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Colton 911--Guardian in the Storm

Page 8

by Carla Cassidy

  Unfortunately, because it had all happened so fast and she’d been attacked from behind, she hadn’t seen the person. The police had been certain that it had been a carjacking. For as long as she had worked at the college, she’d never heard of any carjackings occurring there. But she supposed it was possible that was what it had been. There was really no other scenario that made any sense.

  A vision of an enraged Rob Garner filled her head. She still didn’t believe she needed to take his threats seriously, and she didn’t think he had anything to do with what had happened to her the night before. But what if she was wrong? She didn’t want to believe that it was anything other than a random act of violence. To believe that Rob Garner had been behind the attack was just too frightening to consider.

  Her thoughts turned to Brad. Thoughts of him always made her heart flutter just a bit. There was no question that she felt a strong physical attraction toward him, but what woman wouldn’t? He was definitely easy on the eyes. While she had found him easy to talk to, there was no way there would be anything between them except the murder that had temporarily brought them together.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of a nurse, who took her vitals and pronounced all of them good. “The doctor will be in soon,” she said and then left the room.

  It wasn’t the doctor who came in next, though. It was breakfast. She ate the toast and drank both the orange juice and coffee but didn’t have the appetite for the scrambled eggs or the limp bacon. She pushed the tray away and then settled back into her pillow.

  She didn’t realize she’d fallen back asleep, but when she opened her eyes, Brad was seated in the chair next to her bed. “Oh my gosh, how long have you been there?” she asked and raised up the head of her bed.

  “Not too long. How are you feeling?”

  He looked great in a pair of jeans and a navy polo shirt. As usual, a shoulder holster with his gun was his only accessory. Her hand self-consciously went up to her hair and then dropped back to her lap. She had no idea what she looked like at the moment, but in the end it really didn’t matter.

  “My headache is better, but I’ve definitely discovered some new body aches and pains today,” she replied.

  “I’m not surprised. You took a hard fall last night.” His gaze was warm and intense as it lingered on her. “When I got the call that you’d been taken to the hospital, it scared the hell out of me.”

  “I have to confess, when I woke up in the hospital, I was pretty scared myself. I just wish I could have given the police officers a description of the person or persons so they could get him...or them off the streets.”

  “There’s no question things would be different if you had seen who attacked you. However, I’m not convinced what happened to you was a carjacking.”

  She stared at him. “You think it was Rob Garner?”

  “I do.” A muscle throbbed in his lower jaw. “I warned you to stay away from him.”

  She picked up on a bit of frustrated anger in his voice and it stirred a touch of defensive anger in her. “I’ll admit I made a mistake when I approached him in the restaurant, but it wasn’t my fault that we ran into each other in the police station when I brought you my notes.”

  For a long moment their gazes remained locked. Finally, he raked a hand through his short hair and released a deep sigh. “Sorry, I’m not angry with you. I’m just angered by this whole situation.”

  “I’m not exactly happy about it, either,” she replied drily.

  At that moment a doctor entered the room. He introduced himself as Dr. Matt Jacobs. “How are you feeling this morning, Miss Colton?”

  “Make it Simone and I’m feeling much better. Please tell me I can go home.”

  “Only if you promise that if your headache returns or if you suffer any dizziness or unusual drowsiness, you’ll either follow up with your doctor or return to the emergency room,” he replied.

  “I promise,” she said.

  “Then I’ll have the nurse work up your discharge papers.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Jacobs.”

  “Would you please step out so I can get dressed?” Simone asked Brad once the doctor left the room.

  “Of course,” Brad replied. He immediately stood and headed for the doorway.

  Simone got up and checked the closet, where she found the clothes she’d had on the night before hanging there. Her purse and her computer case were also there. She assumed one of the officers had sent them along with her in the ambulance. She dressed quickly and then went to the door to let Brad know he could come back in.

  She was surprised to see him speaking to a police officer who was seated in a chair just outside her room. She stepped back before either man saw her and instead she sat on the edge of her bed to wait for Brad and her discharge papers.

  He knocked on the door and she told him to come in. When he entered the room again, she looked at him curiously. “Who is the officer in the chair?”

  “His name is Officer Eric Mendez. I had him sit on guard duty outside your room all night long.”

  “Did you really think that was necessary?” she asked. Her heart began to beat a little bit faster. She suddenly felt as if her orderly life was spinning out of control and she didn’t like the feeling at all.

  “I would prefer to err on the side of safety,” he replied. “And with that in mind, I hope you don’t mind but I’ve called your sisters to meet me and you at your place at two o’clock this afternoon.” He once again sat in the chair next to the bed.

  She stared at him for a long moment. “Did you tell them what happened to me?”

  He hesitated a moment and then looked away. “Yeah, I did.”

  Another edge of anger rose up inside her. “I asked you not to tell them.”

  He looked back at her and there was a hard glint in his eyes. “Simone, I am first and foremost an FBI agent, and I thought it was in everyone’s best interest to know what happened to you last night.”

  “But why? It could only have been one of two things. Either it was a random act or it was Rob Garner. In either case, why did they have to know anything?”

  “I’ll explain more about it when we’re all together with your sisters,” he replied. “I’ll take you home and we’ll wait for them there.”

  “Where is my car? Is it still at the college?” She was trying not to be upset, but once again she felt as if her carefully structured world was turning upside down.

  “I arranged for your car to be taken back to your condo parking spot.” He stood and reached into his pocket. He pulled out her key fob and held it out to her. She took it from him and dropped it into her purse.

  An awkward silence ensued. She knew Brad wasn’t telling her something and that worried her. What was going on that he felt the need to involve her family at all? She refused to beg him for the answers right now, but she couldn’t help the nerves that jangled inside her.

  Thankfully the nurse walked in at that moment with her discharge paperwork, breaking the sudden tension that had risen up between them.

  Once Simone was free to go, she and Brad left the hospital and he led her to his car. Since he’d flown into Chicago, she knew the car wasn’t his personal one, but rather one the Chicago PD had loaned him for the duration of his time here.

  The brief sunshine of the morning was gone and rain had moved in again. Unfortunately, her umbrella hadn’t been with her clothes and purse, so they raced to get to the car. Once there, Brad quickly opened the car door for her and she slid inside.

  The car interior smelled like Brad’s cologne, and even with everything that was going on, her stomach tightened with what only could be described as a faint hint of sexual tension. Or was it simply anxiety? Because she knew something was about to happen and she had no idea if that something was going to be good or very, very bad.

  Chapter 6

d knew instinctively that Simone wasn’t going to be happy with his plans for her, but he would do anything he needed to do to keep her safe from harm.

  Still, he could already feel her tension radiating toward him in the car. It felt very negative and as if she’d closed herself off.

  “Headache still gone?” he asked in an effort to break the uncomfortable silence that had grown between them.

  “Yes, thank goodness,” she replied. “Last night I could scarcely think it pounded so hard.”

  “I’m glad you’re feeling better today.” He flashed her a smile, hoping to break the tension.

  “I’m just glad I’m finished up with all my classes. I’ll also just be glad to get home and relax for the next few days.”

  Brad didn’t reply because that wasn’t at all what he had in mind for her. Again silence fell between them until he pulled up in a parking space across from her condo. Thankfully the rain had stopped, but the skies were still dark gray.

  She released what sounded like a sigh of relief. “Oh, it’s good to be here instead of the hospital,” she said as they got out of the car. “The first thing I want to do is take a nice, long hot shower.”

  Instantly a vision of her naked and beneath the shower spray filled his head. He could imagine the soap sliding down her body... The scent of her filled his head and a rush of heat took over his body.

  Jeez, what was wrong with him? Where was his professionalism when he needed it? How could he be thinking of her in that way when it was possible her life was in danger? He gave himself a hard mental shake.

  As she unlocked the door to the condo, he was interested in what her home looked like. You could tell a lot about a person by the things they chose to have around them.

  She opened the door and ushered him into an attractive living room. The floor plan was open and airy. Pictures of her siblings and parents covered one wall. It was proof that the person who lived here had strong family ties.

  The color combinations were relaxing and the overstuffed sofa looked inviting. The whole space felt warm. He could also tell there was a place for everything and everything was in its place, whispering of a bit of a control issue? Or just a person who was well organized?

  “It’s after noon. Do you want me to make you something for lunch?” she offered.

  “No, thanks, I’m good. Why don’t you go ahead and take that shower you wanted,” he replied.

  She gave him a grateful smile. “Thanks. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “Take your time.” As she disappeared from the room, he stepped over to the wall of photos. He couldn’t help the way his heart responded to the pictures of Alfred with his wife and three daughters. His murder had been so senseless and now there would never be a family photo with all of them present in it again.

  As he heard the water turn on in the bathroom, he sat down on the sofa and went over the plans he had made the night before. He’d been up all night making sure his plans were in place and everything was taken care of.

  It was really perfect, but he had a feeling Simone was going to kick and buck, which was why he’d invited her sisters to be here for backup and support.

  He hadn’t gone into much detail when he’d spoken to each of them, but his instinct in this matter was that they were definitely going to be on his side. He hoped Simone would be reasonable and realize she needed to do what was necessary.

  Twenty minutes later Simone walked back out. She looked amazing in a pair of jeans that hugged the slender length of her long legs and a blue-and-white sleeveless blouse that emphasized the thrust of her breasts and her small waist.

  She smelled like clean female with a hint of the perfume that made him think of snuggling and hot sex. Criminy, this was going to be the most difficult thing he had ever done in his entire career.

  “Are you sure you aren’t hungry?” she asked. “I’d be glad to make you a sandwich or something while we wait for my sisters to get here.”

  “Yes, I’m sure, but feel free to make yourself something if you’re hungry.”

  “I’m not,” she replied and sank down in the chair facing him. “Brad, I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with all this. I’m sure there are far more important things you should be doing with your time right now.”

  “Actually, there isn’t. I’ve got a good team and they all know what we need to do. Of course, the main goal is to get Leo behind bars.”

  She frowned. “Do you think he’s somehow managed to get out of the country?”

  “No. I don’t even think he’s made it out of Chicago. My guess is that he’s hunkered down someplace and is waiting for the heat to ease off him before he’ll make a move.”

  “But how is he existing? His parents have to somehow be getting money to him,” she said.

  “If they are, we can’t figure out how. We have eyes on all their financials and nothing suspicious has shown up. We also have tails on them, but again they haven’t done anything to indicate they have aided Leo. They’ve told us they’ve washed their hands of him and have no desire to help their son given the crimes he will be charged with.”

  She released a deep sigh and then leaned back in the chair. “So, you want to tell me now why you’ve invited my sisters to meet us here?”

  “I’ll wait until we’re all here together. It won’t be long before they’ll be here,” he replied.

  “You’re driving me crazy with your mysteriousness.”

  He smiled at her. “Normally I’m not mysterious at all. I’m pretty much an open book kind of guy.”

  She returned his smile. “Brad, I just want to thank you for everything you’ve done. Not just for me, but for my entire family.”

  “I’m just doing my job,” he replied.

  “Being at the hospital to take me home was certainly going above and beyond your job,” she replied.

  “Simone, you’re a party of interest in an ongoing investigation. What happens with you is part of my job,” he replied. And he needed to keep reminding himself that he was just doing his job and it had nothing to do with his intense, inexplicable attraction to Simone.

  For the next few minutes, they talked about the case and threw out speculations on where Leo might be hiding. At precisely two o’clock, their conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door.

  “I’ll get it,” Brad said and quickly jumped up from the sofa. With his hand on the butt of his gun, he opened the door. He relaxed at the sight of Tatum. She greeted him and then quickly beelined to Simone.

  She grabbed Simone’s hand and pulled her up off the chair and into a big hug. “Oh my God, Simone. Are you okay? I couldn’t believe it when Agent Howard told me what happened to you last night.”

  “I’m fine,” Simone assured her. “I’ve just got a little bump on the back of my head.” She returned to her seat and gestured for Tatum to sit on the sofa.

  “I’ve got a million questions to ask you about exactly what happened, but I’ll wait until January gets here because I know she’ll have the same questions I have.” The words had barely left Tatum’s mouth when another knock sounded at the door.

  January flew through the door and more hugs were given. Finally, everyone was settled in. The two sisters and Brad on the sofa and Simone in the chair.

  After a fifteen-minute session of asking Simone for all the details concerning exactly what had happened to her the night before and Simone answering all the questions, they then looked expectantly to Brad.

  He cleared his throat and stood. “I’m sure you all are wondering why I’ve brought you together. Now that you know what happened to Simone last night, I have to tell you I don’t believe it was a carjacking or a random attack.”

  “Then who do you think attacked her?” Tatum asked.

  “All my instincts tell me it was Rob Garner, or somebody working with him,” Brad replied.

Why would Jared Garner’s father be after Simone? What would he have to gain by attacking her?” Tatum stared at Simone and then looked back to Brad. “We know about the two encounters she had with the man, but do you really believe he’d follow through with physical violence?”

  “This is what I think,” Brad said. “I believe Rob now believes that Simone is actively working to see his son put away in prison forever. I believe he sees her as a danger to his family, and because of that, he’s a real danger to Simone. I think he tried to kill her last night and was unsuccessful. I think he’ll try again. My plan is to get Simone out of town and hidden away until either Jared confesses or Leo is captured.”

  “Oh, no,” Simone instantly said. She halfway rose from the chair and then sat back down again. “I’m not leaving my home because of this bigmouthed bully.”

  “Simone, he’s more than a bully. Even you know that he beats his son. He’s a brutal man and I believe he’ll come after you again,” Brad said firmly.

  “Then you have to go, Simone,” Tatum said firmly.

  “Simone, there’s no question about it. You must go,” January added. “We can’t take any risks with your safety. I refuse to lose another family member. Mom would want you to go, too.”

  “I think you’re all overreacting,” Simone said, her slightly narrowed eyes telling Brad she was irritated with him.

  “But what if I’m not?” Brad replied. The whole situation had burned in his gut all night long. He’d tried to make himself believe that the attack on her had been random and had nothing to do with Rob Garner, but he’d been unsuccessful.

  He truly believed he needed to get her away from Chicago and he’d made the perfect arrangements. The only thing he needed to do now was convince her to go with him.

  “Simone, you have no work to worry about right now. You have nothing on your plate that is more important than your very life,” Tatum said.

  Simone looked at both her sisters and then released an audible deep sigh. She looked back at Brad. “Okay. What do you have in mind?”


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