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Blood Type

Page 8

by K. A. Linde

  Everyone seated at the table applauded, but she just looked around in confusion. A Blood Census? What the hell was that?

  The man held his hand up, and the room immediately fell silent. “Our version of the legislation went through, and the President has agreed to work directly with Visage to complete all the blood type testing included in the Census sample. Once the sample is complete, we will officially have a full list of all the blood types of the human population in this country.”

  Reyna’s face paled. Why would they need a full list of blood types? Didn’t they already have a voluntary program with more people employed than any other company in the world? Why would they need or even want a full registry of humans’ blood types?

  The room erupted into applause again, but Reyna leaned over to Beckham. “Do I have to enter the Blood Census?” she whispered.


  “Why not?”

  “Only people who haven’t been tested by Visage in the last ten years have to complete the blood test aspect of the Census.”


  “Why what?” he growled low.

  “Why only the last ten years?”

  “New technology.

  Reyna wrinkled her nose. “What’s the difference if they’re just testing for your blood type? They’ve been able to do that for years.”

  “Leave it alone, Reyna. We’re in the middle of a meeting,” he snapped.

  She sat back roughly into her chair. She hated the dismissal. Surely she wasn’t the only person who thought it was strange including a blood test in a Census.

  She tuned out the next half hour as they discussed implementation and the business aspects of Visage’s involvement in the Census. They must have switched topics at some point, because Beckham nudged her chair to get her attention. Her eyes snapped to the front of the room where the man was still speaking.

  “As we have discussed in previous meetings, the Permanent Sponsor positions have officially gone into effect.”

  Oh. That’s me.

  “Three of our highest-ranking officials have brought their subjects with them today to discuss the new program. Rowland Batiste, Cassandra Dresla, and Beckham Anderson. Please come forward with your subjects.”

  Beckham’s chair scraped back against the floor, and he helped Reyna out of her seat. Her legs shook as she moved to the front of the room. Rowland followed next, and behind him was a tall, model thin girl in a skintight white dress with long flowing blond hair. Behind them came a woman with wavy red hair pinned up at the base of her neck who was a million degrees of beautiful. She looked fierce, but seductive.

  She reached Rowland first. “Rowland, my love.”

  His smile was magnetic as he kissed her cheeks. “Cassandra.”

  She smiled at Beckham and came to stand next to him. “Beckham, darling.” She kissed both of his cheeks in greeting.

  “Cassie,” Beckham said cordially.

  Behind Cassandra appeared a man. He was pretty for a guy with fair hair and pouty lips. His eyes never strayed from Cassandra’s face, and he seemed completely enthralled.

  Rowland stepped forward first. “I’m completely satisfied with my experience with a Permanent Subject. We’ve been together for about two weeks, and already it is better than the rotation program. I am able to get to know her,” he said, eyeing the girl blatantly, “on a more personal level. Because I know she’s not about to leave. This is my Sophie.”

  Sophie strutted forward, placed her hand on her hip, and sank into the position. She didn’t look frightened at all. She seemed to revel in the attention. “I’m so happy to be here. I was in the rotation program before this and finding out about a Permanent position was a dream of a lifetime. I honestly couldn’t have asked for anything or anyone better.”

  Reyna refrained from rolling her eyes. What a load of shit!

  Cassandra smiled and ran her hand down her subject’s arm. “This is Felix. He was placed in my care a month ago. I’ll admit I was skeptical. A Permanent human entering my life, living in my home, dealing with my crazy schedule sounded…unpleasant, to say the least. But having someone always there and not having to worry about fitting them into the schedule. Well, Felix has changed my mind. He’s…delicious.”

  Reyna couldn’t keep from cringing. Bad choice in words.

  Felix tore his eyes from Cassandra only long enough to speak to the crowd. “Before being included in Visage, I had gone through three years of college and was nearly a hundred thousand dollars in debt. When the economy collapsed, I couldn’t get a job. There was nowhere for me to go. I had to enter the program, and in the couple years I’ve had to work at Visage, nothing has been better than being in a permanent secure position with Cassandra.” He turned back to stare at her lovingly. Enamored. Practically hypnotized.

  Now it was Beckham’s turn. Oh God! And then her turn. What the hell was she supposed to say? She couldn’t speak to this group. She had only been here a couple days and fucked up more than she had thought possible. Not to mention that she had no prior experiences with Visage to draw from. This was all so new to her.

  Beckham stared straight ahead. He never even looked at her. “I’m happy to participate in the Permanent program. My Subject is Reyna. She is subordinate and the model of a perfect Subject.”

  Reyna’s mouth nearly dropped open. What the fuck? Since when? She dropped her chin to her chest and stared at the floor, hoping to cover her disbelief with discomfort.

  “Many of you know that I was outspoken against the Permanent position from the get-go…”

  She hadn’t known that.

  “Having Reyna in my home even for the past couple days has completely reversed that position. This is the future of Visage.”

  Reyna tried to hide the shock from her face. What was he talking about? He hated having her in his house. He hated having her around. He hated looking out for her. Why was Beckham saying all of this?

  Her eyes turned to their leader, and she saw the triumphant look on his face. What had she walked into?

  “Reyna,” Beckham said, gesturing her forward.

  She put one foot in front of the other and felt her body seize. Everyone was staring at her. Everyone was waiting for her to say something. Her hands were clammy, her skin cold, and she felt like she might faint. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

  She put a hand to her heart, and her chest was pumping up and down with her erratic breathing. What was she supposed to say? What did they expect of her? Oh God! The expectations.

  No. She couldn’t do this.

  “Reyna,” Beckham said softly. He touched the small of her back, and she sank into his touch. He pulled her toward him. “I apologize. She doesn’t like public speaking.”

  “Sick. Going to be sick,” she whispered.

  “I’m going to take her out of here,” he said immediately. She wasn’t sure if he was really concerned at the moment or just embarrassed, but she couldn’t care. She felt like she couldn’t breathe, and she was going to hyperventilate.

  “Yes. Make sure she is all right, Beckham,” Mr. Harrington said. Beckham started walking her toward the back door. “Humans. Such fragile things. Well, the Permanent positions will begin rolling out for all top Visage employees as soon as we find suitable choices…”

  The door shut behind them, and Beckham placed a hand on her shoulder. “Reyna, calm down. You’re fine. Everyone is gone.”

  “S-sorry,” she stuttered. She put a hand to her forehead and the other was holding his jacket.

  “When you said you didn’t enjoy public speaking, I thought you meant that you weren’t fond of it. I didn’t think you meant that you would freeze up and almost pass out.”

  “Oh hey, public speaking makes me almost pass out,” she quipped.

  “Do you always do that?”


  “Use sarcasm as a defense mechanism.”

  “You think?” she asked. Her breathing was slowly coming under control. She leaned heavily back against the door and threw her head back.

  His eyes widened as he stared down at her exposed throat. She felt him inch toward her. Her own body stilled at his approach. For a moment, it was as if the world revolved around them. As if she had been waiting her whole life for him to get close to her. Then he took a step back and cleared his throat. “I should probably return.”

  She closed her eyes, not sure if it was in fear or in embarrassment at what he must have seen in them. “Fine. Go.”

  “Your heart is racing,” he growled softly, so close to her she could practically feel him on her.

  “Yes,” she murmured. She knew what that meant for a vampire. His hand brushed her neck gently, and she almost stopped breathing altogether. “Becks?”

  She opened her eyes when the pressure disappeared, and he was gone. She straightened in surprise. She looked through the glass, back into the room, but he was nowhere to be seen. What the hell? Where had he gone…and why had he disappeared so suddenly when he had touched her?

  Beckham was an enigma wrapped in a mystery.

  Chapter 11

  Reyna stayed leaning back against the door until she finally calmed down, her pulse returned to normal, and her breathing wasn’t ragged. Though she was confused about what had happened with Beckham, her mind was back to functioning on a normal level.

  She didn’t know what had scared him off, and she knew asking him would do no good. She hadn’t been with him all that long, and it was clear that he didn’t like to answer questions or for her to ask them.

  A few minutes later, the staff meeting dispersed and all the vampires exited the room. She plastered herself against the wall, suddenly feeling very vulnerable without Beckham there next to her. But people barely glanced at her as they left. The flow reduced to a trickle, when Rowland and Cassandra appeared with their subjects and Mr. Harrington.

  “Ah, there you are, Miss Carpenter,” he said. “I don’t believe we were officially introduced. William Harrington.”

  He extended his hand out to her, and she placed hers in his. “Um…you can call me Reyna.”

  “Reyna, of course. Sorry to see your discomfort earlier. Are you feeling better?”

  “Yes. Much better,” she said quickly. She drew into herself at the present company. God, where was Beckham? He might make her uneasy, but he was her vampire at least.

  “Good.” Mr. Harrington gave her a toothy grin, and she could see his fangs. She tried to keep from shuddering. “How are you liking the program so far?”

  His eyes were as sharp as his fangs when he asked her. She didn’t know what he was fishing for, but she wasn’t going to give him any additional information than he needed. “Good. I’m very satisfied.”

  “I bet you are,” Rowland said.

  She ignored that comment. “Thank you for asking, Mr. Harrington.”

  “Where did Beckham get to anyway?”

  Rowland shrugged. “Do you want to wait for him? I can take care of his pet until he shows up,” he said, placing his hand on Reyna’s shoulder.

  Her heart kicked into overdrive. No. She wasn’t supposed to be alone with Rowland. That much had been very clear from Beckham, but where the hell was he?

  Sophie reached out and took his hand. “Why, do you want her too?”

  “Oh baby, don’t worry,” he said, petting her hair like a child. “I’ll take care of you both.”

  “I don’t like when you talk like that,” she pouted.

  His hand gripped viciously in her hair, wrenching her head backward. Sophie winced, her eyes wide with fear. “I pay a lot of money to have you here, Sophie. I’ll do as I please.”

  Reyna gulped, but no one else batted an eye at the behavior. She hadn’t thought that Beckham was being serious by saying he was kind. Cold, distant, broody…those were all words she would use to describe Beckham. Not kind. But looking at how Rowland treated Sophie, she found herself feeling fortunate.

  “Yes, bring Reyna along for the ride. Beckham knows where we’re going,” Harrington said.

  “I’m…I’m sure he’s around here somewhere,” Reyna said nervously.

  “It’ll be fine,” Cassandra said. “You can ride with us.”

  She smiled, but Reyna wasn’t sure if she could trust Cassandra either. She wasn’t as creepy as Rowland. But she also had vicious eyes and a charisma that said not to fuck with her.

  Reyna glanced around once more anxiously and then nodded. “Okay.”

  Their group took the elevator to an underground parking garage. The walls were lined with heavily tinted black Town Cars and limos. There were a few exotic sports cars in reds and oranges and yellows at the far end of the garage. Not a single plain car in sight. She wondered if this was the level for upper management and regular employees parked elsewhere or if these all belonged to the company for business use.

  Three cars backed out and rolled up in front of them. Harrington got into the first one alone. Rowland and Sophie got into the next one. He looked over his shoulder once at Reyna, but Cassandra put her hand on Reyna’s shoulder and he disappeared inside the vehicle. The next car was for Cassandra, Felix, and Reyna. She walked around to the other side and sat down next to Felix.

  Cassandra brushed her red locks off her shoulders and glanced over at them. “So, Reyna, what did you do before becoming an escort?”

  Reyna coughed unexpectedly. Vampires called them escorts too?

  “Um…nothing really.”

  Cassie raised an eyebrow. “Nothing at all? You had no life?”

  “I, well, no, not really. I went through school, didn’t have the money for college, and couldn’t get a job.” It wasn’t like jobs were readily available. She’d spent two years looking. No one would hire her. At least not for anything her brothers approved of. And playing house didn’t exactly give her purpose.

  “I see.” Her hand ran down Felix’s arm. “So, you’ve no experience with being an escort, then, either?”

  She shook her head.

  “Hmm…and what do you think of the way Beckham tastes you?”

  Reyna stayed very still. She almost snapped off that he hadn’t, but for some reason that felt like the wrong answer. She didn’t want anyone to think something was wrong and move her to someone else or fire her entirely.

  “It’s fine,” she whispered.

  “Fine.” Cassie laughed. “Felix, do you think that when I taste you it’s just fine?”

  “It’s like Heaven itself.”

  Cassandra was stroking his neck temptingly. Reyna couldn’t help but be drawn to the movement. There were tiny little scars on his neck, but not healing wounds. Just tiny little imperfections Reyna wouldn’t have even noticed if she hadn’t been looking at them.

  “Yes, yes it is,” she purred.

  And then suddenly Felix’s neck was snapped to the side, Cassandra opened her mouth wide, baring her fangs, and plunged them down into his neck. Reyna shrieked and plastered herself against the car door. Her mouth was open wide as she stared in horror while Cassandra pierced his artery and drank the thick red blood. A rivulet escaped her mouth and ran like a river down to the collar of his shirt. The light blue material darkened as it soaked up the excess.

  Reyna couldn’t pull her eyes away. The way Felix’s eyes rolled back in his head. A look of supreme pleasure on his face. The sound of Cassandra drinking deeply. The way she held him like an animal…like food.

  Then it was over. Cassandra licked from his collarbone to the wound in his neck until it was clean. The wound was already clotting from the healing properties in vampire venom. All that remained were two small marks in his neck and a pool of blood on his collar.

  “Oh, loo
k, I’ve made a mess.” Cassandra licked her lips and glanced up at Reyna’s horrified face. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We can get him a new shirt.”

  Then she giggled maniacally and sat back in her seat.

  Reyna didn’t move from her seat the rest of the drive. Even when Felix stripped out of his shirt to reveal his amazing six-pack and put on a fresh shirt. She didn’t want to even think about how often that must happen for Cassandra to keep a stash of shirts for him available.

  Maybe she wasn’t ready for Beckham to bite her…not ready at all.

  A few minutes later, they pulled up in front of a restaurant. She followed Cassandra inside the dark tinted room. It was a chic-looking room with polished upper-class clientele. One of the suits in this room cost more than the entire Warehouse District.

  They were ushered to a table in the back, and Reyna took an open seat next to Felix. He acted fine, but something about his movements made him seem a little dazed. She wondered if it was the blood loss or if Cassandra kept him drugged.

  Harrington sat at the head of the table and peered over at Reyna’s pale face. His keen eyes seemed to take in everything at once. “Cassandra,” he admonished.

  “Hmm?” she asked, applying a new coat of blood-red lipstick.

  “You couldn’t wait?”

  She looked up at him devilishly. “Was I supposed to? I wanted a snack. It’s not appropriate in public.”

  Harrington snapped his fingers at a passing waitress. “Get this girl a glass of water.”

  She nodded and scurried away. The water appeared almost instantaneously, and Reyna gulped down as much as she could at once. Color gradually came back into her cheeks, and she seemed to be recovering from the traumatic experience.

  “When do you think the Blood Census will go into effect, William?” Rowland asked. He threw his arm onto the back of Sophie’s chair, and she leaned toward him. Her neck was bare and she exposed it to him as if inviting him to feed at any time. Reyna pulled her dark hair forward over her neck protectively.


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