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Fox's Awakening

Page 5

by F. G. Adams

  “We will be ready for him,” the twins chant in unison. Jazmine fades as Jada glows until they clasp hands and they seem normal again. I look around, but nobody says anything. Why aren’t they concerned by them looking like a fucking light bulb?

  “Do not worry yourself, Aldin. Wren and your unborn son have yet to fulfill their destiny. No harm will come to either of them,” Jada reminds him.

  “Thank you, Goddess. I will hold on to that during the upcoming battle with Baako. Marcus is waiting for us. We must hurry.”

  Aldin’s tone causes me to pause. There’s something he’s not telling me, and I’m not big on surprises.

  We round the corner and slow to a hurried walk. My arms at the waist of each twin, I want to protect them from the evil lurking outside our doors.

  We enter the war room, where Marcus is consulting with Chaac, the legend of water and rain.

  “Sisters, the wards. They require reinforcements,” Marcus barks. His orders don’t sit well with me, because I have to let go of the women I have a burning need to protect from harm.

  “As you wish, brother,” the twins respond in accord and step out of my arms, leaving me with a restlessness I can’t explain.

  I track their movements as they gracefully walk, hips swaying, to the corner of the large room, out of the way of the others, and grab hands. I’m captured by the fascination of what is revealed. Their hands begin to glow as they sing an incantation, swaying back and forth. Speaking in a tongue I’ve never heard yet sounds oddly familiar.

  I’m a prisoner held by their exquisite beauty, captivated by their movements and allure. Until I hear Marcus thundering his commands.

  “Call the rain, Chaac. Call to the storms. I will ready the others. We will go topside within the hour. It is time to face Baako on our terms.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  He bows his head, and as the legend leaves the room, I move over to the long stone table where the scrolls are. I glance around and see the twins still meditating, while Aldin and Marcus are speaking to other hunters, Immortals, and legends who have been called to the temple for the upcoming battle. No one is paying attention to me.

  Sifting through the tattered papers, I freeze when my hand comes across an image that roots me stone still. It is a picture of the angel, Jadzia, who calls me her beloved. By her side stands a massive albino jaguar with crystal-blue eyes. Her hand is intertwined in his fur. Their expressions are of adornment and love. Even on the frayed remnants of the scroll one can feel the passion that flows between them. A longing in the depths of my soul causes me to wince.

  There are words written in a language I’ve never seen, prompting me to gaze back at the sisters still chanting. What does it say? I call to her for an answer.

  Quickly, I stuff the worn relic back under the pile on the table, just as the sisters finish and the conversation turns back to the entire party in the room.

  The hunters are gathered on one side of the room. Immortals, vampires, shifters, and a few witches congregate in the center. On the other side of the room stand the legends. All assembled together for one purpose: stop the demented God, Baako.

  “He’s after the Forever Living Scroll of Life. If he succeeds, we are all doomed to perish in his evil. Life as we know it will cease to exist. You as immortals and mortals will cease to exist.” Marcus’ tone is somber, tired.

  “We will never let that happen, my lord,” Veles, legend of the forest, pledges his oath.

  “I have calmed the quakes in Mother Earth, my lord. He will no longer be able to control her,” Romoko, the legend of earthquakes and volcanoes, declares his fealty as he strolls into the chamber.

  “I will aide Chaac in his efforts to bring forth the storms,” Anasi, the legend of the sky, confirms, bows her head, and walks out of the chamber.

  “We are all at your disposal, my lord. Beseech of us as you wish,” Butler, a lead shifter from Romania, proclaims as he bends the knee to bow. The others in the room mimic his lead.

  All except for the hunters. Who, at the moment, are all looking to me for guidance.

  Fighting the inevitable, I’ve always been a natural-born leader for my people. It’s not exactly what I wanted, but the position chose me. I edge closer to them.

  “We came into this alliance to fight all evil,” I begin and look around the room. “This is the moment where our trust in each other, in the coalition we've built, will be tested. I, for one, am pledging my faith in all of us. In this cause.”

  Finishing up, I bend down and take my place with the others. My fellow hunters follow me.

  A silence fills the room as a humming begins. A glow comes from the center of the room, where Marcus, Jada, and Jazmine are standing, hands linked. They begin to recite an enchantment.

  “God Zenon and Goddess Augusta.

  Father and mother of all creation.

  We plead for your wisdom and guidance,

  for all who have rallied here for your assistance.

  The time is nigh; the moon is high.

  Safeguard us in this hour of need.

  Protect all of those in our company.”

  Golden threads of light shoot from their eyes, threading through each and every member in the room. When they reach me, they touch my soul, and in turn, my mind leaves my body and drifts.

  I’m stalking the enemy. Moving silently, stealthily through the dense jungle. My prey is just ahead. I can smell the stench of his acrid breath and dirty, rotting skin.

  I’m not in normal human skin. I feel the power of the predator that surrounds me.

  Sneaking up behind the palmetto, I crouch low, holding perfectly still, watching and waiting.

  A group of minions is gathered in the clearing . Four, to be exact. Not dead, not alive, but in between. We’ve been hunting the creations Jadzia’s brother Baako has created. He’s in the wind; we have yet to locate him.

  That is my mission today. To bring one back to the God and Goddess to figure out where he’s hiding.

  Without further thought, I leap from behind the bush and attack. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the black wolf do the same. He takes one down as I take down two. I’m just too fast.

  Then there’s only one left. The two of us circle him. It’s caught like a rabid dog in a cage. The snarling and gnashing of teeth the creature emits would be scary for a normal human. But we are not normal.

  From the woods steps forth Callazee, the black wolf’s mate. Her hands begin to sing a song and spin a web as she moves closer to the minion. It silences immediately as she weaves a golden cloth over its mouth and then continues to weave the golden threads around its decomposing body, rendering the walking dead immobile.

  A lightning bolt flashes, forking before touching the ground, barely missing the three of us. Another bolt hits, knocking me back, and I hit a tree, knocked out.

  “Oh, my God,” I whisper in my bent position.

  “Brenton. Are you ready?” Aldin questions and lends a hand for me to get up.

  “I hope so, Kovac. Don’t worry, I won’t let you down.”

  “Never had a doubt, my friend. Let’s go kick some ass.” Aldin's wicked grin pumps me up, the vision shoved back into the box.

  The company gathers at the portal. This time, we will use it to catch the enemy by surprise. The group waits for Marcus and the twins to open the door that will transport us to the front of the temple topside.

  “Ανοίξτε την πόρτα εκεί που θέλουμε.” Open the door to where we desire.

  A swirling effervescent glowing flows from the large doorway, showering the cavern with a kaleidoscope of colors.

  “Let’s go,” Marcus and the twins beckon the companions, and we all walk through the portal. Marcus waves us forward, stopping briefly with his sisters.

  “Protect him while we are in battle, brother,” Jazmine implores. “Aldin as well. If something happens to him, Wren would be lost to us as well as the unborn boy child she carries. The path set forth for him be
gan when he was introduced to Baako. Strategically, all are in a place he can do the most damage."

  “Keep him close. He will attack without warning. He is aware of the consequences of our reunion. He'll stop at nothing to prevent it from occurring. The alliance will strengthen from the awakening and renewed bonding,” Jada warns.

  “Do not fear, Aldin is aware. Too much is at stake. The lives of his woman and unborn child.”

  “You need to set aside your animosity for the hunter. Fedor returns, supplying another missing piece to the complicated puzzle. He strengthens us all."

  “He will fiercely protect. Yes. We have seen from the first round with Baako.”

  “More will follow. Even now he strengthens his forces against us without our knowledge. He knows the prophecy as well as you,” Jada replies.

  “To forget that is foolish.”

  “We can overpower him again. Together.”

  “Yes, dear brother. We have come to the fork in the path. Our journey ends today. He calls forth the true one. We fade back to our original form. But for a while, we will not be here to strengthen the wards. The atmosphere will be ripe for an attack. Be on guard and trust no one outside our circle.”

  “You as well, dear sisters. It is hard for me to trust Brenton Fox with your well-being. Stay alert.”

  “You know as well as we, he is the key to unlocking the hidden realm. Together, they will bring the relic home to its rightful owners. Thank you, Marcus, for finding a way for her to survive. Don’t give up hope. Your time is coming soon as well. All your sorrow will fade away."

  “Good journey.”


  “I didn’t change. I just woke up. In that moment of decision between doing what’s right or running away, I choose to allow my light to shine so brightly that others can see their way out of the dark.” ~ Brenton Fox

  The smell of death and decomposition assaults my senses as we march soundlessly as a unit through the portal gate. Everyone is on high alert, anxious of what’s to come. Marcus directed Mashoki, legend of the moon, and Shava, legend of love and prosperity, to protect the pregnant Wren and her best friend, Candie, deep within the depths of the temple with orders to protect at all cost.

  “No harm is to come to them.” Aldin was reluctant to depart from Wren. The worry is evident across the furrows on his brow. My gaze wanders over to the lovely Goddesses poised and determined to rectify the harm Baako has caused. I acknowledge the ache in my chest at the thought of something happening to them.

  Spreading out, we move as one, quietly, to the front of the magnificent, colossal temple where sparks of reds, oranges, and greens are flying into the open blue sky like fireworks as loud claps of thunder explode loudly around us. The sound is borderline deafening to a mere human. It’s a war zone. The battle ensues.

  An evil laugh roars in the open space, echoing a nefarious sneer by a sadistic warlord who deems himself the victor when the fighting has yet to commence. He’s standing atop a ledge, brandishing a new stolen body. I suppose the body he had poached when we battled him before with Aldin was damaged beyond repair. He needs to be stopped. The other Enchanted Immortal didn’t deserve to die the horrible death Baako gave him when he sucked out his soul and snatched his body for himself.

  Inside of me, a snarling begins to fester, thirsting to escape and administer bodily harm to someone or something. In this moment, I yearn to set the wildness free, but I hold it back. I still don’t understand the full scope of my circumstances. I’m not ready to completely give in to the visions the Goddess unlocked, visions that dawn on me could be memories. The possibilities of what I may or may not be.

  I follow the iridescent, radiant twins closely, their safety at the forefront of my own personal welfare, and pick up the pace to circle in front of them as the three of us crouch down behind fallen debris at the entrance of the sacred temple pyramid. Without thinking, I wedge myself between the two, touching both of the unearthly women. The contact reassures my manhood as a sense of peaceful awareness washes over me. It’s a physical connection to something more powerful than the eyes can see. Only the soul.

  “You need not worry, Brenton,” Jada leads off, placing her hand over mine.

  “We will protect you,” Jazmine finishes her twin’s thought, following Jada’s example and patting my other hand.

  “Ladies, Goddesses. I mean, what kind of man would I be if I allowed you to go into battle without me? Believe me, sweethearts, I’m sure you can hold your own against Baako, but I’m here to ensure you succeed. You feel me? Yeah?” I ask, in hopes they’ll understand the urgency I’m feeling to protect them with all that I am.

  “As you wish, Brenton Fox. We are honored you are compelled to protect us.” Jada nods. The redness burning her checks makes me smile.

  “Yes, dearest sister, he is obligated to help us.” Jazmine’s sarcastic tone catches me off guard, and I look to her for clarification.

  “And what’s that supposed to mean, love?”

  “Nothing that has not already been foreseen. Please forgive me. We appreciate your kindness, Brenton.” Jazmine’s tone changes, and my mind wanders briefly to earlier in the cavern at the bathing pool. They are connected to Jadzia in some way. The pieces of the puzzle are beginning to fall into place a little at a time, but the how is still a mystery.

  Boom! Crack! The heavenly skies erupt in a state of conflict between our forces and Baako’s.

  “Stick close, lovelies. Placate me if you will, Jazmine. But I need to make sure you both are safe,” I reiterate, the swirling emotions storming inside and out of my body.

  “Together.” Jazmine nods.

  “Yes, together,” Jada reiterates.

  “We are with you, Brenton. Always,” the sisters chant together.

  Moving quietly, our group fans out and surrounds the hoard of minions. Spotted in the center of the half-dead lackeys is the one we are here for: Baako. The coward is fenced in by his death dealers, assuming they will keep him safe. Like a cowardly king, expecting his knights to do all the dirty work.

  Not today, spineless fuckwad. Come a little closer, and I’ll rearrange your shit-eating smirk.

  “Do you see, little brother and my desolate, fragmented sisters? The prodigal son has returned to claim his rightful place,” Baako taunts. His voice rakes over my skin like nails on a chalkboard. Every fiber in me wants to attack and shred him into tiny little minuscule pieces, but for some reason, I hold back with the understanding I cannot harm Baako.

  “Ah, as you have shown so well in the past two millennia, you are sadly mistaken, dear brother. That story has a very different outcome. Prodigal son? You? I think not. More like Cain would be appropriate. Don’t you agree?” Marcus insults him, drawing his attention to where he stands at the opening of the temple.

  “Always thinking you’re better than me, precious brother.” Baako curls his lip with a cruel smile. The young, vibrant body he's ascertained hardly matches Baako’s repulsive personality, with the venom he’s spewing out of his mouth. The six-foot-plus frame towers over the mindless soldiers protecting him. Thick raven hair swirls in the breeze created by Anas, legend of the sky, as she calls upon the wind to do her bidding.

  “The black sheep comparison again, Baako? Seriously, it’s been eons, and you still believe you are the one no one ever loved. One would think someone of your stature would grow up and smell the roses instead of pining after something that your mind created. You truly are mad,” Marcus goads him further.

  Baako releases a fiery blast of energy from the tips of his long fingers, and Marcus raises a defensive shield to protect himself from the explosion. It absorbs the burst and strengthens Marcus’ shield, turning Baako’s own power against him. Infuriated by Marcus’ counteraction, a second later, Baako fires another round at the others standing as sentries beside Marcus. Automatically, the shield bubble expands to protect them all.

  In the midst of the distraction, the twins and I advance together behind the tree line, towa
rd Baako’s back. Joining hands, Jada raises her free one, and Jazmine follows. The pair begin to chant as magic twists and flows, as mystical golden light surges from their fingertips. Just as they are ready to strike, Baako whirls around to face us and sends an illuminated projectile in our direction. From out of nowhere, a shield encircles the three of us as the sisters continue with their incantation. I glance to my right, where Aldin is standing in the shadow, his hand up sending out his shield of armor, securing our position. I incline my head in a thank you at him, and in return, he grins.

  Baako speaks in a guttural, menacing note. “Ah, my perfect sisters. Well, not quite as perfect as you were once. But you understand my jaded meaning. Don’t you, dear ones?” He laughs hauntingly, enjoying his moment of cajoling sadness on them.

  Jazmine stops the chant, as Jada continues, and addresses the deranged God.

  “Your time is quickly diminishing, Baako. The wrongs you have done will be righted. It has been foretold and foreseen. You may reek of confidence now, but time is and always has been on our side—we will prevail.”

  “Utter nonsense. Are you so foolish to believe you will win? Still believing in the arbitrary force of Zenon and Augusta to stop the malicious acts of their own flesh and blood. Don’t you realize? The only ones who could ever stop me are gone. Never coming back,” Baako taunts Jazmine. Trying and failing.

  Her character is unshaken, and she continues her admonishing. “It is you who will lose in the end, my kin. The end is coming for you. And, personally, I will relish the moment when you pay for all your many transgressions against our divine law. It is doubtful, but I can hope that Zenon will show you the same mercy you have shown your victims.”

  As if they were one, Jazmine begins the chorus once again, and Jada takes her place to speak to Baako. She picks up where her sister left off.

  “It has been foretold the moment you cast an evil shadow on this earthly realm, my brother. An unfortunate provocation of your demise is at hand. Surrender now, and we will help you right the wrongs you have committed and implore on your behalf to Zenon to show compassion and forgiveness to spare you,” Jada’s compassionate voice pleads Baako. The earnest reflection in her eyes tears at my heart. She loves her brother, even now.


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