Then everything went black.


  I’ve been calling Mimi’s phone since I left the salon, but she wasn’t answering. She was supposed to call me once she was on the road, but she never did. I started to worry as I hopped in my car and headed to her house.

  I pulled onto her block and noticed a lot of police cars and two ambulances. I wondered what was going on. I drove down farther and noticed that they were at Mimi’s and Kaylin’s house. I hurriedly parked my car, and then ran over to the house.

  “Hey, you can’t go in there,” I heard someone say from behind me, but I wasn’t trying to hear none of that.

  Once I made it inside the house, I saw blood and a body bag by the door. I broke down crying as I continued to walk farther inside of the house.

  “Hey, you can’t be in here,” an officer said, walking over to me.

  “This is my sister’s house. Can you tell me what’s going on?” I asked him.

  “What’s your sister’s name?”

  “Amina Washington.”

  He then walked over to some old black dude and said something to him. The man then looked at me and walked over to where I was standing.

  “Hello, I’m Detective Webber. What’s your name and relation to the home owner?”

  “My name is Katherine Miller, and I’m Amina Washington’s sister. We moved here a couple of years ago from Louisiana. Can somebody please tell me what’s going on?”

  “Well, Ms. Miller, we received a 911 call saying that there were shots fired at this address. When we got here, we found two bodies; a male and a female. One, as you could see, is over there by the door, and the other one is over by the stairs.

  “Witnesses said that they saw a man leaving the scene in an all-red 2013 Yukon Denali, and a female with a little boy leaving the scene in a 2011 gray Toyota Camry.”

  “Can you tell me whose body it is that you’ve found?” I asked him, hoping Mimi wasn’t one of them.

  “Well, we need someone to identify both bodies. Will you be able to do that?” he asked me. I nodded, saying a silent prayer in the process.

  “Right this way,” he said, leading me over to the body by the door. He then instructed the coroner to open the bag. Once he opened the bag and I saw the body, I gasped loudly.

  “Th—that’s Tyreek Carter,” I said to him.

  “Tyreek Carter, and what is Mr. Carter’s relationship
to the home owners?” he asked.

  “He’s the father of one of Mimi’s, I mean, Amina’s, twin daughters, and a friend of Kaylin Williams,” I replied, and he looked at me like, “Bitch, what did you say?”

  “Kaylin Williams, is that the other home owner’s name?”


  “And where is Mr. Williams now?”

  “I don’t know. The last time I seen him, they were together,” I said, pointing to Tyreek’s dead body.

  “Okay,” he replied, writing something down on his notepad.

  “Follow me this way,” he said, walking farther into the house.

  With each step that he took, it felt like my oxygen was being cut off. I mean, there was blood and shell cases everywhere. We walked toward the stairs where another body was covered by a white blanket. Once we were there, he instructed the coroner to lift up the blanket so that I could see who was underneath it.

  When the blanket was finally pulled away, I dropped to my knees. I started boo-hooing at the sight before me. I looked at my best friend of eight years lying there lifeless on that cold-ass floor. I screamed and cursed out loud, not caring who could see or hear me. My best friend was gone. She wasn’t coming back, and it was all Kaylin’s fault. I was so emotional that I had to be removed.

  “No, Mimi. Please get up. Baby, please get up. It can’t be you down there,” I screamed, trying to break away from the people who were holding me back. A little while later, I was calm enough to talk to the detective.

  “Kaylin did this. I know he did,” I said to him.

  “And how do you know that?” he asked.

  “Because Mimi found out that he was cheating on her again. She was going to leave him today. She was also taking her kids with her. They were going to leave Atlanta for good, but he told her that if she left him, then he would kill her, and he did. He killed my best friend,” I replied as I started to cry again.

  “Okay,” he said, as he walked off to talk to another officer. Once he was done, he then walked back over to me.

  “I’ve got officers out looking for Mr. Williams. I also put an APB out on his car.”


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