Fox's Awakening

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Fox's Awakening Page 8

by F. G. Adams

  “Two become one.” He caresses my brow gently with his thumb.

  I grip his wrists and reply, “Forever bound to the other, Brenton.”

  “The two halves become whole, my Goddess.”

  “Bonded forever, my warrior. Mold me and make me yours again. I give my life to you. All of me. For always.”

  “You are so hot, so tight, so mine,” he rumbles, his beast not far from the skin. Pointy canines lengthen. I remove my loose hair from my neck and offer it to him in total submission. He withdraws, angling his hips away until the tip of his cock is the only thing connecting our bodies. Without a warning, he strikes, burying his fangs in the valley between my neck and shoulder as his hard-as-steel rod drives deep in my quivering pussy. White-hot passion blazes immediately.

  Claiming my body as his.

  The dam breaks and emotions that have been pent up and pushed to the side for eons take flight, flooding my mind, body, and soul. Waves after waves of pure bliss encompass us as he continues to slowly deepen his thrusts.

  Breathing becomes difficult. Emotionally, I’m raw, wrecked and destroyed by the blissful significance of the here and now I’m sharing with the man I’m sharing my heart and soul with. My heart fills with so much love for the man making passionate love to me. With every tender touch, filling stroke, and comforting nuzzle, he restates through his actions the devotion and commitment he made to me…to us. Desire and yearning combine into a powerful, out-of-this realm explosion. Sizzling, feverish passion scorches me internally as I’m falling fast over the edge into an endless abyss of pleasure. Brenton’s heated body hardens and he stills, not moving a muscle, then he’s shaking uncontrollably as he follows me into paradise.

  We lie under the twilight sky, our bodies intertwined, still intimately joined, sweating and flushed, snuggling, unable to get close enough to the other. A grin spreads across his striking, aristocratic face.

  “You make me believe, Jadzia.”

  “We’ve got many obstacles in our way, but we’re together.”

  “Let’s not worry about all that shit now. Tomorrow can wait. Right now, I want to focus on the here and now, you and me. Enjoy the paradise we created here.”

  “Alright, Brenton. What should we do?”

  “I feel like running wild and free. Are you game?”

  “Always. It seems like forever since we’ve done this.”

  “Good. It’s settled.”

  He gets up on his feet, changing into the magnificent beast I love and adore before he turns in my direction, squaring his enormous body to wait as if to say, ‘Hurry up.’ I stand tall and conjure the image I haven’t inhibited in over two thousand years. Moments later, my mate and I take off into the magnificent broad-leafed forest, running parallel to the rushing purple river.


  Life is a journey, not a destination, and only you hold the key. ~ Brenton Fedor Fox

  It’s like living in a dream without ever being fully asleep or completely awake. An in-between existence. Since the transformation, I’ve been drifting in and out more seamlessly with each passing breath. Fedor and I share my body, and soon we will fully share one mind, ours collectively. The experience seems normal yet unconventional. Even with my reservations of what’s transpiring, I recognize the importance of what’s at stake. I welcome the metamorphosis emerging within, growing and taking root inside me. I’m changing, becoming more aware of my role as an Enchanted Immortal.

  Jadzia comforts me when my confidence falters, reminding me of all I have to gain, but it’s the thought of losing her that beckons the insecurities to surface. Even the mighty Zenon was fooled by his son. How can we stop Baako when he couldn’t?

  Jadzia and I hitched an early morning flight from Egypt to London, under the anonymous surname of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, aided by my FBI contacts. Flying under the radar, so to speak, away from all prying eyes, especially Baako’s spies. It would be much easier just to walk through a portal and be done with it, especially now that with the power Fedor adds to the mix, we could easily call upon one. However, Marcus opted for us to leave earlier than right before the solar eclipse, the human way. He felt it important for us to shake off any chance of Baako returning for another fight or the chance of him capturing Jadzia or the albino jaguar. I still refer to Fedor separately. The idea that I have the ability to morph hasn’t completely meshed. I know it, feel it, but the human side cannot quite grasp it.

  The train we caught in London to France had every modern amenity necessary for a quick jaunt into Paris. Not to mention, under the cloak of different identities, a spell Jadzia cast upon us, we are incognito. Witnessing her incredible, unimaginable ability humbles me. I hope I am able to live up to the expectations Marcus and the others have for me. Letting them down is not an option at the crossroads we have stumbled into.

  From Paris, we caught a flight to Mumbai, also known as the Gateway of India. After an overnight stay, we procured a seventy-five-foot yacht, christened The Andromeda, to take us across the Arabian Sea. Which is our current location. There hasn’t been any indication Baako is aware of our plans.

  The entire ship is polished and lacquered in teak, decorated and furnished in the most opulent and decadently comfortable style fit for kings and queens. An equivalent to a luxury five-star hotel skimming through the lulling waves of the open sea.

  It’s been a few days since we began this quest, which started out fast and furious to stay out of sight. Now, it’s good to have a few days to relax and take a breather before we reach our next destination. The continual drain on Jadzia worries me. Her outer appearance deceives many, being that of a fragile, delicate flower. But I feel her concerns and carry that burden with her. The fact she will ultimately face her twin brother weighs heavily on her heart and mind.

  Along with the luxuriousness of the yacht—it’s decked out in a beach bungalow theme—the large boat contains amenities such as a jacuzzi, pool, gym, cinema, and spa. It also holds a few fun things: like jet skis, sea-bobs, and scuba diving equipment.

  Being an FBI agent on a government salary, I would never experience such grandeur. Except the one time that comes to mind when I was undercover, but it was short lived, only a few hours out at sea. I’m sure Jadzia has been indulged with more magnificence than this boat offers if Marcus has done his job right. And, being a goddess, she wants for nothing. But at the moment, if I have my way, the desire for Jadzia to accompany me and participate in some extracurricular activities the ship has to offer overtakes my thinking. Just being a normal couple—if that’s even possible with what’s happening around us. Is it so wrong to hope for some us time?

  She’s been distracted since we left the temple. It’s not lost on any of us, really. The tension is building up inside of us both. The need for all the shit with Baako to be over and done plagues us both. He must pay for the horrors he’s inflicted upon us all.

  We are currently heading toward the Port of Sudan, leading us toward the portal that only Jadzia and I can open together.

  The large craft moves swiftly though the water; the lapping of the waves along the hull has a lulling effect. This evening, we are dining by candlelight on the top balcony of the ship. The crew has a delicious meal prepared as we walk out onto the deck. The scents of fresh seafood cuisine waft through my nostrils, causing my stomach to growl. I pull Jadzia’s chair out for her.

  “You look amazing tonight, my beloved.” I nod a silent request at the vacant chair, asking her to sit. The words tumbling from my mouth are strange but feel true. They may be how Fedor felt long ago, but now that we’re together, along with my undeniable attraction to Jadzia, they are becoming more my own.

  She takes her time and saunters her way to the chair, exuding seductiveness and grace. “Thank you, my love,” she huskily counters and winks, expressing her desire.

  We are halfway on the journey to find the talisman, a totem given to Jadzia that holds an immense power within. The same talisman that will give us the leverage to aide in Baako�
�s downfall.

  “Would you like some wine, sir?” the competent waiter asks, and I nod for him to fill my glass.

  “Madame?” he stutters and bows slightly, unknowing he is in the presence of a goddess, her unworldly persona generating his reverence.

  “Yes, please. Thank you for your thoughtfulness,” Jadzia kindly replies, and I’m smitten from her response. So polite, so beautiful. A stark contradiction to the immense power she possesses.

  “The pleasure is all mine, mademoiselle,” the blushing waiter comments, cutting his eyes to the gorgeous creature in front of him. I growl deep within, trying to hold back from attacking the poor guy. Even though I know the pheromones she discharges are causing the attraction, I cannot help but desire to dominate the male eyeing my mate.

  “The moon is exquisite tonight. You can see all the millions of stars from here. Unlike in the city, where the fog distorts the view. How are you fairing on the voyage? It’s been peaceful and—” Jadzia is interrupted when the waiter steps forward. He diverts his gaze from mine and focuses on the endless sea. Smart choice.

  “Excuse me, my lady, sir. Tonight, the chef has prepared a Teppan-yaki grill-style menu with a culinary cuisine that is sure to enlighten your taste buds. We will be serving miso soup to begin. The main course is a shrimp, lobster, and scallop grill served on a bed of fried rice. For dessert, we have an array of truffles I’m sure will be to your liking.” The waiter delivers our meal for the night and quickly waves the others forward.

  “Perfect, sounds lovely and delicious. I’m hopelessly hungry tonight. Seems I’ve worked up a healthy appetite,” Jadzia replies in a sultry tone. The waiter turns around to gather our first course off the tray his protégé is holding. “As I was saying, how are you doing?” she questions, raising her perfect brow.

  “I’m good. Besides, we are riding under the radar to the site of the portal that will bring us to the other realm, according to you and Marcus, that is. No disrespect. We have an evil, crazy god tracking us, who could at any time find out where we are. Oh, and not to mention, the fate of the fucking world is riding on our shoulders. So, I’m just perfect. How about you, love?” I hurriedly whisper, watching the maître d’, not wanting to be overhead by the staff.

  “Well, I guess when you put it that way, Brenton, it sounds just awful. My apologies for asking.” Jadzia breathes in then lets it out as sadness takes over her expression and seeps into my consciousness.

  Ah shit. I caused her pain, unhappiness. I’m such an idiot.

  Leaning in, I intertwine our fingers and caress her flawless, perfect skin. At first, she tenses but calms fast and relaxes. “Baby, I…No, I should choose my words more carefully. I can be abrasive and a total jerk, especially when I’m stressed and under pressure. It’s not your fault we’re in this mess. The fault lies at Baako’s feet. I guess the whole of it is wearing on me, too. I don’t know what to expect from him, and I’m trying to stay one step ahead. But enough about him. So, tell me, what exactly are we looking for, sweetheart?”

  A small frown appears and disappears just as fast. I sense her confusion and weariness. I’m guessing I should know this.

  “It’s a crown, so to speak. A very special symbol of my authority that my father bestowed upon me. On our wedding day,” Jadzia comments, and I realize I know exactly what she’s talking about and regret not remembering immediately.

  “Ah yes, the Crown of Freya, crafted by the legendary queen herself. It holds immense power alone. Zenon brought the entity to life in honor of us. The one that he presented to you upon our binding day.”

  “Yes. One and the same. We decided it would be best to hide it from Baako. Many realms were being destroyed and overtaken by darkness. We had no choice. It’s been trapped in a realm only we can open. One we must be together to summon. We are the only ones who can access it, and only on a certain day every few hundred years. Out of reach from Baako. Something that he never thought would happen or tried to stop from happening. But here we are traveling on a yacht in the middle of the Arabian Sea. Enjoying dinner and wonderful company. Stimulating conversation,” Jadzia supplies as she sips red wine and her eyes roam the breathtaking views of the sunset on the horizon. Contentment and happiness emit from her.

  “Yes, here we are. The view is spectacular,” I murmur distractedly, looking at Jadzia as she gazes out across the open water. She is magnificent.

  We eat our meal in companionable silence, exchanging glances occasionally. The flickering from the soft lights of the candles grazes her creamy skin. I’m completely lost in the spell she’s cast over me. The server turns on the decorative string lights, surrounding us with their softly glowing illumination. A slow, seductive song begins to play over the speakers just as the waiter pours one more glass of wine for both of us and takes away the last few plates on the table.

  The instinct to hold Jadzia in my arms takes hold, and before I know it, I’m moving and in front of her.

  I straighten my arm, extending my palm up. “Would you like to dance?”

  Her lips spread in a wide grin as she stands. “Why, yes. Very much. Thank you.”

  Jadzia takes my hand, and I sweep her up into my arms and move us closer to the balcony. A slow, sensual sway occupies us for a time as Jadzia places her head on my chest and our hands intertwine. A sense of peace rushes over me. The tempo of my heartbeat is rhythmically beating, aligned with hers.

  “This feels perfect,” I mutter.

  “Yes, it does,” Jadzia’s angelic tone sings throughout my head.

  “How did you do that?” I question point blank in confusion. From the beginning, I didn’t understand the connection.

  “We’re mates, my beautiful warrior. There are many things we can and will achieve together.” She brushes a piece of lint from the lapel of my jacket and stares into my eyes.

  “You have the ability to communicate with me. Just like you feel me and I you. Think what you want to say, and I will hear you. Try it,” she coaxes me.

  “I’m going to kiss you now, love.”

  “Yes. Please touch me, Brenton.”

  The seduction in her voice drives me forward, as I capture her lips and ravage them, branding her as mine. She matches me with smoldering-hot passion.

  “Come on, beautiful. Let’s go to our suite. My desire for you is quickly becoming an our-eyes-only event. We need privacy.” I grin, enjoying the blissful expression on her face. She’s caught up in the moment.

  “Okay,” she manages to reply as I direct her down the stairs and to our room.

  “I am unable to feel her presence any longer, Jafar. This is troubling. We would know if she was dead, because I would be also,” Baako ponders. “Hmmm, her powers grow powerful, as do mine. The surge when she was united as one body shook me to the core.”

  “It’s only been a few days, master. I’m sure she is still recovering from the ordeal of being trapped and brought back,” Jafar responds, trying to appease the troubled Baako.

  “Are you mad? She is a goddess. She doesn’t require recovery time like a normal human, Jafar. No. She’s keeping me out of reach. I feel her pushing against me with each attempt I try to locate her. It’s as if she’s vanished, yet I know it isn’t possible or reasonable.” Baako pouts and saunters over to a plush couch, plopping down, defeated.

  “My master, it is only a matter of time before we find a trail. You will see. All will be well.”

  “You had better hope so, or else there will be hell to pay with the lot of you!” Baako shrieks into the cavern as he flops over, lying down further on the couch, like a child pitching a temper tantrum.

  “Jafar, fetch me dessert. I’m in the mood for a fresh kill. I require the screams of a naked soul.”

  “As you wish, my master.” Jafar tromps away, entering a long corridor off the main room. He progresses further down the winding path in search of one of the many naked shifters and vampires who have been caught and caged within the cavernous tomb. Play toys for the maniac god.

  Life is an endless struggle, until you find out who you really are. Even then things can go horribly sideways, but in the end, beauty shines and everything is perfect. ~Brenton Fedor Fox

  I left a sleeping warm body in bed early this morning. It was hard to accomplish, but I needed some time to myself. My mind won’t allow me to sleep. Whispers of another and the expectations and excitement of what I—no, what we will become and achieve keep me awake and restless.

  The soothing warmth from the sun in the early morning sky beckons me. I gaze at the horizon and carefully contemplate the plan Marcus devised. A pressing need climbs from my lower back region up my lengthy spine. I straighten and extend my limbs upward, tall and wide, soaking in the desire to nestle in the sand and lick my fur. Amazing. Whoa, that was entirely random.

  “It is I, my friend. Fedor. I am with you now and always. My enthusiasm to scratch an itch becomes yours.” He wholeheartedly chuckles. “We are merging more into one. Every day we are with our beloved, the bond weaves stronger. She unifies us with the love she holds inside her for us. You feel what I’m saying is true and right. Correct?”

  “Yes, but it is confusing at times. I cannot recall a time in my life when I wanted to bask in the sun and have someone rub my belly.” I carefully consider the ramifications. “All these feelings we share… it’s hard, um, well, difficult at times to tell which ones belong to her, me, or you. Although I do hear the truth of your words, the concept is still new to me. I have existed as a loner in my world, so the bombardment of foreign emotions will take time to adjust to. I fully accept we are bound together. No ands, ifs, or buts about it. I trust your judgement and instincts. I respect you and who you are, Fedor.”

  “Likewise, Brenton. Soon, we will be one and none of it will matter anymore. No longer separate as Brenton, nor Fedor. Just one. A fluid consciousness. I’m glad it is you who was picked by the universe to house me. The mighty Zenon knew what he was doing. The stars were perfectly aligned, because we are much alike, you and I,” Fedor confides with a conviction of truth ringing throughout.


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