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Double Time (Double Threat series)

Page 16

by Prestsater, Julie

  “Not at all,” I assure him. “Travis and Josh are in position. Keesh has her parents and brother. We’re ready.”

  “Simpson’s calling for the mascot,” Steph says into my earpiece.

  “You’re on, Mr. Fuller. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks, kiddo.”

  He looks cute as he dances away to the music, making his way clumsily onto the field and to the king’s court. He’s supposed to be presenting one of the princes with a crown, but we’re deviating from that plan.

  When he’s done faking out the princes, he kneels before Ms. G. She looks confused, like she wants to direct him to the young man next to her. Poor thing. She thinks the tiger can’t see or something. But then her parents are right behind the tiger, and she looks up at the screaming crowd.

  That’s when she sees it. Our stadium-sized giant poster, written in huge block letters: Ms. G, will you marry Mr. F?

  Steph and Joshie are holding one side of the poster, Travis and I have the other.

  Her hands shoot to her mouth and if I had to guess by her shaking body, she’s crying too. I wish I was closer so I could see the whole thing. But there’s no doubt in my mind she says “yes.” Within seconds, he stands and she springs into his arms.

  Yup. She said, yes.

  “That was fuckin’ cool, huh.” Travis wraps me in his long arms. “I don’t lose my man card for saying that, right? I’m happy for Fuller. He’s a good guy.”

  “Yeah, it was. And no, you don’t lose your man card. You didn’t cry, did you? Because if you did, Josh might have to take it from you.”

  With a chuckle, he shakes his head. The look in his eye tells me he’d rather die than be caught getting weepy over a marriage proposal.

  “Let’s go give them the poster. I know Ms. G will want to keep it.” I bend down to lift the thing and am surprised by its weight. “I told the others we’d meet up with them at the dance.”

  “I’ll get it,” Travis says, taking the forty-foot roll of banner paper from my hands.

  We have to push through a crowd of students and teachers congratulating the newly engaged couple.

  “Good job, dude. You pulled it off. I wasn’t so sure she’d agree to marry you,” Travis jokes with Mr. Fuller. They’re almost the same size. If Travis still didn’t have a baby face, he’d look just as old as our teacher.

  “Ha ha. Don’t forget I can still fail you.” They shake hands and give each other the bro hug with a slap on the back.

  Ms. G finishes talking to her mom and I take my chance to steal her attention. She sees me and both our eyes fill with tears. This is such a special night for her, and I’m so glad to be part of it.

  “Thank you, Meggie. Matty, I mean, Mr. Fuller told me all about how your crew helped. It means so much to me that you sacrificed playing in the game to be part of this.”

  She puts her arms out and I go in for a hug. “I wouldn’t have missed it for anything. Congratulations, Ms. G. I’m so happy for you. When I get married in about forty years, I want you to be part of it too.”

  “I’d be honored.” She squeezes my hand. “Now, go have fun at the dance.”

  Travis has stepped back, waiting for me to finish. “You ready?” I ask.

  “Let’s go.” He reaches out and takes my hand in his.

  We make our way to the gym, hand in hand. It’s not the first time we’ve held hands, but this time it seems different. Sparks aren’t zipping through my veins like they usually do. I lean into him and rest my head against his shoulder as we walk. Still, nothing. It’s weird. Unexpected. I glance up at him at the same time he looks down at me.

  “What?” he asks. “You’re looking at me funny.”

  “Nothing.” And that’s exactly what it is. I feel nothing … but friendship. So weird.

  We finally make it through security, after Travis had to give up a pack of gum. Lame, I know. The rest of the crew is holding up a wall near the cookie table.

  “What’s up?” I tell them. The girls look down at our laced fingers. Andi makes a face. It wouldn’t be the first time either. I bet she has a thing for our boy. I wonder why she hasn’t said anything. Well, probably because every time she’s around, Travis is either holding my hand or has his body draped across mine. We’re going to have to fix that.

  “We took too long to get here and all the tables were filled,” Josh says.

  “I told him we should just dance, but he wanted to wait for his wingman.” Keesh rolls her eyes. “Hmm. Dance with three girls or dance with Travis? Sounds like a no brainer to me.”

  “That’s the problem. He doesn’t have a brain.” Travis ribs him with his elbow. “Let’s go dance.” He tosses one arm around me and the other around Keesha.

  Keesh and I tag team Travis, while Steph and Andi get jiggy with Joshie. The smile on that boy’s face is priceless. Every time Steph backs into him, his eyes go wide, his hands go up as if he’s not quite sure what to do with them. He’s bleeping adorable. Why haven’t any nice girls snatched him up? For some unknown reason, he kinda puts out an unavailable vibe. Maybe he’s still torn over Erica. Sometimes, I still want to kick her ass.

  My concentration falls back to my dancing partners. Travis is getting all sorts of flirtatious attention from us. I place my hands on his waist, he pulls me close, our hips rock back and forth. And yet, there’s nothing. In the past, I’d be all hot and bothered, my panties a damp mess. But now, I’m sweaty, that’s for sure. I’m not hot or bothered. I’m just having fun.

  When did this change? When did Travis become just my friend? Sometime from Thanksgiving till now, my feelings, my body changed for him. I love him. I really do. Only now, I love him like I love Josh. Or Jon or Ben.

  My thoughts wander to Alex. Always back to Alex.

  Going to the Backwards Dance as a group was the best idea we had in a long time. There was no pressure and we just grooved all night like we would at a party, without a care in the world, dates to entertain, or the headache of looking all cute.

  I’m last on the drop-off list tonight. Travis walks me to my door. “Things are different now, huh.” He grasps my hand, tugging at it as he sits down on my porch. I feel an instant discomfort remembering the last time I sat here with Alex. The night Travis cracked him in the nose. The night Alex apologized for being a jackass. He said he would never treat me badly again, and he’s kept his word.

  “I’m not quite sure what you mean.” I turn my body so I’m facing him, with one leg tucked under the other. He does the same.

  He takes both my hands in his, lacing his fingers through mine. “Before, just doing this,” he wiggles my hands, “would make me feel all amped inside. Now it’s different.”

  “I get it. It’s weird, huh. Even when we said we weren’t going to be a couple, when you touched me, I kinda sizzled. But … not anymore.” Our eyes meet, but I look away.

  “It’s okay, Meggie. You don’t have to worry about hurting my feelings. I understand. I feel the same way. It’s like something clicked and you went from the girl who drove me crazy with love to the … well, you still drive me crazy,” he chuckles, “but the crazy doesn’t shoot to my pants anymore, if you know what I mean.”

  I yank away one of my hands and smack him in the chest. “Sicko.” I laugh. “Yes, I get it. More than you know.”

  “Did you get hard for me too?” Oh shit. I should’ve known better than to leave an opening like that.

  “Yes, rock hard, Trav.”

  He pumps his fist in the air. “Yes!”

  “When did you know?”

  “Tonight,” he says. “When we were going to congratulate Fuller and Ms. G. When I grabbed your hand, I didn’t feel the spark I used to. I thought it was odd. I kept waiting for it all night when we were dancing and it didn’t show up.”

  “How do you feel about that?” It’s almost like we’re breaking up, even though we were never officially together. I’m not sad or anything.

  “Relieved, I think.” He scratches his head.

  “Gee, thanks.” I tease him, but I’m feeling the same relief hearing it.

  “Stop. You know what I mean. For the first time, I feel like I can just be friends with you. It’s a good feeling. You’re an amazing person, and I love being your friend. Now I can enjoy it without wondering if something will ever happen.”

  “Same here. I’m going to love being your friend.” I scoot myself up to my knees and put my arms around his neck, hugging him, in a whole new way.

  “I’m free from your hypnotizing spell, Megster,” he says, chuckling in my ear.

  “And I’m free from your mesmerizing charm and hunky good looks.”

  We back away from each other. “Pound it out, sucka.” He holds his fist out and I bring my knuckles to his. “See ya later.”

  I watch as my new friend drives away.

  It’s good to be free.

  For now.

  Twenty Five

  When Travis said he was free, he meant every word. The guy has turned into a chick magnet. He’s getting more looks than Josh these days. Or maybe Josh is sending some girlies his way. It’s only been a few weeks since our talk and he’s already gone out with four different girls.

  “Where’s Travis been?” Mom asks. “He hasn’t been by in weeks.”

  “He has girlfriends.” I hop on the kitchen counter and tear off the top of a yogurt. Best breakfast food invention ever. Quick, easy, and tasty.

  “Was that plural?” My mom looks at me, confused.

  “Yes, it was. He’s been gettin’ around. Having a good time.” I scrape the sides of the container. Can’t waste a lick.

  She leans back in her chair with a smirk. “And how do you feel about that?”

  “Fine. I’m happy for him. We had a talk after the dance. We’re over it. That lovin’ feeling we had for each other is completely gone. It’s like it just vanished without warning and we both figured it out at the same time. It’s a good thing. Makes things a lot less confusing.”

  “You mean less confusing for you and your undying love for College Boy?”

  “Isn’t Seacrest on? Want me to turn up the volume?” Changing the subject sounds like a good idea.

  “Another rerun. He’s on vacation.”

  I scoot off the counter and reach for the radio. “You should listen to Carson. He’s hysterical.”

  “Don’t you dare,” she shouts, stopping me cold in my tracks.

  “Why, Mom? He’s really cool. I started listening to him while I get ready.”

  “I couldn’t.” She shudders at the thought.

  “Give me a break, Mom. It’s not like Ryan will know you’re cheating on him.” I can’t help but tease my mother. The look on her face tells me she doesn’t think I’m funny.

  “It’s getting late. Leave my radio alone and get your butt to school.”

  I kiss her on the cheek. “Mission accomplished. Bye.”

  I’m almost to the door when I hear her say, “That’s what you think. We’ll talk about Alex later.”

  Time really does fly after winter vacation. I feel like it was just yesterday when I got my new phone and now we’re headed into spring break. We had our last game yesterday, and I can’t even express in words how thrilled I am. What started out as a great season for me ended on a “whatever” note. Everyone kept improving their game throughout the year, and I plateaued. I practiced hard and played hard, but it’s not like I did anything miraculous to contribute to wins. Maybe I was hoping I’d do something to win the game for the team. I’m not really sure what I was hoping for, but whatever it was, it never happened.

  Now I’m on a strict study routine for my advanced placement exam. We have four weeks to review study guides and write out our answers to practice essay questions. Really, it’s only three weeks because I doubt I’ll get much studying done during spring break.

  Mr. Erickson suggested we time ourselves when practicing the essays. I’m just about to start the timer on my phone when a text alert pops up.

  Guess what

  It’s Alex. He’s been just as busy as me. Probably more because he’s at a different level of stress than me. He has midterms to study for. The word “midterm” sounds scary; I can’t imagine taking one.


  Our breaks match this year

  What? How? I thot you had a test during my break

  My prof wntd a long vacay so hes givin it early. I’ll b home 4 almst 2 wks.


  I know. I get 2 c u in a bikini

  Who says were goin to the beach again

  Me. U hav to. Missed it last year. Gotta make it up 2 me.

  Guess I better go shopping ;-)

  “So what are we doing for spring break?” Keesh asks.

  “Same shit, different year,” Josh says.

  Travis rubs his hands together, grinning ear to ear. “Which one of my honeys should I bring to the beach?”

  “Whichever one looks the best in a bikini.” Josh reaches over to give him knuckles.

  Andi hangs her head low. I quickly get to my feet. “Come with me to get a drink?”

  She stands and we begin walking to the vending machines.

  “They’re just messing around. Travis isn’t bringing any honeys.” I nudge her shoulder with my own.

  She glances up at me and her cheeks are rosy pink. “Dude, why would I care?”

  “I just got the feeling you did.”

  Andi’s eyes widen. “No, not me. You like him. I wouldn’t do that.”

  Oh shit. I forgot to tell her he’s free. “Not anymore. The guy is all yours if you’re willing to put yourself out there.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” she says. “Look at him. He’s so cute. All these girls like him. He’s over there talking about bringing girls with big tits. Dude, have you seen these?” She holds her hands to her chest. “Probably not. They’re like nonexistent compared to most girls our age.”

  “Like that matters to him. He’s a good guy. Just talk to him. If he gets to know you, things might happen. But you hardly ever say anything. It’s like you’re afraid of him.”

  “Again, have you seen him?” she cries out.

  I have to laugh. “He’s not that cute.”

  “Dude, yes, he is.”

  “Dude, no, he’s not.”

  We’re starting off our spring vacation all dressed up with a wedding to attend. Ms. G doesn’t waste any time. She got engaged two months ago and planned a wedding at lightning speed. She’ll be on her honeymoon for the rest of the week. Perfect timing. Although I would’ve waited till the summer and taken my time on my honeymoon. She was just so dang giddy and impatient, she couldn’t wait that long.

  When Mr. Fuller said Ms. G loves our school, it was an understatement. Who gets married in their high school auditorium? This is southern California for crying out loud, not some podunk town in who knows where. But this is where my favorite teacher wants to get married, in our famous auditorium. Her guest list is never ending. She invited all of us, along with the rest of the school, so she needed a place this big.

  When she walks through the doors and starts coming down the aisle, my throat tightens. Travis squeezes my hand. I have an aisle seat and he’s right next to me. I look up at him and he’s a little misty eyed too. After she passes, I elbow him and mutter, “Man card.”

  He bats his eyes. “Dude, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he whispers.

  Did he just say dude? Maybe Andi took my advice and started talking to him. Good for her.

  The ceremony is a lot shorter than I expected. It seems like it took longer for her to make it to the stage than it did to say, “I do,” and kiss the bride. Not that I’m complaining. I’ve been to long weddings and I wanted nothing more than to stab myself in the eye with a pencil because I was so bored.

  This was perfect.

  Ms. G looks stunning. Mr. Fuller looks hot. They’re lucky to have each other.

  And we’re all lucky to have been part of it.

ou guys wanna come over tonight? We can order some pizza and go night swimming.” I offer my place before we stand here all night, on the front steps of school, trying to figure out what we’re going to do.

  “Sounds good to me,” Travis says. “But I need to go home to change and get my trunks.”

  Everyone nods. “So do I,” Josh says. “I can take you guys to get your stuff.” He gestures to the girls.

  “I have stuff at Meg’s,” Steph says.

  “I’ll go with you,” Keesh tells him.

  “How about you, Andi?” Travis asks. “I can take you home.”

  “Dude, thanks. That’d be great.” Her face flushes the brightest shade of pink and her smile could put the sun out of business.

  I make sure to hitch a ride with Josh to give Andi some alone time with Travis. She’s adorable and we all get along great with her. They’d be perfect together. Just hearing him say dude earlier made me excited for her. This could work. For both of them.

  It’s dark out by the time we all get back to my house. My dad set up the pit for us, along with some graham crackers, chocolates, and marshmallows. I love my parents. I’m truly lucky to have them. They never get sick of having all my friends over. They’re all welcome, all the time, any time. It’s nice to always have my house as a backup plan. Or, as in tonight, the only plan.

  “Balls out?” Josh calls out.

  Travis nods and they both take a running leap into cannon balls in the water. “More like shriveled balls,” he says when he comes up for air.

  “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. It’s not heated yet.” They don’t look too happy right now.

  Josh hoists himself from the water and grabs a towel. “Thanks, Meg.” He stands next to me for a quick second before he tosses his towel, bear hugs me, and jumps into the water holding me.

  Water goes up my nose as I kick free of him. “You asshole. I’m gonna kill you,” I yell. “I was going to go in eventually. Without all my clothes on.” The water is way chilly and my throat stings from inhaling it. I swim to the shallow end and take the steps out of the pool. I pick up a towel and blot my face dry. Then I take my shorts and shirt off. I’m wearing a one-piece today. I’ll wait for Alex to sport my new two-piece. “It’s freezing,” I shout.


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