The Cowboys' Cure (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Cowboys' Cure (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by Jenny May

  As Austin walked to her car it was hard to contain her excitement. Grady and Henry were finally coming to see her. This last week had been long, waiting for their arrival, but the time had finally come. In a few hours she’d get to reunite with her friends and hopefully learn things had all but stopped with John.

  Traffic leaving Teller’s wasn’t too bad. It was pretty much a straight shot to the ranch. Austin rested at the red light, glancing around the heart of the small downtown. This place was so cozy and old-fashioned, from the buildings to the cowboys walking around. Butterflies filled her stomach. She’d only been here two weeks, but she’d adjusted fast. Everyone had been so welcoming, minus Lucille. It felt right to be here in Crush. Like home.

  “Come on, light.” Austin tapped against the steering wheel. Patient was one thing she wasn’t, and the men had made it into a challenge on who could get dinner going first. Wait until they saw how she’d outsmarted them. Little did they know, yesterday, when she’d brought the groceries inside, she’d also snuck in her secret weapon. Hello, crockpot, the saver of time and hard work. Good-bye, traditional cooking.

  The sound of the engine increasing in speed filled the silence of her interior as Austin rushed down the highway. They would not beat her today. She had this one in the bag. At least, she hoped she did. The men had finished up early the last two days. What if they were already sitting there, waiting?

  Austin glanced at the clock. No, it wasn’t even five yet. They would still think she was at work. Usually she got off at five, but didn’t make it home until half an hour later. Today, she was so going to beat them. The veggies were already cut and resting in plastic containers from the night before. All she had to do was carry everything over and she’d be set. Hopefully, she’d have it all set up before they walked through the door.

  Miles blurred by as Austin went over the last two weeks she’d been here. The chemistry between her, Scott, and William was phenomenal. They laughed, joked, hell, she’d cried more times than she had in as long as she could remember. But they were okay with that. Comforted her through her painful past. She was mending herself back together and she only had them to thank for that.

  Visions of the two cowboys holding her close while they had danced made her skin burn with need. The most confusing part was trying to figure out which one she wanted more. They were equally handsome, and both brought on cravings that begged to be fulfilled.

  The numbness that she’d experienced for the last few years was fading. But for how long? That’s what she was dying to know. If one of them were to touch her, would the pleasure last? Or would her mind take over and her body shut down? It was a heartbreaking thought, but one that had plagued her since their night at the Wildhorse Saloon. She’d been beyond tempted to beg them to spend one night with her, but even intoxicated, she wasn’t brave enough.

  The turnoff to the ranch approached and Austin took it. As she pulled in in front of her small house, she noticed the truck was gone. Perfect. That only meant one thing. She’d beat them.

  Excited, she rushed inside, dropping her purse on the counter. Within minutes she managed to take over the Tupperware of veggies for the tacos, and transfer the chicken into a covered dish. As she toted the remaining ingredients over, dust billowed out down the dirt road. Shit! They were still a ways away, sparing her a few minutes.

  Austin placed the dish on the table and ran over, pulling out a pan so she could heat up the corn tortillas. She was on her second one when a car door finally shut. Muffled talking had her smiling.

  William burst through the door and slid to a stop as he spotted her at the stove. “Shit. You’re early.” He smiled and walked over to the table, lifting the lid. “Holy… How long have you been off? This looks amazing.”

  A moan came from Scott as he walked in and shut the door. “What is that delicious smell?”

  “That would be the chicken. I thought I’d make some tacos. As for how long I’ve been off, well, I’d say I’ve been home for maybe ten minutes or so.” She looked down at the pan, fearing she’d burst out laughing at any moment.

  “Wait. Ten minutes? No way.” Scott grabbed a fork and poked at piece of the chicken. “It’s so tender its falling apart. No way you managed to get it like that since you’ve been home.”

  Austin turned around, not able to keep in her smile. “You don’t think I’m that talented? I happen to be a great cook.”

  “No doubt. But I’m pulling the bullshit card.” Scott walked over, his eyes narrowing. “Maybe I’ll go check out your kitchen. See the dirty dishes for myself.” He took a step back and instinctively, Austin took a step forward.

  “Why would you want to do that? The proof is here. There’s the chicken. I made it.”

  William inched in by Scott. “I think you might be right. She’s not telling the entire truth.”

  “I am, too.” Austin reached behind her, turning off the burner. She knew where this was about to go, and she loved it.

  “Maybe we should just be safe and check for ourselves.” Scott took another step and Austin broke for the door in a full sprint. She was hoping to get to her door to lock it first, but William had her in his arms before she could make it halfway across the yard.

  He gave her a little toss and she reached out, grasping around his neck.

  “Listen to that giggling. You, ma’am, are definitely hiding something.” He and Scott rushed into the kitchen and stopped before the crockpot. William tightened his arms around her. “There’s our culprit.”

  Scott turned to her, tilting his head. “I underestimated you, darlin’. I have to say, I’m impressed by how far you’re willing to go to best us. But you see, you might have won this little game, but there’s plenty more to play.”

  Being cradled against William’s wide, hard chest was making it impossible to focus. Austin shifted, noticing the skirt she was wearing was awfully high on her thighs. The lace lining on her stockings were beginning to show, and having William’s hand on her hip only reminded her how close he was to her lower stomach. Not to mention her pussy.

  “Play?” Austin swallowed hard, not able to take her eyes from his long fingers. Fuck, she wanted to feel them pushing deep inside of her. The wetness between her legs only increased at the flash she saw in her head.

  “You like games, Austin?”

  What exactly was he talking about? She forced her attention to move to Scott’s face. “What kind?”

  He walked over until he was almost up against them. God, all she wanted to do was lean forward and press her lips against his. What would he taste like? Sweet? Salty from his hard work?

  “All kinds. But I don’t think I’m talking about the same kind you have on your mind.” He looked up to William and she followed his gaze. The heaviness in Will’s breathing pressed harder against her side and Austin tightened her arm around his neck. Her breasts felt heavy and all she wanted them to do was touch them.

  “What were you going to ask me at the Wildhorse?” Scott said, quietly. “I’ve been dying to know.”

  William lowered his head to rest against the top of hers. The question repeating in her mind had Austin’s other hand blindly reaching for Scott’s shirt. But did she dare say it out loud? What would that mean? What would acting on her need do to the friendship they’d formed? Their bond was so new. Would it ruin what the three of them had? So many questions, and not one she knew the answer to.

  “I wanted. No, I need—

  “Wait.” William’s breath brushed against her face as he cut her off. “Choose your words carefully, Austin. Very, very carefully.”

  She knew exactly what he meant. The dam was about to break between them all. It was evident she wasn’t the only one who was having a hell of a time containing her feelings, and William’s warning showed the decision rested solely on her.

  “The food is ready.” She cleared her throat and wiggled until William lowered her to stand. “We better hurry before it starts to get cold.”

  William nodded. �
��You’re right. Let’s go eat.”

  Food was the last thing she wanted. Austin followed the men next door and went back to heating the tortillas. Damn her lack of courage. Why couldn’t she be like those women who were bold about their desires? Like Claudia Billings back home. She wouldn’t have hesitated to strip down and throw herself at these cowboys. Shit, she probably wouldn’t have even had to take her clothing off. Men naturally just wanted her. She wouldn’t have made the first move. They would have done that.

  “Are you okay?” William leaned against the counter as she stared down at the pan. “You seem a little upset.”

  Frustration had her closing her eyes. “I’m fine.”

  “You sure?”

  “Positive.” Austin forced a grin to her face and turned to him. “James asked if we were going to the Wildhorse tonight. I told him probably not since my friends were coming into town, but maybe Grady and Henry would want to go tomorrow. You two up for it?” She glanced back at Scott who was sitting at the table with his head down. He looked just as much in thought as she’d been.

  William walked over toward his friend. “I’m up for it if Scott is.”

  “I don’t think so.” Scott stood and headed into the living area, disappearing from sight. A door closed and she turned to William.

  To say she didn’t know what was bothering him would have been foolish. He wanted her. She knew that. Shit, they both did. So why weren’t all three of them acting on it? It couldn’t have just been because she was leasing their house. Could it? She’d already paid. It wasn’t as though she was going to skip out without paying rent.

  “I’m going to him.” She gestured toward the stove. “You’re welcomed to finish cooking these if you want. Or you can come with me. Either way, I don’t plan to leave that room for quite some time.”

  “Shit.” William turned off the burner. “Be certain, Austin. If for some reason this doesn’t turn out very well…we’re asking for trouble.”

  Trouble. No, she didn’t see how that could be possible. They got along so well. How could anything bad come from intimacy? “I’ll take my chances.” She headed through the living room and paused at the hallway. She had no idea what room Scott had gone into.

  Heavy footsteps had her turning around. William stalked toward her like a man on a mission. Austin could feel her eyes go big as he stripped off his shirt and threw it across the room.

  “I think I’ll take my chances, too.”

  The wall was suddenly behind her back. Pictures crashed to the floor below them, but Austin hardly noticed. On instinct she felt herself wrap her arms and legs around William’s tall frame. His mouth crushed into hers and she drank him with every ounce of desperation she felt.

  “What the hell happ—” Scott stepped into the hall from the far bedroom and Austin reached for him as William moved his mouth to her neck.

  “Please.” The word poured out of her mouth before she could stop it.

  “Ask me what you wanted to before.” Scott pulled his shirt free from his tight jeans, revealing those six packed abs she’d seen the first day she’d arrived. “Tell us what you need, and it’s yours.”

  The fear vanished, and Austin knew what she had to do. “Since I’ve met the two of you, I’ve noticed something different with the way I feel. I would like to see if the two of you can stop my mind.” She continued, afraid they wouldn’t understand. “I’ve been numb when it comes to sex, and I’m not sure it’s possible. My mind shuts down and the arousal vanishes. I don’t want that anymore. I’m hoping with both of you it’ll be different.”

  A dark smile came to Scott’s face, promising things Austin wasn’t sure she was ready for, but she wasn’t about to back down now.

  Scott pulled off his shirt and dropped it to the floor. The room spun as William headed down the hall. With every step the kitchen got further away, and Austin closed her eyes to it. This was long past due. She couldn’t wait to see what these men were capable of, or if she’d even get to experience it full force like she wanted.

  “Will, bring her in here.”

  Chapter 8

  William’s heart was pounding in his chest as he lowered Austin to stand at the end of Scott’s bed. To say he wanted her didn’t even feel like an accurate description. His instincts screamed to take her over completely. To pleasure her more than anyone ever had before.

  Austin asked to feel again. To think that she’d even gotten to the point that she couldn’t experience enjoyment from an intimate act was heartbreaking. It showed him exactly how much she’d been through, and he didn’t like it. A large part of him wanted to help her heal. And maybe between him and Scott they could do that, even if only in this small way. But then what? She still needed to grow into her new life. Become independent and rebuild the things only she could. But would getting closer derail that? And not from her doing, but from him and Scott?

  “You’re supposed to stop me from thinking, not get lost in your own thoughts.” Austin reached up and cupped his cheek. “Touch me, William. Let’s disappear from reality for a while. Just the three of us. After we leave this room, we’ll go back to normal. This doesn’t have to be more than this moment.”

  But what if he wanted it to? He looked up at Scott, seeing how friend knew nothing but Austin. His eyes hadn’t left her since she’d made her intentions known.

  “Don’t stop.” She reached for Scott with one hand, and used her other to bring William in closer.

  Fuck, he hoped he was doing the right thing. William reached up and slowly began unbuttoning her blouse. The sound from the zipper of her skirt broke the air, only hardening his cock even more. It was one thing to imagine her naked and writhing between him and Scott, but to know that it was about to be a reality, or damn near close, was almost too much to imagine.

  William reached the middle of the thinly striped white-and-gold striped shirt just as the grey pencil skirt fell to the ground. At the sight of the black garter and stockings he cursed under his breath. Shit, this was even better than his fantasies.

  “You are too beautiful.” William pulled the last button free, revealing a white silk undershirt. The black bra beneath was quickly exposed as Scott removed the two shirts.

  A generous amount of cleavage drew his attention. Again, the real thing proved to be better than his own imagination. She was curvier. Thicker. And he couldn’t get enough of seeing it.

  Small curls fell as Austin began removing the pins from her hair. Scott’s hand came up and gently grabbed her wrist. “Allow me.” He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. As he pulled back, he stopped and stared into her eyes. The intensity that rested behind them nearly stopped William’s heart. It took a moment for it to register. He and Scott had been with women before, but his friend had never really been into it. To Scott it had just been sex. This was far from it.

  Dark waves fell down Austin’s back as Scott pulled the last one free. Pins hit the floor and scattered at their feet. All William could do was stare as they slid against the wood, some disappearing from sight, under the bed. Gently, Scott’s fingers laced in her long curls.

  “Nothing exists in your mind except me and William.” Scott was but inches from her face as he spoke lightly. “Look at me and repeat it.”

  “Nothing exists but you and William,” she whispered.

  “That’s right.” He took her mouth, again. This time it was slow. Passionate. Scott’s other hand came up to cradle her face while he deepened the kiss. Coming from someone who had always said a kiss wasn’t to be shared with just anyone, he knew his friend was in too deep. Especially since he’d never seen Scott kiss anyone they had been with. Yes, Austin may have been different, but for Scott to take so much care with her, she was more in his mind. How much more? That was the question.

  William eased forward and reached around, unfastening her bra. His gaze locked onto the two of them, clutching to each other like their very lives depended upon it. And maybe somehow they did. But to see Austin affected so mu
ch by the only man William had ever loved, and the feeling replicated by Scott, it made him want them to continue even more.

  The bra fell to the floor as Austin dropped her arms from around Scott’s neck. The pink tips tightened as she lowered to sit on the bed to unfasten the straps on her heels. Scott stepped back and began unbuttoning his pants. William didn’t think as he followed suit.

  “You’re positive you want this? You can think on it for a few weeks if you want to be sure.” Scott paused while waited for her response.

  There was no hesitation as Austin continued to pull off her stockings and panties. “This is all I’ve been able to think about since we met. I want this. Today. Right now.” She crawled back on the bed until she was lying in the middle.

  The look William and Scott gave each other didn’t need words to accompany it. They both let their pants drop to the floor. The closet was on the far side of the room, and Scott headed in that direction. The black box was full of different things, but William was surprised to see him pull out a pair of silk ties and a blindfold.

  “Are you okay with this, darlin’?”

  Austin glanced at what he held, and looked between the two of them. “I trust you both not to hurt me.” She sat up, allowing Scott to place the blindfold over her eyes. As William watched him tie her wrists together, he hoped his friend knew what he was doing.

  * * * *

  Scott used the extra tie to secure Austin’s restrained hands to the bed. The shaking that took over his whole body wasn’t normal. He didn’t take her request lightly, and he sure as hell didn’t want to let her down. She needed this, and the fact that she came to them, when she could have asked anyone, meant a lot.

  The blindfold and ties were a tricky experiment. What if it wasn’t them she saw in her mind, but her ex-husband? If this backfired, it could be disastrous. Not only to what they shared, but to her. No. Scott wasn’t about to let that happen.


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