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Fox's Awakening

Page 10

by F. G. Adams

  “Yes. It is the way we can defeat Baako. We must work together as one. Fluidly from one to the other. And, somehow, this feels like the way it should be accomplished.”

  “Are you certain? We can work together.”

  “But we will, my kin. We will still be together, now and forever. Just like we are bound to Jadzia, together. If you need me, just ask. I will still be with you both. Whether you are with her or I, we both feel what the other does. I know it is the right move. It is the only way.”

  “As you wish, my brother.”

  After a night of restless sleep, in the early afternoon, we take a ferry over to the island of Tuti to wait. On the way to the small plot of land surrounded by the White Nile and Blue Nile rivers, my heart races and my breathing escalates, adrenaline pumping. The unknowing possibilities of things that could go wrong has me on edge. Fedor is here. I feel him inside, but he remains a silent watchman awaiting orders.

  “Are you okay, my warrior? You seem amiss. How can I help you?” Jadzia's troubled tone warms me a little inside.

  “I’m on edge today. I realize we’re about to go into an unknown realm, for me at least, and I’m still unsure what we—meaning Fedor and I—should do. You’ve been so vague with the details. Fedor told me last night that he would take over only when needed or only as the jaguar if I called on him to help. Can you tell me how this all works, for starters?”

  “He told you that, did he?” Her expression is hesitant. What’s she keeping to herself?

  “Yes. And I don’t understand. He’s been with me the past few weeks. We’ve learned each other’s strengths and weaknesses, but now he wants to be separate? I just don’t get it.”

  “It is what was foretold, long before you walked together in one skin.” She’s pulls out an old worn and tattered scroll from her backpack and hands it to me. I recognize the scroll immediately, the one Aldin hid from me in the temple, the one I took a peek at in the war room.

  “I’ve seen this before. But I can’t read what it says, love. Help me decipher it, please.” I gaze at the picture of the Goddess Jadzia and the larger-than-life jaguar, intrigued by the parchment’s hidden meaning.

  Reluctantly, she continues, “It has been predicted before Baako attempted to severe the bond between mates and captured our parents into the nether realm that one day, the jaguar and Goddess would be reunited. Not in the same way it was before, but a third warrior would be added into the clutch. A third warrior whose knowledge would exceed the first, and the two would become one. The new warrior, the man, and the albino jaguar, Fedor.”

  “I knew it was the only way, my friend. You are from this century. Your expertise is vast. We are on the right path. We are ready.”

  “Yes. We are ready.”


  My love for you is an epic journey. Starting at forever and ending at never. I close my eyes to old ends and open them to new beginnings, with you. ~ Goddess Jadzia

  The instant my foot touches Tuti Island, an unmentionable amount of power ripples through me. Being so close to the source magnifies everything around. I shelter my thoughts and focus on the morning with Brenton.

  “Did you feel that wave of strength?” Brenton comes to my left side and stops, previewing the scenery, his eyes alert and scanning the perimeter.

  “Yes, my warrior. Be vigilant. Right now, we are alone, but that could change at any moment. The doorway is within those trees.” I point to the tree line to the left. “I need to block out any outside influences. Baako cannot find us, and he may sense where we are. I must focus. We have done a good job of staying under his radar thus far.”

  “Your diligence has prevailed. You can count on me, Jadzia. I’m with you.”

  I inhale to ascertain if we are being followed. I relax a tiny amount when I detect it is only us and focus on the primal scent radiating from my mate. His protective pheromones permeate the air.

  He follows me through the underbrush and broken branches of parched tree limbs. The terrain reveals water-starved saplings; being a desert region, this is common. I long to quench the thirst of the foliage, but I’m required to maintain my focal point, keeping Baako at bay. Brenton’s presence helps me to center my interest on him.

  As we move through the sparse trees, the landscape becomes rocky. Yet, as we move through the final clutch of trees into an opening in the woods, Brenton gasps.

  “I can’t believe my eyes.” His lips part in amazement of our surroundings.

  The entrance reveals an oasis, with isolated lush green vegetation surrounding a tumbling crystal-blue waterfall, spilling out of a rock formation about fifteen feet high. It appears out of place for a location such as this one.

  “What is this place?” he marvels, breathing in the scents. “It’s breathtakingly beautiful, almost as beautiful as you.” He’s good at distracting me.

  “This, my love, is where we are meant to be. Right now. Remember, not everyone can see what is right in front of them.” I remain centered. I cannot give away our location within the words I speak or in my thoughts. My expression relays everything he needs to understand at the moment.

  He doesn’t comment any more, and I’m grateful he understood, lest my attention may falter. But he continues to shadow me down the rocky path, closer to the waterfall. Centering all my energy on summoning the portal, I maintain keeping Baako out of my mind. A task not for the untrained or faint of heart. I cannot fail. Too many lives are relying on me. If I allowed him within, not only would he know our location, but his evil could spread into me. I will never succumb to his corrupt practices.

  The gushing water becomes louder, and in my mind’s eye, I detect Brenton glancing up to capture a glance at the sun and its continual move to vanish behind the moon. The solar eclipse is at hand. Almost there. Totality will occur for only about eight seconds, and it is within that time span that we must enter the portal, or all will be lost.

  I stop my forward momentum just out of reach of the surging water at the base of the cascading falls. Brenton almost crashes into me from behind, because his head is on a swivel, intently searching for any enemies.

  “Are you ready, my warrior? It’s here.” I cautiously explain to him, “The time to move is now upon us.”

  He glances up one more time to the dimming, shadowy sky. I sense the moon overtaking the sun. I do not need to view it, because I can feel the power it wields.

  “One, two, three. Open sacred gate. Open for me and my three,” I chant as magic begins to flow from my outstretched fingertips.

  Brenton stands behind me, placing his reassuring hands on my rigid, stiff shoulders, and waits for my direction. The glowing door begins to shimmer into view right in the middle of the flowing canopy of water.

  “Let us hurry.” I turn to look up at him. So close.

  “I’m right behind you, my love,” he responds and squeezes my shoulders for comfort. Always thinking of me first. My guardian warrior.

  Brenton and I make haste, walking in unison, one behind the other, step for step into the sparkling, lighted doorway. I’m reminded of our conversation earlier. It was imperative that we stay connected the entire time as we enter the other realm in order for us to access the doorway. If we disconnect at any time, we would both be destroyed.

  Light fades to darkness, and then out of the shadows a light pomegranate hue appears in the opening. It shines brightly upon us as we continue on the path ambling through the portal.

  When I step into the purplish pink light with Brenton close on my heels, a sensation of belonging overwhelms my soul. I’m home.

  “What the fuck? This is…this was our home, Jadzia. Yours and Fedor’s. You hid the crown in your home realm? Risky, don’t you think?” Brenton asks, confusion and wonder crossing his brow.

  “No better place to hide something than right under our noses, or in this case, it would be Baako’s nose.” I smile sheepishly from the insane yet genius plan Marcus came up with. “When Marcus and I first decided to hide the relics from
Baako, he felt we should hide them in plain sight. In a way, it was very crafty. On the other hand, it could’ve backfired quickly, but Baako’s arrogance would never allow him to believe we would be so brash.”

  “I don’t believe it. At least tell me you tucked it away somewhere safe here?”

  “Not to worry, my ferociousness. Come, I will show you.”

  “Unbelievable. Please, my beautiful one, lead the way.” He bows and offers his elbow for me to take.

  “Thank you.”


  “Sometimes, someone enters your life so unexpectedly, it takes your heart by surprise and changes your life forever.” ~ Brenton Fedor Fox

  As we approach a clearing encased within an orchard, a scenery from a Monet masterpiece prompts the memory of the encounter with Marcus fighting Fedor.

  “You do know that Marcus didn’t care for Fedor. Just like his fondness of me,” I simply state.

  “Yes, Brenton. It was widely known by all; Marcus was not pleased with our pairing. In the before and present. He has always taken the role of eldest brother seriously. But that is ancient history. As a matter of fact, this is the place where it all changed for both of them.” Jadzia motions around us, smiling.

  “So, you know about the fight and confrontation? How Fedor put him down a few pegs? Man, that was brilliant on Fedor’s part. What I wouldn’t give—”

  “My warrior. What shall I ever do with you? I understand Marcus can be cruel at times, but he truly means well. He is a worthy leader even though he never expected to take the role from our father. He carries the entire universe on his shoulders.” Her fierce loyalty and sisterly adoration for Marcus makes me love her even more, if that’s even possible.

  “I do understand. Really. I’ve relived the memory of the skirmish. But it would be fantastic to actually see him taken down a notch, just an inch or so.” I hold my hand up with my thumb and forefinger an inch apart, wearing a silly grin.

  “Such silliness, Brenton. Marcus is a lot like you and Fedor. He’s fierce about the ones he holds dear and will always put them first. I’ve seen it, experienced it. He holds himself to a higher standard than most and is very picky about who he allows to see the wonderful immortal he can be and truly is. But I am the only one who can decipher how he really feels about both of you. Marcus is very glad to have you on his side. Even if he doesn’t show it.”

  “Yeah. He’s not so bad, really. Actually, I’ve grown fond of him through the memories Fedor has shared with me. Please don’t tell him that. I think it would go to his head.” I softly chuckle. “One like him who occupies such a significant position, he bears a burden not many could. I respect him.”

  The smile fades from Jadzia’s face. Worry etches into her expression as she sways, losing her balance. I’m there to catch her, holding her close to me. The pounding of her pulse echoes loudly. She attempts to hide her weariness from me, but I‘m aware of the struggle and toll it‘s having on her.

  “Whoa, there, I’ve gotcha. What’s wrong, sweetheart? Are you okay?” I glance around us, searching for the unknown threat plaguing her.

  “It’s Baako and the portal. He continues to probe for my whereabouts, and I’ve spent a great deal of energy on hiding both. I’ll be fine, Brenton. We are close. Let’s get on the move again. The crown is hidden just beyond the ridge, in one of the deepest caverns.”

  “If you're sure. I could carry you,” I offer, ready to bear her burden.

  A genuine smile appears briefly. “Not necessary. Using one of your human colloquialisms, I’ve got this,” she wearily replies.

  We continue across another field of wildflowers with ruby and sapphire stems. Emerald-green and topaz tulip-shaped buds cover the uniquely amazing meadow. A scent surrounds us with a sweet aroma of something akin to a honeysuckle back on earth.

  “This realm is utterly remarkable. I can see why this was home for you.”

  “Yes. We did love this place. Especially Fedor and I. There are so many places we would go. We covered the entire plot of land. Not a single place was undiscovered by us. I would ride on his back when he thought I required rest. Even when I didn’t. Or we would race in the open meadow down to the rushing river. He would let me win every time. This is where we fell in love.” Her face softens from the fond recollections of a time long ago.

  “Sounds amazing, love,” I reply.

  “Yes, we had a wonderful existence in this special place. I’m grateful that you are able to experience being here. So, when we leave this realm, we can all share the memory of where it all began.” Jadzia’s smile drops a little more, and I’m suddenly wondering why she’s sad yet again. Is her resistance to Baako draining her more than she’s leading me to believe? I feel the struggle pulling her under.

  “What is it? Tell me.”

  “Once we leave this place, we can never return. The wards we placed upon this realm will only remain intact as long as the talisman is here. When we take it away, this world will cease to be. It is the only way. The crown supplied unlimited power to create and sustain the realm; without it, all is lost forever. Only our memories will remain intact.”

  I sense her sadness, and it’s breaking my heart. I encase her in the heat of my embrace, leaning in to shower kisses on the side of her cheek and stop. If only I could ease her burden. Take away the sadness inside of her. She leans in, too weary to stand upright.

  “Would you like to rest for a few minutes, Jadzia?”

  She shakes her head and pulls away from me. “We cannot, Brenton. If we don’t finish our mission and retrieve the crown within the hour, we will be stuck here. Forever.”

  “I thought you said time will stand still? Why a time limit now?” I frantically look to her trembling body. Helplessness overcomes me as she stumbles over a jutting pebble in the pathway.

  “No, I would never deceive you of the timeless suspension. However, it is I who won’t be able to continue,” she sadly responds.

  “She’s weakening, Brenton. With every footfall, her capacity to control her focus lessens. You feel it, too. Allow me to carry our beloved,” Fedor requests, granting me the ultimate decision.

  “One second, sweetheart. We have come up with an idea to help.”

  Within a heartbeat, the transformation takes over and I’m once again in the body of the monstrous beast.

  “Thank you, Brenton. I will take it from here,” Fedor calmly directs.

  Relinquishing for him to take the lead, I humbly make a request. “Take care of her, brother.”

  He gruffly promises, “Always.”

  Buckling my legs beneath me, I attempt to lie as close to the ground as possible. I don’t want her to expend any more of her energy.

  “Climb on, my beloved Jadzia. Allow me to care for you, just a little while.”

  “Thank you, my gentle warrior. It would be an honor once again to ride atop your back.”

  I make good time with my long strides and am picking up speed, running instead of steadily walking. Once we’re on the top of the ridge, I place my body as close to the ground as possible for her to dismount.

  “Fedor, be aware, this last part of our journey must be completed by you and Brenton alone. I will stand watch, while you go retrieve the Crown of Freya.”

  “But I cannot leave you all alone, my beloved. What will happen if you need assistance? If Baako shows up? You are weakened.”

  “Watch yourself,” she sternly warns. “You know I can handle whatever comes. I am a power to be reckoned with. Besides, we are still alone in this realm and my guard is continuing to hold true.”

  “On one condition. You allow me to tend to you first. Let me feed you. Give you more strength to aid in your situation.”

  “I should not permit it, Fedor. Your ability to fight could be compromised. It will weaken you, and the stakes are so very high.”

  “Perhaps. It could, a little. But we are stronger together. Let me restore you. Take what you need, my beloved. It is mine to give freely.”

bsp; Reluctantly, Jadzia slides her hands into my fur, sharpens her fangs, and bites. The sharp pain quickly turns into an unbridled pleasure as she moans and drinks the life-giving Immortal blood to nourish her worn-out, parched body. I hope for the blood to sustain her until we leave this world. Her fisted hands tighten momentarily then slacken, drawing the last needed amount from me.

  She seals up the wounds. “Thank you, my warrior. Your powerful blood reinvigorates me. I am already feeling much stronger. Shall we continue?” Her head rests atop my shoulder blade as she tenderly caresses the fur along my underbelly.

  “It was my pleasure to give to you. And yes, I await your directions.”

  “Now, the hard part. You must scale the walls in the crevice. At the bottom, you will find a box built into the stone wall. The relic rests safely inside. To open it, you must answer the riddle. I cannot guide you or tell you what it will be, because I do not know the answer. It was designed to open only for you and Brenton.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “It’s the final safeguard to keep the relic guarded. You must hurry. The nourishment you provided will only last so long. Good luck to both of you.”

  I descend into the hollow crack in the earth as quickly as possible. The urgency to return to Jadzia topside keeps me steady with each jump from rock face and boulder. A few times, I lose my footing and nearly slip, but I dig in to continue the downward trail. Damp earth tickles my nostrils, causing me to huff and snort. In a few places, the crevice becomes very narrow and I’m unsure if I can fit, but I manage to wiggle my way through without a scratch.

  Within minutes, I’m at the bottom, canvassing the substantial open area. I gaze around the dimly-lit cavern, accepting the stale air, easing the tension in my stance somewhat that the place has been uninhabited. There are no lingering scents of anyone from before. Using my feline night vision, I spy the over-sized jeweled, ornate box Jadzia spoke of, out of place in the organic structure. The precious stone representing her reign signifies I have found what I’m searching for. It’s snuggly fit into a giant round rock across the open space. I stumble at the power emitting from the carbon life form. I’m taken aback by its pulsing energy.


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