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The Truth Keeps Silent: A Second Chance Romantic Suspense (Truth & Lies Duet Book 1)

Page 29

by A. V. Asher

  Alec leaned against the wall, forcing his mind to focus. All that mattered was getting her back.

  He stalked back to the desk.

  “Play it again.”

  It wasn’t any easier the second time, but he could analyze it. Mason and Declan stood next to him, doing the same. There wasn’t much to go off of. Gray wall in the background, no sound, nothing that cast a reflection. They had nothing.

  Alec’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out and checked the screen. An unknown number. He read the words and froze.

  Did you like my message?

  It took all Alec’s restraint not to break his phone into pieces. Instead, he responded.

  Proof of life. Then we’ll talk.

  The room was silent as they waited for a response. Holy god, what if he couldn’t provide it?

  Then the phone rang.

  Chapter Fifty-One

  Mercedes hadn’t left the floor of the bathroom. Blood crusted in her hair, but she was beyond caring. It felt like a power saw was grinding into her skull. The plush bathmat seemed a suitable place to lie for a while.

  Footsteps alerted her someone was coming, but she didn’t have the energy to move. Jason burst into the bedroom and found Mercedes lying on the floor.

  “Come on, babe.” He crouched beside her. “You need to say hi to someone, okay?” He sat her up. Bile rose in her throat, but she kept it down.

  Jason took out his phone, dialed, and held it to his ear. It only took a second for the call to be answered.

  “Tsk, tsk . . . you don’t trust me?” The taunting in Jason’s voice made her skin crawl. “Oh, well. I don’t blame you. Here you are.”

  Jason held the phone to Mercedes’s ear. “Say hello, beautiful.”

  God, what is this now?

  She whimpered in pain. “Hello?”

  “Sadie?” Alec’s voice broke through the line. “Christ, are you okay?” The fear in his voice tore at her heart.

  “Alec,” she whispered. Tears welled up in her eyes. “I’m okay, just a little banged up.”

  “Stay strong, aye? I’m coming for you. I’ll see you soon.”

  Jason snatched the phone away from her and put it to his ear.

  “I’m going to text you an address. I expect you to be there tonight at three a.m. sharp. You bring anyone with you, or leave anything out of the package, and she’s dead. And I’ll make sure it hurts. I’m not fucking around with you.”

  Jason towered over her. He ended the call and handed the phone to Mariah, who had been waiting outside the door.

  “Send him the address to the drop site and tell everyone to be in place by two.”

  Mariah snatched the phone, paused, and looked at Jason. “You’re not supposed to be in here with her.” Her gaze landed on Mercedes and she touched the bridge of her nose, which was just starting to swell. “Good thing Adam left with Cooper, huh?” A malicious smile spread across her face as she backed away to the door. “Have fun, Sadie.”

  Fear crawled up her spine. Jason seemed calm right now, but his temper was a powder keg, waiting for her to set him off.

  Jason moved to the sink and wet a towel with warm water. He kneeled on the floor next to her. Mercedes flinched away from his touch.

  “Shh, you have blood on you,” he soothed, his hands gentle. The heat from the towel relieved the ache in her temple.

  Mercedes regarded him warily. “You’ve never helped me clean up before.”

  Jason grimaced. His gaze shot to the door and back to her. “I didn’t want to do this. I don’t want to do any of this.” His hand brushed a stray hair from her cheek.

  “You sounded pretty committed on the phone.”

  “Well, I was talking to Alec. He has something they want, and if I don’t get it, they’ll kill you.” He wore a mask of shame so well. “I’ve never wanted to hurt you, Sadie.”

  Mercedes tilted her head, her eyes narrow. “That doesn’t seem like an accurate statement, Edward.”

  He flinched at the sound of his name. “I’ve always gone by Jason. Edward was my father. He was a piece of shit.” His fingers dabbed her chin, angling it to clean the remnants of his work off her face. “I knew you’d figure it out, eventually. Especially after he took you from me.”

  “He didn’t take me from you. I went with him on my own.”

  Jason’s eyes were like ice. “Did you sleep with him?”

  A fresh wave of terror shivered up her spine. Nothing good would come from this line of questioning. Pulling what she hoped was an impassive face, she said nothing.

  Jason’s eyes welled with tears. “Do you love him?”

  “I’m not going to talk to you about him.”

  Jason’s pained look was one he had when he was filled with regret. The one that could suck her back into his orbit. It had no effect this time. He might feel a moment of remorse, but it wouldn’t stop him from destroying her again.

  He wiped his eyes. “I know I messed up a lot with you. I’m sorry for that.”

  “Sorry?” She stared at him, her mouth hanging open. “I don’t even know who you are. You’ve nearly killed me multiple times. You murdered Seth and destroyed my career all at once.”

  His head jerked up. “I didn’t kill Seth. That was Adam.”

  She smirked at him. “Really?”

  “Yeah, really. I was supposed to be there, but I stayed at your house and protected you.”

  “What?” Mercedes frowned at him in disbelief.

  Jason shifted, sitting next to her, his back against the wall. “You were supposed to be floating in the bay with the Collins kid that night. That was the plan. Burn everything to the ground and kill the witnesses. I kept you valuable. They had no idea you had a second source. So, I hid her existence until they were ready to take you out. Then I popped up with it and suddenly keeping you alive was all they wanted. It’s a good thing you went for me and not Adam. Otherwise, you’d be dead.”

  Mercedes frowned. “Adam?”

  “Yeah, he hit on you first. At the bar in Tahoe?”

  He did? She had no recollection of meeting Adam until Jason introduced him.

  Jason shrugged. “Adam looks like McKinley, so they thought you’d go for his type.”

  Mercedes scoffed. “He looks nothing like Alec.”

  Jason frowned. “A big fucker with blue eyes and black hair? Pretty much the same.”

  “Adam has dead eyes.”

  “And I don’t?”

  Mercedes held his gaze. “Sometimes there’s a spark of humanity in there.”

  “I love you. Does that make me human?” His crystal blue eyes welled with tears again. This was the man she’d cared for, maybe even loved. Vulnerable and broken.

  A complete liar.

  Mercedes didn’t answer or acknowledge his lie. Instead, she grabbed the edge of the counter and pulled herself to a stand. “It sounds like I’m going to die tonight anyway, so thanks for the last six months, I guess.”

  Jason moved to her side and helped her up. As much as she hated his touch, dizziness made it hard to walk on her own. He walked her to the bed, where she collapsed on the fluffy pillows. It was early, but she wanted sleep.

  Jason leaned down and kissed her, his lips soft on hers. Mercedes’s heart plummeted.

  She was in no shape to fight him off. Revulsion moved through her, but she kept herself still. He broke away and nuzzled against her cheek. When he whispered in her ear, her heart nearly stopped altogether.

  “I won’t let them hurt you. But you must do what I say if you want to stay alive.”

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  A shaking on her shoulder brought her out of her fitful sleep. Mercedes opened her eyes to a dark figure silhouetted against the city lights.

  “Wake up,” he hissed. “Wake up, babe. We have to go.”

  The light on the bedside table clicked on, blinding her. “Jason? What are you doing?”

  He knelt on the side of her bed, his eyes filled with panic and desperation.
“I want you to choose me.”

  “What?” She sat up, her head throbbing. At least her stomach had settled.

  “I want you to choose me,” he said again. “I’m so sorry for everything I did to you. For the lies. For hitting you. For all of it, I know I fucked up.”

  The room spun. Honeyed promises could never erase the damage he’d caused her. “Jason . . .”

  He shook his head to silence her. “Let me show you. I’ll change. I’m willing to get you out of here. Right now.”

  “What about Cooper? He’s not going to let us go.”

  “Fuck him. He got his money’s worth from me. I’m done.” Jason took her hand, breathless. “Cooper’s already given the order to Adam. You’re going to die tonight.”

  Mercedes’s pulse raced in her ears. What was worse? Going on the run with Jason, or staying in this prison to take her chances with Adam and his orders? At least on the run, she might escape and get back to Alec.

  A door closed in another room, and Jason tensed, his eyes flitting to the door. “I need you to decide right now. Or it’ll be too late.”

  “Alright,” she whispered, knowing she was making a deal with the devil. “I’ll go with you.”

  Jason pulled her into a kiss. Mercedes did her best not to recoil when his tongue flicked over her lips. It was thankfully quick, his body primed to run.

  “Mariah left, so it’s only Patrick out there.” He handed over her shoes and waited while she slipped them on. “Ready?”

  Her heart was ready to explode. “I . . . I think so.”

  At the door, Jason paused. “I’m sorry for what you’re about to see.” He opened the door, and Mercedes stepped into the hall behind him.

  Patrick’s voice rang out down the marble hallway. “What the fuck, Jason? You aren’t supposed to be in there with . . .”

  Jason raised his arm. The gunshot split the night, cutting off Patrick’s words. Blood and brain matter spattered the fine ivory tiles.

  Mercedes shrieked. Her vision tunneled, a whooshing sound filling her ears.

  This isn’t happening. This can’t be real.

  “Sadie, look at me. Fucking look at me.” Mercedes was dimly aware of Jason’s words. She glanced up into his face, barely able to pull her eyes away from the gore. “We have to run. Now.”

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  She doesn’t love me now, but she will.

  Jason held Mercedes by the waist as they hurried down the service hall to the wide elevators designed to bring up furniture. Mercedes was unsteady after the hit she’d taken earlier. He should have pulled his punches, but he had to admit it felt good to unload on her.

  Now he was feeling a tide of remorse, which pissed him off.

  Fuck Cooper for making me hurt her. If the man didn’t have more power than God, he’d put a bullet in his brain too.

  Jason jabbed the button, impatient for the door to slide open. Once they stepped onto the lift, he wrapped his arm around her, wanting to feel that magnetic warmth she always brought to his world. Instead, she stood straight and cold, her arms crossed in front of her.

  She needed to remember what they meant to each other.

  They would have time. Jason had been planning this for a while. By tomorrow afternoon, they would be soaking in the sun on the beach in southern France. Mercedes would look incredible in the little bikini he’d picked out for her. He was going to shower her in the luxury she deserved—the luxury he’d wanted to give her when they came here.

  In another hour, she’d have no other reason not to love him completely.

  “Why are you doing this?” Her voice was distant and strained.

  A wave of guilt swept through him, making his heart race. He hated feeling guilty. Why couldn’t she understand?

  “I love you, Sadie. I’m the only one who has ever loved you like this.”

  The doors slid open, and they stepped out. The car was only feet from the entrance, ready for them. Mercedes didn’t resist when he pulled open the passenger door and pushed her in. They were pulling out of the garage when a police car pulled up to the curb.


  A neighbor must have called it in. Jason thought he’d have more time before they discovered the body. Once they found Patrick’s rotting carcass and their prize captive missing, they’d know exactly what he’d done. This was going to fuck with his whole timetable. Adjustments would have to be made.

  Jason drove for a while, making sure they weren’t followed. He found a parking space in a quiet residential neighborhood. Mercedes didn’t move. She wasn’t going to run for it. He’d catch her easily.

  Jason pulled the phone from his pocket and dialed. He could feel her eyes on him as the ringing filled the car.

  “This is Alec.” The short greeting came on the line. God, he hated that fucking voice.

  Mercedes gasped. Jason shot her warning glance.

  “Wakey, wakey asshole. There’s been a change of plans.”

  “Jason, what are you doing?” Mercedes cried.

  “Shut up,” he growled.

  “Sadie?” Anxiety laced McKinley’s voice. “What the fuck, Hollis? We had a deal.”

  Such a fucking Boy Scout.

  “Well, we did. But now I’m going out on my own. You happen to have a little piece of insurance I need to stay alive. I figure my girl here can convince you to give it to me with little hassle, so I’ve come up with a new arrangement.”

  “She’s not your girl,” McKinley hissed. “And you’re taking a risk meeting me without your crew.”

  Jason’s blood boiled. Not because McKinley was underestimating his skill, but because he was right. Jason could handle himself, but he’d never taken on someone like McKinley on his own. He’d always operated with a troupe of experts.

  Fuck him.

  He pulled his gun and cocked a round in the chamber, making sure it was right next to the microphone. Then he took aim, right at Mercedes’s head.

  “Jace, no!” she shrieked, cowering toward the door.

  “Should I just end her now?” Jason shouted.

  This had the desired effect. “No! What do you want?” McKinley yelled through the line.

  A smile coiled on his lips. “Same location in ten minutes. Come alone and unarmed. Nothing missing from the package, or she’s dead.”

  “Wait! I can’t get there in ten minutes.”

  Jason smiled, liking the sound of panic in the bastard’s tone. “Yeah, neither can anyone else. That way, I know you’re alone.”

  “Fuck! Fine,” Alec conceded. “I need fifteen minutes. She’d better be unharmed, or I swear I’ll gut you.”

  Jason scoffed. “Sure you will, pretty boy. See you in fifteen.”

  He ended the call, putting the gun away.

  Mercedes leaned on the door, her chin quivering.


  “Hey, babe. You know I was never going to hurt you, right? I had to say that. Otherwise, he wouldn’t come.” Jason’s heart ached to see her so distressed. “We can’t start over while he’s standing between us.”

  Mercedes lifted her head, tears streaming down her face. “You don’t care about the files, do you?”

  He shook his head and smiled. “Not even a little.”

  Mercedes covered her face with her hands, letting out a sob. Jason reached for her hand, but she shrank away. A flash of anger pulsed in him. He was saving her life, and she was being a little bitch about it.

  He started the car, steering away from the residential street.

  God damn it. It was one more thing he was going to have to make up for when they got to France.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  Alec threw the phone into the cupholder, his hand slamming the steering wheel in frustration. Every nerve in his body thrummed with anxious energy.

  “Well, at least we don’t have to wait for hours,” Declan said, the glow of his night vision glasses casting a green light around his face.

  The address they’d been given was for an open c
onstruction site early in its development. The ground had been cleared, the skeleton of walls surrounded by scaffolding. The team had been in place as soon as it grew dark.

  “Artemis, did you copy all that?” Alec said into his earpiece.

  “Copy,” Cressida responded. “In position.”

  “Apollo, get the bird up. Give me a signal when you see movement.”

  “What the hell is he up to?” Declan asked.

  Alec shook his head. He was clearly setting a trap. Jason wasn’t going to give Mercedes up. The man was obsessed with her. He was also an erratic mess. There was no telling what he had planned.

  Declan looked at Alec. “Be careful, mate.”

  “Aye. Good luck.”

  Declan pushed the door open and disappeared into the night. Alec only had to wait another five minutes.

  “Car approaching from the east,” Shake said. “Only two people in it. No one in the surrounding area.”

  Alec started the car and drove to the dirt lot next to the construction site. When he pulled around, Jason got out of a car ahead and went to the passenger side. Alec’s pulse crashed in his ears to see Jason’s hand gripping her arm. Mercedes was leaning into him, her walk unsteady.

  Alec grabbed the bag containing the prized documents and got out of the car. He put his hands up.

  “I’m alone and unarmed,” Alec called.

  The lights from the car lit up Mercedes’s face. A bruise had formed on her cheek, and her face was red and tearstained. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Mercedes’s eyes fell to the bag and back to him. She gave a little shake of her head. The tears that filled her eyes told him all he needed to see.

  Jason hadn’t come for the files. He’d come for Alec.

  Alec tossed the bag on the ground and held his hand out to Mercedes. “Sadie, walk to me. You’ll be alright.”

  She only took a step before Jason stopped her. “No, that’s not how we’re doing this.” A sneer broke out on his face. “She’s going to choose. Right now.”

  “What?” Mercedes’s eyes flicked between the two.


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