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The Cowboys' Cure (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Jenny May

  The Cowboys’ Cure

  All Austin Caldwell wants is a fresh start. After she puts an end to her abusive marriage, she escapes to the country, only to discover her new landlords have the ability to make her body come alive for the first time in years. But John, sheriff and her ex-husband, isn’t ready to let her go. Divorced, or not, he'll stop at nothing to get her back.

  Scott and William know the moment they see Austin, she’s exactly what they’re looking for. It doesn’t take them long to discover her secret, and when they do, they vow to never let anyone hurt her again. In a town where people are quick to judge, and with her ex-husband’s constant threats, will they be able protect her like she needs, or will the magnitude of their trials be too much for Austin to take?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 57,581 words


  Jenny May


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2014 by Jenny May

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-551-4

  First E-book Publication: April 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  About the Author



  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter 1

  Numb. That’s what Austin felt as she waded through the fog in her mind. Emptiness had been her companion for so long that she was afraid she’d never feel any emotion again, besides fear. John had sure given her that gift over the years, unrepentantly stripping her of everything. She’d never forget why she became this way. Or how, as the years went by, the person she’d been slipped further and further away, until all that was left was the empty shell of her former self. Austin would remember it all. She had to.

  The sound of the gavel coming down in front of the judge echoed throughout the small courthouse. The loud noise slammed into Austin’s heart, making her jump against the finalization of her divorce.

  Numerous people sat in the limited rows inside the white room. Some were strangers, others she recognized. But their avid attention couldn’t be mistaken. They all looked far too interested in witnessing the scandalous end to her marriage.

  In a small town where everyone knew everyone’s business, Austin and John were known to be the perfect couple since high school. John was the son of the mayor, and the town’s sheriff and hero. There wasn’t a person Austin knew that didn’t look up to him, and to them, he was perfect. How wrong they all were.

  What started out as verbal abuse had, over the years, turned physical. The first time Austin had tried to leave she didn’t get far before he found her. And no matter how hard she tried to escape after that, deep down she felt it was safer for her and her family if she just stayed.

  For years she had forced herself to play the role of dutiful wife, and ultimately molded herself into someone she didn’t know. Just when she’d somehow grown dead to every emotion and act around her, it happened. A beating that should have landed her in the hospital. It took days for her to process everything that had happened, but when she faced facts, she knew she had to leave, or lie down and die. And she wasn’t even close to saying good-bye to this life. Not when it hadn’t even really begun.

  Late one night as John left to work, Austin packed as many clothes as she could and raced to her best friend’s house. She knew Grady was the only one who could help her, and with his status as a judge, he secretly did. The petition for divorce was quickly filed the next day. The hard part was waiting the required sixty days for it to become final.

  “Mrs. Caldwell.” Grady’s voice was deep as it echoed against the walls. Fourteen years of hell reduced down to ten minutes in front of her friend. How was that possible? Nothing was registering in Austin’s head. This felt too easy. Too good to be true.

  Tearing her vision from Grady, Austin looked up at the tall uniformed man standing beside her. It took her a moment to realize John was already gone, and she’d mindlessly been staring ahead for who knew how long. This was the state she was used to. Dazed. In her own little world to escape the reality of her life. It was sad, and something she hoped to put behind her, starting now.

  “I’m sorry.” Trembling took over Austin’s body while she walked past the spectators. From her peripheral vision she could see their gazes following her as she made her way to the double oak doors. Lord only knew what they t
hought. In their eyes, she was probably the bad one. A heartless woman who only cared about herself. But that was far from it. Austin craved to love. To be loved. And some day she hoped she found it, but what was most important to focus on was making it out of here in one piece.

  Could she escape this town without an altercation with him? Damn, she really hoped so. The last thing she needed was to have him once again corner her alone. She still had the bruises from that incident. If it wasn’t for her protection from Grady, she wasn’t sure where she’d be right now. ICU…worse? Chills raced through her body at the thought.

  Burning took over her eyes as the brown color of the door blurred. Pressure pushed against the inside of her throat threatening to cut off the last ounce of breath she held. If she could just make it to her car, everything would be all right. She truly had no idea why she was about to cry. Hell, she hadn’t done that in years.

  The dry heat made it harder to breathe the moment Austin stepped through the wooden barriers. It was as if her legs wouldn’t carry her fast enough. A courtyard sat between her and her Honda Accord. The sound of the birds chirping quickly disappeared, drowned out by the increased pulsing of her heart. Damn it. There was no way she was going to make it to the safety of her car before she fell to pieces. Anxiety was definitely hitting her full force. The sensations were so new and overwhelming that she tried to rush.

  Austin didn’t even attempt to walk on the bordering sidewalk. Gripping her purse strap tightly against her shoulder, she raced through the neatly mowed grass. The heels of her shoes punctured into the earth, but not nearly enough to make her slow down.

  Tears poured down the side of her cheeks and she wiped them away furiously as she approached her car. The warmth from the door handle heated her skin and Austin froze as a voice sounded from behind her.

  “You didn’t have to do this, you know. Our marriage was fine. I loved you. I still do.”

  Turning, she looked up into John’s perfect features. The light brown of his eyes glistened in the sun, and his brow creased while he gazed down at her. This side of him she knew well. He was loving, caring, until he snapped. It took her awhile, but she’d finally learned how not to set him off. Sometimes it worked. Other times, nothing she could say or do would change what she knew would come.

  Nausea made her swallow hard while she searched for her voice. “We’ve already talked about this. Things weren’t right between us. All I want for you is true happiness. I hope you’d want that for me, too.”

  The length of John’s fingers grasped onto her side while he pulled her body into his. The shock didn’t register until after his lips were already pressed into hers. A million thoughts raced through her head. As for the kiss, she felt nothing.

  “Come home. We’ll act like this never happened. I can forget about your betrayal, Austin.” The grip tightened around her arms as he hugged her closer into his body. The smell of his cologne overpowered her senses. She’d grown to hate that smell. It clung to him at all times, suffocating her, just like he used to do with his hand over her mouth and nose.

  “Step back, John. I thought I’d made myself clear when I told you to stay away from her.” Grady’s voice was filled with anger. He was the only one Austin had shared her secret about the abuse with. Not by choice, and not because he was the judge. As her best friend since grade school, she knew she could trust him not to tell.

  Physical pain raced through Austin’s chest as John gave a tight squeeze. As fast as it came, the pressure eased and her newly ex-husband let go. The tension was thick in the air as she watched the two men stare at each other.

  “Austin.” John’s eyes flashed down to hers. “See you around.”

  “No, you won’t,” Grady snapped, taking a step forward. “If it wasn’t for Austin, I’d have your ass behind bars. I still might.”

  “Enough.” The word left Austin’s lips in a whisper. “Go home, John. I don’t want to see you anymore.”

  The edge of his lips lifted slightly while his eyes burned into hers. She knew that menacing smile. It was evil, promising her things she never wanted to experience again. He wanted to hurt her. This she knew for a fact. She’d seen that expression one too many times.

  John bowed his head slightly. Those brown eyes cut Grady a glare and returned back to her filled with what she was sure was pure hate. “As you wish. You always did get what you wanted. Isn’t that right, love?”

  Confused by his words, Austin watched as he pulled his truck keys from the pocket of his dark slacks. He adjusted the blue tie as he leisurely turned and walked away. What did he mean by that? She’d never asked for anything. Nothing more than a normal wife would want. Love, security. It didn’t make any sense.

  “Are you okay? I tried to get out here sooner, but it was nearly impossible. I’m just glad I saved your case for last.” Grady took a step closer.

  “I’m fine. Thank you for that. You didn’t have to. You’ve been an amazing friend. Henry, too.”

  At the mention of Grady’s lover, he blushed slightly. No one in the small town knew of his secret and he made it clear to her that he preferred to keep it that way.

  “I’ll be sure to tell him. Do you have everything ready for your trip?”

  Austin felt an uneasy smile come to her face. “My move, you mean? I won’t ever come back to this town, Grady. I can’t.”

  Sadness washed over him. “I understand. I just wish you’d stay with me, or even Henry. He said he didn’t mind. We’d watch over you. Protect you.”

  Heaviness settled in her chest like a bag of bricks. She was really going to miss him. “I know you both would, but I can’t. There’s too much pain here. I need to start new. Fresh. The move will be good for me.”

  “Crush, Texas…good? Austin, you think this town is small. Crush is even smaller. You’re going to go crazy with boredom. At least Corpus is practically down the road from here.”

  Austin rolled her eyes playfully. “Victoria isn’t but twenty minutes away from Crush. I’ll be fine.”

  “Do you think it’s far enough away, though? Your drive is only an hour and a half, tops.” Grady grabbed her hands. “Please stay.”

  There was no way she could honor his request. John wasn’t one to stop if he wanted something. From the persistence run-ins with him, she didn’t trust her ex-husband in the least. The bruises on her arms were proof that he wasn’t going to leave her alone, divorced or not. At least not any time soon.

  Austin gave him a light squeeze, and let go. “No. I already have everything set up. My car is packed. I’ll be fine. You’ll see. Wait a few weeks and then you and Henry come see me.”

  Grady nodded. “I can’t believe you’re not taking anything more than clothes. Just promise me you’ll call if you need something. Promise me, Austin. You’re one of the most stubborn people I know.”

  It was true. She was extremely stubborn, and the fact that she’d waited fourteen years, praying for a miracle that John would change, hit her hard.

  “I promise.”

  Henry’s car at the stop sign caught both of their attention. Grady looked back down to her. “I asked him to follow you a few towns over to make sure you’re not being followed. You okay with that?”

  She nodded, but couldn’t give him an answer. Not while her mind was so unstable. She needed to find that place she hid in. The one that protected her with its high walls. There, the tears would fall, but not surface on the outside.

  Austin launched herself in his arms, giving him a tight hug. The length of his hand patted her back. “Now, now, honey. Get yourself going. Henry’s waiting.” Grady kissed her forehead and led her to the car’s door.

  Sorrow swarmed deep within. Damn, she was really going to miss him. His presence always did comfort her. Just knowing that he was near made everything better. Now she was going to be so far away and completely alone.

  Austin lowered herself down into the driver’s seat and started the car. “I’ll miss you.”

  “I’ll miss y
ou more.”

  “Never.” It was almost impossible to put the car in reverse, but she managed while she waved and began going down the main road. A black BMW with dark tinted windows pulled in behind her. With Henry being the small town’s doctor, everyone knew what he drove. It wouldn’t be a secret who was trailing her. She just prayed no one was really paying attention. Unfortunately, she doubted she was lucky enough for that.

  Chapter 2

  Scott Benton stopped painting as he heard footsteps enter the kitchen of the rental house. He knew who it was before he even turned around. William stood at the entrance with a shit-eating grin on his face. Damn, he knew that look all too well. Something had happened, and that something probably wasn’t good.

  “What did you do?”

  The look slightly faded. “What?” Will’s wide shoulders shifted while he put his hands in his jean pockets. “What makes you think I did anything?”

  Scott laid the paint roller down and raised an eyebrow, intentionally. “You seriously have to fucking ask? I’m going to repeat the question. What did you do?”

  Will’s laugh filled the room. He rested himself against the door frame making Scott internally groan. Dammit, he’d just painted that thing. Now he’d have to go back over it, again. No use saying anything now. Let him get himself all good and covered with it. With the expression his friend was wearing, he had no doubt the paint wouldn’t be payback enough for the mess William had brought on this time.

  “You know that site you posted the ad in concerning the rental house? Well, I placed another.”


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