Fox's Awakening

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Fox's Awakening Page 7

by F. G. Adams

  “I get it. My brain feels like it wants to explode with so much information. What in the nine hells is a cell phone? It looks like a tiny black box but seems to carry a wealth of knowledge within.” I quizzically chuckle. “The things Brenton Fox has experienced and witnessed boggle the mind. One of the best you say, huh? Worthy of me?”

  “Yes. But don’t allow it to go to your heads. As far as cell phones, you are in for a treat with the capabilities they contain. Brenton would be lost without his. Normally, it’s attached to his ear and he’s garnering a wealth of knowledge against Baako and his forces.” Marcus chuckles again. A record to be sure. “It will pass in time, brother. You are Brenton Fox, the rebirth of Fedor, my sister Jadzia’s one and only love. Created just for her. I cannot express how much it means to me that you have returned, my friend. It gives me hope.”

  “Thank you, Marcus. I do understand what you are saying. And thank you for protecting her, collectively them, all this time. Your last-minute decision to splinter her body into twins helped her remain under Baako’s radar long enough for her to build an immunity to his call as her true twin. He was always her weakness. She looked for the good in him even up until the moment he attempted to kill her. You kept them alive and safe. I wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

  “Jadzia has always been and will always be a priority for me. You know this very well, Fedor. She is a nurturer by instinct and follows her heart where it leads.”

  “Yes, I do remember a time when I stuffed you on your ass, or was it by the neck? The memory is a bit hazy.” I snort. “There was a time when you questioned my loyalty and love for Jadzia. It ended quickly when I wrapped my teeth around your—”

  “Enough of your foolishness. Others may hear your boasting. I have a reputation to protect as the omnipotent one around here.” He laughs, and we share a moment of understanding. We both love the delicate Jadzia and will do everything in our power to keep her from harm.

  “Come now, Brenton Fedor Fox. Let us go and see the others. I’m sure there are many questions that need to be asked and answered before we are allowed to rest this eve,” Marcus remarks as he ushers me into the hall.

  “It is good to be back, old friend.”

  “It is good to have you back, my ancient comrade,” Marcus replies, and we walk into the room full of our closest friends, family, and soldiers. I search the room. The hunters stare cautiously at me from the far corner. They are leery of me after witnessing the transformation. Damage control is needed soon. I keep looking until I find her and relax.

  Aldin immediately leaves his very pregnant wife, Wren’s, side. His heavy gait moves with grace across the room to where I stand. I sense the unborn child’s powers from across the distance, comforting his mother.

  “Congratulations, Fox. Welcome to the Immortal family. I still can’t believe it was you. All this time, it was you. Although, I do remember telling Marcus there was something different about you from the very beginning,” Aldin jests and playfully punches a relaxed Marcus in the arm.

  “Haha. Your jests are very funny, my beloved kin. You are lucky I love you so much, my son. It isn’t every day I find myself in the position of being wrong. Once again, you have proven your intellect at assessing others,” Marcus chides as his mouth turns up. The moment is surreal.

  “Thank you, Aldin. I appreciate your kindness. There is still much for me to grasp and get used to. I’m looking forward to the age of electronics and the tiny little box that communicates.”

  “Well, bollocks. The proper speak must come from Fedor. Because the Agent Fox I’m familiar with would never call me kind. Anything but.” Aldin chortles.

  “True. Don’t get used to it, vamp,” I joke back.

  “So, what’s the plan?” I ask Marcus and Aldin. “Don’t hide anything from me. Never again. Give it to me straight. I want all the facts available to me. My extensive knowledge of evasive tactics may come in handy against Baako. He thinks like an Immortal. I have an advantage of both Immortal warrior and human resources at my fingertips.”

  “Well, BFF—no pun intended; it’s short for Brenton Fedor Fox,”—Marcus smirks, placing his arm across my broad shoulders, very un-Marcus like—“it’s time for us to end the madness Baako has brought into this world and the other realms. The darkness dwelling inside of him ends soon. We will stop him, beginning with finding the first talisman that you and Jadzia can now retrieve. Then we find the next one needed to end his reign of terror.”

  “For once, we agree completely.”

  “The eclipse will occur in a fortnight. The window of opportunity is slim but feasible.”

  “We prepare for the inevitable and hope for the best.”

  I move from his grasp and man-smack him on the back.

  For the first time in my short and long life, I’m fully awake.

  The sensation of being watched guides my senses to glance across the room where Wren, Candie, and Jadzia sit quietly. Her eyes meet mine, and I’m sucked into the vortex of the beauty she exudes. Dainty, feminine fingers laced together are nestled atop her lap. I’m lost in her dreamy golden eyes and sexy, pouty red lips. Her scent of jasmine calls to me. Discreetly, I adjust my stiffening cock and excuse myself from the others.

  On a direct path drawing me closer to the pinnacle of my entire existence, I close the separation between the women, and to my beloved. I am stopped mid-stride by a strikingly gorgeous woman. Sensuality oozes from every pore of her tall, slender frame.

  “Excuse me, um, Fedor. I am Araynia. I would like to provide you my services if needed. I am the legend of all animals from this realm. If you need me, or if you are in need of anything, please allow me to serve you, my lord.” Araynia bows in a seductive manner. A low-cut blouse showcases her voluptuous rack.

  My eyes drift back to where Jadzia sits ramrod straight, her lethal focus on my conversation with this legend. I watch my words carefully.

  “Thank you, Araynia. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Fortunately, I am in no need of aid from anyone, except maybe from my beloved Goddess, Jadzia. But I will take it under advisement with her if we require any assistance from you. Thank you again, and excuse me,” I finish and bow in reverence from her position, heading toward the bewitching Goddess that holds my heart, body, and soul in the palm of her delicate hands.

  As I get closer to my love, my soul begins to sing loudly. I’m running a race, and the narrower the range I achieve linking us together, the more my heart beats rapidly.

  “Ladies,” I politely address them, bowing at the hip in a formal greeting, yet on the inside I’m in desperate need to exit the premises with Jadzia securely in my arms now. The mounting suspense of burying myself in the supernatural being calling to me causes intense feelings of eagerness to the mighty jaguar lurking beneath my skin.

  “So formal. What a good change, Fox. I like it on you,” the pretty, feisty Wren replies, and I let it pass when the child within her acknowledges my superiority with a solemn vow.

  “You have arrived in time, my lord. We shall meet soon and together remove the dark thundercloud threatening mankind and Immortals,” a small voice resonates inside my mind.

  A smile breaks out across my face at the fierce promise. “Agreed, young one. Soon.”

  “Hi, Brenton. How are you doing? I hear you rocked it up there.” Candie points as she glances to the ceiling. “Glad you're on our side.” Her expression brightens into a beautiful full-fledged smile, reminding me of a unicorn. Beautiful and magical. Unique.

  Candie is a free spirit and feels like an old, weathered soul. Full of an expanse of knowledge and wisdom. When I first met her, we had an instant connection, like I’ve known her forever. More like a sister-from-another-mother kind of thing. Candie’s aura is as pleasant as a springtime morning, and it’s impossible not to love her immediately.

  “Of course, ladies. It was my pleasure,” I reply. “Wren, Candie,”—I incline my head, acknowledging them both—“would you mind if I take Jadzia away from you? Ther
e are some things we need to discuss in private.”

  “Again with the formalities, Fox. It’s all good. I’m sure there’re lots of things you need to talk about.” Wren bursts out laughing, and I notice Jadzia’s cheeks flush pink from the off-the-wall remark. She’s a private individual, so shy and refined.

  “You two go ahead. We totally get it. Well, I’m pretty sure Wren does, but don’t worry about us. There’s enough testosterone in this room. I’m just waiting for the dicks to come out and start measuring.” Candie begins to laugh, causing all three women to join in with the giggling.

  “You are correct in your summation. Thank you, ladies. Excuse us. Jadzia?” I reach out my hand for her to grasp.

  The moment her hand touches mine, an electrical zing passes from her to me. My eyes lock on hers, deepening the connection we both feel. Without letting go, I help her to her feet and we walk through the crowded room, not stopping to acknowledge or talk to anyone around us. Hand in hand, eye to eye, we leave everything and everyone behind. It is time for me to claim my bride again.


  A millennium is but a flicker of the eye, and time slows for no one, even the heavenly ones ~ Goddess Jadzia

  Many lifetimes have passed, yet when he looks at me the way he is, a part of me melts like the icy snow caps on the mountains in our home realm during the warm season. Swirling jaguar eyes shine brightly with desire; clearly, his memory has been restored. The predator stalks closer to his prey. The rarest creation of all time made by Zenon. My mate. My Fedor. My Brenton. He may answer to a different name, but he is one hundred percent all mine.

  I still remember the moment he claimed me as his mate, the memories of happiness over watching our beloved subjects, contentment when we reigned the earth realm together. His touch. A look. The flutter he caused inside me. For me, I have lived fully aware he was alive, out there somewhere, lost from me.

  A reflecting beam of light illuminates the long hallway. A confident Brenton summons the portal doorway and straightens his strong, muscular arm, beckoning me forward. I’m drawn to him like a moth to flame. Completely, utterly enthralled by his demeanor. His regal presence demands compliance and loyalty. He sets my soul on fire with every step he takes.

  A hint of the animal underneath his skin travels to the surface in the way he carries himself. Alert and cognizant of his surroundings. His upper body kissed by the God himself, perfectly gorgeous. My whole body aches with longing to rake my nails along his well-defined chest and abdomen. The man my eyes are slowly devouring reeks of dominance and self-assurance of his ability to protect and annihilate.

  The jeans he is sporting fit him to a tee, drawing my study of him to his hard-as-stone, muscular thighs and the need he is packing—some serious heat. I’m turned on to the nth degree.

  Electricity sparks to life when the portal closes and he pulls me toward his chest, kissing the top of my crown. His eyes twinkle to reflect the hungry animal living inside him.

  “C’mere.” He nuzzles the nape of my neck, lavishing me with an intimate kiss that causes little goose bumps of desire to speckle my skin. “My Goddess, you are simply divine,” he whispers as an onslaught of sensual need rushes over me.

  “I’ve missed the intimacy and familiarity we once shared as mates.”

  “Jadzia, maybe I'm dreaming. I’m feeling my way around all these emotions fighting to get out. What was real yesterday seems make-believe today—I’m still working it out in my mind. This is new but at the same time natural, like the flow of a river running through my soul. I feel like you have always been mine. I ache in need for you.”

  “You have me. For an indefinite time. I am yours. Take me.”

  A playful growl breaks free from his lips when in one swoop, he lifts me into his arms, cradling me gently to him. I take a deep breath and inhale him into the depths of my soul, sighing in blissful happiness. Surely, the Gods are smiling down on us.

  He lowers us onto a soft-as-silk grassy knoll. The warmth of his hard body covers mine. A tsunami of feelings sucks me under into his eyes, the raw hunger swimming in his crystal-blue depths. I need to taste his lips, be resurrected by his kiss to feel alive. I reach for his neck and raise myself up, inching closer to him and nirvana.

  He resists at first, staring at me with a worried expression across his brow.

  “So unsure of yourself, Brenton. Stop worrying so much, and just feel. Experience the connection we share by touch and smell. Release your human insecurities.”

  There is a slight hesitation at first when his lips connect with mine. Unsure, his searching tongue enters my mouth. I seductively twirl and suck his with mine. Soon, hunger and raw desire break free from the beast waiting just below the surface. His unhurried movements increase and become relentless in a matter of seconds. He angles my head to the side for more penetration and dominates my entire being, kissing me like I’ve never been kissed before in my entire existence. Oh yes. Paradise. My universe alters as he explores and plunders me with an all-consuming cosmic kiss, fracturing me into a million brilliantly shining stars up above.

  My roaming hands intertwine in his thick black hair, tugging and pulling him into me. I cannot seem to get enough of him and the smoldering embrace we are caught up in. I want to crawl inside of him and get lost forever. He’s under my skin, pumping in my blood.

  “Jadzia, my body hungers for yours.” He shakes his head. “I can’t stop. Are you sure?”

  “I suffered alone and desolate on that plane without you. I ached for your touch, physical and mental. To care for you. To aid you on your hunts for justice. Alone, imprisoned from a piece of my soul. You do not need to ask me, Brenton Fox, if I’m sure or not. Since the beginning of time, I’ve been yours.”

  “I comprehend what you are saying and understand, but I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around the enormity of the circumstances. There’s a surge of emotions going on inside of me. My gut is warring. It’s telling me I want to care for you. If you are sad, I want to make you happy. If you are cold, I want to warm you. Honestly, right now, I couldn’t care the fuck less about right or wrong. I’m hurting needing you. I have never wanted anyone as much as I want you in this moment.”

  “That is because we are mates. Zenon made you for me. He took from my physical body a piece to create you. When we became mates, I gave you more pieces of me: my heart and soul. We became one. Neither whole apart, only together. What you feel, I feel. I feel your excitement, apprehension, love, and in return, you reciprocate mine, amplified. An endless loop cycling between us.”

  “It’s so intense. Damn. I’m treading water here, barely able to keep my head above the surface. Part of me wants to throw caution to the wind and sink deep inside your body and feed the craving. Then there is the reasonable side, my brain warning me you’re too good to be true. I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and realize this was only a dream and that you aren’t really here, with me. My mind would snap. I couldn’t stand knowing this high and losing you. Do you understand?”

  “Oh, Brenton, stop relying on what your brain says is logical to make your heart’s decisions. Mates know in an instance they belong because we rely on our instincts. You are my heart, my soul, the very air I breathe. Let go of your inhibitions and rely on your instincts to guide you to me. They’ve never let you down before. Trust me and them.”

  He stares at me in puzzlement, and a dawning begins. He leans down and devours my lips, ravenously taking what he wants, and doesn’t hold back his desire, feeding the frenzy within. I return his fervor with my own, matching him in a duel of tongues and aching want that’s been bottled up for over two thousand years.

  My fingers caress his warm chest, tracing the fine indents of muscles to the bottom of his shirt. When I tug, he rips the top of his tee up and off his chest, discarding it on the grassy hilltop somewhere. My fingers fumble with the buckle on his belt. I’m frantic with the need to touch him. Claim him as my own. He stops and removes my hand, standing in the process, t
oeing his boots off and stripping away the jeans. He’s glorious, my warrior. I watch as he strokes his large member, priming his hardening cock.

  “This is yours. All for you, my Goddess. Can you handle me?” he taunts, growling as the beast’s eyes swirl from within.

  “Give it your best game, Brenton. I can take anything you give me. Come claim your mate.”

  “Good to know. Remove your robe. I want to feast my eyes on your beauty without anything obscuring my view.”

  I sit up and reach for the jeweled clasp over my left shoulder and release its lock. The light-as-air material puddles in my lap. A fierce rumble that’s almost a purr escapes from him.

  “It should be illegal to cover up those beautiful breasts,” he says, as he lowers himself to his knees and slides his tongue across my pebbled nipple, sucking it into his fiery-hot mouth. A sharp, pleasurable pain sizzles my body when he nips the tip with his teeth. Warmth pools between my thighs, readying for his imminent entrance.

  I’m struggling to breathe when the pads of his fingers skirt up the bottom of my knee and over. Delicate and light, his fingertips dance closer to the juncture of my thighs, where I can feel the wetness escaping my pussy. I desperately need him inside of me, cooling the burning inferno he’s working me into. I attempt to hurry his motions, wrapping my legs around his beefy bottom and securing my ankles, but he is undeterred by my actions. He lazily takes his time, the feline surfacing in him, exploring my other nipple, and inserts a finger into my weeping vagina, rubbing my clit simultaneously with his thumb. It’s too much at once. I’m on sensory overload.


  A powerful climax rushes over me from the overstimulation. He continues to pump his finger in and out, riding the wave of my orgasm. I gasp catching my breath as I run my fingers over his body. He moves into position, and the crown of his cock nudges the entryway of my slit. Pleasure intensifies and ratchets upwards as he slowly thrusts and drives into me, then stills.


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