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Deal of a Lifetime

Page 8

by Rue Allyn

  “You didn’t bring a flashlight? Surely there was one in that closet you found.”

  She gave him the crutch, then moved to his other side and placed his arm across her shoulders. “I found several flashlights as well as candles, matches, and a flare gun. I had my hands full with the crutch and first aid gear. Going back I’ll have all I can do to keep you balanced and moving.”

  Con grunted, braced his weight on her shoulder, then swung forward with the crutch and one side of his body.

  Going was slow, but moving kept them relatively warm. Full dark had fallen when they reached the terminal shack. Tam settled Con into an empty corner with several blankets, two bottles of water, and a couple of protein bars. “Eat. Rest. I’ll go see if I can break into the restaurant.”

  Grabbing a flashlight, she left. Ten minutes later she returned exhausted and frustrated.


  “I tried every door. I even tried smashing through a window with a big rock. It bounced. Buddswell must have used high impact glass when he built this place.” She hunted up some water, an energy bar, and a blanket for herself, then sat beside Con.

  “I should have thought of that and saved you the trouble of finding out the hard way. Given the kind of winds that can blow at these elevations, I would have done the same.”

  “Don’t blame yourself. Exposure and injury don’t exactly lend themselves to clear thinking.” She handed him a bar, then studied him. Reassured that he wouldn’t suffer any ill effects from exposure, she relaxed.

  They sat surrounded by a half dozen lit flashlights, chewed protein bars and recouped their energy. Tam hoped that Susa would understand why her mother didn’t call. Missing the nightly talk hurt. Tam tried to convince herself that one missed phone call didn’t matter. She couldn’t shake the knowledge that it was five irretrievable minutes of Susa’s life. What about the seven years of Susa’s life that Con missed? Isn’t now the time to tell him he has a daughter? Yeah right. I plan to leave in the morning. Drop a bombshell on the man then run away. Of course the timing is perfect—not! The explanation for our lack of communication is plausible, but nothing else has changed. Marriage is still a bad idea. If I tell Con now, he’ll insist on marriage or custody. He hasn’t been shy about interfering. If he knew about Susa, he’d never let me alone long enough for me to leave. I have to tell him, but I need more time to figure out how. Telling him will have to wait. What’s another week or two, when seven years have already passed?

  “We could try using the flare gun.”

  Con’s statement pulled her from her thoughts. She’d do anything to get them off this mountain. “Sure. The flare will be more visible in the dark. We just have to pray that someone is in the right spot to see and recognize it for what it is.” Tam stood and moved to the supply closet. She rummaged inside for a good five minutes before she snapped the door shut. She stomped back to Con and resumed her seat beside him. “No flares!”

  Con groaned. “You’re kidding?”

  “Not a chance. What kind of idiot puts a flare gun in a supply closet but doesn’t include flares?”

  Con smiled and circled her shoulders with his arm. “The kind who is building a brand new facility and hasn’t run final checks.”

  Tam snuggled into the warmth of his side. “I suppose you’re right. That’s probably why the phone I found on the other side of the supply closet doesn’t work.”

  “Probably. Looks like we’re stuck here until morning.” She felt his lips brush her hair.

  At the far end of the building, the wind whistled through the gap between the garage type door and the slab beneath them.

  Con pulled her close.

  Chapter Eight

  She looked up at him. “Cold?”

  “A little.”

  “I think I can fix that.” She rose and walked to the supply closet. Grabbing a stack of blankets, she moved to the gap. She formed each of the blankets into long rolls. Then placing them end to end, she used them to block out the wind. On her way back to Con she took all of the remaining blankets from the closet. Setting them beside Con, she went back for an armload of bottled water, protein bars, and flashlight batteries.

  Next she spread out five blankets one on top of the other. Her coat and Con’s formed two sloppy pillows. “There. Now we have a bed. We can use the blankets we have around us for covers.”

  Visibly tense, Con eyed the makeshift mattress. “Twisted ankle or not, if I get into bed with you, I don’t plan on sleeping. Are you certain that’s what you want?”

  Her heart quickened. She licked her suddenly dry lips. She thought about the cold, hard, musty, silent, lonely night she’d spend if she were alone in this shack. Then she thought about nestling warm and soft, the sweet murmurs of passion and hearts shared in the glow of flashlights.

  The image flashed in her mind of them tangled together, naked, Con locked deep inside her, desire spiraling out of control. Nothing had ever felt so good. No one had ever felt so right. No one had even come close. Since the day they met, Con was the only man she’d ever wanted.

  “What if I don’t?”

  Con slumped back against the wall of the shack. “Then I’ll spend the night in the corner of this shack farthest away from you. Although I’d like another blanket, so I don’t get too cold while I’m lying awake thinking about you.”

  A smile lifted her mouth. “Are you certain you won’t hurt your ankle more?”

  “I think I can manage, especially if you help.” He smiled back.

  “We don’t have any birth control, Con. I’m not on the pill.”

  “I’ve got two condoms in my hip pocket.”

  Her brows rose. “You do?”

  “The minute I saw you on that bed three days ago, I purchased a dozen at the first opportunity.”

  “Today you only brought two with you.”

  “I didn’t plan on spending the night on the mountain. Hell, I didn’t even plan on making love to you. I just hoped, dreamed, and thought I’d better be ready if my dreams came true. Will they?”

  Her heart raced. A flush rose from her neck to her face. Tightness grew in her belly, her skin dampened, and she sighed. Her smile faded. She could avoid the decision no longer. If she was honest with herself, she wanted to make Con’s dreams a reality. Only Susannah held her back. Her daughter’s well-being was paramount. If Tam could prevent it, Susannah would never suffer the neglect, disappointment, or pain of watching her mother pine for a lover who had no time for his wife and child. Susa would grow up without any of Tam’s fears about marriage and commitment.

  Which meant Con had to know about his daughter before they went any farther. “I want to make love with you, but I have to tell you something first. You’ll probably change your mind when I tell you that…”

  He looked up at her, his brow wrinkled in thought. “Wait. You don’t look very happy, and I want to know if what you feel you have to tell me will keep us from making love?”

  Both sorry and grateful for his interruption she nodded, unable to form the words.

  “Then tell me in the morning.” He tugged her into his arms and kissed her.

  When they finally came up for air she tried again. “But…”

  He shook his head. “No. Tonight I want nothing between us, no hard words, no hurt feelings, and definitely no clothes.”

  He grinned and reached for the hem of her sweater.

  She wanted this so much that she didn’t have the heart to deny herself, to deny them both. She caught his hand. “All right. But we’ll only have tonight. Nothing permanent.”

  Con nodded. “I hear you.”

  She noted he avoided promising only one night. If he hoped for more, he was doomed to disappointment. Tonight was all she had to give. Besides, in the morning he’d hate the sight of her.

  She moved to support him and help him away from the wall. “Then come with me.”

  With the use of the crutch she helped him hobble to the makeshift bed and remove his clothes. The
heat of his skin almost burned her chilled fingers. Beneath her hands the muscles of his chest and thighs rippled. She stood firm as he used her body to ease his way down to the blankets.

  Her insistence on only one night challenged Con. This was his chance to make her see how good they were together, how much they needed each other. From the blankets, his glance traveled up her legs, over the curve of her hips and the swell of her breasts, lingered a moment on her bowed lips, then fixed on her sky-and-lapis eyes. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever known. He knew the shape and feel of her, and no other had moved him as Tam did. Her mouth was open. Her breath came in small gasps as she stared at his rampant lust, the proof of his desire for her.

  At last she tore her eyes away to meet his gaze. He smiled. She swallowed, lifted the hems of her sweater and shirt, whipping them over her head.

  He held his palm up. “Slowly please. I want to enjoy every minute, and I love watching you undress.”

  She cocked her head. “You never told me.”

  “I know. My biggest mistake was not telling you every day how I felt about you. Not sharing that part of me with you. I assumed that because we were so synchronized in business, our personal lives would be too.”

  “We were, in part. I always knew what you thought. I rarely knew what you felt.”

  His fingers tightened on hers, and he shook his head. “Did you really know what I was thinking? If you did, then why didn’t you come back? Why believe that ridiculous engagement story and drop off the face of the earth? You must have known that I cared too much to treat you so cruelly.”

  He wanted affirmation of their mutual desire more than he wanted her body. She swallowed again. “You said you wanted nothing between us tonight. Let’s not spoil this moment rehashing the past.”

  “You’re right. Let’s enjoy this to the fullest and take it slow.”

  Nodding, she reached behind to release her bra, then inched the straps down her arms. The bra sank in an agonizing tease until it caught on her chill-stiffened nipples.

  Con sucked in a breath, waiting for the lingerie to fall.

  Nothing moved in the still, cold air.

  Tam twitched her shoulders; the bra dropped straight into Con’s waiting hand. His cock gave a corresponding twitch, and he brought the bra to his face, inhaling the warm woman-and-peaches scent of her.

  He groaned. “Lord, Tam, you’re killing me.”

  She smiled, her hand resting at the button of her waistband. “I’m just doing as you asked.”

  He grinned back. “Please, kill me some more.”

  “Happy to oblige.” She released the button and eased the zipper down. The slacks hung open on her hips. The snug cloth clung to her thighs and calves.

  Did she intend to shimmy the pants off as well? She’d have to work hard; those jeans were molded to her skin. Con waited, anticipating the wiggle and sway of her hips.

  She turned sideways, the heart shape of her bottom dimly outlined in the tight jeans. Then she knelt and reached to unlace her boots. Her denim-covered ass poised about six inches from his face. He couldn’t resist.

  Lust took over. No room remained for thoughts, mutual or otherwise. Lifting a hand he stroked his fingers over her tight buns. He filled his palm, giving a gentle squeeze.

  “Mmm,” purred from Tam’s throat. She wiggled her bottom into his touch.

  Happy that he could please her with so small a caress, Con flattened his palm and smoothed circles around her backside. With each circuit his fingers came closer and closer to the juncture of her thighs. Finally he slipped his hand between her legs.

  She gasped, lost her balance, and fell forward on to her hands.

  Determined to claim her, he stroked with gentle aggression. Cupping her cloth-covered mound he pressed and released, pressed and released. The stimulation forced her involuntary response, and she squirmed back onto his marauding palm. Against his arm he felt her body shake, so he increased the pressure, rubbing and squeezing ever faster.

  “C-Con.” His name strangled from her lips. “Please. I-I need you… Now!”

  Relentless, he continued, her cries and moans the sweetest music. Her body tensed. She released a keening cry, then collapsed on the far end of the blanket.

  Her breathing came hard and harsh. Against his hand her core throbbed. He could only imagine the ache that must spread where her breasts crushed against the scratchy wool of the blanket. An occasional push with the heel of his palm prolonged her climactic aftershocks. Although the night had just begun, he knew he would always be hungry for the taste and feel of her, always be eager to watch her face as she surrendered to passion at his touch, always be starved with the need to yield to her desires.

  Her breathing evened, and the aftershocks faded. She rolled over, her arm flopping across his leg, and her fingers landing within an inch of his balls. Her booted feet rested beside his head. She’d lost all control because of him. He couldn’t help but grin.

  She rose on her elbows. “That was, er…underhanded of you, and so not fair.”

  His grin broadened. “There’s no doubt about the underhandedness, but that was more than fair.”

  “We’re supposed to make love together.” She frowned happily at him.

  He threw back his head and laughed. Her happiness at his hands gave him the first real hope, since discovering her in their hotel suite, that Tam might be willing to make a future with him.

  Unrestrained giggles erupted from her before, eyes agleam, she slapped a hand over her mouth.

  “We did make love together,” he protested, knowing his earlier self-satisfaction for the egocentric pride it was. Then he proceeded to pull her loosened boots from her feet.

  “Well, I suppose you could call it that. I’m definitely happy with the result.”

  “Me too.” Was she really happy, enough to commit to him? He shoved the doubt to the back of his mind. No other shoe would drop, no bubble would burst, not if he could help it, not tonight.

  “But you didn’t…” Her fingers traced lightly over his inner thigh.

  His erection stretched another half inch. “I will.”

  He tossed her boots aside and reached for her hands. She relaxed and let him pull her upright.

  “Now let’s get these jeans off you.” He tugged at the hems. “These things are tight. I never saw a panty line, so I’ve been wondering all day what you might or might not have underneath.

  She chuckled. “You’ll never find out that way.”

  “Huh?” He ceased tugging to circle her ankle with his hand. Did she mean to stop now? Was it over already? Disappointment stole the smile from his lips.

  “Don’t look so sad. I simply have to stand up to get these off.”

  Relief burst open. He smiled, releasing her as if burned. “Then get up and shuck off.”

  She stared at him, shook her head and grinned wider.

  “What are you waiting for, woman?” He looked her up and down, suddenly impatient.

  “I thought you wanted to take it slow,” she purred sweetly.

  Coming up on his elbows, he rolled his eyes, then pointed at his cock. “Look at that and tell me if you think I still want you to take your time.”

  She did. Both take her time and peruse the evidence of his urgent desire. The fleshy pole stood tall and proud. She watched it throb and pulse in the dim light. A drop of moisture glistened on the bulging knob. She purred her pleasure at the sight and licked her lips. Before he could protest, she came to her knees and moved between his legs. She bent over him, arms braced, and dipped her head to lap at that gleaming essence, then closed her lips around him.

  Con groaned.

  Satisfaction did battle with eagerness. That she could bring him pleasure thrilled her, but she wanted—needed—more. She wanted him to lose control, and perhaps for once tell her what he felt.

  His fingers caressed her hair. She took in his entire length, licking and sucking all the way, until he touched the back of her throat. Then she
let go of him slowly, only to come back for more. Over and over until he added his thrusts to her sucking. It was a good start, but despite that energy-draining climax, she couldn’t get enough of him. Her body, like her heart, was starved for Con. She had seven years of famine to make up for, and a lifetime of starvation to feed with memories of this one night.

  She didn’t want to rush or waste a single moment. They had to slow down. She loosened her grip on him and sat back on her heels.

  “No. Don’t stop now.”

  Pleased with the long, damp, shining result of her efforts, she skimmed a fingernail up the pulsing line of flesh, from his tight hard balls to the overly sensitive tip.

  Standing, she pushed down her jeans and stepped out of them, fulfilling Con’s fantasy and proving she wore no panties. Planting one foot on either side of his knees, she knelt and covered him with a condom, then straightened. Her mons brushed the top of his penis. She locked her gaze with his, sharing herself, showing her need. Circling his length with one hand, she guided him back, then lowered herself until his tip was locked inside her.

  He grasped her hips and lifted his, but she refused to let him take over. Earlier she’d felt both fettered by the unrelenting passion his touch unleashed and freed by a soaring delight that her feelings for him made true and brilliant. In his arms her problems faded, insignificant beside that star driven moment.

  She wanted to give him that—intense, blinding ecstasy and love—she had nothing else to offer. She must keep her heart whole for her daughter’s sake. Tam caught his gaze, wanting to show her love for him. The love she could never speak for fear of losing everything that mattered—even love itself.

  “Let me,” She placed her fingers on his lips.

  His hands lifted from her hips to cup her breasts. Then she descended and rose, descending and rising, again and again and yet again, until the final worry fled and the world narrowed to the feel of him sliding within her heated core.

  He lay silent, obedient to her wishes, soaking in all she gave and more. He had no idea what he took from her in those selfless moments of loving. Caught in that instant, she couldn’t tell him he’d stolen her heart.


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