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The Aberrants Box Set (Books 1-5)

Page 34

by Sarah J. Stone

  Carefully, she walked down the hall, keeping her hand always present on the wall just in case she took a tumble. She did have to move her palm occasionally, avoiding the copious amount of pictures and certificates hanging along the corridor.

  If she had more of her wits about her, Jaelle might have stopped to look at them to learn more about the generous doctor who was hosting them. But there was only a single person on her mind and she couldn’t think of much else.

  Finally, she reached the last door on the left. She paused for a beat, staring at the portal. She wasn’t sure what she was so afraid of, but suddenly she was as loathe to open the door just as much as she was desperately impatient to get inside. The two forces battled inside of her before she finally sighed and turned the nob.

  She wasn’t quite sure what she had been expecting when she stepped in, but whatever it was, that certainly wasn’t what ended up actually being there. Instead, the smallish room was about as exact replica of a hospital layout that one could get without actually being in a hospital. Sure, the cot-like bed wasn’t as high tech or new as the one she had left David in, and there was no nurse-call button, but other than that it was almost spot on.

  “Oh, hey, didn’t know you were up.”

  Her eyes flicked to the only other figure in the room. It was Micah, looking tired and strung out. Or maybe that was how he always looked. She had never paid much attention to him beyond his brown hair and bright, blue eyes.

  “Yeah. I’m taking over the shift. Why don’t you go get some rest?”

  “You sure? You were out for a long while there.”

  “And now I’m not. Go on. You’re not going to be any use to anyone if you work yourself sick.”

  “All right. Thanks. We were just talking about cars, anyways. Believe it or not, Bradley’s never been much of an engine head.”

  “Really?” Jaelle countered, stepping to the side to let him pass. “That’s a shame.”

  Micah let out a short, dry laugh, then gave her a little nod before closing the door behind him. She should really get to know the fellow better; he was risking his life for her idea, after all.

  But that could be added to the list of many things that needed to wait. She had to concentrate on the matter at hand, which was none other than the leader of the Hunters.

  “Hello, Bradley,” she murmured, not anticipating an answer.

  And she didn’t get one.

  Slowly, she approached his bed, almost afraid of what she might find. But the closer she came, the more her worry started to ebb away. By the time she reached his side, she was only a mildly panicked mess.

  She could heart his heartbeat sluggishly marching along as his body healed. As far as Jaelle knew, it was common for Shifters to go into a near-coma-like sleep whenever their bodies needed to do some major reworking, so that part wasn’t that alarming. But what was a bit disconcerting was the amount of cuts and bruises he still had.

  It was obvious the doctor had put his work in, every single wound was stitched up with care, but they shouldn’t have been there at all. Cuts and gashes had an hour-long shelf life on Shifters, maybe even less. But here they all were in the next day, still visible in stark contrast with his now-pale skin.

  That meant there was a lot of terrible things going on inside of the leader. The Shifter healing ability didn’t work like a magic bar, healing from the head down in a wave. It was more like… a triage unit at a hospital. It judged injuries, from the most severe to the most superficial, and treated them accordingly. With so many wounds on his outside left unattended, she shuddered to think what kind of damage had happened to his organs when that Jeepflipped onto him.

  Sighing, Jaelle sat in the chair beside the bed. She wasn’t sure what to say, but she knew it should be something. Especially since she had taken the place of someone who had been willing to keep on talking for well beyond his shift.

  “Sorry,” was the first thing that burst from her lips. Nothing much came out after that, so she sighed and buried her face in her hands for a few moments, rubbing the skin there furiously. But no amount of hand-to-face exfoliation she did made anything easier about the situation. “I don’t know what to say, Bradley, but I feel like I should say something. Something comforting, and full of inspiration.

  “But you know me. I’m shit at that kind of stuff. You and me both know you’ll heal in time, the issue is just how much time. Look… I’m sorry this happened to you. And it shouldn’t have. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m no fighter, not like you guys, but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t have done better.”

  There. The words were out in the open, lingering in reality rather than just circling round and round in her. She supposed it might not count if he wasn’t conscious to hear her, but, nevertheless, it made her feel better. For once, her mind turned to something a bit more positive.

  “Man, you are going to be starving when you wake up. And although I haven’t been outside, I’m willing to bet that there’s a small-town diner here.” Her stomach growled at the thought. “Oh, man, what I wouldn’t give for a full breakfast spread. Eggs, bacon, toast, sausage and grits. Ugh. Back in Braywire, they learned to cook it just the way I liked it. Yolks on the very last edge of runny, bacon crispy but not burnt, sausages still juicy. You would have loved it there.

  “I know we’ve only ever had fast food and gas station fair together, but I can tell by looking at you that you’re a guy who knows around his greasy plate.”

  As the words continued to tumble from her mouth, it became easier to speak. She couldn’t recall the last time she had had such a casual conversation with the man that didn’t have to do with plans, plots or driving. Too bad he wasn’t conscious for any of it.

  But that would change. Soon, he would be awake and that much closer to being completely back on his feet. She just had to wait it out.

  Chapter Twelve: Commiseration

  Two full days passed as Bradley lay in bed unconscious. Jaelle spent all of her time either in the leader’s room, asleep in her own, or soaking in the bath.

  At first, she had been a little wary of racking up a stranger’s heat and water bill for the sake of her own comfort, but after she met the Doctor’s husband and he reprimanded her to go hog wild and use the guest bathroom to her heart’s content, there had been no stopping her.

  The last time she had been in such a nice tub was when she was sixteen and had stolen a credit card from an exceedingly drunk businessman who got a little too handsy with his waitress. She figured he deserved the punishment and she deserved a nice little treat.

  She’d checked out a room for the night in the finest hotel within walking distance and went hog wild. Strawberries, room service, bubble bath in the suite’s Jacuzzi, the works, really. Of course, she had to clear out by morning just in case he sobered up a little faster than she expected and reported the card stolen, but it was still a very good memory.

  However, that good memory paled in comparison to her current reality. The doctor must have had an amazing water heater in place, because every day she could fill the tub twice and the water would always be piping hot. There were Epsom salts, bubble bath, and essential oils all along the shelf next to the tub, so all she had to do was lean over to grab whatever she was in the mood for.

  If the men thought it was odd for her to spend an hour in the bath in the morning, and an hour at night, they didn’t say so. They didn’t even comment on it. They just let her enjoy the very rare luxury while the rest of the world spun into of chaos.

  And what a luxury it was. There was something that just couldn’t be replicated about soaking in a hot, perfumed pool of water with smooth, stainless porcelain on all sides of her. The doctor even had one of those little water proof pillows that hung over the edge and into the tub, so she could rest the back of her head as she reposed.

  Maybe she had been going about life all wrong. Maybe, instead of hiding like vermin, or fighting against madman, she just needed to find a rich man or woman and settle dow
n into the high life.

  She had snorted when she first had the thought. As much as she was enjoying the tiny breaks away from reality, she knew she could never be satisfied in such a life. She’s been floating along for so many years, always assuming that birthday would be her last. Now that that might not be the case, she was craving fulfilment. And not the kind that could be found in a bathroom with a detachable shower nozzle.

  Not that a little showerhead action was a terrible idea. She just wasn’t sure she was in the mood for physical reprieve when she was surrounded by men who would be able to hear and smell her every step of the way.

  No. That would definitely have to wait for another time. Supposing she got another time.

  A knock sounded on the door and Jaelle’s spine nearly exited out of her mouth. One would think that being a Shifter would have given her a higher resistance to being surprised so badly, but she had been too lost in thought to hear anyone approaching the door.

  “What is it?”

  “Uh, I hate to bother you, but I have to go to the bathroom and Dannon’s occupying the downstairs. I don’t think I can hold it long enough for one of your usual soaks.”


  “Yes, literally.” Of course, even with his stomach cramping for the bathroom, Javi still couldn’t resist a pun.

  “If you think you’re hilarious, you are sorely mistaken,” she snapped back, clambering out of the tub and grabbing the towel that had been assigned to her. As she quickly toweled off, she took a look at her body that she hadn’t time to in ages. She was much tanner than when she had first run away from Braywire. She guessed all that time sitting in the Jeepfor hours with sun streaming in through the windows, or right through the top when they took the canvas of.

  She liked it. After so much time in her mechanic’s jumpsuit and in the shop, she had lost almost all of her Romani coloring beyond a slight olive-ish tint to her skin. Now, well, she looked almost like her mother. Especially since her short curls had grown out, nearly reaching her shoulders.

  All in all, she liked the look. The only downside was that her increasingly darkening skin made all of her scars stand out that much more, like white little lines that spoke of past hurts and losses.

  “What are ya doing in there? Drawing a map?”

  “Oh, right, sorry! Just give me a minute.”

  “I don’t even know if I have a minute left in me!”

  Ugh. Boys. As fast as she could, Jaelle threw her flannel over her head and pulled up the spare boxers that had been given to her. Grabbing the rest of her clothing in the other hand, she opened the door and hurried out.

  “There, all yours,” she said in a bit of a huff.

  “Thank God! You were about to step in something warm and not very pleasant.”

  “You’re disgusting,” she called as he nearly vaulted into the bathroom and slammed the door in her face.

  “Yeah, but I’m still cute.”

  She rolled her eyes but a small smile played about her lips. Was this what it was like to have friends? Seemed obnoxious.

  But at the same time… it wasn’t all bad.

  And in perfect timing, she heard footfalls coming up the stairs and Dannon rounded the corner. It figured. But the blind man paused, sniffing the air before his face turned right to her.

  “Why are you standing in the middle of the hall, naked… and wet?”

  “I’m not naked,” Jaelle replied with a slight laugh. “I’m just still pretty damp from my bath.”

  “Ah. All those fancy oils you like to use mess up my senses. I can’t smell a lick of cotton or denim on you.”

  “It’s weird to hear you be wrong for once. You know, it’s easy to forget that you’re blind.”

  “Easy for you. My reality is less escapable.”

  Right… maybe that wasn’t the best thing to say. “So, uh, I’m just gonna go check on Bradley. You be good now.”

  “When have I ever been good?” he shot back with a smirk, walking right past her.

  Jaelle blushed and, not for the first time, was glad that Dannon couldn’t actually see her. Once he disappeared back into their room, she rushed for Bradley’s so she could finish getting changed.

  All right, so she had been half-fibbing to Dannon that she wasn’t naked. She was sort of a… half-naked with all the fun bits covered up. But walking around without her sports bra to strap her down made her feel particularly vulnerable, so she was in a hurry to change that.

  Once the door was safely closed behind her, she pulled her shirt back up over her head and went about getting decent. If there was a single thing in the world that was harder than defeating a mad Aberrant, it was putting on a tight sports bra while one was wet. Despite all her Shifter strength, she fought with the scrap of fabric until it was right where it was supposed to be.

  “I…I didn’t know that I was going to wake up to a show.”

  Jaelle gasped, whirling around to see that Bradley’s eye were open, and his head was tipped to the side so he could see her. “You’re awake!”

  “Am I? This seems like an awful lot of dreams I’ve had.” He winced, but she couldn’t be more elated. He was awake! And fairly coherent. Relief that she hadn’t had in days washed over her and she rushed to his side. “Sorry, I know I shouldn’t stare, but I can’t seem to move my head at all.”

  “Here, I’ve got you.” Carefully, she slid one hand under his neck to gently cup the base of the skull and the other under his shoulders before gently guiding him back into a more comfortable position. “That better?”

  “Much,” he answered with a shaky smile. “Should I close my eyes while you finish dressing? Or are we just that comfortable now?”

  “You act as if I’m naked,” Jaelle chuckled quietly. “I’m wearing more clothing than most bathing suits nowadays.”

  “True. But bathing suits imply a sort of consent. Usually a woman who puts one on wears it knowing that she will be seen. Underwear is different. Usually you need permission to see it, and last I recall, I didn’t have that.”

  She sat down on the edge of the bed, intrigued. “I never would have thought a rough riding, man’s man like you would worry about permission.”

  He raised a thick eyebrow, but then winced again at the pain. “Where do you come off with an idea like that?”

  “Oh, you know. I thought the tall, dark and handsome troupe came with the whole never needing permission, always being macho and just taking what you want. Something about asking ruins the sex appeal, or maybe? I guess? I only have television to go off of, really.”

  “I don’t know what kind of shit shows you’re watching, but asking what your partner – even if they’re just a partner for the night – wants should never be a turn off.”

  “Really? I mean, I can kinda see how it could make a girl go cold.” She sat up straight and pretended to push glasses up her nose. “Uh, excuse me, let me stop this make out session to make sure I have the appropriate permissions to stick my penis in your vagina?”

  He laughed, trying to shake his head but clearly failing. “What kind of terrible sex life have you had?”

  She shrugged. “When I was younger, sex was a tool, and that was it. A single night in the bed could convince someone to give me lodging for a month, maybe more. It could convince people to do what they might otherwise not. To act against their own self interests. It also helped me with my little… going feral problem. Really, I didn’t see it as something fun until I met David.”

  “As much as I want to ask what you mean by feral, let’s not get sidetracked. Clearly, you need a little bit of a demonstration. Can I have your hand?”


  “Don’t worry,” he said with a charming smile that made it so easy to imagine him picking up any woman he wanted in minutes. “I’m just going to ask your permission.”

  “Fine.” She carefully placed her hand between his, and his fingers quickly wrapped around her skin. Expertly, they stroked and trailed across her palm, then the ba
ck of her hands. She didn’t know how a simple touch felt like electricity running through her, but it did.

  “Is this all right?” Bradley murmured, his eyes flicking to hers. His tone was low, barely more than a rasp, but it struck all the right cords in her.

  “Yes,” she murmured. Her heart was going a mile a minute. Why was she being so thoroughly affected by a little hand holding? Was she nine again?

  “Good.” His smile only grew. “You know you’re beautiful, right?”

  Despite everything, she blushed. “I may have heard that once before.”

  “You should hear it every day.” He tugged on her gently, really it was barely a pull at all, but she allowed herself bend down until she was nearly laying on his chest. Their faces were only a breath away from each other, and she could feel herself growing warm. His scent was thick around her head, intoxicatingly so.

  She felt the very tips of her feral side’s fingers reach into her mind. She could tell it wanted to be let free. It had been so long since she had felt the warm embrace of another. There had been far too much death and fighting, and not nearly enough physical comfort.

  “I want you,” Bradley continued to whisper. Her whole body throbbed in response and he let go of her hand, only to carefully stroke her face. “More than any other woman I’ve ever wanted in my entire life.” It seemed impossible, but his voice dropped even lower, pulling at her primal side that wanted so badly to just give in. “So, tell me, what do you want me to do to you?”

  “I-I-” Suddenly he let her go and leaned back to the bed, looking proud of himself. The sudden stop made her head spin and she just stared at him in confusion.

  “And that is just one of the ways you ask for permission. Sexy enough for you?””

  “Y-yeah. I could see that line working maybe once or twice.” She stood up, feeling like her face was practically on fire. “I… I’ll keep that in mind for later.”

  “Please do. You deserve good sex, Jaelle. And not just from David. From anyone who ever gets to grace your bed.”


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