The Cowboys' Cure (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Cowboys' Cure (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Jenny May

  “Wow. That sounds great.” Scott flagged the waitress. “Another beer, sweetie. And keep ‘em coming.”

  Oh…hell. He knew that look covering his friend’s face. Well, guess that meant William was driving. It was probably best if he remained the sober one, anyway. At least he wouldn’t have to worry about making a fool of himself the first night they went out.

  “Let’s go dance. I’m about to show you what it’s all about. You ready?”

  The difference in Austin’s mood was completely opposite from the woman she’d been the last few hours. She was beaming with happiness, and he was glad he was able to be a part of the change. Or at least, to a degree. Credit appeared to go to James, and William wasn’t sure if he liked that.

  Chapter 6

  The cold beer slid down Scott’s throat and he savored the taste while he watched William spin Austin around the dance for what seemed like the tenth time. Sure, he’d had his time with her, but if truth be told, Scott wasn’t really that much of a dancer. He could do it, and do it damn good, but he didn’t enjoy it as much as his best friend did. Plus, having Austin that close was torturous. He kept catching his hands traveling from her hips to her ass. It was probably best if he made this his last beer. Hell, he was pretty sure he’d already had at least seven or so.

  “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

  Scott didn’t even look at James as they both stared toward the dance floor. Didn’t want to. They got along now, but it hadn’t always been that way.

  “Sure is.”

  “Are you or William serious about her? I wanted to make sure to ask before I imposed on anything.”

  Shit. That caught his attention. Scott turned in his chair and took in the troubled expression on James’s face. The guy had said he was sorry about their past, and it had been way back in high school for crying out loud. Still, James asking just about Austin felt like a knife in the back. Which was ridiculous. He and William already made an agreement to stay away.

  “Austin is our tenant, James. We’ve haven’t known her enough to become serious or anything.”

  His friend’s blue eyes cut over to him. “You know what I mean. Is there a possibility either one of you are going to be interested in her here in the near future?”

  Scott groaned. “Hell, I don’t know. Maybe. Anything’s possible. You said yourself, she’s beautiful. Any man would be stupid if they didn’t want to be with her.” He finished off his beer. “But, for now, William and I have agreed that Austin needs to get accustomed to this town and settled before we consider anything.” He paused. “How interested in her are you, James? You’re not the settling down type.”

  The anger only lasted for a few seconds before James’s face softened. “Let’s just say my mom has been pressuring me lately. I’m starting to think that maybe she’s onto something. Some sort of need has sparked inside me, and frankly, it’s scary as hell.” He glanced back at Austin. “But it doesn’t seem so terrifying when I look at her. Something about those eyes. They’re…calming…to me. Austin’s different than the other women. And I’m not just talking looks. When I talk to her, we actually talk. It comes so easily. She looks at me like she’s interested in what I have to say, not everything I have.”

  Scott laughed. “That’s the downfall of living in a small town. All the women here have pretty much known you since high school. You were the big, bad football star. Now you’re the successful business owner. It’s time you start searching for a woman who doesn’t know you. But I’m not so sure that person is Austin.”

  “What’s wrong with me wanting to be with her? Or at least attempting to see if she’s interested?”

  The song ended and Scott stood, knowing it was his turn again. “I’m just not so sure she’s going to be ready to settle down anytime soon. Not to mention, I don’t think the two of you are compatible in the least.”

  “Why is that?” James crossed his arms over his chest and got quiet as William and Austin walked up. She leaned over to the table and grabbed her beer, sucking it down. She had to have been on her third one, at least. The flush of her cheeks made her face glow. Even though Scott knew having her in his arms was dangerous, he wanted to feel her there again. Wanted her closer against his body. Preferably without clothing on.

  “I have a feeling I’m going to be so sore tomorrow. I haven’t done this much dancing in forever.” Austin placed the beer down and looked around the large opened area. “I’m just going to hit up the ladies room real quick.”

  As she walked away, Scott couldn’t keep his eyes from lowering to her ass. Damn, what he wouldn’t do to have a night full of worshipping that perfection. He’d take his time tasting every inch of her.

  “Answer the question,” James said, breaking the spell. “Why wouldn’t we be compatible?”

  William laughed. “You and Austin?”

  “Yeah.” The seriousness on James’s face made his best friend laugh even harder.

  Scott looked at William and gestured for him to take over.

  “First of all,” William started, “you’re too much all over the place. Austin needs stability, to know you’re going to be there for her. Second, you’re very…flirty with other women. She’d need to feel secure.”

  James tilted his head. “Now stop right there. If I were to settle down and become serious, don’t you think I’d take her with me if I went anywhere? And as for the women, I’ve never cheated when I was in a relationship. Ever. I mean, I may flirt at times, but I never cross the line.”

  “Settle down?” William’s mouth gaped. “You’ve known her for a few hours. What are you even talking about, settling down?”

  Had Scott said he wasn’t having another beer? He was starting to rethink that decision. “Will, he’s interested in getting to know her better. He’s not referring to slipping a ring on her finger any time soon. James just wants us to know he’s serious and not looking for a one-night stand. Am I right?” He looked to his other friend, trying his best not to judge him on his past.

  “Yes. That’s exactly what I was trying to make clear.”

  A mix of emotions crossed William’s face, and Scott wasn’t sure which one was prominent. The anger, or confusion. “Still kind of soon for her.” William looked between the two of them. “James, I know you’ve taken a liking to her, but she hasn’t even been divorced a week. If you’re serious, you’ll wait.”

  “Divorced,” James said lowly. “She didn’t mention that.”

  “Of course she didn’t,” Scott said. “That’s not something you go around advertising. She’s tore up over it. Best to just let her work through it.”

  James nodded. “You’re right. I’ll give it some time and see what happens.”

  “Good.” William looked around. “I need some water, or soda, or something. Where’s the waitress?”

  At the turn of heads, Scott followed their line of vision. It was no surprise when Austin broke through a crowd. She was all smiles. At a man stepping in front of her, Scott felt himself begin to walk in her direction. He was only a few feet away when Austin stepped around the man and breathed in the rose.

  “Thank you so much. You have the next dance after Scott, I promise.”

  What the hell was this? He looked up at the stranger, only to realize it wasn’t a stranger at all. Corey. The leather jacket he now sported was unexpected. He hadn’t recognized him from behind.

  “I’m next, Scotty-boy. You be sure to let William know.”

  The softness of Austin’s fingers slid through his. Scott almost didn’t hear what Corey had said. It took a few moments for it to register. “Actually it was James’s turn, but I’m sure he won’t mind. You can have the last dance. Then I’m afraid we’re going to have to call it a night.”

  “But it’s only a little after midnight.” Corey twisted his mouth as he stared down at the all blacked out watch. “The night’s still early.”

  “The morning comes earlier.” Scott rubbed his thumb down the side of Austin’s. “Sorry
, man.”

  Corey brought his attention back to her. “If you’re not ready to go, me and James can take you home. We know where Scott and Will live.”

  The need to tell his friend “hell no,” was right on the tip of his tongue, but he held it in and looked down at Austin.

  “That’s all right. I’ve had a long day. I should probably be heading back after our dance. But thank you for asking. That was really sweet of you. Corey, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Talk about a lust-induced smile. Fuck no was he going to get anywhere near Austin. Scott was going to make sure she stayed far, far away from that one. Hell, he’d feel better thinking of her bonding with James. At least he had a stable job, unlike Corey, who never had one for more than a few months at a time.

  Scott pulled her to the dance floor before his friend could try to talk her out of it. Wow, he knew it was going tough bringing her here, but he’d underestimated the attention the men would give. They were in way over their heads.

  The music was more on the slower side. Scott pulled her into his arms, gently, trying to read the expression on her face. “So what do you think of the Wildhorse Saloon?”

  “It’s quite the place. I like it.” Austin pressed closer into him. “We’re going to have to do this again.”

  “Come here, or dance?” The need to tease her came automatic. “Because you know, I don’t mind moving furniture back. We could dance right there in my living room if you’d like.”

  Austin smiled. “Yeah?”

  “Sure. If that’s what you want.” The subtle scent of her perfume took over his senses and Scott leaned his head down, inhaling deeply. Softness rubbed against his face and he opened his eyes to see that Austin had moved in to press her cheek against his. The need to turn his head and kiss her almost overpowered him. “Damn, darlin’, you smell good.” He brought his head up, trying his best to gather his wits. William’s eyes were narrowed as their stares connected. Well, shit. That wasn’t a good look his friend was giving.

  “Scott, can I ask you a question?”

  “Anything.” He tore his gaze from his best friend and focused more on her. No doubt, Scott would question him about his actions, later, but he didn’t want to think about that now. He wanted to savor this moment. Not waste it on worrying.

  Austin licked her lips. “I can’t believe I’m going to ask you this. I really shouldn’t, but I…” She nervously looked toward William and her expression changed. “Sorry, never mind. Forget I said anything.”

  “Wait.” He cupped her face and brought her attention back to him. “Tell me. It’s okay.”

  “I think I’ve had too much to drink. It was silly and inappropriate. I’m sorry.”

  Inappropriate. Now he definitely wanted to hear. “No more apologizing. You do that way too much. Just tell me. I’ll do whatever I can to help you.”

  Once again, Austin’s focus settled on William. Scott moved her around until she couldn’t see the table. It wasn’t that he wanted to block out his friend. It was just that his main focus was getting her comfortable enough to open up. Unfortunately, from her expression, he didn’t think it worked.

  “There. Now what did you want to ask?”

  Pressure gripped to the side of his shirt and he looked down, noticing that she had the fabric clenched in her fist. The dark eyeliner stood out as he took in her closed eyes.

  “I haven’t felt anything in a really long time.” She looked up through her lashes and time all but stopped. From her parted mouth, he wondered if it had for her, too. Austin trembling under his hand slowed while she licked her lips. “With you and William, something’s different. I need to see…” A couple bumped into them and Scott cursed. The spell was suddenly gone. Austin got quiet and shook her head. “I really think it’s time for me to go home.”

  Scott couldn’t think past trying to figure out what she was going to say. A huge part of him wanted to ask, but he knew that would be pressuring her, and if she was letting on to what he thought she was, it was better off being left unsaid. Even if he wanted her to the point of madness, it wasn’t worth hurting her in the long run.

  The song came to an end and he stepped back, gripping both of her hands. “I’ll get Will and we’ll wait for you by the table.”

  “Okay.” Austin kept her head down as she headed to the opposite side of the floor where Corey was waiting.

  A fast song came on filling the bar with shouts and laughter. William walked over, pulling him a few feet from the table. “What the hell was that about? Did you almost kiss her? What did we just agree on?”

  “Calm down. First off, we didn’t kiss. Second, she wanted to ask me a question, but you scared her off.”

  “Me? What did I do?”

  Scott drew in his eyebrows. “Come on, mother hen. Austin could tell you were being weird, and you spooked her from talking. What if it was something she needed to get off her chest? Now we’ll never know.”

  “You were nuzzling, what was I supposed to think? We agreed we’d keep things uncomplicated for her.”

  “I know. And it was probably for the best. But she did mention you.”

  William glanced in her direction, but brought his attention back to Scott. “Me? What exactly did she say?”

  “Said she hadn’t felt anything for a while, or something. Mentioned things being different when she was around me and you and needed to see something. That’s as far as it got. She shut down.”

  William placed his hands on his hips and looked at the floor. “Fuck. If that’s not a damn near open invitation, I don’t know what is. Before hearing this, I thought it was hard. Now it’s going to be pure hell being around her.”

  “Maybe she wasn’t referring to what we think she is. Maybe Austin meant something else. Let’s not jump to conclusions. That’s a good enough reason to keep ourselves in control. We should stick to it.”

  “You’re right. I’m sure she meant we make her feel…I don’t know. Safe. Something along those lines. I doubt it was anything sexual at all.”

  They grew quiet after that. As Austin came over to them and they said their good-byes to everyone, solemnity settled over the three of them. William drove home and the silence continued. It was as they were all consumed in their own thoughts and before Scott knew it, they were pulling into the driveway and getting out of the truck.

  “Thank you for taking me out. I had an amazing time.”

  “Whenever you’re up for it, just let us know.” William brought her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on her knuckles. “We enjoy your company very much. That goes for anywhere you might want to go. We’d be happy to accompany you.”

  Austin nodded, slowly, looking as if she wanted to say something. But she didn’t. She broke away and waved, heading toward her house. As the door shut behind her, Scott took a deep breath. His cock was aching to have her.

  “I call the shower first.” He headed for the house, knowing the cold water wasn’t going to do shit to calm him. It was going to be a long night. One of many, he was sure.

  Chapter 7

  The time read half past four. Austin stared at her watch as the second hand made it slowly around. James had been arguing with his mother now for over half an hour. Although they were in her new boss’s office, the barrier of the door did little to keep out the disagreement the two were having.

  For a week, Austin had worked at Teller’s Hardware, and every day it was the same thing. She was greeted by James with a smile, and glared at by his mother. It didn’t make any sense until she confronted her new boss about maybe something she’d done wrong. It wasn’t until he explained that his mother took care of almost everything, and although he was trying to help her out, she was having a hard time accepting it.

  “You didn’t do this for me,” his mother snapped. “You did this for you. Who do you think you’re trying to fool, son?”

  Lucille’s muffled voice had Austin standing. “I don’t know how much more I can take.” This hadn’t turned out like s
he had expected, but she couldn’t quit. She needed this job. Would his mother learn to accept this, or would every day be the same?

  “Mom, this is my company. Mine. She’s staying.”

  A loud bang had Austin jumping. Lucille stalked by, once again throwing one of her famous glares. Austin rested her hands against the desk and lowered her head. There had to be something to do to win the woman over. She’d already bought coffee, donuts, and even went out of her way to say hello to the mean woman every morning. The task of calming her was starting to look impossible.

  “I’m so sorry. I know this must be hard on you.”

  Austin glanced up to see James leaning against the frame.

  “Tell me what to do. I’m afraid I’m at a loss on how to handle your mother. She obviously doesn’t want me here. Maybe I should start looking somewhere else to work.”

  “No way.” James shook his head. “My mom is the most stubborn person I know. She’ll get over it. It’s just going to take time. You let me deal with her and if for any reason she’s disrespectful to you, let me know.”

  “All right.” Austin reached over and grabbed her purse. “I’ve already dropped off the deposits today. Do you mind if I head out early? I really wanted to surprise William and Scott with dinner. They’ve beat me to the punch every day this week, and I want to get a head start tonight.” She knew he paid her by the hour, and every one she got off early saved him money.

  Ringing filled the room and Austin reached for the phone.

  “I’ll get it. You head out.”

  As she began to leave he held up his hand. “You going to be at the Wildhorse tonight? It’s Friday. There’s gonna be a big crowd.”

  “Can’t, I’m waiting for some friends to make it into town. They should be here around ten or so. I’m sure they’re going to be pretty tired from the drive, but if not, we might show up for a little while.”

  “That would be great. Hope to see you there.” James picked up the phone and waved good-bye while he answered.


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