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BlackBuried Pie (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 3)

Page 7

by Lyndsey Cole

  Annie pulled a chair as close to Jason as possible before sitting down.

  “Annie, you’ve already met Luke?”

  “Yes. We’ve met.” She glared at Luke, hoping he would get the message he was not welcome at the table, much less at the café.

  Luke smiled warmly. “I think we got off on the wrong foot yesterday at the Benson’s home. My apologies.”

  Annie relaxed slightly, but she knew his type: slick and charismatic when they wanted something.

  “Hazel told me you were with Robbie the morning before he died. That puts you at the scene of a murder,” Annie said.

  Jason knocked his knee against Annie’s thigh but she kept her eyes glued to Luke’s face. A muscle on Luke’s cheek twitched even as he tried to put on his most charming smile.

  “Hazel heard Robbie arguing. What happened?”

  Luke rose from the table abruptly. “I didn’t kill that double crossing nasty excuse of a man, but he got just what he deserved. We had a deal and I plan on getting that land.” He smiled a forced smile at Annie and added, “Maybe you should be talking to the berry farmer neighbor who went in the house after I left.” Luke stomped away without another word.

  “What were you doing sitting with that guy, Jason?” Annie demanded after Luke left.

  “He contacted me to help him find suitable land for a condo development. That’s what I do, find things for people, remember?”

  Annie was stunned into silence. “You brought that slick man to Catfish Cove?”

  “Hey. Robbie Benson wanted to sell his land. I only pointed them toward each other.”

  Annie stood up. “Catfish Cove doesn’t need condos. We need to protect our open spaces. I can’t believe you could think this was a good idea.”

  Chapter 13

  “Uh oh, looks like trouble in paradise,” Leona said to Annie, who walked back into the café with a look that could kill.

  Annie glared and said nothing. The lunch orders were coming in fast and furious so Annie stayed busy making sandwiches and dishing out chicken salad.

  Leona kept the grill sizzling. “What happened? You went outside with a smile on your face and returned with the biggest frown I’ve ever seen.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” Annie said between clenched teeth.

  Leona whispered in Annie’s ear, “You’re probably overreacting. Shake it off.”

  Annie glared.

  Mia cleaned vacated tables so arriving customers could find a place to sit and enjoy their food. Ashley and her friend Kristen manned the ice cream window with minimal flirting with the customers, while Bree shot angry glares their way when she thought Leona wouldn’t notice.

  “Will you help me find a book?” Annie heard a gray haired woman ask Danny who hung around the café all day keeping an eye on the freebrary.

  All in all, the café ran like a well-oiled machine. Even with the undercurrents of drama simmering just below the surface.

  Until it didn’t.

  All it took was one obnoxious, hot and hungry tourist, impatient for a table. “I was here first!” His outburst stunned everyone into silence until Jason appeared and led the culprit outside. Annie allowed her own simmering anger toward Jason to cool a bit after watching Jason’s performance. She caught his eye and smiled. He winked in reply.

  “Everything back on track?” Leona elbowed Annie as she carried a plate to a waiting customer.

  “Maybe. I can’t let him off the hook too quickly though,” Annie said with a grin.

  Mia flopped onto a counter stool. “What’s the plan for the rest of the afternoon?”

  Leona leaned both elbows on the counter. “I’m closing the door in about twenty minutes. Danny’s helping me move the portable ice cream freezer to the town green and we’ll continue selling ice cream at the chicken barbeque. People can still bring their food over here and sit on the deck if they want, but we won’t be serving anything from the café.”

  Annie whispered, “So? You and Danny?” She raised her eyebrows in question.

  Leona glanced left and right. No one was nearby. “Thanks for opening my eyes yesterday. You know how he’s such a sweet guy?”

  Annie nodded.

  “He’s sweet and gentle with everything. If you know what I mean.” Leona winked.

  “I don’t need that image, thank you very much. How about his drinking problem?”

  “He’s got that under control. For now. But I promised to help with that. Seltzer for both of us.”

  Both Mia and Annie choked on that comment.

  Danny awkwardly approached the three giggling women. “Annie, I found this.” He handed her a book.

  Panic clutched her chest. “Another one? Where did you find it?” Annie asked before she even looked inside.

  “On the seat at the table by the window. It was stuck between the seat and the wall.”

  Annie opened the front cover. Red lettering stared at her. Annie, it’s not what it seems.

  “I’m heading to the police station to show these two books to Tyler. None of the messages make any sense to me.”

  The messages went round and round in Annie’s head as she drove to the police station. They had to be connected to Robbie’s death, but how? She hoped with Tyler’s help they could figure something out.

  The police station was crowded. The officer on duty at the desk told her to take a seat and Tyler would be out as soon as possible. She sighed and found an empty chair in the corner.

  “Did you hear there was a murder in town?” a fiftyish year old woman asked the man sitting next to her. “I heard it was a land dispute.”

  Annie sagged in her chair. Even the tourists were gossiping about Catfish Cove. That couldn’t be good.

  The man added his two cents. “Maybe it was about love. The only time I was ever mad enough to want someone dead was when my best friend stole my girl.” He laughed. “That was a long time ago, and I won you back so good thing I didn’t kill that bloke or I would have ended up in jail instead of spending my life with you.”

  The woman squeezed his hand. “You never told me that before.”

  Annie’s hand went to her heart and she felt slightly guilty for eavesdropping on such a tender moment.

  Finally, Tyler walked into the front room and Annie saw him searching for her. She stood up and followed him down the hallway to his office.

  “What’s going on here today?”

  “All the tourists. It happens every year. Parking tickets and silly things like that.” He leaned back in his chair. “I have a feeling you’re here about something more important than all that stuff.”

  Annie pulled the two books from her bag and placed them in front of Tyler on his desk.

  “I thought you lost the books?”

  “I did. These are two new ones. Take a look and see if the messages make any sense to you.”

  Tyler studied the words, then handed a pen and paper to Annie. “Write down all the messages. One under the other.”

  She did as he asked.

  Annie, Oliver knows what happened

  Annie, check the trash

  Annie, you need to do some real digging

  Annie, it’s not what it seems

  Tyler took the paper and circled Oliver, trash, digging and not what it seems. “Have you figured out who Oliver is yet?”

  Annie shook her head. “Not a clue, and no one else can think of an Oliver either.”

  “The next clue is the trash.” Tyler set a clear bag on his desk. “This is what we took from Robbie’s house. Not much in the way of trash.”

  Annie straightened up and picked up the bag. “Maybe it’s what’s not in the trash. If he died from an overdose, where’s the vial?”

  “Why didn’t I think of that?” Tyler exclaimed.

  “Someone took the evidence so the clue wasn’t in the trash. Who might have taken the vial?”

  Tyler took out his notebook. “Peter Hayworth told me he went to talk to Robbie, and when he left Luke Carbo
ne was driving in. Stacey Jordon says he died before the ambulance arrived. She’s the one who called the police. And, of course, Hazel was around. She told me she went out for a walk, so she doesn’t have an alibi.”

  “Wait a minute. Peter told you Luke arrived when he left?”

  Tyler checked his notes again. “Yeah.”

  “Luke Carbone told me he saw Peter going into the house when he was driving out. Someone is lying.”

  “And, of course, you found Peter unconscious near his blackberry bushes. Was he on his way home from Robbie’s house?”

  “Good question. He told me he was spreading some new fertilizer and the fumes knocked him out.” Annie stood up. “I’ve got to run. Are you going to the barbeque and bonfire tonight with JC?”

  “I’ll be there but I’m on duty. JC doesn’t have to work so she’ll be there with Dylan.”

  “Everything’s going well between you two?” Annie asked.

  Tyler nodded and smiled. “She finally can see that you and I are friends and the past is the past. Thanks for letting her know that.”

  “You two are good together. And it’s great to have you as a friend. Maybe it’s better this way.”

  “Maybe. We’ll never know, will we?” he said, his eyes downcast.

  “See you tonight at the barbeque. I have to check on a dog.” Annie left his office before he had a chance to ask any questions. She conveniently left out the part about the dog being at Hazel Benson’s house.

  Annie and Roxy headed to Hazel’s house. She was curious to find out how Zoe was adjusting. Hazel certainly had no trouble making her decision at the animal shelter. She knew exactly what she was looking for.

  When Annie knocked on Hazel’s door, she heard Zoe bark but no one came to let her in. Annie tried the doorknob and the door opened so she peeked inside and called out Hazel’s name. Zoe ran to the door, wagging her tail when she recognized Annie and Roxy.

  “Hey Zoe. Where’s Hazel?” Annie cocked her head, hoping to hear the sound of footsteps approaching.



  Annie hesitated but then remembered her promise to Karen at the shelter and made a quick decision to take Zoe for a walk. “Hazel must be around somewhere,” she said to the dogs, feeling annoyed. “If she doesn’t turn up, I’ll have to take Zoe home with me.”

  Zoe happily flew out the door chasing Roxy around the yard. Annie walked around the side of the house where she could see Peter’s blackberry fields in the distance.

  “Come on girls, let’s go this way.” Annie wasn’t sure what she had in mind but something pulled her toward the rows of berry bushes.

  She found the shovel still stuck in the ground where she found Peter on Wednesday. She sniffed the air and noticed just a faint bit of the awful smell lingering. She checked her watch and calculated the time it took to walk between Hazel’s house and the spot where she found Peter unconscious. Only ten minutes. Annie pulled out the shovel and stabbed it into a different spot. The shovel hit something, a rock probably.

  “What are you doing?” a deep voice asked.

  Chapter 14

  “Peter. You startled me. I’m taking Roxy and Hazel’s new dog, Zoe, for a walk. They ran in this direction.”

  Both dogs bounded back, sniffing Peter and begging for attention or a treat, or possibly hoping for both. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a couple of treats. “I like to be prepared,” he said to Annie as he offered one to each dog. “Why are you taking Hazel’s dog for a walk? Shouldn’t she be doing that?” Peter asked as he pulled out the shovel and tamped the soil back into place.

  “I promised Karen at the shelter to help with Zoe since this is Hazel’s first dog, and I didn’t see Hazel when I stopped at the house.” Annie patted both dogs, one on each side of her.

  “I’ve been looking for this shovel. It must have been here ever since I passed out.”

  They both turned when a panicked voice called Zoe several times.

  “I better get her back to Hazel, she sounds worried.” Annie started to walk away but turned back to Peter. “Are you going to the barbeque and bonfire later?”

  “Definitely. It’s what Kirk, Emily and the grandkids came for. My drama at the ER was just an added bonus.” He chuckled. “Well, and the fireworks tomorrow night.”

  Annie waved and jogged after the disappearing dogs. At least they were headed in the right direction.

  By the time Annie got to the house, Hazel was crouched down with Zoe jumping up and licking her face. “How did you get out of the house?”

  “It’s my fault. Sorry. I called you but you didn’t answer.”

  Hazel stood up, unsmiling. “You walked into my house?”

  “No, I didn’t go in, I only called through a crack in the door and Zoe was excited to see me. Were you inside?”

  “I’m not sure it’s any of your business what I was doing. Come on Zoe.” Hazel disappeared into the house with Zoe and without another word to Annie.

  A black Lexus sedan sped up the driveway and stopped behind Annie’s Subaru. Luke Carbone emerged in his fitted suit and spit-shined shoes which got covered in dust as soon as his foot hit the ground. Roxy ran over to greet him but Luke was in no mood for conversing with a dog.

  “Where’s Hazel? I left her a message that I was stopping by.”

  Annie snapped her fingers to get Roxy away from Luke. “I’m not her keeper, but I have the distinct impression that she isn’t one bit interested in selling off her land. Especially to you. For condos.”

  “Well, she can at least listen to the offer I’m prepared to make, and with her brother out of the way, it will be a nice piece of change in her pocket. Otherwise, without a job, she’ll lose the land and I’ll get it at foreclosure price.”

  “Who told you she doesn’t have a job?” Annie tried to keep from laughing.

  “Robbie. He told me he’s been taking care of her for her whole life and he promised he’d get her to sign the papers.” Luke moved closer to Annie. “I suspect it’s going to be a lot easier and cheaper to deal with Hazel now.”

  “That sounds like quite the motive to get Robbie out of the picture,” Annie said as she crossed her arms and smirked at Luke.

  Luke’s face turned red with anger as he leaned right into Annie’s face. “I already told you, he was very much alive when I left.”

  “If you say so.” She enjoyed baiting him.

  The front door opened. “Leave her alone. I’ll talk to you, but Annie comes in too.”

  Annie’s blood started to boil. First Hazel ignored her and now expected her to help. Something was wrong with the picture as far as Annie was concerned.

  “I don’t have time now.” She checked her watch. “The chicken barbeque is starting and I’m supposed to be there to help.” Annie smiled. “How about you both come too?” She crossed her fingers inside her pocket. At least, she’d be able to keep an eye on them.

  Hazel hesitated. “Okay. Can I bring Zoe?”

  “As long as she’s on a leash.” Annie gave herself a mental head slap. Why did she let herself get dragged into the middle of this battle?

  Roxy and Zoe sat in the back seat, panting with excitement and hanging their heads out the window. Annie checked her rearview mirror and saw Luke’s car following behind.

  “What are you going to say to Luke about the land? He’s convinced you need the money and will sell.”

  Hazel smiled. “That’s good to know. I’m planning to string him along and keep him in town until Robbie’s murder is solved.”

  “Very clever. You’re convinced it’s murder and not an accidental overdose?”

  “I never thought it could be an accidental overdose. My instinct tells me this will play out even better than the murders in my stories. I have to find out how it ends so I can work it into the book I’m writing now.”

  Annie felt the hairs on her arm prickle. What had Stacey told her? Hazel’s stories always implicated the wrong person. Was that her plan? Po
int the evidence in a real murder toward an innocent person for an idea for one of her stories?

  The town green was mobbed with people. Annie had to drive way down Main Street before she could find a spot to park. Luke swerved into the space in front of her and hustled to catch up with them.

  “How about I treat you ladies to a chicken dinner?” Luke offered in his best salesman voice.

  Much to Annie’s surprise, Hazel accepted the offer. Annie declined, saying she had to work.

  Annie followed behind Hazel and Luke, listening to his sales pitch for the condo development and how wealthy the land deal would make Hazel. She nodded, and from all outward appearances, seemed to be taking it all in.

  The town green was covered with stalls selling everything from food to hand-made crafts plus games and face-painting for the kids. Annie wove her way through the crowd.

  The ice cream booth that Leona set up had a long line of people, mostly kids, waiting to be served. Leona and Mia had their hands full scooping ice cream so Annie tied an apron on and pitched in.

  “It’s about time you showed up,” Leona said in a not too friendly tone.

  Annie ignored the comment and helped the next person in line. “I bet I can guess what you want,” Annie said to her friend JC’s son.

  “Mint chocolate chip with hot fudge sauce,” Dylan said with a big grin on his face.

  “With sprinkles on top too, right?”


  “How about you JC?”

  JC was searching the crowd. “What?”

  “Any ice cream for you?” Annie repeated.

  “No thanks. I’m trying to find Tyler. He’s working, but if there’s no trouble he’s supposed to meet us here.” Suddenly, she jumped up and waved. “There he is.”

  Annie handed the cup to Dylan and scooped ice cream into a cone. When Tyler joined JC, Annie handed him the cone. “You look like you could use something cold. Here’s your favorite, blackberry ice cream in a sugar cone. No charge.”

  When Tyler thanked Annie, she noticed a slight frown on JC’s face. Or was she imagining it? Maybe JC was still jealous about the fact that Tyler and Annie had been engaged a few years back.


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