The Devil's Due
Page 7
“Open wide, girlie, I got a big one for ya.”
My screams echoed against the alleyway walls, ricocheting at a deafening volume. I shouted at the top of my lungs...
...and suddenly, those shouts were drowned out by the sound of motorcycle engines.
Dale froze and tucked his cock back into his pants, but the fat biker still held me with the knife to my neck. “Don’t you fuckin’ move,” he breathed menacingly in my ear, but I could tell by the rapid softening of his cock that he was scared.
The biker on lookout gave a shout, and I heard the sounds of scuffling boots on pavement.
Cade suddenly appeared, leaping over the bikes blocking his path, roaring like a lion. He felled Dale with one punch, his fist connecting with his face with a sickening crack. The fat biker hauled me to my feet, dragging me back so that we were both pressed up against the alleyway wall.
“You got a lot of fuckin’ nerve showing your face here, Turner.” I heard a wet smack as he lobbed a gob of spittle at the ground.
“Let her go, Grizzly.” Cade’s voice was low, menacing.
“Not gonna happen. Stupid bitch is Rats’ property now.”
I saw a sudden blur of motion, then screamed as the knife nicked upward into my chin. Grizzly grunted as Cade wrestled the blade from his hand. I was squashed between them, no sounds but our three panting breaths.
Slowly, Cade’s incredible strength won out. He forced Grizzly’s palm open and the blade clattered to the ground.
I slipped through his grasp like water and grabbed the knife. Spinning around I turned to face him. “Motherfucker!” I screamed and launched myself towards him, aiming to bury that knife in the soft flesh of his belly.
But Cade held out a warning arm, holding me back. “We leave now. This never happened.”
Grizzly’s face contorted in impotent fury. “I ain’t promisin’ nothin’.”
“This never happened!” Cade shouted. His huge hand closed around Grizzly’s throat and I saw murder in his eyes.
“Behind you!” came the shout. Then a loud crack split the air and we all were deaf for a moment.
Jax stood in the alleyway, pistol raised high over his head. “Nobody move,” he yelled.
We froze.
Jax planted his feet, aiming squarely at Dale, who was still writhing on the ground, clutching his cheek. “We’re walking away. Right now. Cade, grab your girl.”
Grizzly slowly lifted his hands above his head, but the fury in his eyes made it clear it was with great reluctance. “Get your cheap whore outta here, Turner.”
“Fuck you!” I spat.
“Shut up,” Cade growled, and I wasn’t sure if it was directed at Grizzly or me. He threw his arm around my waist and slung me over his shoulder like a caveman. I couldn’t see as he backed his way out of the alley, and I was grateful not to have to look at my attackers any more.
The rage that had kept my fear at bay was starting to wane, and I felt tears welling in my eyes instead. I buried my face into Cade’s broad back and squeezed them shut.
He dropped me onto the seat of his bike without a word. Slinging his long leg over it, he kicked the idling engine to life and shot a nod over his shoulder. He roared into the street with Jax thundering behind us.
I wrapped my arms around his back and clung to him tightly. I was grateful that the noise of the engines drowned out the wrenching sobs that overtook me in a second. I buried my face into Cade’s leather clad back, hiding my face in his armpit like a frightened child.
The rumbling vibration of the bike underneath us soothed me, and I inhaled the scent of him, slowing my gasping sobs until I could breathe normally again. But I stayed in that position, hiding my face from the world for as long as I could.
The burning sun moved from directly overhead. When I felt Cade move his arm, I lifted my face for the first time. He was motioning to Jax to pull over at the truck stop that shimmered on the flat horizon.
In the distance, the gathered bikers looked like black ants in their leathers. My heart jumped into my throat on instinct; suddenly, bikers meant something much more dangerous to me.
Chapter 15
When we pulled in to the truck stop, I recognized the faces of the riders of the Devil’s Due. A few leers greeted me as I rode there in nothing more than my white cotton bra, but on the whole the looks I received were stone-faced. Some were seething with rage.
One of those faces belonged to Wyatt, who appeared in front of us, blocking our path. Cade killed the engine and stood up.
“Is she worth it?” he spat.
I shrank from the bile in his words, but Cade merely looked at him placidly. That seemed to piss Wyatt off even more. He took three steps to press his face right into Cade’s. Spittle flew from his mouth as he shouted.
“We just started a war over you precious piece of cooze, Cade! I’m asking you again, is she worth it?”
“Back off, Wyatt,” Cade rumbled dangerously.
Wyatt pressed his face in until his nose bumped right into Cade’s and bared his teeth like a dog.
“I can’t wait until you bring her to Moloch,” he hissed. “President’s gonna fuck your little whore sideways and take her for himself, just like he did with that...”
Cade’s hand shot out, backhanding Wyatt smartly across the jaw.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Wyatt gasped, clamping his hand across his face. Murderous fury blazed in his eyes.
“You shut your fucking mouth about that,” Cade retorted. Whirling around, he grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me from the seat. I scrambled to keep up with him as he marched me through the throng of gathered bikers and around the corner into the truck stop. Fat patrons shot nervous looks at him as he hurried me through the aisles of the snack foods and back to the restroom.
Flinging the door open with a bang that nearly shook it off its frame, he hauled me into the tiny room with him and flung the bolt on the main door.
“You stupid... are you crazy? You have no idea...” His words were spilling out faster than he could form the thoughts.
He paced back and forth like a caged animal. Every muscle in his body was taut; his fists were clenched into white-knuckled balls at his side. I cowered in the corner, pressing myself between the sink and the tile wall, trying in vain to get out of sight of his furious blue eyes. He stood in front of me, breathing heavily.
Then he lifted his fist.
I threw up my hands to protect myself and waited for the blow. I saw motion and braced myself, but it never came.
Cade whirled to the side and sank his fist into the paper towel dispenser, cracking the hard plastic like an eggshell. Blood spurted from his knuckles, but he paid it no mind, and turned to kick the door of the stall off of its hinges.
He stood there for a moment, rage spent, and shoulders heaving. I inhaled, wanting to speak, wanting to explain how I had no idea, how could I? But talking still seemed like a very bad idea.
When his breath finally slowed, he turned back to me, and I was shocked to see the fury had gone completely from his eyes. They were shining in the fluorescent overhead light. His shoulders hitched once, and then it was gone, whatever it had been.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” he ordered.
“Cleaned up?”
“You’re bleeding.”
I slowly peered into the mirror and was shocked by what I saw.
My tear-streaked face was puffy and red, with two dark purple spots in my cheeks where Grizzly had forced my mouth open. There were two points of blood still oozing on my neck and the blood had spilled down my throat to pool in the fabric of my now filthy white bra. My hair hung in tatters around my face, tangled and torn, and a whole chunk was missing near my forehead.
The sight of my face nearly brought me to tears again. I bent my face over the sink and splashed cool water in my eyes. Over and over I splashed, wanting to never stop cleansing the events of the past day away.
I didn’t stop until Cade grabbed my wrist.
His grip was gentle as he firmly pulled my hands away from the stream of water.
“Come here,” he said, and lifted his hand. I flinched in spite of myself and I saw hurt in his eyes. “You’ve got blood on you,” he explained, and dabbed the cool cloth against my throat.
I gritted my teeth against the sting. “I wish it was theirs,” I muttered.
“You’ve got some of that under your fingernails,” he chuckled.
I looked down at my hands and saw he was right. I stared in grim satisfaction at the dried blood that had pooled under my broken nails.
Cade continued to dab at my throat, rinsing the cloth as he did. His fingers worked their way down to my chest. In spite of everything, in spite of all I had been through, my body still responded to his hands on my skin. I turned to him the way a sunflower follows the sun.
“How did you find me?” I asked.
“You weren’t where I told you to be. Figured something must have delayed you.”
I couldn’t help but smile. “Oh, you think I wouldn’t have ever dared disobey otherwise?”
“Not if you knew what’s good for you,” he growled, but the smile playing around his lips belied the seriousness of his tone. Impulsively, I darted my head forward and brushed my lips quickly across that beautiful mouth.
“I think you’re pretty good for me,” I whispered.
He caught the back of my head with his huge hand and held me close to his shoulder. I heard his breath hitch again, that same alarming sound that he had made before. The sound that could almost be mistaken for a sob.
“I’m not, Lainey-girl. I’m the worst thing that could have ever happened to you.”
He lifted me up in his strong arms and I wrapped my legs around his waist. With a low growl, he slammed his lips into mine, quickly parting my teeth with an insistent thrust of his tongue.
I met the intensity of his kiss with a frenzy of my own. I had nearly been killed today; nearly been raped and violated by a pack of rabid bikers. And he had rescued me. He had somehow heard my screams from across the city and broken a truce to snatch me away.
My body sagged into his and he lifted me higher, balancing me carefully on the cold porcelain of the sink.
“How did you find me?” I gasped, pulling myself up for air.
“Rode around looking until I saw the bikes. And heard your screams.”
“I knew you’d come.”
“I just knew.”
“But how?” he insisted.
I looked at him, confused. My heart answered for me. “Because that’s the kind of man you are.”
He recoiled as if I had struck him. My words hung in the air as his mouth worked soundlessly
“ I am...” he breathed, so softly I almost missed it.
Then a light came on in his eyes, one I hadn’t seen yet. He kissed me again, harder this time, bending back my head to rain punishing kisses down my throat and across my shoulder. He pulled my tattered bra strap away and it fell down my arm to reveal my breast, which he immediately cupped in his huge hand.
I gasped as he bent his mouth to take my rising nipple in between his lips. I moaned, loving how he lavished attention on my breasts every time we made love. I arched my back and threw back my head, willing him to move down. I wanted to feel him inside of me. I wanted him to fuck away the memory of those other men touching me. He was taking too long.
“Let me,” I gasped and slid down off the sink to land heavily on the tile floor.
I knelt at his feet and looked up at him. He growled low and put his hand on my head. I tugged at his zipper, fumbling at the silver belt buckle for only a moment before I had his jeans unzipped and his cock free from its prison. I licked my lips and looked up at him again.
“I’m gonna be good for you now,” I whispered and slid my lips slowly along that smooth shaft.
I felt him harden in my mouth and relished the low moan that escaped his lips as I buried his cock in my throat all the way to the hilt. Those wiry golden hairs prickled the end of my nose and I inhaled his intoxicating scent.
His hand on my head guided me up again. He positioned his hips and began to move them rhythmically, slowly, taking control away from me. I allowed him to slide his cock in and out of my mouth. With each thrust, his motion grew stronger, harder. I grabbed onto his thighs, wrapping my fingers around the back of them and holding on for dear life as he moaned out his frustration and anger and fear.
When he thrust too deeply, I gagged involuntarily, tears springing to my eyes. Immediately, he hauled me to my feet. His mouth found mine for only the briefest of seconds before he lifted my skirt. His probing fingers shoved my panties aside and found the soft, warm slit that was waiting for them.
Sliding one finger up inside of me, he cupped my ass and lifted me back up onto the sink. I gritted my teeth at the forceful thrust of his finger as it supported my whole weight around it. As soon as the pressure eased, he pushed me back on the sink so that my head was against the mirror and my back was arched painfully around the faucet.
His thumb pressed down on my clit and I was wracked with the sudden shockwave it sent through me. He pressed harder, rubbing up and down, concentrating his whole energy on that one sensitive place. I was dragged headlong to the cliff with no build-up and no mercy.
“Oh my god!” I shrieked as the sudden, violent orgasm shook me to my core.
I squeezed my eyes shut, riding his fingers wildly when suddenly the rhythm changed. He had braced himself.
Pulling me forward, I was slammed right into that waiting cock. It filled me instantly, surging upward with no hesitation. He began pumping furiously; rocking my ass back and forth across the porcelain with wet smacking sounds.
“You’re going to listen to me now,” he growled.
It wasn’t a question and his punishing thrusts barely left me breath enough to answer. “Yes...”
“You’re mine.”
My heart leapt even as my battered pussy throbbed. The words I had waited for him to say. “Yes!”
He said no more. Pulling out of me, he spun me around so that I was facing the mirror. Grabbing my breasts from behind, he sank his teeth into my neck with an animal’s hunger. At the same time, he thrust upward again, my sopping wet pussy greeting him ecstatically.
I watched us in the mirror, moving as one, his gilt body entwined around my pale one. His huge hands engulfed my tiny breasts and his hair flopped into my platinum locks so that I couldn’t tell whose was whose.
And it didn’t matter. All that mattered was the surging motion of him inside of me.
He thrust slowly now, taking his time. He was teasing me, knowing how much I relished the feel of him inside of me.
He pulled out completely, sliding his rock hard cock between the slippery lips. His bulbous tip rubbed back and forth across my clit, parting my sensitive folds. I arched my back, tilting my pelvis down to meet it, but his hand found me first.
Still sliding along the outside of me, he darted his fingers around my clit, never fully touching it, never giving me the rough contact I craved. I lost the rhythm, lost as I was in my own torturous pleasure. My hips jerked spasmodically and I felt the low pressure deep in my core begin to build.
“What are you doing?” I moaned, frustration driving me mad.
“You get to come when I say you can,” he hissed in my ear. His hot breath brushed against the skin of my earlobe, that tiny extra sensation sending me into overload.
I nearly let go, nearly followed that tiniest of pleasures straight over the precipice and into the abyss that was growing deeper and more unfathomable the more he tortured me. But he sensed what his words had done to me and removed his fingers from my clit.
I moaned out, my whole body on fire. “Please,” I gasped.
“What did I tell you?”
“I have to listen to what you say!” I was whining now, like a child.
“Good. Now bend over.”
He pushed me roughly forw
ard and my cheek slammed into the mirror. I spread my legs in anticipation and was rewarded with the rough thrust of his cock as he put it inside of me where it belonged.
Grabbing my shoulders, he took up a punishing rhythm. My head rocked back and forth like a ragdoll. My clit was on fire from the slap of his balls against my skin.
“Please?” I begged.
He only growled in response. I scrabbled my feet against the tile floor, unable to find purchase as his thrust lifted me clear into the air. I pinwheeled my arms wildly, seeking to brace myself against the wall, but he caught my arms behind my back.
Twisting them up, he used my own arms as a brace to fuck me harder. I was immobilized, completely at his mercy, completely for his pleasure. The last shreds of my ego fell away and I lost all thought.
“Now,” he roared.
The sudden release of his words unleashed the torrent that had been rising inside of me. The sensations that had been held back on his orders broke free from their dam, crashing forth in a flood of ecstasy so forceful that my sight dimmed. It crashed and retreated, crashed and retreated like ocean waves on the stormy shore. I screamed on and on, wordless, unthinking.
From somewhere outside of myself, I felt his taut muscles bunch and gather. He surged upward with a thrust so powerful I was sure I would be split in two. His body vibrated with wordless spasms as he came over and over. He thrust out the last dying shudders as my own waves receded until we were spent.
I closed my eyes. The exhaustion of this day was taking hold. My body, numb with shock and the receding turmoil of my orgasm, was still for the first time today. He had taken my terror and rage and turned it into something else entirely. He had taken control, had taken the weight of me onto his broad shoulders. It was the second time he had rescued me today.
Embracing me from behind, Cade lifted me up from my uncomfortable perch on the sink and gently set me down on my feet. He kissed my shoulder, pulling away and I felt the emptiness inside of me.
“I wish you could stay in there,” I purred.
He rumbled a low laugh. “How would we ride?”
I smiled and turned to kiss him. “I’ll just sit across your lap. We can let the bike do the work for us.”