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Double Cross (Their Sins Book 2)

Page 4

by A. Gorman

  “More than likely, they all three knew each other in Indiana, but how did they find out about McCoy before Wade was hired on here?”

  “That I’m not sure about.”

  “Jesse had been in Indiana several years before Wade came to work here.”

  “She could have been the decoy to get to McCoy.” I draw out a time line on a piece of paper. “Wade and Chet had classes together at Indiana University. A year later, Wade and Chet graduate. Wade applies at McCoy Investments and is rejected. Weeks later, Jesse moves to Indiana, and she catches the eye of the gossip rags for the first year she’s there. Six months later, Wade changes his name. Five months later, Chet finds out about Chantelle. Wade comes to work for McCoy for the winter here, and a few months later, Jesse and Chet get involved. They get married here. Pearse and Chantelle are engaged right before Jesse and Chet are divorced.”

  “That’s a lot of coincidences.”

  “Now, seeing it on paper, I agree. The gap of time between Jesse arriving in Indiana and Wade coming to Denver gives enough time for three people to come up with a plan to set up a lot of deception.”

  “It does, but if McCoy is the ultimate goal, what do Wade and Chet have to gain by being a part of the plan?”

  “Money. Remember the deposits in Wade’s account from McCoy. I bet they are from Chantelle. It makes me wonder if she’s paying for Chet’s coke habit.”

  “All plausible, but until one of them shows up or Chantelle confesses, we are still going on theories.”

  “Right. But let’s make sure to keep eyes on Chantelle twenty-four-seven. If this is her plan, she might make the next move since Chet and Wade are out of sight.”

  “Will do. I’m picking up Wade’s shifts until we promote someone to the alpha team. HR pulled files for me to go through when I was down there earlier.”

  “Good. I trust your judgment. Congratulations on your promotion, by the way. How do you like your office?” I smirk.

  He shakes his head. “It’s all right. I need to get everything organized. Your filing system is horrible.”

  “At least I could find what I was looking for.”

  “If you say so, bro. I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” He stands and grabs his coffee cup.

  “Sounds good.”

  As he leaves, my office phone rings, and I pick up.

  “Aedan Hughes.”

  “Did you look to see who was calling?” Jesse asks.

  “No, sorry. How’s it going?”

  “Good, just wanted to let you know that I interviewed Stella Banks from accounting earlier than originally planned, and I accepted her transfer. She will start next week as my assistant.”

  “That’s excellent. I hope she will work out for you.”

  “Me too. I have a good feeling about her.”

  “That’s important. Want to go out for lunch?”

  “Yes, I’ll come by when I’m ready.”

  “Sounds good. Love you.”

  “Love you too, Mr. Hughes.”

  I hang up the phone, and I put my glasses back on to look through the files Sam brought. Now that we have a timeline, I hope somewhere in these files I can find a motive for Wade turning on us.

  Chapter Four


  Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into May fading to June, and I’m another year older. Yesterday was as if I were eighteen and going off to college, and today, I’m twenty-five and the owner of McCoy Investments. Something that I didn’t think was possible almost two years ago. Life can change in a blink of an eye and everything that I’ve been through is proof of that.

  I pinch myself some mornings to make sure I’m not dreaming, and I hope that I don’t do anything to screw it up, including my relationship with Aedan. He put himself in my life when I thought I didn’t need anyone, but I did. Not romantically, but someone who would challenge me to keep my head on straight and make sure I accomplished my goals.

  He got under my skin. I didn’t want to like someone from work, especially him, but it just happened. Aedan went about it covertly, but he knew what he wanted when I wouldn’t even give him the time of day. It’s crazy how it’s worked out, and I don’t want to lose him. He makes me feel like I’m the most important person in his life…although he’s responsible for so many people.

  I look at the clock on the bedside table and it reads five-fifteen. Aedan isn’t in bed, but that’s usual. I don’t know if he knows it’s my birthday or not, and I’m not going to say anything to him. We’ve been so busy, we are like strangers passing in the night. I would love to have some time with him without talking about work…time for him and me. I push the covers from my body and place my feet on the carpet, putting those thoughts in the back of my mind.

  “I was hoping you were still sleeping,” Aedan says from behind me.

  I turn around to see his silhouette in the entrance of the bedroom, and I turn on the light on the nightstand, softly illuminating the room. I look back at him and he has a tray of all my favorite breakfast foods and coffee—yum.

  “Happy birthday, Jesse.” He grins as he sits on the bed.

  “Thank you. I didn’t know if you knew it or not.”

  “I’ve known for a long time, but I know how you are when it comes to your birthday. I’m sorry you can’t go out and party like normal.”

  “I’m not. That’s kind of getting old.”

  “Oh? Says the one who was dirty dancing with her best friend a few months ago.” He chuckles.

  “I know, but a lot has changed between then and now. There’s a lot of behind the scenes drama I didn’t know about until I took over. I need to control my public persona better than I have been. It’s time to grow up.”

  “I agree to a point,” he says as he sits the tray on the bed. “You’re not old, you still need to have fun, but you need to go about it in a way that reflects positively on you or doesn’t draw attention to you. It’s hard to keep you safe if you are grabbing the attention of everybody around you. I mean you already do because you’re hotter than hell, but I’d rather have your looks get you noticed than your behavior.”

  “I understand. I get what you’re saying.” I did act immature before.

  “Good. Let’s move on. It’s your birthday.” His smile lights up the room.

  “Thank you again for all of this. I love you.” I break a scone in several pieces and pop one in my mouth.

  “I love you too, and you’re welcome. Do you want to go out to eat tonight? Something low key or do you have something else in mind?”

  “My schedule is overbooked. I don’t know if I’ll be home in time for us to go out.”

  Disappointment fills his face, but I can’t change it, not now. “Okay, we will plan to go out this weekend to celebrate.”

  “That works.”

  He kisses my forehead and sneaks a piece of scone as he stands.

  “I’m going to shower.”

  “Without me?” he teases.

  “You’re more than welcome to join me.”

  “Good, because I was going to anyway.” Who cares about morning breath?

  He comes to my side of the bed, scoops me up in his muscular arms, and carries me into the bathroom. I press the buttons to turn the water on in the shower, and he places me on my feet. Aedan grasps the hem of my t-shirt and pulls it over my head, exposing my nude body, and he pushes his shorts down his legs, removing his boxers with them. He pulls me into him with gentleness, kisses me as if it’s the first time he’s touched me. He tastes like berry scones. He wraps his hands in my hair, tugging back to expose my neck.

  His warm, wet lips kiss below my ear, and he places kisses down my neck, stopping at my collarbone. Goose bumps form on my arms as jolts of excitement and need run through my body. With one touch, my body craves him, craves for him to be inside of me, making me forget everything but him. He picks me up again, carrying me into the shower, and the warm water cascades over our bodies.

  “Happy birthday, beautiful,” Aedan says
as he leans my back on the wall of the shower. He consumes me again and I forget about the shower and focus on just him.


  I drink the cold coffee and eat breakfast while getting dressed. I’m running behind since the shower took longer than normal. Sexy time in the shower is fun until someone gets slippery and almost drops the other person. Glad the bedroom is close by. I glance over at the bed and see the outline of my wet body still on the bed sheets—they needed to be washed, anyway.

  “Are you riding with me or Sam this morning?” Aedan asks as he puts his hands around me, hugging me from behind.

  “I’ll ride with you.” I turn around in his arms and wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him on the cheek.

  “We could stay home today.”

  “Too many meetings, but I will see if I can get out of them early, so we can spend some time together.”

  “Are they out of the office?”

  “No, they are all in the house today.”

  “Good. You can control the time then.”

  “Yes. I can.”

  “Perfect. Are you ready?”

  “Almost. Can you take the dishes downstairs? I’ll grab the bed sheets to wash.”

  “Yes. I’ll meet you downstairs.”

  He kisses me with haste, gathers the plates and tray, and leaves the room. I find my shoes in the closet, slip them on, and smooth my clothes out before gathering everything off the bed.

  A few minutes later, I find Aedan in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee as he looks through his phone. I gather my things and make sure to brush the lint from the bedding off my skirt. It’s not even seven and I’m over being an adult for the day. I guess I miss partying a little bit.

  “Ready?” Aedan asks as he places his cup in the sink.


  The ride to the office is nothing out of the ordinary. Aedan drives fast only to have to slow down because traffic is backed up. We make it there at our normal time, a quarter till eight. When we make it up to our floor, darkness greets us as no one else is here yet, and we let ourselves into our office spaces.

  “Have a great day.” Aedan kisses my temple.

  “You too.”

  I open the door to my office, flip on the lights, and fresh cut flowers greet me as I enter the room. As I walk closer to my desk, the rose scent surrounds me. Peach colored roses, my mom’s favorite. I pluck the card out of the greenery, open the envelope, and read it:

  “Happy birthday. Love, Dad.”

  Tears well in my eyes as I try to remember the last time Mom received peach roses. Dad used to buy them all the time, especially when she was going through chemo. My mom fought and fought, but she never gave up. I hope I’m as good a person as she was.

  I take a deep, cleansing breath as I walk around my desk and sit down in my chair. Even though it’s my birthday, it will be business as usual. I can’t let anything interfere with my progress. I get to work on everything that is on my schedule for today.

  My stomach growls as I look at up the time, and it’s close to lunch time. I’ve had two phone conferences before eleven and one brief phone call after. After all three of them, I’m tired and hungry, and I didn’t plan lunch because I had a lunch meeting. However, it was rescheduled to next week. As I think about what I’m going to do, there’s a knock at my door.

  “Come in.”

  The door slowly opens and Aedan peeks in. “Lunch?”

  “I’m starving.” I get up from my desk.

  “It’s served.” He walks in with bags of Chinese food. “I had it delivered once I found out your lunch meeting was cancelled.”

  “Thank you. I didn’t even think about getting lunch until my stomach growled.”

  “I figured you would work through lunch. That isn’t good.”

  “I know, but I wanted to get through this stack of files.”

  “They will be there after lunch.” He places containers of shrimp lo mein, chicken and broccoli, and rice on the table near the windows.


  “Sorry this isn’t much of a birthday lunch. I know you don’t have a lot of time until your next meeting.”

  “Thank you. It’s perfect. You’re here with me.”

  “I love you, Jesse.” Aedan grabs my hand and rubs my knuckles with his thumb. He brings my hand to his lips and kisses it with a gentleness I didn’t think he knew. Warmth radiates throughout my body.

  “Love you too.” My heart flutters as the words flow from my mouth. I wish I had taken him up on his offer to stay home today.



  As Jesse eats her lunch, memories of our shower together this morning flood into my mind, and my cock hardens thinking about touching her wet skin. I need to plan something special for her for tonight. I pull my phone out and text my sister. She will know what to do. I’m almost thirty and I still need my sister’s help to woo my girlfriend. I give her some ideas and she told me she has it handled after she asks for my credit card number. Whatever that means, but I know she will come through with something amazing.

  Being with Jesse makes me lose all train of thought. She consumes me. I’ve never had someone affect me like she does. It’s an all-encompassing passion…and love. I don’t want to lose her.

  Our brief lunch goes by quickly, and I go back to my office and set up the rest of the plans for tonight. Leigh sends me an email and I can’t believe that’s what she thinks is a good idea. I hope she’s right. I might be laughed out of my house tonight.

  I push the thoughts of tonight to the back of my mind. I need to make it through the rest of the day. Thinking of Jesse in my arms isn’t good for my pants. It’s hard enough to be close to her, inhaling her perfume all day, and not claiming her on a desk or table. Working with her is difficult some days, because I want to be inside of her so badly, but I wouldn’t change anything about our situation.

  I clear my throat, hoping to calm the raging hormones coursing through my body, and I get back to work. Craig has several projects that need my attention. I dive into the emails and get lost in the world of intelligence software.

  A knock at the door breaks my concentration. “Come in.”

  “Hey, I’m finished early. Can you get out of here now?” I look at the time on my computer. A quarter till four. I hope Leigh can scramble.

  “Can you give me fifteen minutes? I have a few emails to reply to before I leave.”

  “Of course. I’ll get my things ready. Stop by when you’re ready.”

  “Will do.” As soon as she leaves, I grab my phone and text Leigh.

  Me: We will be at the house in less than an hour.

  Leigh: Just pulled in at your house. I’ll set up everything and the food will be in the warmer drawer.

  Me: Thank you.

  Leigh: You owe me. I need a weekend with my husband.

  Me: Let me know when. I’m sure we can make it work.

  Leigh: Thank you. Love you. And make sure you don’t step on her feet.

  Me: Love you too. I know…

  I place the phone back on my desk and reply to emails, then double check to make sure I didn’t miss anything before I close out the email program. I put all my files away and lock the drawer, turn off the monitors, and the desk lamp. I hope Jesse likes what’s in store for her.


  The smell of Italian food lingers in the air as we enter the house from the garage. She turns and smiles at me.

  “Is Laney here?”

  “No…” I grab her hand and we walk down the hallway to the kitchen. The bar is dressed in a lace tablecloth and several bouquets of flowers. White LED candles flicker, lighting the area like real candles would.

  “This is gorgeous.”

  “I had some help.”

  “Thank you. I know how hard that probably was for you,” she sasses as she places her briefcase and purse in an empty chair.

  “Yes, and I owe her…we will have my nephews in few weeks,” I say as I pull a chair out for her.<
br />
  “Sounds fun to me.” She sits, taking in everything.

  The plates and everything are sitting out, and champagne is chilling. I pop the top off the bottle and fill our flutes.

  “A toast…happy birthday to the sexiest woman I know. Happy birthday, Jesse.” We clink our glasses.

  “Thank you.” She takes a sip and moans in delight. Down, boy…

  I place my flute on the bar and grab the food from the warmer. Veal parmesan, spaghetti and breadsticks. I place a serving of everything on our plates. I grab a couple bottles of water from the fridge and sit down to eat.

  “How was the rest of your day?” I ask between bites.

  “Decent. My last meeting went better than I thought it would.”

  “That’s good.”

  “Yes. Dad thought the client would fight my suggestions, but he didn’t. However, that doesn’t mean he won’t later.”


  “I’ll take this as a small victory.”

  “I would too.”

  “How was your day?”

  “Paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. It’s taking time to adjusting to the position. I’m used to having several people answering to me a day, but it’s only Sam now. I mean, I’m head of the department, but I work directly with Sam unless something is up.”

  “I understand how that could take some getting used to.” She puts her cutlery down. “That was so good, but I’m full.”

  I pop the last bite of my breadstick in my mouth. “I’ll put it back in the container and save it for later.”

  “Sounds good.” I stand up and clear off the bar, placing everything in the dishwasher or trash. Jesse tries to help me, but I make her sit back down. It’s her birthday.

  I take her hand and lead her into the living room.

  “Are we watching a movie?”

  “No.” I press a few buttons on my surround system and the music playlist filters through the speakers. “Will you dance with me?”


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