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Secrets of a Kept Chick Saga

Page 20

by Ambria Davis

“Ma’am, please,” he begged, but I ignored his ass. I didn’t have time to be sitting there, and neither did his ass when he needed to be calling around looking for answers as to what the fuck happened to Mimi’s body. I left his ass in that creepy-ass room hollering as I made my way to the front of the building.

  I made it to where Kayla was sitting when he came up right behind me speed walking. “Ma’am, uh, Ms. Miller, please,” he begged once again.

  “What? What could you possibly have to say to me that would make me feel better right now, huh?” I asked, stopping to turn around. He just stood there with this dumb look on his face. “I thought so. Kayla, come on, let’s go.”

  “Is everything all right, sir?” the little lady asked when she saw me frantically trying to leave.

  “Yes, Betty, everything is fine,” he said raising his hand up to her.

  I ain’t gave a fuck about him or Betty. All I wanted to do was get the hell out of there before I caught a case in this bitch. After getting Kayla, I hurriedly made my way out of the building. I was planning to head straight to the police station to see Detective Webber. Somebody was about to give me some fucking answers, and I meant right damn now.

  I was putting Kayla in the car when Ralph came walking my way. I hurriedly shut her door and moved to the driver’s door.

  “Hold on, wait, Ms. Miller. There’s something I need to tell you,” he implored, attempting to stop me.

  “You’ve said all that you could possibly say. What could you have left to tell me?” I asked, not bothering to turn around.

  “It’s about Ms. Washington,” he replied, stopping me in my tracks. Turning around, I gave him a stone-faced look.

  “Look, I don’t know what type of games you trying to play, but I ain’t playing them with you.”

  “This isn’t a game. What I’m about to tell you is serious.”


  “Wha . . . What?” he stammered as he stood there with his hands raised in the air, looking pitiful.

  “It means start talking,” I explained, shaking my head. “I wasn’t really going to shoot you.”

  “Oh, okay,” he sighed with relief, messing with the tie around his neck. He stood there staring at me once again.

  “Umm, today would be nice.” I threw my hands up, exasperated.

  “Well, when you came to me and ask me to take care of your sister’s body, I agreed to do it. I went to pick up the body, but the people at the hospital morgue said that the body was unavailable. I asked them where the body was, and why it wasn’t available for pickup. They told me to take that up with the lead detective on the case, a Detective Webber. That same day, I went to his office down at the police station to ask him what was going on, and he told me basically the same thing.”

  Ralph took a deep breath, exhaled, and then continued. “He also told me that if anyone was to ask about the body, I had to pretend I had the body and that when you came to see about her, to tell you that the body was cremated. I told him I couldn’t lie to the people I service because I have a reputation to uphold, so he told me to say that the body was lost and whatnot. When you came in, I was supposed to suggest that you have a closed casket funeral for Ms. Washington.”

  “Hold up. So you mean to tell me that the whole time, you never had the body and that Detective Webber is doing some type of cover-up thingy?” I asked in disbelief.

  “Yes, uhh, yes, ma’am, that’s what I’m saying,” he replied, playing with his tie again.

  “Uh-huh, and he didn’t tell you what happened to the body either?” I asked, making sure that he was telling the truth.

  “No, ma’am, I never got close to her body because it wasn’t there when I went to pick it up.”

  “Okay, thank you for telling me that,” I said, completely blown away.

  “You’re welcome,” he replied, looking relieved, and then he walked off.

  I was about to get in my car when a white piece of paper caught my attention. Walking to the front of the car, I removed the paper from the windshield wiper and opened it. Once again, someone was leaving me notes and shit. Who has time to be following people around and shit? Taking a quick glance around, I didn’t see anyone. Putting the note in my pocket, I hopped in my car and headed straight for the gas station. I was about to pay Detective Webber a visit. It was time for someone to give me some answers.

  I made it to the police station in record time. I was lucky that I didn’t get a ticket or have an accident, because I broke all types of traffic laws. Truthfully, being stopped by the police was the last thing on my mind. I needed to see Detective Webber now.

  Pulling into the parking lot, I quickly found a parking space and got out. My nerves were so bad that I almost forgot about Kayla in the car until she started knocking on the window.

  “Aww, baby, Auntie’s so sorry. You okay?” I asked, kissing her on her forehead.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, Auntie Troy.”

  “Okay, well, come on, then.” We started walking to the front of the building, and I’m sure I looked like a madwoman, the way I was walking. I wasn’t playing, though. Someone was about to give me some damn answers, or else I would be going to jail. Fuck all that other shit.

  I literally made it to the door in seconds, that’s how fast I was walking. Poor Kayla was struggling to try to keep up with me. Once I made it through the door, I went straight to the front desk. “Umm, good afternoon. Is Detective Webber in?” I asked the woman sitting behind the desk. “It’s really important.”

  “I’m not sure. Can you have a seat while I check for you?”

  “Yeah, sure, okay,” I responded, grabbed Kayla by the hand, and went to look for a chair. The police station seemed packed today.

  I sat there with my legs shaking, nervous as fuck, as I waited for this fat bitch to find out if Detective Webber was here. My nerves were too bad for this shit. I took my phone out of my purse and called Mark.

  “Hey, ma, I was just about to call you. Where y’all at? We’re here waiting on y’all,” his voice boomed through the phone.

  “I don’t think that I’m going to be able to make it to the mall. I’m at the police station right now. I’m going to need y’all to meet me here ASAP,” I hoarsely whispered.

  “What’s wrong? What are you doing at the police station?” he asked, sounding all worried.

  “It’s a long-ass story, but I’ll tell you once you get here.” I blew air out in frustration.

  “Well well well, what do we have here?” I heard a voice say from my left. Turning, I spotted the same bitch whose ass I kicked the same day Mimi died.

  “Hold on right quick, Mark.” Getting up, I walked over to her.

  “Bitch, what the fuck do you want, huh? Right now is not the time for you to be playing with me,” I hissed at her. If she knew better, she’d see that right now wasn’t a good idea to come fucking with me. I already had a lot of frustration and anger built up in me, and if she wasn’t careful, she’d be foolish enough to make me whoop her ass in the police station.

  “I still owe you one, bitch. Don’t think the shit is over, because it’s far from being over. I can’t get your bitch-ass friend since she’s maggot food, but I sure as hell can get you,” Jade laughed like the shit was funny.

  When she said that, I blacked out. Taking the phone that I had in my hand, I punched her dead in her face with it, drawing blood instantly. I ain’t gave a fuck if we was in the police station or not, that ho was asking for it, so I was about to give it to her.

  “Ho, I told you that right now was not the time for you to be fucking with me, but, no, you wanted to take it there,” I snarled, giving that ho a two-piece combo to the side of her face. She tried pulling my hair, but I wasn’t about to have that. I snatched her by her fucked-up weave and swung her into a row of chairs. Walking over to her, I began to stomp that bitch all in her face, her stomach, her back—shit, all over. I was trying to paint the floor with that bitch’s blood. I was in pain, and I wanted someone else to feel
just how much pain I was in. I went to kick her again, but some big dude suddenly picked me up.

  “Fuck that shit, put me down. I told that ho not to come fucking with me, but she asked for the shit,” I screamed as I tried to get loose.

  “Ma’am, you’re going to have to calm down,” he said firmly, holding me tighter.

  “I ain’t gotta do shit, but stay black and die. Now let me go,” I yelled, but he refused to loosen his tight hold on me.

  “I’ll let you go when you calm down.”

  “Okay, I’m calm then,” I said as I stopped fighting and let my body go limp.

  “Okay, I’m about to let you go, so don’t try anything.”

  “Yeah, all right, I ain’t gonna do nothing. Just let me go,” I said softly. He was putting me down when this bitch screamed across the room at me.

  “Y’all let that bitch attack me, and I’m pregnant. Bitch, on my momma I’ma fuck you up, I swear to God I’m going to fuck you up,” she yelled. I broke away from dude’s loosened grip and tried to charge her ass, but I didn’t get far before he grabbed me again.

  I hollered, “Fuck you! I’d love to see you try, ho. I’m going to fuck yo’ slow ass up, just like I did the last two times.” They restrained me again, but this time, they took me to one of those interrogation rooms to cool down.

  “Ma’am, you’re going to have to be still,” the man who was holding me said.

  “Why I gotta be still? I ain’t said two words to that bitch. She came over there, fucking with me. So I gave her the ass whooping she was asking for.” I squirmed, sitting on the steel chair.

  “Uh-huh,” was all he said as he closed the door, leaving me to think about what had just happened.

  “Fuck,” I said, realizing what I had just done. I had completely forgotten just that fast that I had Kayla with me, but that’s how I get when I black out. I tend to forget shit. I sat there with my legs shaking as I waited for someone to come into the room. How could I be so stupid? If I go to jail, Kayla won’t have nobody. It’s bad enough that she done lost both her parents. I don’t want her to have to live in a foster home because of me.

  I was about to get up when someone came walking through the door. “Okay, young lady, are you calm enough to talk?” he asked, taking a seat in the chair across from me.

  “Yeah, I’m good now,” I said, still shaking my legs.

  “Well, okay. What’s your name?” he asked

  “My name is Troy Miller,” I replied.

  “Well, Mrs. Miller—”

  “No, it’s Ms. Miller. I’m not married.”

  “Okay, Ms. Miller. Are you aware that you were fighting in the middle of a police station?” He leaned back, folding his arms across his chest.

  “Well, like I said earlier, she came at me. I tried to tell her to leave me alone, because I know that we were indeed in the middle of the police station, but she didn’t. She touched my nigga nerve, and I whooped her ass.” I folded my arms across my chest, mimicking what he just did. “Now, if I’m going to be arrested, just arrest me. If not, can I please get out of here and go see about my niece? I’m sure she’s out there looking for me.”

  “Today is your lucky day, Ms. Miller. Since we are, in fact, very busy, and a lot of folks stated that you didn’t, in fact, start the altercation, you will not be arrested,” he said, uncrossing his arms. It felt like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, not because I was afraid, but because I was relieved. I knew Kayla didn’t have anyone down here, which probably would’ve led to her being in DCFS services. I didn’t need that right now.

  “But next time, Ms. Miller, think before you decide to start fighting someone right in the middle of the police station.”

  “Okay, thank you. Am I free to go now?” I asked, ready to get the hell up out of here. It was evident that Detective Webber wasn’t in his office either. I wasn’t tripping, because I was bound to see his ass one way or another.

  “Yes, you may go,” he said, getting up from his chair. Opening the door, I could see Kayla waiting on me with Mark and Jayden. I walked over to her and noticed that she had tearstains on her face. I kneeled down in from of her and pulled her close to me.

  “Kayla, baby, Auntie Troy is really sorry. I didn’t mean to leave you like that, but it was out of my control,” I said, apologizing to her. She didn’t say anything; all she did was nod her head and hugged me back. I felt so bad for putting her in this position. I knew that times were hard on her, and here I go, making the shit worse.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here,” I exhaled, grabbing her hand.

  “’Sup, ma,” Jayden said to me. He then turned and looked back and forth at Kayla and me. I’m pretty sure he was thinking that she looked like Mimi.

  “Is this Mimi’s—” he began to say.

  “Yes, this is Mimi’s daughter, Kayla,” I finished his sentence.

  “Yeah, but—” he started to say, but I ended up cutting him off again.

  “I’ll explain later,” I replied, because I could already see the wheels spinning in his head.

  “Okay.” His eyes were still fixed on Kayla.

  “Hey, handsome,” I said, placing a kiss on Mark’s lips.

  “Hey, beautiful, I see you’re around here being bad as usual,” he chuckled, placing his arms around my waist.

  “I didn’t go looking for trouble this time. It found me,” I corrected him.

  “Yeah, I know. Shorty here told us a little something about what happened,” he said, nodding toward Kayla.

  “Is that right?” I asked, looking at her. Nodding her head, she flashed me an innocent smile.

  “All right, y’all come on,” Mark said, leading the way for us.

  On my way out, I stopped by the front desk and left a message for Detective Webber. When I was done, I caught up with Mark, Jayden, and Kayla, who were waiting for me by the door.

  “Okay, now we can leave,” I said to them. Walking outside, I realized that it had gotten dark and there was a slight breeze. It was definitely cooler than earlier.

  “Where y’all parked at?” I asked as soon as we made it to the parking lot.

  “We’re over here,” Jayden replied, pointing to the opposite direction of the parking lot.

  “Okay, cool, I’m over here. I’m going to just go and get my car and meet y’all over there,” I said to them.

  “All right, that’s cool,” Jayden said, and then they walked off. I took my time as I began walking to my car. I needed that breath of fresh air to clear my mind. Lord knows I was having a really bad day, and I hoped this day wouldn’t get any worse.

  Once I made it to my car, I fished around in my pocket for my keys, but instead of finding them, I found the note left on my car earlier today at the funeral home. I completely forgot about that note until now. Come to think about it, I still got the other note sitting in my purse. Sighing heavily, I remembered the keys were in my purse, so I dug them up from the bottom. Opening the door, I waited until Kayla got in before I plopped down in the driver’s seat. I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders, and there’s no way to relieve the shit.

  Pulling my phone out of my purse, I scrolled through my phone for a name and number that I vowed to never contact again. I sat there stuck, tossing around the thought, Should I call him or not? I kept going back and forth with myself until I finally said fuck it and just hit the TALK button.

  My heart damn near jumped out of my chest as I waited for someone to answer the phone. I just wanted to hang up, but I know that I couldn’t, because I needed the help. I already know that Mark and Jayden have their hands full trying to find Kaylin, with no luck. I can’t bring this to them too. That’s too much shit to pile on their plates. All I need is his help this one last time, and then I promised myself that I wouldn’t contact him anymore.

  “Hello,” a chick said. I pulled the phone away from my ear to see if I had dialed the right number, because I knew Weedy wouldn’t have no chick answering his phone. When I indeed rea
lized that I had, in fact, dialed the right number, I placed the phone back to my ear.

  “Hello,” she repeated again.

  “Umm, hello, can I speak to Weedy, please?” I asked in a nice tone.

  “Uhhh, who is this, and what do you want with Weedy?” she asked with a slight attitude.

  “Who I am shouldn’t matter to you, because I didn’t call your phone nor did I call to talk to you. I called to talk to Weedy,” I replied with just as much attitude. “Now, can you please give Weedy his phone?”

  “Hold up, boo, you tripping. Who you are does, in fact, matter to me, because Weedy is my man.”

  She sounded stupid. I know this chick had to be dumb as fuck, because I never knew Weedy to wife no chick. Hell, he ain’t even wifed me, and I had his heart, so I know this bitch was lying.

  “So, I’ma ask you again. Who are you, and what do you want with Weedy?”

  “Look, trick, right now is not the time for you to be trying to play all these childish-ass games. I don’t care if Weedy’s your man or not, just put the nigga on the phone,” I screamed. I was getting heated with this bitch and her twenty damn questions.

  “Look, bitch, in case you didn’t get the message when I said it the first time, you ain’t speaking to Wendell. Now you can state what you want or hang the phone up. It’s your choice, but just know you ain’t speaking to Weedy.”

  “Bitch, look, I don’t know why yo’ simple ass over there playing Madame Secretary on a nigga’s phone for, but I can tell you that, if I was within miles of you, I’d come and show you a thing or two. It’s obvious that you have some doubts about yo’ nigga, but let me tell you something right quick. I don’t want Weedy—”

  This bitch ass interrupted me midsentence. “Good, because you wasn’t going to get him!” She sounded like a fuckin’ fourteen-year-old who was about to get into a fight over her high school boyfriend.

  “Boo, if only you knew about the history that Weedy and I have, you wouldn’t be coming out of your mouth like that. I done been there and done that shit already. I don’t want nothing like Weedy. Trust me if I wanted him, you’d be gone. All I gotta tell him is that I’m coming back home, and yo’ ass is done for,” I said with confidence. “Trust me, you can have that nigga to yourself, but then again, no, ya can’t. He’s a liar, a cheater, and he can never keep his dick in his pants. Why the fuck you think I left home? I ain’t had time for a nigga thinking he could do all kinds of shit like I didn’t have any feelings. He’s selfish and only thinks about himself and his own happiness.”


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