Fox's Awakening

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Fox's Awakening Page 6

by F. G. Adams

  “Enough. This is not a pity party, sister. I’ve heard plenty of the warnings and predictions from all of you. I don’t want or need your futile attempts of help. Save it for yourself. It is I who will prevail. I, Baako, will be proclaimed the god of everything, from here unto the farthest reaches of the universe and other realms.”

  He lifts his hands to the sky, summoning the rain to fall, and it begins to steadily drop until puddles begin to form beneath our feet within moments of the downpour. We’re in the desert region. Rain is summoned by only one.

  Marcus looks to Chaac with a questioning glance. The confusion indicated on his face leaves no explanation. Baako has found a way to control the elements, the same as the legend.

  Chaac wastes no time, calling on the elements, the weather that has always beseeched his call. But his talents are futile. The rain continues to pour, covering everyone and everything with a stinging blast of liquid.

  The rain pelts my skin when I raise my face to the sky, as tingling courses through my veins and electrical current zings across my skin. I’m caught between the here and now, as the world stands still for a brief time.

  “Let go, Brenton. We need you. The time has come for you to let your beast roam free. Your friends need you. I need you,” Jadzia’s beautiful voice whispers inside my mind, urging me to give in to something I don’t understand.

  The growling ensues low in my belly, clawing its way up my chest until there is a burning acid trying to escape up my throat. As the rain drops fall insistently on my face, I lower my head and look to my shaking hands that are glowing a soft yellow hue. Claws appear and then disappear. Again and again. What’s happening to me?

  “No more questions. Everything will be revealed if you just let go of your inhibitions, my beloved warrior. No harm comes to you. Only the answers you seek.” I’m startled when Jadzia calls to me once again inside my mind. How in the hell does she do that?

  The reasoning behind her words encompasses my every thought. And in the next instance, many things happen at once that change my life as I know it forever.

  Baako sets his sights on the distracted sisters again and lolls a lightning bolt in their direction. Fear pummels me from all directions. I cannot lose them. They are the light in my dark. Leaping from my position, I dodge in front of them as the white-hot light hits my body instead of theirs, sending me tumbling back into the twins.

  Scrambling around and off the sisters, I notice that Jada is knocked out cold. No! Baako’s strike must’ve tunneled through me into her. Jazmine struggles to crawl over to her sister, a look of horror on her beautiful face.

  An unshakable mauling of my insides supervenes, and the rumbling in my chest grows to an ear-piercing reverberation so loud, I put my hands over my ears to soften the ongoing ringing. A voice I’ve never heard calls to me, begging me not to resist.

  Closing my eyes, I accept the inevitable change, and instantly I’m transformed into the massive beast from the visions plaguing me. With it comes a surmountable flood of emotions and recollections. Jadzia is mine. The albino jaguar has returned.


  Life opens up in so many different ways when your energy has been kindled. Awakening is not changing who you are, but discarding who you are not. ~Brenton Fedor Fox

  I shake my gigantic head back and forth. My skin feels foreign yet normal. The body I inhabit is heavy, strong, and powerful. I stare intently at the reflection in the puddle of rain below. The face of a snowy-white ferocious-looking cat with crystal-blue eyes peers back at me. Instinctively, I run my tongue along my lips and savor the sweet taste of revenge in the air. The coat of thick fur is spotted with silver, and powerful jaws are lined with razor-sharp teeth. My movements are shaky at first as I right myself in the new form with my heavily-muscled forearms, shoulders, and forelegs. The long, lithe body feels perfect. Exactly how I was meant to be.

  I oscillate, starting from my back to the front, in an attempt to expel the falling rain from my fur.

  The purring begins deep in my middle, gushing up, as I finally let out a heart-wrenching roar. Allowing the great beast to take over, Fedor at the helm.

  A flood of memories, new and old, perform in my brain. In the seconds before I remember who I really am, who I was meant to be, the unfairness of what happened long ago tortures the depth of my soul.

  Baako will pay for hurting so many people. He will pay for causing so much pain and suffering to my love, Jadzia, and the Gods who created me.

  Using my keen senses, I set my sights on the mouse amongst his decaying soldiers. With powerful steps, I pound the earth, readying myself for the impending attack. As I leap into the air, flying over the hoard, I’m prepared to crush Baako to oblivion.

  This time, he will not get away.

  This time, I will finish what we started two millennia ago.

  The shock and terror on Baako’s startled face add to the justice that will be served here tonight.

  When I reach the center of the corrupt circle, a blinding light zaps through the field, stunning me and my sight for a brief second. Once my vision returns to normal, I realize that Baako, along with his minions, has disappeared into thin air. The gutless bastard ran away, but why?

  Howling into the air, I angrily snarl and growl, ripping up the earth with my claws. Destruction and vengeance course through my veins. Red spots dot in front of my eyes. I want blood. Someone needs to pay.

  The call of sheer agony from my mate summons my whole body forth from the dimension that held me prisoner since that fated evening when we came face-to-face with Baako’s depravity. The confrontation was so long ago, yet it seems only a blink of the eye has passed, as I see him scratching the earth with his strong, massive paws in anger and frustration. The magnificent white jaguar towers the mere mortals on either side of him. They scatter in his presence, and fear radiates from their surprised faces.

  “Come to me, Fedor. Calm yourself.” I genuinely smile from happiness at seeing him in his true form. I extend the heel of my hand and anxiously await his decision.

  At once, every muscle in his massive body freezes, alert as he stares attentively at my outstretched palm. He sniffs the acrid, smoky air, and a high-pitched roar of triumph fills the area as understanding dawns in his feline eyes. Come to me, my warrior. My heartbeat increases rapidly, soaring higher than the tallest mountain peaks back in our home realm. We are together. Again.

  One large forepaw moves unhurriedly at first in my direction, his eyes locked onto me as he prowls within reach of me. Any outsider looking in would scream at the predator bearing down on me, but not me; I relish the reunion, coming together again after years in and years out of sadness because of the separation and solitariness we were banished in. For so long, my love.

  My legs are shaky with emotion as they buckle under me, and I freely, without control, drop to my knees. Tears of joy glisten my cheeks. The ache of loneliness fades away into nothingness. He doesn’t falter and remains focused on me.

  He halts within inches and peers down at me. He nudges his massive snout against my palm and warmly licks the center.

  “Hello, my dearest love. I am sorry. Just like you, I was bound by the curse Baako placed on the Enchanted Immortals.” A low rumble breaks free from him and quickly grows into a soft purr as I stroke him behind his upright ears. “Unlike you, I have survived so long with the knowledge of losing you. Empty inside from the void of your presence. Alive but dead inside. Only existing to enact my revenge upon Baako for his wrongdoings. It’s been a living purgatory. My only communication with anyone has been through the existence of the split body Maarku was able to create before we were thrown into the time loop.” He nuzzles my chest and rests his head between the valley of my breasts. “Not a nanosecond has escaped the timeless warp I was cast into that my thoughts did not wander to you and where you were. You were the blessed one, having no recollection of us. It is as if you lay down to rest and now you are awakened.”

  A glowing essences forms, then
the large jaguar beast disappears and in his place stands a very handsome, shaking Brenton. He’s on his knees, leaning into me. I caress his creased forehead with the tips of my fingers.

  “Jadzia, you are breaking my heart with the sorrow pouring off you,” Brenton gently reminds me of our mental connection. “We knew it would take a long time to find each other once we gave in to the split. But we knew we would. Nothing or no one has the power to stop our love from rising from the ashes and rebuilding anew.” He captures the single teardrop with the tip of his forefinger. “We have eternity together, love. Do not weep for what was lost. Rejoice. Be happy. For not only are we reunited, but we now have the power within our grasp to rain hell’s fire down on Baako. His actions have prompted his demise. We will defeat and exile him to a fate worse than what he has evoked upon us.”

  I lay my hand on his gruff jaw, caressing the five-o’clock shadow he’s brandishing in this new body. The spirit of my beloved Fedor is shining through. “Maarku approaches.”

  “I’m aware of all my surroundings, unlocked instantly by the return of my powers. And with them the knowledge of the past. Our past. Should I make him grovel a little? He was so sure the hunter would not carry my lost soul.”

  I bat at his chest and roll my eyes. “Always the rowdy feline, my love. He has carried the burden for all of us. Be gentle with him. He has also and still is living through hell separated from his love.”

  “Let us meet him on our feet, shall we?” He leaps up and offers his hand. I’m pulled into him, anchored to his side. “It will take forever to be away from you. I can’t handle the idea of you being out of my sight.”


  “Jadzia, sweet sister, you have been missed terribly. Your essence was present with the twins representing you, but it wasn’t the same.” Marcus captures me into a brotherly embrace. Brenton lets a growl bubble out of him until I’m released and returned to his arms. “Brenton. You are well?”

  “My lord, I have been restored, my memory awakened but not revived the moment I came in contact with Jada and Jazmine. But my animal remained confused and a bit leery until my confrontation with Baako. As he attacked the twins, a savage and fierce desire overcame me, releasing my true identity and power.”

  “We were bound by the powerful magical incantation, unable to encourage you or help.” Marcus blows out a sigh of built-up relief.

  “Yes, I’m aware. I remember our reasons behind the magical charm. Honestly, my lord, at first, I was enraged that so much time has passed, because I didn’t realize I would be apart from Jadzia so long. Leaving her vulnerable. Have you located Callazee yet? It must be maddening for you. By the way, where’s Kovac?” Brenton questions with an air of authority and equality he had lacked before his beast’s awakening.

  “We shall discuss Callazee another time, perhaps? As to Aldin, he rushed to Wren as soon as Baako disappeared. He should convene with us soon. Come, let’s get out of the open. Baako might have run like a frightened rabbit scared of being dinner for the mighty albino jaguar, but we do not know if he will attempt to return. Don’t want to get caught off guard.” Marcus turns, walking to the cluster of others waiting.

  “You and I will catch up soon, love,” Brenton whispers in my ear.

  “We have forever.”

  In the bowels of the Moon Temple under the mountain of Huayna Picchu, in Peru, sinuous screams of disapproval echo throughout the chamber, bouncing off the cavern’s high ceilings. Hundreds of underlings cringe and quiver near the outer rim of the enormous grotto. They are hoping his attention doesn’t fall on them. Because Baako’s punishment of displeasure is always severe, even for a living, decomposing corpse.

  “Ahhhhh! Foiled again by my siblings. This cannot happen,” Baako’s enraged voice bellows loudly, his angry rant inspired from his outrage of the thwarted battle in Egypt.

  “Jafar. I need more blood. Now!” Baako screams at his loyal, obedient servant.

  “Yes, Your Majesty. Right away, master.” Jafar’s all-consuming devotion is evident by his words as he bows, leaving the tomb in search of more legend blood. Jafar accidentally came across an ancient scroll explaining in detail the effects of consuming a legend’s blood. In a different era, it was called a legend blood swap, empowering their chosen priests and priestesses with a vial of their blood to keep the balance in the world.

  “For millennia, I’ve tirelessly labored to obstruct each and every attempt for the lost souls to find them. How could Fedor slip through my fingers? How did I not feel him before now?” Baako questions himself, his insanity compelling him to continue.

  “I killed him once. I will kill him again. And this time, I will kill them all.” A sinister smile begins to materialize on Baako’s handsome face. “Finally, I will be rid of the reminder of what once was. Permanently.”

  Baako’s malevolent gaze seeks out the Abgrund Stone, the power of the night realm, hanging in solitary suspension from the upper interior surface. The enormous force it wields radiates throughout the chamber.

  “At least they will never find you, my beautiful, odious love.” Wicked laughter erupts in a roar as the stone begins a low constant hum and glows a deep, blackish red. The powerful thrumming from the stone impels the rotting soldiers to cower even more, and Baako’s hysteria intensifies.


  Sometimes, good things are lost for a time, to make room for better things. Then an event occurs in your life, and you finally get it. When in the midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks. Because somewhere, the voice inside your head cries out, “Enough!” I, too, once lost a star, but now I own the moon. ~Brenton Fedor Fox

  So many emotions run rampant in my shared mind. I am Fedor, reincarnated in Brenton Fox. A powerful desire to take Jadzia directly to my bed and claim her palpitates my insides, causing my dick to grow hard inside my constricting jeans. She is the beginning and end for me. My everything.

  “Ahem. Excuse me, brother Fedor,” Marcus interrupts my wandering mind, producing irritation within my bones. Since the first time we met, he’s had it out for me, questioning my every move and motive.

  “Fox. Brenton Fox. I may have the soul of Fedor within me, along with all his memories, but I’m still Brenton Fox as well, Marcus. I hope you understand this. The two of us merged together to make a whole,” I correct him and brace for his reply.

  “Yes, it’s rather hard for the human brain to comprehend the magnitude of what has happened to you, Agent Fox.” Marcus’ sarcastic remark strikes a nerve for a brief moment. The realization he’s goading me for a reaction. From the history he shared with both of us, it’s as normal as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

  Releasing a small growl but ending with a slight chuckle, I continue, “Now you're just being a smartass, my lord.”

  “Touché, my friend. And you could be right. It is what it is, Fedor.”

  “I understand completely, believe me. Maybe it’s the fact that we’re sharing one body. I don’t know. But for now, we would prefer to be called Brenton.”

  My mind consents to what my heart sings loudly. I recognize Fedor is within me and he coexists within me. A part of who I am now and forever. Maybe he always was. I don’t deny it or wish to be rid of him. In fact, I welcome his power and knowledge thrumming in me. I no longer worry what tomorrow brings; I welcome the challenge it bears. The addition of the mighty cat empowers me. It’s like a part of my subconsciousness was missing my whole life. His fierceness and unrelenting love for Jadzia makes sense to both of us. It gushes within every fiber of our being. We are a part of her. Plain and simple. She has suffered unknown silence. The urge to wrap her up and escape to an unknown realm overcomes me. Sadly, the danger Baako represents doesn’t allow for the foolhardy wish. If he succeeds, there won’t be anywhere safe in the universe to hide. All realms will be at his beck and call. Humans and others alike will suffer unknown acts of punishment at his whim. The risk is too much. We will protect her.

>   Marcus breaks in on my reflection, and I tune back into the conversation and the matter at hand: eliminating all threats to my mate and humankind.

  “Nonetheless, brother, I welcome you back into the fold. It has been several millennia since we’ve laid eyes on you. The separation has been felt by all. I missed my comrade. The constant battle has made me weary. I seek revenge and peace. Such a contradiction. Yet I need you to understand, aside from our small altercation back then, I accept you for who you are. You are the second half who completes my sister, Jadzia. Thus, I am thankful for you and the fact you have been returned to us in our darkest hour. Your immense power is needed to exile Baako once and for all.”

  “I will try my damnedest to help you, Marcus. As well as you know, I will not go quietly into the night, nor will I ever back down when it comes to vanquishing the evil Baako represents. And, according to the knowledge I’ve gained from being merged together, we have a long road ahead of us.”

  “Nonsense. You have the mighty albino jaguar within you. You are the mighty Fedor. The fiercest created by the Gods. Not to mention a renowned hunter. One of the best I’ve seen in decades.”

  “It’s odd, really. I still feel like Brenton Fox, but at the same time, Fedor. With all the memories from a time one of us has never encountered, yet at the same time all the memories we have together are very real. It will take some time for us to unite fully. Unless you’ve experienced it, it doesn’t make a lick of sense.”

  “More than you realize, Brenton. It will all be okay in the end. You just need to take it slow and easy. Besides, it’s been over two millennia since you’ve been alive. Much has changed.”


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