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Werebear's Nanny_A Paranormal Romance

Page 15

by T. S. Ryder

  “Go home,” he said eventually.

  “You can’t just let—” Cynthia started.

  “Go home,” Ricky repeated, more firmly. “We will contact you with more details.”

  Tyrell nodded tersely. He opened the truck door for Cynthia again. The drive back to the farm was silent. A headache pounded in his brain and he was completely uncertain about what he was supposed to say to her. As the anger trickled away and they arrived at the farm, he wondered how she must be feeling right now. Terrified and furious, most likely.

  He sighed. “Cynthia—”

  “I need time to think,” she interrupted softly. “I’ll see you in about half an hour.”

  Tyrell nodded. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Cynthia sighed as she got out of the truck. He watched her go into the house, his hand on the keys. He wanted nothing more than to just rush after her and pull her into his arms. Kiss away all of her fears. But she wanted time to think.

  With a sigh, he pulled the truck from the driveway. He needed to go pick up Tamara… How was he meant to tell her what had happened?

  A soft, bitter laugh escaped him as he pulled away. How was it that even now, when James Smith was locked up, he was still causing problems for Cynthia?

  Chapter Seventeen – Cynthia

  The fight would take place in two days. Cynthia thought about going to Rex and begging him to rescind his challenge, but Rex had already proven that he didn’t care two whits about what she wanted. She already knew he wouldn’t listen.

  He hadn’t cared about her at all from the start. It was never about her. He cared only about himself.

  Knowing that there would be a fight and that her future may well be out of her hands did nothing for her mood. Though she railed, eventually she came to the understanding that there was nothing that she could do about it, except make every moment she had with Tyrell worth something.

  He had assured her that neither of them would die in this. But she had seen the truth in his eyes.

  Tensions were high, to the point where Cynthia could hardly eat. The tense atmosphere was clearly having an effect on Tamara, too, even though they hadn’t told her about what Rex had done. Tyrell still didn’t want her to think of her uncle with hatred. Cynthia wasn’t so charitable, but she agreed not to talk negatively about him around Tamara. Tyrell just wanted her to have a happy life and she could appreciate that.

  To lighten up the atmosphere a little, Tyrell asked Ruby to come out and stay with them. Ruby, to her credit, was able to bring some liveliness back to the house. By telling jokes and convincing them all to put on short skits for each other, she was able to distract them from the coming violence.

  The night before the fight, Cynthia approached Ruby when Tyrell took Tamara upstairs to put her to bed.

  “I am going to take Tyrell out to the barn when he comes back down,” she told Ruby. “And I’m going to need you to run interference with Tamara if she refuses to go to sleep. With the fight tomorrow…”

  Ruby took Cynthia’s hand and squeezed it. “Don’t worry about it. I know what you mean. Honestly, I’ve been amazed that you two have been able to keep your hands off of each other until now. Don’t think I haven’t caught those longing glances that you keep giving one another. If it were me, I’d have been living in the barn with my man. Or at least, living in bed.”

  Cynthia smiled, too relieved to have her support to be embarrassed by her words. Tyrell came down shortly, a dark look haunting his eyes. Without a word, Cynthia took his hand and pulled him toward the door.

  “What—Cynthia. What are you doing?”

  “We need to talk.”

  Ruby snorted and Cynthia glared at her. She cleared her throat and turned aside. Tyrell, though, had caught onto that knowing smirk and didn’t protest as Cynthia led him outside. She took him to the barn. Boots and Baby Girl had rejoined the herd by this time, and the stalls had been scrubbed clean with lime. The barn smelled like hay and clean air and nothing else.

  Her heart hammered as she pulled him up into the hayloft, where they could be assured of their privacy, and took both of his hands in hers. The night was still warm, though there was a slight nip in the air that promised that it would become chilly before dawn came.

  Tyrell moved in to kiss her, but she pulled back. Her body ached for his, but there was something else that she needed to know first. The idea that after tomorrow they might not be able to be together because of somebody else putting a claim on her… as if what she wanted didn’t matter? Her jaw tightened.

  “Are you really planning on fighting tomorrow?” she demanded.

  Tyrell’s gaze was steely. “If it will get Rex to back off and leave you alone, then yes. I will beat him, and you’ll be free of him.”

  “Really? Because he’s proven that he’s really good at respecting boundaries.” Cynthia shivered, annoyance and fear making her grind her teeth. “What is the point of this fight, unless your precious alphas intend to force me to be with him if you lose? This is so messed up!”

  Tyrell sighed, pulling her a little closer. “I know that this is hard for you to understand. These kinds of fights… they’re not common. In most cases, I’m sure that the alphas would have simply refused to honor the challenge. But they want to change things. Major things. They have to be careful about which battles they pick. And if Rex is determined to do this… hell, he might challenge one or all of them if they refuse.”

  “Then they should accept his challenge and beat him.” Cynthia knew she was being sulky but she didn’t care. How could they do this to her and Tyrell? “I thought your friend Ricky was going to back us up, but he didn’t.”

  “He had his reasons.”

  “What reasons?”


  She narrowed her eyes, but it was clear that she wasn’t going to get anything else from him. She dug her hands into her hair, nostrils flaring and resisting the urge to stomp her feet. “And what I want doesn’t count, does it? Even though I want to be yours.”

  “I want you to be mine, too.” Tyrell reached for her again. “And no matter the outcome tomorrow, know that I won’t give up on you. I am yours. I will do whatever it takes for you and me to live a safe, happy life together.”

  “Whatever it takes?” Her eyes filled with tears as she imagined what that might mean. Killing Rex? Suffering horrendous injuries? Leaving the island entirely?

  Tyrell brushed his lips against hers. “Whatever it takes.”

  She didn’t want to be that woman. The one that the hero had to give up everything for. She wanted to fall into a comfortable life, to give her lover what he wanted and needed, not taking things away from him. Tears started to burn her eyes and her fingers dug into his shirt. He smelled like sweat and hay-fields. So tempting, so tantalizing. It reminded her of growing up on the farm, from before she understood the world enough to be unsatisfied with her life.

  “Tyrell…” she whispered.


  “I want...” She leaned forward, her gaze on his lips. He started to smile, but she put a finger over his mouth, trying to get the words out. She wanted this so badly, but for some reason, she couldn’t get it out. Because she didn’t know how he would react when she said it? She looked up at him, eyes shining with unshed tears. “Tyrell, I want to have your baby.”

  His eyes widened and so did hers. That wasn’t what she meant to say; she had meant to say that she wanted to have a night of passion, making love until they couldn’t walk anymore.

  But even though it shocked her, she knew it was true. She wanted to have his baby. Half him, half her. His red hair, his strong jaw. She wanted it so badly that she couldn’t hold herself back from lifting herself to her toes and pressing her mouth towards him. The kiss seared between them and Tyrell’s hands gripped her hard.

  “Wait.” He pulled back slightly. “Are you sure? And… right away? I know there isn’t any guarantee if we try tonight that it will work, but… I mean, emotions
are pretty high right now...”

  “I want your baby,” she repeated, more firmly this time. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to give you more children, I want to give Tamara brothers and sisters. I want to be her mom. That’s what I want… what do you want?”

  Tyrell rested his forehead against hers. He smiled at her, even as tears glimmered in his eyes. His thumb ran over her cheekbone and he let out a shaky laugh that was more a sigh. “I want that, too. When this is over… Cynthia Jones, will you be my mate? My wife? My happily ever after?”

  She threw her arms around him. Their mouths met each other hungrily, eagerly. Heat simmered under her skin, which felt too tight for her body. Her core tightened as his hands found her ass and pulled her tightly against him. His mouth moved to her neck and shoulders. He already panted for breath as she tangled her hands in his hair. There was a sense of desperation to their actions but also triumph. Cynthia’s heart soared, and it seemed like all the fears from the crap going on in their lives just faded away. They had each other. What more did they need?

  “You want to get pregnant tonight?” Tyrell hissed into her ear.

  A shiver ran down her spine. “Yes. I mean… I don’t know where in my cycle I am.”

  She frowned, trying to think of when she last had her period. Nothing came up. She was certain that it hadn’t been too long ago, but it wasn’t something that she had ever really tracked before. It just came when it came. She shrugged.

  “What I mean is I’d like to start trying tonight.”

  Tyrell kissed her again. It was hot, it was sweet, it took her breath away. He stepped back and tugged on the hem of her shirt. Cynthia lifted her arms, letting him undress her. When he removed her bra, dropping it to their feet, he slid a hand up her bare back. Then his fingers traced the red indents that the strap had left on her rib cage. His touch was so feather-light that she couldn’t stop herself from shivering.

  “Looks like you need a bigger size,” he mentioned.

  Cynthia glared at him.

  Tyrell caught her expression and actually smirked. “Bigger for your boobs, I mean. The cup size you have been using, it’s too small.”

  It was a lie and she knew it, but it was a nice lie that mollified her. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her jeans, but Tyrell took her wrists and stopped her.

  “My job,” he whispered huskily.

  Cynthia reached behind herself to brace against a stack of hay bales as Tyrell knelt. He tugged her jeans down, pulling her underwear with them, and pressed butterfly-light kisses to her hip and thigh as he slowly made his way down. When she stepped out of the jeans, he caught her foot, kissed her ankle, and pulled off her shoe and sock. He moved to the other one, removing that last scrap of clothing on her body, then slowly began working his way back up.

  His tongue licked the inside of her thigh. Cynthia moaned in anticipation, bowing her legs slightly to give him access. He stopped right before he got to her sweet spot, though. She whimpered, reaching to grab his head with one hand. He took her wrist, kissed her palm, and placed it back against the hay. The unspoken command was clear. Let him explore her as he desired.

  Cynthia closed her eyes, fingers digging into the hay as she told herself to be patient. Her head lolled back as Tyrell kissed up her stomach, flicking his tongue over her sternum before he took one nipple into her mouth. A spike of pleasure ran through her to her core, a firework sparking in the center of her body. Her nipple hardened in his mouth, the other pearling when he cupped that breast in his hand and brushed his thumb over the little nub.

  He moved his mouth to the other breast then, catching it lightly between his teeth. Cynthia gasped as what felt like a spark of electricity moved from it directly to her clit. It throbbed, needing attention. She reached to grab his shoulder, wanting to push him down until his open mouth was just in the right position. A hand ran up her thigh, though, leaving what felt like a streak of fire in its wake. It was all she could do to brace herself against him and press herself more firmly to the hay behind her.

  “You know,” Tyrell kissed her rib and slowly began to work his way down. “I like this view. Your nipples are tight and hard, that long neck of yours all flushed pink. I think I might stay here for a while.”

  Her breathing hitched as he kissed just below her navel. Then her hip, then the inside of her thigh. Only to start moving up again.

  “Tyrell!” Cynthia panted, her voice taking on a note of pleading.

  Tyrell only grinned wickedly and worked his way back to her breasts. After he sucked on them again, causing her to tighten to a point where she was whimpering with need, he stood. He nibbled at her neck, then crushed his mouth to hers again. She found the buttons on his shirt and attempted to undo them but her hands were shaking, from desire and eagerness, and she couldn’t seem to get a grip on the tiny round plastic.

  When he delved back into her neck, she gave up trying at all and simply ripped the shirt open. Buttons popped off, pinging against her breasts, and she slid her hands under the fabric. His skin was smooth, hot, his muscles firm. She explored the contours of his chest greedily, finally finding his nipples with both hands and tweaking them gently.

  Tyrell’s hands moved to her ass. He swung her around, backing her toward the pile of loose hay that stood at the back of the loft. Cynthia kissed every inch of him that she could, struggling to get him out of his clothes. Tyrell grunted as he lifted her up. With one hand, he patted around on a rafter and yanked out a blanket. A cloud of dust fell over them and Cynthia jerked and squealed.

  “What is that?” she demanded, coughing.

  Tyrell held up the red plaid blanket while sneezing. “Blanket.”

  “What for?”

  “Don’t want your pretty skin to get all marked up by the hay. It’s scratchy.” Tyrell set her down and whipped the blanket back and forth a few times until the air had cleared.

  She eyed it with a raised brow. “Have you been saving that out here for me or is this a popular make out site for your past conquests?”

  Tyrell tried to give her an innocent look, but it faded quickly into a devilish grin. “Coincidence, my dear. I promise.”


  He spread the blanket out over the hay, then backed up a step to start on his jeans. The dust was quickly forgotten as he undid his belt, pulling it from one loop at a time. With his muscles and that grin on his face, he looked like the pinup picture for August in a calendar. The barn was feeling rather hot. He dropped the belt and removed his jeans. As always, the sight of him filled Cynthia with excitement. She moved to get to her knees, but he caught her wrists and brought her to his mouth instead.

  It seemed he didn’t need her help today after all.

  Tyrell picked her up again, and this time he laid her gently down. Even with the blanket bits of hay poked into her back, but she soon found herself forgetting about that. He kissed down her body and, finally, focused in on her clit. Cynthia held her legs open for him, her hands on her knees to stop herself from pulling his hair. Her back arched, pushing her hips up closer to his face. Tyrell held her in place with one hand while he flicked her clit with his tongue and used the other hand to stroke inside of her.

  Pleasure welled up inside of her like a storm on the ocean. Her cries were the thunder, shocks of lightning echoing from her core, spiking down her legs and up her spine. Tyrell’s tongue lapped at her like the waves lapping against the shore. She rocked, wanting more pressure, wanting less pressure. It was too much and not enough. Just when she thought she might go crazy, Tyrell pulled back.

  “Don’t stop,” she begged.

  Tyrell focused on her breasts again, working her with one hand until she was crying out every few seconds. Then, and only then, did he enter. Slowly, enjoying the sensation of the two of them with nothing between them. Once he was fully inside of her, he kissed his way up her neck and claimed her mouth again. He started thrusting, soft at first but as Cynthia clung to him, she could see in
his eyes that he knew she wasn’t going to last long.

  “Hard,” she panted. “Harder.”

  He granted her request, his thrusts growing wild. Cynthia clung to him as bursts of pleasure washed through her. She rocked her hips, trying desperately to match his frenzy. His lips pulled back as he gazed at her, love and possession and desire in his eyes. She was struck with the sudden urge to bite him, and so she did. Her teeth came down on his shoulder. At the same moment, he bit her neck. The pain only heightened her pleasure.

  Darkness washed over her vision, the pleasure so intense she couldn't even breathe. She clung to him, lost in the ocean of pleasure. Only one thought was on her mind.

  He was her mate. And she would not let anyone take what was hers.

  Chapter Eighteen – Tyrell

  Tyrell woke to Cynthia’s shivers. He cracked open an eye to see her wrapped in the blanket the best she could, pressed up against him. The air was chilly, even for him, and he put his arms around her. Goosebumps rose along her arms. They would need to go back to the house soon, it seemed. Given the pale silvers coming through the cracks around the doors below them, it was daybreak. Soon it would be time for the fight.

  Cynthia splayed her hand out on his chest. He smiled down at her, but it faded away as he saw the tears on her cheeks.

  “Don’t fight,” she whispered.

  He blinked, surprised.

  Cynthia pushed herself to her elbow and shook her head. “Don’t fight today. I can’t… I can’t bear thinking of you getting hurt or worse. Not for me. Besides, you have to think of Tamara. She comes first. You’re her father, you need to be here to take care of her. I can handle myself but you have to be here for her.”

  “And I will be.” He pulled her close again. “You don’t have to be afraid. I’ll be—”

  “If you say fine, I’m going to slug you.” She sniffed. “We both know that it’s going to be a close fight. That Rex could really hurt you. What does he care about rules when he’s willing to challenge the alphas just to ensure that he can fight you? I’m scared that he might be just looking for an excuse to kill you without any backlash. Especially after Noel stripped him of his position and job.”


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