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The Cowboys' Cure (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Jenny May

  Austin grabbed a long black sundress and headed for the restroom. The shaking that took over her body was more programmed into her brain than anything. A natural reaction to the past’s horrible reactions from John. Not again. She had to try to get over letting him scare her. There was only one way to do that.

  As she started the shower and climbed in, she let herself focus on her cowboys. Yes, they would help her through the fear. After a few minutes the trembling turned to a different kind of vibrational zing. Would they want her tonight? Damn, she hoped so. What the three of them had shared went beyond words. Waking up between them made it even better. Just thinking about the way Scott had nuzzled her neck until she opened her eyes made her smile. They were so passionate while loving of her body. As Scott had moved down to her breasts, William had teased her pussy. Flashes of them fucking her again this morning had her hurrying through her shower routine. It wasn’t long before she was turning off the water and throwing on her clothes.

  The flip-flops at the bottom of her closet were a perfect choice and she grabbed her phone as she made her way back to Scott and William’s house.

  “Come sit by me, darlin’.” Scott patted the sofa cushion between him and William. James was lounged back in the recliner, half dozing, half watching the movie that was playing.

  “It’s freezing in here. What is your AC sitting at?” Austin hugged her arms around her chest.

  “It’s on Alaska. That’s why we have this.” William unfolded the blanket resting on the arm of the sofa. The moment she sat down, he leaned in and whispered in her ear. “It’s a great excuse to cuddle with you.”

  She raised one of her eyebrows, and kept her voice low. “I’m not sure if you know this, but you don’t need an excuse.”

  Light snoring came from James. From the earlier conversation she’d had with Will and Scott, their friend hadn’t drank anywhere near as much as he usually did. Then again, he did supposedly get pretty hammered after they’d left the Wildhorse last night.

  Warmth emanated from the men as they snuggled in closer. The ball she was curled in didn’t last as William pulled her legs to lie over his thighs, and Scott eased her side to rest against his. The movie played on before her, but Austin didn’t see any of it. John’s phone call replayed in her mind.

  “I think I need to get a restraining order.” The statement poured from her mouth before Austin realized she’d spoken them out loud. The men turned to her and she reached for the phone, resting on the coffee table. “John called when I went home. The station picked up the number. I’m going to have to get a new cell tomorrow.”

  A ragged breath shook her from Scott. He hugged her tightly. “We’ll go down there with you later if you want. I have to admit, I thought about mentioning getting one before, but I didn’t want to sound pushy. I think it’s for the best.”

  “I have to agree.” William reached for the phone and she handed it over. “You have it off because of him?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t want to hear if he called back. I was going to give it some time before I turned it on for Grady’s call.”

  The opening tune played as he hit the power button. “Let him call. We can show the police when we go down there.” His words trailed off as ringing lit the screen. William’s eyes widened as he looked over. “This guy is something else. You do realize you already have five voice mails.” He pointed to the number five at the bottom of the screen.

  Queasiness had Austin sitting up. Suddenly, she didn’t feel far enough away. An hour and a half could easily be driven in a day. That was most people’s commute back and forth to work in big cities. What had she been thinking, moving so close?

  The ringing ended and William hit the button for the messages. John’s voice came broke through the room as Will pushed the speakerphone button.

  Austin, answer the phone. The first was short. As the second one started, she heard the anger in his tone increase. We need to talk, Austin. Pick up the damn phone.

  James sat up in the chair as the third one started. Don’t you fucking ignore me. I own you. You said vows and you’re going to keep them. Get your ass home. Don’t make me come get you.

  The mere thought that he could find her while he was in such a state of anger had her rushing to their restroom. No one knew what he was capable of. Not really. But she’d seen it. Lived it. And she had no plans on ever going back. He couldn’t make her. She’d like to see him try.

  Austin flushed the toilet and stood up. This had to stop. But how? Would a restraining order really scare him off? She didn’t think so. If anything, it was liable to just make him angrier. Then all hell was going to break loose.

  “You okay?” Scott handed her the mouthwash and she went through the motions, still not able to focus.

  “I’ll be okay when he moves on and forgets about me.” Unfortunately, she didn’t see that happening any time soon.

  Scott leaned against the door frame causing her to frown. “I think we’ve done this before. Me, sick. You, here, making sure I’m okay.”

  “I want to help any way I can.”

  The weakness she portrayed had Austin biting the insides of her cheeks. She was stronger than this. John was playing on her fear, and the fact that it was somewhat working lit a fire deep within. “Thank you. You’re a great friend. But I’ll be fine.” She walked around him and reached her hand out to William, who was sitting on the edge of his seat. A mix of emotions darkened his face as he handed over the cell.

  “I have some things I need to take care of. I’ll be back later.”

  “Wait.” William towered over her as he stood. “Do you want one of us to go with you? After those last two messages, I really don’t feel comfortable with you out there by yourself.”

  Whatever they said, she had no doubt they weren’t good. “I need to do this alone. I’ll be back in time for dinner.”

  “But you will be back. Right?” Scott pushed his hands deep into his pockets, and his shoulders fell forward. The hesitation was evident as he forced the question out.

  Austin nodded. “I promise.”

  “We’ll be waiting.”

  The men remained standing as she slid on her flip-flops and headed out of the living room. After she got her keys and purse, she started her car and left the ranch. It was time to put a stop to John. The only way she was going to do that was to involve the same people she had grown not to trust.

  Chapter 12

  The sun soaked into William’s bare back as he bent over and grabbed another bale of hay to stack. What the hell was going on with Austin? Almost a week had gone by, and she’d completely shut down. Getting her to carry on a conversation was damn near impossible. One moment she was fine, and the next, completely in her own little world. It was like looking at the shell of a woman. Her thoughts consumed her. William just wished he knew what they were. There had to be a way he and Scott could help.

  “What time is it?” He lifted the next bale and paused as he spotted Scott staring across the pasture at Austin’s house. “Son of a bitch. You, too? Hey! Earth to Scott.”

  “I hear you, dammit. Hold on.”

  William tossed the hay and walked over to see what his friend was looking at. A dark green sedan was parked next to Austin’s. It didn’t take but a second for William’s attention to zero in on what looked like a detective of some sort. The guy was wearing a white button-up shirt with a black tie. Black slacks. And a pair of dark shades. Something dangled around his neck, and William had no doubt that it was his badge.

  “What do you say we go check out what’s going on?” William grabbed his shirt from the tailgate of the truck and slid it on.

  “Not sure that’s such a good idea. Austin doesn’t appear to want us to know.” Sadness covered Scott’s features as he continued to look across the distance.

  All of this was driving William crazy. Why the lack of communication? They knew what was going on with John. Why would she want to hide that from them now? He took off his leather gloves and tossed
one in Scott’s direction. “Do you have any idea what’s going on, because I’m fucking lost. Why is she so distant all of a sudden?”

  The worry remained as he brought his glanced in William’s direction. “I’m not sure. Austin…” He shook his head. “I don’t think she wants us to know how bad this truly is. But you heard John. The guy needs help.”

  “I got a shotgun that will take care of that,” William said, picking up his glove. “Guy’s fucking scum. I can’t stand it. He makes me sick. Five minutes alone with the motherfucker, that’s all I ask. I’d tear him apart.”

  “I’m with you on that. From the looks of it, I’m betting Austin went and filed that report when she left here the other day.”

  William had no doubt she did. “Well, maybe they’ll be able to make him back off. I’m seriously on the verge of going to have a talk with him, myself. What he’s doing to Austin crosses the line. No one hurts or scares someone I care about. No one. I don’t give a shit if he’s a cop or not.”

  “I feel you. Trust me. But let’s think about this rationally. He is a cop. And not just any one—he’s the sheriff of a town. That changes things, Will. You know that.”

  Yeah, he wasn’t stupid, but it was still tempting. “I’m done for the day. Let’s pack up and head back. We need to start dinner. I’m starving.”

  “That’s why you’re so damn bitchy. You always get like this when you’re hungry.”

  There was no point in arguing. William knew Scott was right. Loading up didn’t take long, and within minutes they were pulling in front of the house. At the sight of them, Austin shook the detective’s hand and headed back inside.

  “Mind if I have a word with you two?”

  Scott smiled and all William wanted to do was bang his head against a wall. Of all people to investigate, why in the hell did it have to be Bobby McGinnis?

  “Long time, no see.” Scott came up and shook his hand. “How have you been? I didn’t know you were back in town.”

  “Been here close to a year now.” He glanced over at William. “Will. Been staying out of trouble?”

  It was hard not to lash out. “I got in one fight on your watch as a deputy. Now I’m a criminal?”

  “You’ve gotten in a lot of fights, if I remember high school correctly.”

  Scott threw William a glance, but he ignored it as he stared down his old rival. It was like no matter what William did, the guy was always there. Always trying to take what he had. Including Scott. “People grow up, Bobby. Not sure if you knew that or not.”

  “Okay. Enough.” Scott leaned against the truck. “Why don’t you tell us what’s going on with Austin.”

  Bobby glanced to her house. “Says her ex-husband is harassing her. I listened to a few voice mails. Took notes on her side of the history between them. She mentioned a phone conversation between you and Mr. Caldwell, Scott. You want to fill me in with that?”

  The sun was beginning to lower in the sky. Scott lifted his hand to shield his vision. “Told him to back off.” He shifted uncomfortably. “Will and I made it clear that Austin was with us now, that he needed to move on.”

  “And are you both with her?”

  They looked at each other, and Scott mirrored the same uncertainty William felt. Surely they couldn’t say they were if they hadn’t even passed it by her.

  “No,” William said, shaking his head. “Well, not necessarily.”

  Scott leaned in, lowering his voice. “Well, we are, kind of.”

  “Yeah, but we can’t go around staking our claim when she knows nothing about it. We’re just friends who are looking out for her. That’s it.”

  The detective brought the shades up to rest on the top of his head. “So what is it, boys? Are you dating Ms. Caldwell or not?”

  “No,” they both said, simultaneously.

  “Right. Okay. And that’s all you said? Nothing else has happened?”

  “Not that I’m aware of.”

  The detective’s mouth thinned while he brought his lips together and studied them. “Well, I’ll let you go back to doing what you were. I’ll be in touch.”

  William reached out, trying to stop the detective before he just shook off this threat. “Listen, Bobby, I know we haven’t always got along, but this guy, John, he’s bad news. If you listened to those voice mails, you know I’m right. Austin is terrified of him. Tell me you’re going to do something.”

  “Unless the sheriff comes within so many feet of her, I’m sorry, there’s nothing else I can do. I took the report. I didn’t even have to come out here to follow up, but I felt sorry for Ms. Caldwell. You’re right, she’s scared of him, and has good reason to if what she says is true. But what happened in her past doesn’t hold up now. I can’t have him arrested because of things he might have done a few months or years back. I just can’t. There’s no proof. It’s his word against hers, and when I talked to him, he said he never laid a hand on her.”

  “What about the voice mails? The last one all but threatened her friend Grady would disappear if she didn’t come home. There has to be something you can do about that.”

  Bobby pulled a business card out of his pocket. “The judge is fine. I’ve already spoken to him, too. Unless he mysteriously disappears, nothing. Now, here’s my card. Ms. Caldwell already has a new phone, but if he gets that number, too, or heaven forbid, shows up, call me.”

  As he walked back to the car and drove away, all William could do was stare in astonishment. “There’s nothing they can do?” He looked over to Scott. “How is that even possible? She’s like a sitting duck. The move is up to him. They expect us to trust that he won’t come? Bullshit.”

  “Yeah.” Scott took a few steps toward Austin’s. “You go start dinner. I’ll check on her and see if she wants to come over.”

  “All right. Sounds good.” William headed for their house, praying she would be in better spirits, tonight. From what Bobby said, he doubted it. More than likely, it was going to be up to him and Scott to cheer her up. And he was perfectly okay with that.

  * * * *

  The door eased open, and the smell of something delicious made Scott’s mouth water. Had she made dinner for them or herself? The thought that she wasn’t planning on coming over turned his stomach even more than it already was.

  Austin smiled and waved him in. “I was just about to bring the enchiladas over. I’m afraid I might have made too much.”

  “Another crockpot masterpiece?”

  “No.” She laughed. “James gave me the day off. Said his mother was on a rampage and was saving me from her wrath.”

  That woman. She really had a problem with Austin. Why was that? Scott grabbed the pot holders Austin handed him and lifted to dish. “Well, lucky you. Actually, lucky me. Now William and I get to eat like kings.” He inhaled deeply. “We better head out before I grab a fork and start digging in right now.”

  “Go ahead and head over. I’m going to grab a few things and I’ll be there in a few minutes.” She turned toward the back and paused. “You don’t mind if I stay tonight, do you? I’m sorry, I should have asked before I assumed it was okay.”

  The beating of his heart exploded into a fast pace. “No, we’d like that. A lot. We’ve missed you, Austin.”

  A sad smile appeared. “I’ve missed you both, too. I’ll just get my things.”

  Scott balanced the dish against his side and opened the door. While he walked back to the house, he couldn’t keep from grinning. William swung open the door and grabbed the pot holders, pulling the dish from his hands.

  “What’d she make us? She’s coming, too, right?”

  Scott couldn’t help but laugh. “Enchiladas, and yes, she’s just getting her clothes together.”

  “She’s leaving?” The pure horror on William’s face had him rethinking his words.

  “No. She’s staying here tonight.”

  He placed the dinner down and grabbed his chest. “Jesus. I thought she was leaving. I was about to haul ass over there
and try to talk some sense into her.”

  The plates rested a few feet behind William. Scott walked around him and started setting the table. “I would have still been over there trying to talk her out of it if that was the case.” He grabbed some napkins and silverware and laid them out. William picked up perfectly by making the drinks. It was always the same. Beer for him. Soda for William. Tea for Austin. Routine…he liked that.

  “So you think we should talk to her about maybe making things official?” William placed the tea back into the fridge and walked over. “I hate having to be so formal when we’re out. I can’t even kiss her and I don’t like it.”

  Official was a big thing. Should they try to talk to her about it? “I’m not sure, Will. The timing just doesn’t seem right. Not to mention, we can’t just become official. Didn’t you notice the odd looks James was giving us? I could tell the whole time, he was wondering who exactly she was seeing. Even Bobby seemed be taken off guard. This relationship may be normal to us, but not to everyone in the outside world. She’d have to be with one of us, in public, and keep it that way.”

  The way William’s eyebrows drew in, he knew his friend hadn’t thought that part over. “Does it really matter what everyone else thinks? We never cared before.”

  “I don’t care. I’m worried for Austin. We’ve dealt with this town’s crap since we were young. She hasn’t.”

  The door opened and she came in all smiles. Scott would have never imagined she was dealing with the amount of problems she was if he didn’t know.

  “There she is.” William walked over and took her bag, kissing her on the lips. “Got your place at the table ready. Thanks for taking care of dinner. You’re seriously the best.”

  A light shade of pink tinted her cheeks. “Thank you. I thought maybe I’d give you two a break. You’ve been taking care of things now for a week. I figured it was well past my turn.”

  “We’re glad to have you back.” Scott pulled out her chair while William disappeared with her things. As he took his seat, he couldn’t help but reach for her hand. “What do you say we go do something tomorrow? Is there anything you’d like to try around here? Maybe go to Victoria? Do some shopping?”


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