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Werebear's Nanny_A Paranormal Romance

Page 13

by T. S. Ryder

  Tyrell dropped his chin to his chest.

  “What the hell happened, Tyrell?”

  Wincing, Tyrell told him everything. When he was done, Ricky swore. For a moment, Tyrell was certain Ricky was going to hit him. He braced himself for it, but the blow never came.

  “I don’t want you to go anywhere near Rex, or there will be consequences.” Ricky shook his head, his gaze full of anger. “You are my second, Tyrell. I can’t have you start acting like an idiot. Especially now that Kurtis and I are ready to come out as each other’s mates as well as Diana’s. You know how people are going to take that. I need you to back me up on this. I can’t have you acting the fool.”

  Hot anger rose up Tyrell’s chest and his head snapped up. “So this is all about you, is it? Who cares what I feel—I’m just your second, an extension of you. Who cares that I just lost—”

  “You didn’t lose Cynthia,” Ricky snarled. “You drove her away. You can’t blame this one on Rex. You are the reason why she’s gone. The sooner you accept that...”

  Tyrell clenched his jaw and hands, but what could he say?

  Ricky sighed, sounding like the fight had gone out of him. “Look, I know you’re hurt and angry right now. There isn’t anything anybody can say or do to make that better. But it’s not completely hopeless. Cynthia’s left the island but she’s still on the coast of the mainland. She’s actually been talking with Diana lately.”

  Was she still nearby? Tyrell suddenly felt a thousand pounds lighter. He leaped towards the truck. He’d go to the mainland. Seek her out and tell her just how sorry he was. He knew it wasn’t going to make everything better just like that, but he could at least tell her that he was sorry.

  Let her know that he hadn’t told her he was a bear because he was afraid—afraid she would leave.

  Ricky dove in front of him, stopping him from opening the truck door. Tyrell let out an annoyed huff, but Ricky glared at him.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m going to the mainland.” Wasn’t it obvious? “I’m going to find Cynthia and win her back. She’ll see that I was just—”

  Ricky pushed Tyrell away from the truck and narrowed his eyes. “What the hell?”

  Tyrell frowned. “What’s got your panties in a bunch?”

  “You can’t just go running off after the woman who left you. This isn’t one of those romantic comedies where you go chasing after her and she automatically forgives you for all the crap you pulled. She left, Tyrell. She’s not looking for you to chase after her. She needs time to process what is happening and decide what’s best for her. You can’t go around pushing her into anything.”


  “But?” Ricky roared. “But? You’re not even listening—alright, fine. You are forbidden from leaving this island until you’ve got your head screwed on straight.”

  Tyrell’s face twisted. He let out a strangled howl and jumped at his alpha, but Ricky merely twisted him away and threw him into the dirt. Tyrell scrambled back to his feet and Ricky threw him down again.

  “You can’t keep me from my mate,” Tyrell screamed.

  Ricky caught him, tripping him, and pushed him into the ground. He twisted one arm behind Tyrell’s back as he pinned him in place. “Your mate? She’s your mate?”

  “Yes, she is!” Tyrell writhed and spat, more cat than a bear. “She’s mine!”

  “And how do you know that?”

  Tyrell growled.

  “Did she say she was yours? Did she agree to it?”

  “Get off me!”

  Ricky ground his face harder into the driveway. “Did she say she was your mate?”


  “Then she’s not.”

  Tyrell managed to get his arm free, but Ricky’s words stopped him from fighting anymore. What was he doing? Attacking his alpha, claiming Cynthia as his mate when they had never even had a conversation about what they meant to each other? He was acting just like Rex: pushy and possessive.

  That disheartened him, but it also soothed his anger. Tyrell took deep, calming breaths and forced himself to relax. His brain buzzed, but he managed to get those thoughts aside and simply concentrated on calming his emotions. It wasn’t until he was calm once more that Ricky released him.

  Panting, Tyrell got to his feet. He beat the dirt off his shirt and pants and glanced at Ricky. The alpha glared at him, clearly expecting more challenge. But Tyrell was done fighting. He held up his hands in surrender.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled. “Guess I got carried away there.”

  “You can say that again.” Ricky snorted but relaxed. He jerked his head and led Tyrell into the house, where he got them both some cold water.

  “Got beer in the fridge,” Tyrell grumbled.

  Ricky snorted again. “The last thing you need is alcohol.”

  Well, that was true, wasn’t it? Tyrell sipped the water. It felt cold and good as it ran down his parched throat. They had been having some unnaturally warm weather lately. He knew he couldn’t blame his reckless actions on it, but it was nice to pretend like he could. After a moment, he glanced over at Ricky.

  “Thanks,” he said grudgingly.

  Ricky snorted. “For what? Beating the heck out of you?”

  “You didn’t beat anything out of me. And heck?”

  “Diana wants us to stop swearing so much since the baby’s come along.”

  Tyrell had to grin at that. “You were swearing pretty good just a while ago.”

  Ricky narrowed his eyes. “Tell her that and I’ll pulverize you.”

  The lingering tension between them eased as they both grinned. The knots in Tyrell’s shoulders loosened and he drank more of the water. Ricky had a point—he was always a smart one. Cynthia hadn’t agreed to anything with him, other than just the casual hookups. That wasn’t enough to say that she wanted anything more.

  And it certainly wasn’t enough to say that she had any intention of forgiving him for what he had done.

  With a sigh, he set his glass down and shook his head. “I won’t leave the island.”

  “Good. Because you’re still forbidden.”

  “What should I do, though? I want her to know that I didn’t mean to drive her away. I want her to know how sorry I am.”

  Ricky stared at him for a long moment before shaking his head. “I know it sounds counter-productive, but honestly? Don’t do anything. Give her space and time. If you keep pushing, you’ll just push her away. And I think you can take my word for it,” he added. “Because I’ve only had two great love affairs in my life and I’ve ended up with both of them.”

  Tyrell smiled. He nodded his understanding, even though his heart was still heavy. “And if she never forgives me?”

  “Well...” Ricky sighed. “She might not. But if you love her you have to respect her. And that means accepting her choices.”

  “Right. This is why I’ve never let myself fall in love before…” Tyrell ran a hand over his eyes. This was so confusing… “Thanks, man. I appreciate it. And as for you and Kurtis, I’ve got your back. Never doubt that.”

  “I know.” Ricky grinned, then straightened. “Now. Are you ready to hear what I came to tell you?”

  Tyrell frowned. There was more?

  “We found Smith.”

  Tyrell leaped to his feet, eyes wide. His bear snarled, eager to find him, pulverize him and make sure that he could never hurt Cynthia again. He was already snarling out the question of where he was when Ricky seized him by the arm and pulled him back down. The glare on his alpha’s face rooted him to the spot.

  “He can’t be allowed near Cynthia.”

  “And he won’t be. He was attempting a steal a boat. We think that he was trying to go after her. But he’s been arrested and he’s locked up, Tyrell.”

  Tyrell found himself scowling. “Guess that means I won’t be allowed to go beat the crap out of him?”

  Ricky’s glare was answer enough.

t, alright. I won’t beat him up. You know he can take it though? I mean, he was second to Noel’s father.” He remembered how the two had had a falling out over what to do with humans who ended up on the island. Smith had suggested keeping them or sending them off without aid, but Noel’s father always insisted on returning them to the mainland safely. “You sure he’s locked up for good? He’s got supporters.”

  Ricky smirked arrogantly. “Anybody who sides with him against four alphas will soon find themselves in the same situation. Stay away from Rex and Smith, got it?”

  Tyrell scowled. “Fine.”

  “Good. Stay in radio contact.”

  Tyrell nodded. He watched his alpha leave, then sighed. Ricky was right. He needed to get his head screwed on straight. All this bluster and aggression wasn’t like him. What kind of example was he setting for Tamara? He needed to figure out his brain. The sooner, the better.

  It didn’t stop him from wanting to go after Smith, though. Knowing he was locked up helped, but the fury Tyrell felt about him attacking Cynthia was still there. As well as, he had to admit, worry that Smith might somehow find a way to hurt Cynthia. Smith couldn’t touch her while locked up, though. Tyrell would just have to accept that.

  He just wished he could tell Cynthia that Smith was locked away himself.

  Chapter Fifteen – Cynthia

  When Ricky showed up at her hotel room, Cynthia thought he was there to drag her back to the island and lock her up. But he didn’t. Instead, he asked her to join him for a walk. She thought that maybe that meant he was going to kidnap her. She went anyway. After all, if he tried anything, it would give her the final push she needed to finally leave for good.

  He didn’t try to kidnap her, though. Instead, they walked along the beach until they were well away from prying ears. Then, Ricky gestured for her to sit on a bench. Seagulls cried overhead, and the waves lapped at the beach calmly. The sun reflected off the water, glittering like one giant, glittering diamond.

  “So.” She turned to Ricky. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

  “Smith has been apprehended. You don’t have to worry about him anymore.”

  Right. Smith. She had watched out for him a little as she was out here, but she hadn’t been worried. She wasn’t on the island anymore, after all. “Good. I’m glad. What will happen to him?”

  “He’ll be given a chance to explain and then tried according to our laws.” Ricky paused for a moment, then continued. “With Smith out of the way, I would like you to return to the island.”

  Cynthia shook her head. She couldn’t do that, not when there was so much calling her to stay there forever. “I won’t tell anybody your… secret. I don’t imagine people would really believe me, but I also get that people knowing about you is a frightening prospect for you and your people. So I won’t tell anybody. I promise.”

  Ricky nodded. Some of the tension in his jaw loosened. “Thank you. But that’s not why I want you back.”

  She shivered, already knowing what he meant. “Tyrell.”

  “Yes. He has… not been acting like himself lately.”

  What did that mean? Cynthia remained silent.

  Ricky surveyed her for a moment before shrugging. “I’ve known Tyrell since we were boys. He and Rex Tesla have always been at each other’s throats. They just have those opposite personalities, clashing from day one. But I have never seen Tyrell lose his cool before. And I can’t help but think that it is because of you.”

  Was he blaming her for all this? Cynthia opened her mouth angrily to retort that Tyrell could make his own damn choices, but Ricky didn’t give her the chance.

  “I’m not saying it’s your fault. It’s his fault, being such a bone-headed lug nut. He’s been denying his feelings, and that’s never healthy. He’s acting out not even knowing what’s going on in his own heart.” Ricky paused a moment, his expression becoming thoughtful. “And I have some experience with that myself. Tyrell’s always kept himself guarded. Especially after what happened to Angela.”

  “What did happen to her? I know that she died and Rex blames Tyrell...”

  “Tyrell blames himself, too. Angela and Tyrell were lovers. Normally that wouldn’t be such a big deal. Among us bears it’s common to have lots of lovers over our lifetime, until we find our mate. What made their situation tricky was that Angela got pregnant… on purpose.”

  Cynthia’s eyes widened. She hadn’t been expecting that!

  “She had fallen in love with Tyrell and thought they were mates. When she got pregnant, she demanded that he marry her. He flatly refused… He told her that he couldn’t mate someone as timid and helpless as she was. So she joined the hunter's mission with her parents that ended with them all dying. Tyrell has never forgiven himself for that.”

  Cynthia blew out a breath. That was about what she had been expecting to hear, but actually hearing it… She wrapped her arms around her middle, considering what she had just learned. “That’s not really his fault then. If she was the one who made that choice… it wasn’t like he told her to join, was it?”

  “No, but it was still because of him that she went.”

  “And you’re telling me this because…?”

  “Because ever since then, Tyrell’s kept himself closed. He hasn’t struck up any new relationships. Not romantic, not even friendships. He lives for Tamara and only Tamara. Until you came along. And I think you showed him everything that he’s been missing. Helped him to look outside of himself. Only he doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings.”

  A gull dove into the ocean and pulled a crab out; as it started flying to the sidewalk to smash it, the crab pinched its leg, making the gull drop it back into the ocean.

  “I guess I’m here to ask you to move one way or another. Either break away from us entirely so Tyrell knows to move on, or come back and give him a second chance.”

  There was a ring of authority in Ricky’s voice that was hard to ignore, but she still did. Just because he was convincing didn’t mean she was going to just let herself go back at the snap of his fingers. “I am not going to be one of those women who end up in a bad situation because she ignored warning signs. Look… I know that Tyrell panicked but if that’s how he acts under pressure, then he doesn’t deserve me on his good days.”

  Ricky nodded. Something flashed in his eyes but he looked away. “You think he’ll abuse you.”

  The words took her breath away. All she wanted to do in that second was to deny it. Of course not. Tyrell would never hurt her. She knew him well enough for that. He’d never do anything to intentionally cause her harm. She opened her mouth to say just that, but the words caught in her throat.

  If that wasn’t what she was afraid of, why was she so hesitant to go back to him?

  “I… I don’t think he would… But… I’ve had friends who were certain that their boyfriends wouldn’t. And the next thing I knew...” She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “I’m not as good a judge of character as I thought. Besides, he doesn’t even want me that way. It was just a casual, friends-with-benefits type of thing.”

  “If Tyrell wanted something causal he’d have stuck with coming out to the mainland for one-night-stands.” Ricky shook his head, a rueful smile coming over his face. “I didn’t intend to come out here trying to convince you to take him back. But you do need to make up your mind, either take the risk or shun him.”

  Cynthia sighed. “I know. Especially since I can’t afford to stay at a hotel forever.”

  “Well...” Ricky hummed. “Kurtis, he’s one of the other alphas, he’s got an empty house in town. It’s where you stayed before. You’re welcome to go live there until you’ve made up your mind.”

  Back on the island. Not near Tyrell, though, or Rex. Would that be enough distance to let her make up her mind? There was a reason she hadn’t been able to make a move. Maybe she needed to look in Tyrell’s eye and tell him it was over.

  Maybe she needed to look in his eye and say she forgave hi

  “I don’t know…” She chewed on her lip. “If I stay much longer, I won’t have any money to get away from here.”

  Ricky nodded once.

  Cynthia sighed. She didn’t want to leave. “I’ll come to the island… but I don’t want to see Tyrell until I’m ready.”

  “I’ll let him know that. It’s been killing him, keeping his distance. I’m glad that it seems to be working, though.”

  Cynthia didn’t respond. Her emotions were in complete turmoil, but she was satisfied with the decision she had made. Back to the island. And from there, she would be able to make a choice, one way or the other.


  She hadn’t been in Kurtis’ house more than a few hours when the door banged open. Cynthia, sitting in front of the TV trying not to think, jumped to her feet. Rex, looking disheveled with bloodshot eyes and reeking of alcohol, stumbled in. His gaze swept the room and when they landed on her, he slammed the door behind himself.

  “I knew you’d come back,” he crowed.

  “Rex, I am not in the mood for—”

  Before she could finish, he had crossed the room and caught her in his arms. His mouth closed over hers, tasting like whiskey and fish, hungrily probing. His hands gripped her hips hard, pulling her against him while he backed her into the couch.

  Cynthia twisted her head and managed to push him off. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “You came back.” He hiccupped. “You came back for me.”

  “I did no such thing.”

  He swayed on the spot for a moment, then dropped. At first, she thought he was on the verge of passing out, but after another moment, he pulled a box from his pants. “Cynthia, we are mates. Marry me.”

  He opened the box to reveal a diamond ring nestled inside. Cynthia’s jaw dropped.

  “What the hell?”

  Rex stared at her. “I know you don’t get it, but you will. We’re mates. My bear is telling me that you are the only one for me. Please, please just say you’re mine.”

  He took her hand and fumbled with the ring, but she yanked it away from him quickly.


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