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House of Enchanted: The Revelations of Oriceran (Soul Stone Mage Book 1)

Page 16

by Sarah Noffke

  Gasps echoed from around the room as a general murmur broke out. Azure backed up, grateful that the guards were flanking her. Maybe they would protect her if these people turned into an angry mob.

  Emperor Richard closed his eyes for half a beat. He opened them and merely shook his head. “That’s why you’re interrupting this press conference? Phillip, that’s not a concern for the palace.”

  “Oh, but I do believe it is, Emperor Richard. This witch has declared she is half human, and her father is from the Land of Terran.”

  The emperor’s eyes grew wider. “No,” he whispered.

  “Oh, yes,” Phillip confirmed, a gleeful smile on his face.

  “That’s treason,” voices muttered in the crowd.

  “It is, isn’t it,” Phillip replied to the crowd. “Not only will this witch be imprisoned, but her father has committed a serious crime as well.”

  The emperor’s face fell, his brow creasing deeply. “Phillip, this is a matter we should—”

  “Deal with right now,” he said, cutting off his brother. “I couldn’t agree more. You see, I saw the filthy witch placing a charm on her soul stone at the Harvest Celebration.”

  More gasps echoed from the crowd.

  “That’s right. This trespasser is from Virgo,” the Duke said, especially delighted. “I was able to deduce that she was using her human magic to create a connecting charm on the stone. Strangely, it has drawn her here.”

  The emperor raised his head. “Phillip, this isn’t necessary.”

  “It is necessary. The people of Terran deserve to know the truth about this witch,” the Duke snarled, and snapped his fingers toward the back of the room, his gaze on Azure. “Bring Princess Azure to the front. This matter needs to be resolved.”

  The crowd of reporters gasped as they turned. Their greedy eyes found Azure, who was being led forward by the guards. “Princess Azure,” people whispered. “She’s half human?”

  Azure’s gaze darted between the faces as her feet reluctantly brought her forward. She centered her attention on her soul stone, rising off her chest and hovering in front of her face, being drawn to something. The blue amethyst was glowing.

  Azure nearly tripped as the guards pulled her up the stairs. They were making a public display of this all, but why? What was the Duke up to? He looked too satisfied as he stood on the platform, his hands clasped behind his back.

  “The stone will tell everyone who the traitor among us is,” Phillip declared.

  My father is in this room. I know it.

  She didn’t really care who he was, but rather she wanted to know what had he done with her mother’s soul stone. Her own stone was pulling Azure forward. She wanted to turn to the crowd of reporters. My father it out there. But the stone tugged her farther on to the stage, to where a handful of guards stood flanking the emperor and his son.

  The emperor saw the bright light and was horrified. Her eyes suddenly blurred, and she realized it was the bright light emanating from her stone. It wasn’t just bright, it was starting to blind her. Azure stumbled forward, closing her eyes.

  “I can’t see,” she said, her head down as the guards tried to pull her up.

  “Let her go,” she heard the emperor demand in front of her. The guards released Azure but she kept her eyes closed, the bright light seeping through her eyelids. She felt the stone vibrating and thought it might burst.

  Something tugged on Azure’s neck, pulling her forward again. It was the necklace. She thought it would cut her skin. She struggled with her restraints, keeping her eyes closed. Azure was at the mercy of the glowing blue gem.

  Suddenly her soul stone dragged her forward a few more steps. She threw her body back, and the necklace broke. In a moment of panic, she opened her eyes to see the stone fly through the air. The emperor lifted his hand and the soul stone disappeared into it. The muttering in the room increased, getting louder.

  Azure looked around, wondering where her soul stone had gone. She saw the emperor only ten feet away lower his hand. His eyes were pinned on his closed fist. He turned his hand over and opened his fingers. There in the middle of his palm sat Azure’s brightly glowing soul stone.

  “It’s you,” Azure breathed, her eyes drawn to the face of the man before her.

  Emperor Richard stared at the blue stone in horror, his eyes wide. He looked at her. “Yes, Princess Azure. You’re my daughter.”

  The crowd broke into shouts, but she was only partially aware of the irate humans thrusting their hands in the air. Her eyes were on the man before her, the one holding her soul stone. She realized she was holding her breath as a set of hands grabbed her from behind. One of the guards had her in his grasp again. The other strode around her, heading straight for Emperor Richard.

  “I’m sorry, Brother, but laws are laws,” the Duke said.

  Azure caught the look of astonishment on the Grand Prince’s face as the guard took the emperor into custody. The guard at her back spun Azure around and shoved her forward. They were going to imprison her, and the man who had her mother’s soul stone, making it harder for her to retrieve it. She suppressed her momentary frustration as they pushed her through the crowd of angry faces.

  Her father was the emperor of the Land of Terran. Was the emperor. Now we’re both going to be prisoners in this fucked-up land, but not for long. Azure knew what she was going to do next, and how’d she’d make the Duke pay.


  Queen Emeri looked down as the pool of potion shimmered and the images on its surface faded. Seeing her daughter’s face in the scrying bowl had made her throat constrict with a deep longing. But watching her being led away by the guards of Terran had made her stomach burn with fury. This was all Duke Phillip’s doing. He’d seen a perfect opportunity, and couldn’t pass it up. And in truth, he hadn’t gone back on their agreement. He’d allowed the secret to come out naturally. She could finally fulfill her longtime wish and kill him.

  “Now you know,” Emeri said, turning to face her mother at her side. If she could have scried on her own she would have, but her magic was almost entirely depleted. It wouldn’t be long until she started to age like a nonmagical person. Her years would catch up with her quite rapidly.

  “Yes, Emperor Richard. I realize now that you two thought you could change your people by having Azure. You were incorrect, dear Emeri. You only would have sacrificed both your crowns. I’m grateful I found out about this long ago and made you keep Azure’s true identity a secret,” Sari told her daughter, smoothing her lilac velvet robe. She regarded her image in the scrying bowl, straightening the soul stone clip in her hair.

  “Thanks, but the whole ‘I told you so’ lecture is really not appreciated,” Emeri said.

  “Well, then next time don’t say thanks.”

  “What are we going to do now? Azure is a prisoner of Terran and Frederick will be made emperor, but he’ll be under the Duke’s control.”

  “I think we all know that Frederick is no different from his father. Duke Phillip has been secretly running the Land of Terran since I was queen. He’s the reason for the silent battle between Virgo and the humans, and he’s the puppeteer behind the Consumer Party,” Sari stated.

  “I’m going to call a council meeting. The humans will have to negotiate for Azure’s return if the Crystals, the Light Elves and the Gnomes are present. Frederick will cave in the presence of older and wiser leaders,” Emeri said.

  “What you need to be worrying about is your soul stone.”

  “Mother, that’s my last concern. My daughter is a prisoner of Terran. Richard, well, he’s a fucking coward who will be a prisoner as well,” she spat, narrowing her bright green eyes. “Richard was a coward since Azure was born, never standing up for his people. He’s allowed Phillip’s influence to take over Terran. That’s why the people are so wasteful, disdainful.”

  “You need to stay out of this, Emeri.”

  “How can you say that? Azure—”

  “Is exactly where
she needs to be,” the old witch interrupted. “She’s a prisoner of Terran. Spread that around Virgo, and when she breaks out she’ll be revered. She’s been given the opportunity to earn the approval of her people and secure the crown. However, if you step in and rescue her, she’ll lose the chance to prove herself to the Virgoans.”

  Emeri opened her mouth to say something, and shut it again. Her mother was right. As much as she wanted to rescue her daughter—and she thought she probably could—that wasn’t going to help Azure’s long-term future. She was a strong and bright witch. She still had her wand stashed in her shirt. Azure would get herself out of Terran, and when she returned she’d be seen as a brave and true leader, one who could protect her people from the humans.

  “Spread the news, far and wide. Our people need to know Azure has been taken a prisoner by the people of Terran,” the queen declared, turning and striding from her chamber.


  Author Notes - Sarah Noffke

  I remember the morning that Michael Anderle called me and we discussed me writing in his new universe. He kept saying the word Oriceran and I kept wondering, what the hell is that? But even with all my confusion, I knew this was a good idea. I’ve written five series in a different universe and knew I was ready for a new challenge. Originally I pitched the idea of Salem Witch Trials and how they were a result of the magic in Oriceran. When I actually came to write this series, the witch trials were much too dark for Michael’s audience. And so Azure and the soul stones of Virgo were born.

  Fun fact: I’m a Virgo. Another fun fact: Amethysts aren’t the birthstone for Virgos. It’s sapphires. Honestly, I chose amethysts for soul stones because they represent healing and rejuvenation.

  Here’s another fun fact. Monet’s name was supposed to be Monte. However, every time I typed it, Monet came out. And that’s how character’s names are sometimes born. Now I couldn’t imagine him as anything from Monet.

  I try to create symbolism with names in my books. For instance, most know that Azure means blue. And Emeri, as in the reigning queen, Azure’s mother, her name means industrious leader. I tried to create it so that the witches and wizards had names that were different whereas the humans of Terran had common names. Richard, Phillip, Frederick versus Emeri, Sari and Azure. I also tried to contrast the witches with the humans using dress, transportation and architecture. We have the old world charm of the wizarding community meeting the modern strictness of the humans.

  Writing the House of Enchanted was a wonderful experience. I laughed every time Monet graced the page. Loved and loathed that damn gnome. And I kind of have a secret crush on Ever. Well, I guess it’s not so secret anymore. But more than anything, I really was swept away with Azure. I once gave advice in an author interview. Someone asked, how do you make characters who readers want to read about. My answer was: fall in love with your characters and the readers will too. I feel as though Azure stole a part of my heart. And she continues to steal more with each book.


  Sarah Noffke

  Thank you to Michael Anderle for giving me this chance. I’m still waiting for the roller coaster you threw me on to slow down.

  Thank you to Martha Carr for your amazing support. I love sharing the ideas that have come out of our collaborations. You are a creative soul.

  Thank you to the awesome authors who pushed me to do this. Jeff and Sarah I wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t for you.

  Thank you to Lynne, Steve, Andrew and Jeff for all the work on the books, covers and championing so much of the publishing.

  Thank you to my beta team Colleen and Heidi. You two keep me sane… or maybe it’s the other way around.

  Thank you to my amazing readers. I asked myself a question the other day and it had a strange answer. I asked if I would still write if trapped on a desert island and no one would ever read the books. The answer was yes, but the feeling connected to it was different. It wouldn’t be as much fun to write if there wasn’t awesome readers to share it with. Thank you.

  Thank you to my friends and family for all the support and love.

  Author Notes - Martha Carr

  Written September 5, 2017

  The first thing Sarah Noffke ever said to me was, “I’m willing.” Those were the magic words. We were talking about collaborating in a new Universe that Michael Anderle and I were co-creating. His sophomore project after the hugely successful Kurtherian Gambit Universe and my first.

  We were all hard at work laying the groundwork for an urban fantasy world that could include a lot of different authors. The one thing that Michael and I knew would be vital was to have good authors who were willing to work together and grow together into a great team.

  Today, the Revelations of Oriceran Universe expands and takes a big step forward with Sarah Noffke’s first book, The House of Enchantment. We’ve all come a long way since we first started talking about this project in January of this year. Things are actually turning out better than expected. I think I know the reason and Sarah touched on it with her very first words. She was willing… And then things took a turn into something even better.

  Michael and I have turned out to have some of the best kind of magic on our side because what we have created between the authors and the fans is a kind of family. The willingness was the place to start but the stories and the conversations we’ve all been having since the first series was released have made it into something more. I know a lot about how readers are doing. Who’s struggling after Hurricane Harvey or dealing with chronic pain or has grandchildren to celebrate. Everyone else knows I have more running socks of Star Wars characters and food (bacon socks…) and have survived cancer a lot. You even know about The Offspring and Magic Mike.

  It makes sense. The authors of the Oriceran Universe along with LMBPN Publishing, create characters that are loyal, courageous and will be there when you need them. Along with a lot of laughter. Start with that as your base, mix in willingness, have a lot of good conversations and there it is. Family of our own making.

  So today, our family expands and our readers are already eagerly anticipating the newest addition. Welcome to the Revelations of Oriceran – the House of Enchanted – Book One – the Soul Stone Mage Series and Sarah Noffke. A new part of the journey we will all take together. I’m going to enjoy every step of it with you.

  Publisher Notes - Michael Anderle

  Written September 5, 2017

  First, THANK YOU for not only reading this book, but also the Author, and now Publisher, notes at the back.

  Here it is, the first book that will be published without my name on the cover. (The first book I wrote Publisher notes actually comes out this Friday. You can preorder it, so it had to be locked down at Amazon 72 hours early.)

  Due to some damned amazing people, with happen to have really cool birthdays

  (I’m a Virgo and I’m almost positive that Martha is a Virgo as well) we hope to continue entertaining you for a while to come.

  For those that have started with me on Death Becomes Her, you know I like to share a little of ‘what’s up’ in the background.

  Today, I’m going to share that two (2) whole parties are interested enough to have phone conversations from that area near LA, the big ‘H’.

  Well, I think they are both in LA area…yeah, yeah they are.

  Anyway, one phone call happens Thursday morning and I’m waiting back on a confirmation for the other conversation. Now, I’m not expecting much and I’ll lay out the ‘why’ for you.

  From what I can gather, the typical option price for a movie/tv series is on the low end $1,000 and on the high end $10,000 for a pretty good length of time (maybe 1-3 years.)

  Kurtherian Gambit revenues (including all books, audiobooks, ebooks, merchandise) mean that for me to pay attention to something like the money above, it is going to take away a good portion of my focus from writing the next Michael or Bethany Anne story, or helping the next author as we collaborate or the next person
we want to speak with.

  For even $10,000 (which I’m assuming 20% will go to an agent, another $3,000 will go to a lawyer and then 40% goes to the government) it just isn’t worth the interruption to my time beyond some preliminary talks.

  Don’t get me wrong, I would love to see the visuals of the stories come to life, but I’m not willing to lose the focus that helped get us to where we are, because others come knocking with what is essentially not much money for us to worry about at the moment.

  We (and by ‘we’ I mean myself, the other authors, our team(s) that support us and you, the fans) don’t need to be screwed by Hollywood lawyers and that IS their job, generally speaking.

  So, I’m HAPPY and excited to talk with them. I’m just not expecting much to happen.

  J.K. Rowling sold the options to her first four (4) books for approximately $2,000,000 and while I’m not suggesting we are at that stage of awesomeness…

  We are definitely above $10,000. And that is $10,00 where we see something like $3,000 once the agent, lawyer and tax people get their cuts first.

  Since I put this down on paper, watch one of those amazingly gifted sales people get me to agree to something and cause me to have to write a ‘I’m eating crow’ next book.

  Wow, that would so totally suck.

  I’ll place it out into the world that I want to speak in six figures when we speak options for books and seven figures is alright, too.

  (I wants what I want, but it doesn’t mean I’ll get it.)

  That should cause Hollywood to laugh their asses off at me and you know what?

  I’m ok with that.

  Ad Aeternitatem,


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