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House of Enchanted: The Revelations of Oriceran (Soul Stone Mage Book 1)

Page 3

by Sarah Noffke

  He shook his head. “I mean whatever has taken out half the mintly and hook-skirt herbs. Brown spots all over, just withering away.”

  “Maybe they have a fungus.” Azure glanced at the herbs sitting in long rows in colorful pots. “These are used for healing potions, right?”

  “So you do listen when I’m talking. Good to know. Yes, I’ve seen it in the mountains, too. Never found it in this part of Virgo before.” A buzzing light zipped around his face. He swatted at Navi, the Fairy, his face screwed up in annoyance.

  “Hey, listen!” the Fairy yelled, her high-pitched voice ringing through the air.

  “Listen yourself,” Finnegan said, straightening his robe. His plum-colored soul stone was fashioned into a brooch pinned to the right side of his chest.

  “What’s Navi going on about?” Azure sat on the crate next to a large pot and took her turn digging into the soil to find the mars bee traps.

  Finnegan waved a dismissive hand at Navi. She settled on his shoulder and whispered into his ear. Her face was bright red with anger, matching her pink hair.

  “I know what you think you saw, but you have no evidence. Get off,” Finnegan snarled at the Fairy. She flew to where Azure was working and looked at Azure earnestly.

  “This morning I saw a human in here, and that batty old wizard won’t believe me,” Navi said, stomping her slippered foot.

  “It wouldn’t make any difference if I did. My only focus is a strange fungus, and only Charmsgood knows the cure.” Finnegan turned, scanning the rows of plants at his back. Several buzzing lights were hovering over the leaves. The fairies flew so fast, only the light of their wings could be seen. “Why don’t you help with the harvest of what’s left instead of spreading rumors?”

  Azure sunk her fingers deep into the soil, enjoying the softness. Once the dirt came to her wrist, she stayed still, centering herself, feeling her way. “There was a council meeting this morning. The Emperor and the Duke were in attendance.”

  The Fairy nodded adamantly. “See, she gets it. They did something to our crops. Who knows what else?”

  Finnegan shook his head, ignoring the Fairy. “Azure, what are you doing? You’ve got to dig to catch em.”

  “That approach didn’t appear to work for you.” She glanced at his dirt-covered robes.

  “Something’s not right! They aren’t acting right, even for a mars bee trap!”

  “That human in the trench coat was in here! He did something, I’m telling you!” Navi screamed, her hands clenched into fists.

  “Please grab me a stabilizer,” Azure said to the Fairy, who flew off and a moment later returned with a small stick.

  Twice she’d felt something tickle her finger. The third time she pinched it and pulled the long stem to the surface of the soil. “Voila!” Azure sat back and gave Navi space to tie the mars bee trap to the stabilizer. The stick would keep it from sliding back under the soil, and ensure it grew straight and tall.

  “How’d you do that? I’ve been digging for those fuckers all afternoon,” Finnegan asked, his eyes narrowing.

  “Magic,” Azure told him, centering herself and plunging her fingers back into the soil to find another plant.


  “Damn it!” Queen Emeri held her wand tightly in her fingers. It was a typical Virgoan wand, made from the howling willow that only grew on the peak of the Mountain of Truth, a place as dangerous as the Dark Forest. The only being known to live there was the oldest known witch, Mage Lenore.

  Azure paused in the doorway of her mother’s study, not making a sound. She liked to watch her mother when the queen didn’t know anyone was there. I miss seeing you. All the responsibilities fall away from you and I can really see you.

  Her mother appeared approachable, soft, and something else… Is that vulnerability I see in my mother’s eyes? That’s something new. The queen was staring intently at a piece of paper, muttering an incantation.

  “Damn, damn, damn!” Queen Emeri exclaimed, slamming her wand on the desk in front of her.

  “Are you all right?” Azure asked, stepping out of the shadows of the entryway.

  Queen Emeri looked up, her face showing how startled she was arranging her expression into something more acceptable.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she said, tucking the thick piece of parchment under a stack of papers. “I mean, no. That’s why I asked you to stop by. I thought it wouldn’t be for quite some time. Your fitting, did it go all right?”

  “As it always does,” Azure assured her mother. She’d been the same size for eighty-two years, since she stopped growing at age eighteen. “I’m not wearing the shoes, though. Those heels are a form of torture, and I fail to see what I’ve done to deserve that.”

  Queen Emeri smiled, but it didn’t reach all the way to her eyes. Something was wrong.

  That’s what this whole meeting is about. I wish I were anywhere but here, thought Azure.

  Azure wanted to be off experiencing her last bit of freedom with Monet, berating him for being a worthless toad-brain or whatever other insult came to mind. However, royal duties had been sucking up all her attention lately. Monet took it upon himself to inquire around Virgo about Charmsgood’s whereabouts. The Potion Master’s absence was creating more and more problems. Witches and wizards were running out of ingredients or potions or just his clever expertise.

  “You don’t have to wear the shoes at the coronation,” her mother allowed. She stood, striding around her large desk, overflowing with books, papers, and quills. “Azure, I’ve been explaining how you will lead the Virgoans for quite some time. However, we need to discuss how you will protect them.”

  The younger witch turned to face her mother, putting her back to the large fire to warm herself. “I’m listening.”

  There was a ton of chatter begging for her attention in her head. It’s not that I don’t want to ascend the throne, it’s just that I don’t want to do it now. I’m too young! It’s too early!

  “The emotional climate might shift when there’s a change in the monarchy. I suspect that the Land of Terran might try something.”

  “But the Oriceran treaty and Emperor Richard won’t allow that,” Azure insisted. “He works so hard to keep the peace. Okay, not always successfully. Humans seem to hate us without cause. Does anyone even remember why? And our people are never keen to put up with the nonsense, sometimes even revolting against the abuse…” Azure’s voice trailed off. She wasn’t sure what else to say.

  “There are things he can’t control. The prejudice humans have for us was learned under the previous emperor, Richard’s father. Now, witches and wizards are being attacked when they cross a Terran human’s path. Hate is a very hard thing to unlearn,” the queen said.

  “Well, then maybe we should delay the coronation, at least for another year or two, until you’ve had a chance to mend relations. Maybe if we implement a goodwill campaign—”

  Azure’s mother held up a hand to silence her daughter. “The Terrans don’t want anything we have to offer. I’ve already floated the idea of a trade with them, but they refused to purchase any of our goods. They don’t need them. It’s unfortunate, because we could have used the exchange.”

  Virgo was rich in many ways. The people were happy and magic flourished as they took care of the land. The only beings on Oriceran who took more care of the land and the sea were the Wood Elves. However, they weren’t as good at being stewards of gold and were always lacking in a supply big enough to trade for all the materials they wanted for potions or goods. It didn’t help that they didn’t have much to trade with other kingdoms in the first place.

  “I want you, once you are queen, to recruit allies to our side, creatures who can be our ears and eyes. We will need strong soldiers to defend Virgo if the prophets’ treaty is broken and we’re attacked. The Orcs make logical sense, although I have no idea how to recruit them,” Queen Emeri said.

  “The Orcs? You want me to saunter over to the Chief of the Orcs and d
evise some sort of agreement? You have heard that they are pretty unreasonable creatures, right?”

  “Yes, Azure. I’m well aware that they are violent and volatile. But I’ve gotten word from witches and wizards who have passed through the mountains and close to the Land of Terran that traps are being set for us. And Virgoans have gone missing. Even now Charmsgood is nowhere to be found. Charmsgood! I must insist that you take an aggressive approach. It’s the only way.”

  Azure threw herself down on the embroidered loveseat set next to the fire, her corseted dress rising up on her chest as she did. “Mother, this just sounds like a horrible time for me to take the crown. I don’t understand.”

  Queen Emeri strode over to her, her long gown gliding over the floor, and knelt so she was even with her daughter’s face. “Azure, the reason you must take the crown is the same reason I believe we are in such danger from the humans of Terran. A team of our alchemists has found a virus has infected the witches and wizards of Virgo. We think it was created by the Terrans and we are their target.”

  “What? How is that possible? Who is sick?” Azure leaned forward, noticing a shadow that danced across her mother’s eyes for an instant.

  “There have only been a few cases, dear. It isn’t serious yet, but that’s why I’m encouraging you to take this position. For your people.” Her mother stood, smoothing the long swaths of navy blue material that made up her elaborate dress. It moved like the waves of a stormy ocean.

  “How do we know that it was made by the humans?”

  “The alchemists have their ways, and the timing of the first case of the virus is key in all of this,” the queen said.

  “Which was?”

  “The virus was first contracted by the last Virgoans who were allowed inside the borders of the Land of Terran before they implemented their new laws.”

  Azure stood at once, her heart beating faster. “But, mother, that would have been you!”

  Her mother turned to her, eyes full of regret. “Yes, Azure. Me, and my top cabinet officials. We were the first to contract the virus. Somehow we were poisoned.”

  “The Terrans gave this to you? Infected you with a virus? Was it the Emperor?”

  Queen Emeri shook her head. “We don’t know. It’s hard to tell who was behind it. We were in contact with so many while we were there, and then the Terrans voted to close the borders afterwards. The timing was truly suspicious.”

  “Mother, are you all right? Have the alchemists been able to…”

  “No, they haven’t found a cure. Charmsgood was the closest of anyone, and now he’s missing. But Azure, I…” Her mother turned to the desk where she was working, pointing to the stack of papers where she’d hidden the parchment. She hesitated. Should I tell her everything? “When you came in, I was trying to magically alter a record. A simple spell, one I’ve used thousands of times. But the virus, it’s robbing me of my magic. All of us who have it.”

  Azure’s face fell. “That’s why you’re insisting I take the crown now.”

  Her mother’s hands were cold as she gripped Azure’s arms tightly. “My child, I can’t lead the people of Virgo if I don’t have magic. It wouldn’t be right. But you are ready. You have your power.”

  “But I don’t have my soul stone,” she said.

  The queen suddenly went behind her desk and stood there, staring at the stacks of books and papers. Not yet. I’ll tell her soon, but not yet. “No, but you will soon. Bring it to me right away when you do dislodge it.”

  “Mother, this virus… How does it spread? Will everyone in Virgo lose their power?”

  Biting her lip and close to tears, her mother shook her head. “We don’t know. So far it hasn’t spread past myself and my cabinet members. But you’ll have to elect your own cabinet members.”

  “You really believe the Terrans are trying to take us out?”

  “I think that some of them, maybe a lot of them, are doing what they can to sabotage us. It’s been a long time coming, and nothing I’ve ever tried has worked to repair relations. That’s why your first order of business needs to be protecting our people.” She nodded her head, wiping away the tears.

  Azure shook her head, her bluish-gray hair swishing over her bare shoulders. “First, we find a cure.”


  The sunlight streaming through the stained-glass window danced across the old wooden floor as Azure hurried down the hallway. She didn’t know where she was going or who she was looking for, but if she poked her head into enough rooms in the House, maybe she’d find someone who could give her answers. My mother is sick. A witch without magic… Who would she be? Everyone from Oriceran has magic.

  Azure poked her head into a sitting room and saw a wizard, his hands help up over his head, eyes wide. “The dragon was this tall, I tell you,” he said to the crowd of witches and wizards sitting in front of him.

  Shaking her head, Azure pulled back into the arched hallway. Maybe the first floor. No, that’s where the staff is cleaning and decorating for the coronation and festivities. Cleaning the spider webs from the ceilings takes a whole day. Their webs instantly rebuilt themselves. Continuous spells kept the spider webs away, but nothing worked permanently.

  “There you are!” Monet’s voice rang out as he came around the corner. “I’ve been meandering around this place for ages trying to find you.”

  “One doesn’t meander if they are trying to find someone,” Azure corrected, realizing her voice was a bit too high-pitched. Must be nerves.

  “One doesn’t? Practicing royal bitchiness? What’s wrong?” Monet asked, his face turning serious.

  He knew. He always knew when something was bothering her. It was like that from the beginning. Since the first time they played in the gardens of the House of Enchanted. Azure needed her mother but settled for a friend. Her mother was the queen with a thousand people pulling at her.

  Monet had strolled up to her, his light-green hair catching the light and said, “You look lost, and now I’m found. You’re it.” He tagged her shoulder and sprinted off through the topiaries and rosebushes in an impromptu game of hide-and-go-seek. They were only eight years old. It was almost a century ago.

  Now she was closing in on the age when witches formed their soul stones. A teenager at a hundred years old. She felt so much older, and yet the one thing that marked full maturity hadn’t happened to her.

  “Do you want to go down to the artisan market?” Azure forced the corners of her mouth into a smile.

  Monet pursed his lips, studying her. He nodded, not wanting to push her. “Fine. We need another deck of Elements cards anyway.”

  “You need them, since you’re the one who loses all the damn time.” Azure picked up her dress as they made their way down the carpeted stairs.


  Smoke wafted from an open pit where chicken legs were suspended in the air, twisting on an invisible rotisserie. The artisan market brought in witches and wizards from all over Virgo to trade their handmade soaps that erased freckles, candles that induced laughter, or bread that always tasted fresh-baked no matter how old.

  “Any word on Charmsgood?” Azure asked, her eyes on a cart that was hung with various crystals. A witch in cream-colored robes that matched the streaks in her black hair waved them over, trying to draw them to her cart. Azure pulled her hood higher and kept her head down.

  “No sign of him around his shop. Doesn’t look like he’s been there in days,” Monet told her, tugging on Azure’s arm in the middle of the dirt lane. The look in his eyes was serious, a strange expression for him. “Actually, Finnegan said he was checking his moonflowers one night to see if they were blooming, and he saw Charmsgood hobbling toward the Dark Forest.”

  “He disappeared on the night the moons were full, then.”

  “That’s what I figured. But you know Finnegan-Gone-Again eats the blooms from those flowers. He thinks they make him more powerful,” Monet said.

  “When in actuality they only make him bat
tier,” Azure agreed.

  “Moonflowers have their purposes, but now isn’t the time to educate you, my friend. If the old man is telling the truth, then why would Charmsgood go into the Dark Forest at night.” Monet turned and continued down the lane.

  “Maybe to retrieve ingredients that only bloomed at night, like the moonflowers?” she offered.

  Monet stopped at a booth with a wizard wearing robes the color of lemons, who was selling Elements decks, along with toys, like dolls that could really play and told on their playmate if they misbehaved. Those never sold well.

  “I’ll give you this gray Earth stone,” said Monet. He pulled it out and held it in his palm, waving his hand over it.

  “Rubbish!” The old wizard with cat-like yellow eyes sneered at the stone. “Your stone and your jokes. No sale!”

  "On me." Azure took out a gold piece and handed it to the wizard who examined it closely.

  “More like it!” he said.

  “Thanks for paying.” Monet dropped the cards into an inside pocket of his mint-colored robes. Something crinkled, and he jerked his head up. “Actually, I forgot! I’m out of gold because I bought these.” He took out a shiny orange silver bag of Cheetos.

  “What are those, and where’d you buy them?” she asked

  “I bought them from a wizard on my way over to get you. He got them in the Dark Market. Okay, I lied about the rock.”

  “No kidding.”

  “These really are from Earth! They’re called a snack.” Monet pulled on either side of the bag, opening it. “The wizard swore they’re a hit on Earth.

  Azure looked around. Luckily, everyone else was busy haggling over self-cleaning dishes or magical herbs. “If those are from Earth, then you’d better be careful. However they got here, they’re illegal,” she said in a disapproving hiss.

  “Duh, Azure. That’s why it’s the Dark Market,” Monet said, chomping down on a Cheetos. “Never seen anything like it, have you?”


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