Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series)
Page 4
He drove away and as he drew nearer the Grainger home and saw all the cars he couldn’t stop. He kept going. When he reached the edge of town instead of turning around he kept going. When he reached the turn off to his home instead of turning he kept going. When he saw the signs saying, “You are now leaving Montana, thank you for coming, please come back again,” he kept going. He didn’t stop till he ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere. Only then did he break down and cry. When the tears had finally stopped he grabbed his phone and called Trent. By the time Trent arrived with his brother Justin the sun was coming up over the horizon. Trent grabbed the gas cans and filled up his truck then he pushed Beckett over to the passenger side and got behind the wheel while Justin got behind the wheel of Trent’s truck and led the way.
Trent waited till they were back on the road before he tried talking to Beckett.
“Beck…we all loved Lachelle….we’re all going to miss her….but she wouldn’t like the fact you’re being this way.” He scolded.
“Trent…I don’t want to talk.”
“I don’t care…you don’t have to talk, just listen.” Trent said. “Instead of feeling sorry for yourself you are going to remember what you had. You are going to honor Lachelle by going on with your life. I know right now it hurts, you want to give up but you can’t. She made me promise I wouldn’t let you do this.”
Beckett turned and looked at his brother. “When?”
“A few months ago….she knew she wasn’t going to make it….she had overheard the doctors talking about her case….but her dad wouldn’t give up…he made her try those new drugs…they made her so sick she finally convinced her dad to stop… let her go…..but she couldn’t tell you that….she loved you too much….so she kept fighting for you…for one more day with you.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“She made me promise I wouldn’t.” Trent said staring at the road. “Beck…she loved you…she wanted you to go on with your life….find someone else to love…be happy.”
“NO!” Beckett said looking out the window. “There won’t be another.”
“She said you would say that….she told me to tell you it’s ok for feeling that now….but you have a great capacity for love, don’t waist it….”
But Beckett never took that chance again. He went back home to his family then went off to college in the fall. With his looks having women pursue him was no problem. He spent his college days playing the field. He never dated any one girl for more than a month and left a trail of broken hearts. He didn’t care; he had sealed his heart away from caring. When he met Macy she was receptive to a noncommittal relationship and for the last few years they had been a couple. When they were both in town they would dine out, go clubbing or just spend wild nights in the bedroom together. She came to his family events a few times and when time allowed they took vacations together. Each was free to see other people but it was also agreed if they wanted to have sex with another partner than each was free to end the relationship. Since he wasn’t looking and she was satisfied neither one of them strayed.
Only lately had Macy’s attitude begin to change and he put it off to the fact she was approaching 30 and all of her friends were now settling down and getting married. They kept reminding her that her biological clock was ticking. She had only brought up the subject once when they were window shopping and she stopped outside a children’s store.
“Do you ever wonder?” She asked nonchalantly. “What our kids would look like?”
He had looked at her trying to determine if she was serious or joking. He shook his head as he looked down the street.
“Not really…don’t plan on having kids so never saw the point of wasting any thought on it.”
He saw the look of disappointment before she quickly covered it up. “Me either…I was just thinking since we’re both so good looking and with our intelligence our kids would probably do well in the world.” Then to make light of it she added. “I’ve run into so many stupid people lately I swear they should require them to have a license before they are allowed to breed”
“If they did that then the population would surely perish.” He grinned as he pulled her to him and kissed her. “But there’s no harm in us practicing.” Her body had then pressed against his and she got a wicked gleam in her eyes. That was the first and only night he had ever had sex in a back alley.
Macy was out of town and wouldn’t be back for a few days or he would call her to come over. Taking a swig of his whiskey he now thought of his future bride. Regina’s first choice had been her granddaughter Alicia. Beckett had read Alicia’s story among the bio of the family and just the thought of spending time with her turned his stomach. She was coddled from birth, the best schools and the finest clothes. When she totaled her first car at the age of 15 her parents bought her another which she totaled a year later. Scandal seemed to follow her but the family money always found a way to silence the gossip. She was attractive but even in photos he got a sense of her snooty ways. However when she had decided to run off to Vegas and in a drunken haze got married to a drummer from some back lounge act even her grandmother’s money couldn’t cover that up. Then Regina had come up with another granddaughter and despite the fact he had no bio Beckett had thought what the hell, one granddaughter was as good as the next to seal the deal. It wasn’t as if the marriage was going to be lasting and it wasn’t as if he needed to spend any time with her other than for public appearances. After the wedding he was going to make sure they were few and far between. The fact he had no photo or bio meant she was hidden from view and made him wonder why. Was she hideously deformed, mentally challenged or better yet knowing the family bloodline a case for commitment papers? He also wondered why Regina had added the no sexual contact clause to the contract. Was she afraid he might actually try to seduce her granddaughter? He would find out soon enough and turning he headed back to his room to get some sleep before he had to meet up with his brothers again at the worksite. He was in charge of doughnuts and coffee so he had to allow himself time to stop. He knew Trent would be all over his ass if he was late. Trent needed his sugar fix first thing in the morning before his brain kicked in and he became civil.
Chapter 5
Bailey sat nervously in the back of the plane watching as Alexis and Tristan quietly drew on the table while their grandmother Regina observed them. When Regina had left Bailey had taken a moment to decide what to tell the kids. Her parents had believed in honesty but after their mothers death Bailey believed they had already lost too much in their young lives to deal with the fact their only living family had rejected them. She had told them that their father had gotten in an argument with his parents and he had left. Bailey had explained that sometimes when people fight they are too proud to say they are sorry and only suffer from the separation. It was the one rule she made sure they followed, no matter how angry any of them were with each other they would always apologize each night before going to bed. She knew all too well how precious life was having first experienced the sudden loss of her father and then the slow death of her mother. Bailey made up a world where one day they might be reunited with their grandparents. She would sit with them at their bedside and make up stories of magical worlds where they would travel in large bubbles under the sea and see all kinds of creatures. Then they would pop up on the shoreline and the bubbles would float up in the air. The wind would carry them over the lands until they reached their grandmothers. She would greet them and they would drink sweet tea on the porch. There would be a porch swing for them to play on and horses to ride. She never truly expected them to meet their grandmother. She had planned on one day when they were older explaining the truth but now her omission had just walked out her door.
When they learned about their grandmother being there both of them had bombarded her with questions. Why hadn’t she gotten them up? Why did their grandmother go and were they really going to live with her? What about school? We’re they really going to fly on an ai
rplane and could they bring their toys? She somehow managed to get them up, fed, dressed and packed before the limousine arrived. When they saw the car arrive they had another million questions and once they got inside the possibilities for getting into trouble were endless. When the limo bypassed the regular drop off area for passengers and proceeded to a private hanger Bailey began to get nervous. The sight of a private jet frightened her. She began to wonder just what exactly had she gotten herself into. She had only flown on a plane once in her life and it had been coach with her parents. They had only been served peanuts and a drink in their section and she had wondered about those in first class who were given champagne and a meal. When she asked why they couldn’t sit there her mother had smiled and said simply.
“Because if we did we couldn’t afford this trip to Disneyworld.” She said. “We would have to get back on the plane and come home.”
“Oh.” Was all she had said.
She was about to board a private jet and could only imagine what the interior was like. Before they got out of the limo she reminded the kids about their behavior and manners. With one tiny hand in each of hers she led them to the steps where first Tristan went up then Alexis before she followed. As ordered they waited for her at the top and smiled politely at the stewardess.
“Ms. Montgomery…your grandmother asked me to show you to your seats, she will be arriving shortly.”
“Thank you.” Bailey said taking control of her siblings again. They followed the stewardess to the seats next to a small table. She noticed coloring books and crayons had already been set out to help entertain the kids.
“May I bring you drinks while you wait?” She asked as Bailey slid next to the kids. The excited look on their face prevented her from declining.
“Yes please….may I have water?”
“Of course…and what will they have, I have juice, soda, milk?”
“Juice please.” Alexis spoke up for herself before Bailey could decide.
“Milk.” Tristan requested.
“May I bring them cookies?” She whispered in Bailey’s ear.
“That would be fine thank you.”
By the time her grandmother boarded with a younger man Bailey placed around his late twenties the kids had finished their cookies and drinks and were well on their way to coloring a picture for their grandmother. When she stopped before them Bailey made the introductions.
“Alexis…Tristan…this is your grandmother Montgomery.” She said. “This is Alexis and this is Tristan.”
Alexis looked at her in awe while Tristan shied back hiding behind Bailey.
“How do you do.” Her grandmother said expecting a response. “You may call me Nana.”
Alexis beamed. “How do you do Nana.” Then cocking her head she asked. “Do they hurt?”
“Does what hurt my child?”
“Your lines?” She asked with the innocence of a child.
“Alexis!” Bailey said mortified but her grandmother laughed.
“No dear they don’t hurt.”
Ignoring her sisters warning glance Alexis asked. “Can they be fixed?”
“Yes….but I prefer to keep them…I earned them.”
“Oh.” Alexis said confused.
“Bailey….this is Graham Parker my lawyer.” She said referring the young man she had brought with her. Bailey looked up to see he was trying to contain his amusement. “He needs to go over some paperwork with you…..I will sit with the children while you attend to it.” She announced as she took a seat excepting no arguments.
Bailey felt Tristan stiffen at the suggestion and before she could comfort him her grandmother spoke.
“Tristan would be fine….Alexis will help watch him won’t you.” She said. Alexis beamed at the idea but Tristan still looked doubtful. “Tristan….your sister will be right over there and I promise as soon as she’s done with Mr. Parker she will be right back.”
Tristan looked first at her then at Bailey. Even though she could feel him tremble he nodded his head. Bailey looked at Alexis who assumed her role taking charge of Tristan. Bailey rose and followed Graham over to the other table then turning she sat and watched Tristan stare at her. Once he was sure she was sitting down within eyesight of him he relaxed and let Alexis and her grandmother draw him into coloring again. When it was announced the plane would be taking off he forgot all about Bailey too excited to watch out the window. After taking off Graham went over all the contracts and explained in detail what each meant. Only once he was sure she understood would he give her the pen to sign. Most were about the financial arrangements already resolved with Tristan’s medical bills. There were documents that she signed transferring his medical records from the hospital and his doctors to the new doctor he would be seeing once they were settled. There was also a document to transfer their school records. Finally he got to the contracts regarding her role in the marriage. He explained what would be expected of her and what she in turn would receive.
Upon arriving she would live at her grandmother’s estate until the day of the wedding. After the ceremony she would move into the house her husband had provided where she would also be given a car and a monthly allowance. At the end of the year the marriage would be dissolved and she would retain the title to the house and everything inside, the car and the bank account where an additional one hundred thousand dollars would be deposited. In return she was to attend all public appearances and maintain the illusion of the marriage. When she heard this she raised her eyebrow and he quickly pointed out a new clause that had been added. There was to be no sexual relationship between her and her husband. Any attempt by either party would null and void the contract.
“You don’t need to worry….your grandmother was insistent that be added.” He said smiling. “The marriage is in name only.”
Bailey looked at him and nodded before she signed. As she handed him back his pen she noticed his fingers lingered on hers for a second longer than needed. When she looked back at him she swore he seemed flustered before he looked away. Suddenly she became acutely aware of not only how handsome he was but how close he was sitting to her. She could feel the heat of his body warm hers and she realized her heart was racing. When he met her gaze with his hazel eyes he seemed to be reading her mind and smiled.
“The way the contract is written…you may see other men….as long as you are discreet.”
Bailey was surprised at that; she hadn’t even considered that option. “And does the same apply to my future husband?”
“Yes…he has a girlfriend….I’m sure they might not like the idea but they will have to keep their relationship a secret.”
“I see….well….I don’t see a problem on my end since I’m not involved with anyone.”
“You might meet someone.” He suggested and Bailey couldn’t help but blush as she looked away. Instinctively she felt him stiffen and looking up watched as her grandmother came down the aisle towards them. She was looking at Graham and frowning.
“Bailey….will you excuse Mr. Parker and me, we have some things we need to discuss.”
“Of course.” Bailey said standing. She noticed the way the muscle in Grahams jaw line twitched as if he was trying to control his anger. When he looked at her his face relaxed and he smiled.
“I will be at your service anytime you need me.” He said and handed her his card. Bailey took it despite the fact her grandmother seemed to disapprove.
“Thank you for helping me understand the documents Mr. Parker.” Bailey said and she noticed the way he exchanged a look with her grandmother. It was as if he wanted to say one more thing but her grandmother interrupted him.
“Bailey….Tristan seemed a little uneasy.” Her grandmother said dismissing her and with that Bailey turned and returned to her seat.
Her grandmother remained in the back of the plane with Graham and the one time Bailey stole a glance backwards she could see they were in a heated debate and Graham wasn’t happy. When the plane landed he exited first making
a point to stop and once again stating he would see her again. Only after he was off the plane did her grandmother came up behind her.
“Graham can be quite charming my dear….but don’t be fooled by his looks….he has a long line of broken hearts.”
Bailey turned to her surprised by her suggestion. She looked down at Alexis and Travis whose little ears picked up everything. In a voice only her grandmother could hear she whispered.
“I’m not my cousin grandmother. The only man who has ever warmed my bed is Tristan so you don’t need to worry I’ll tarnish my virtue.” And with that she took the kids hands and led them off the jet. Once they reached the bottom she saw a limo waiting. Without a backwards look to see if her grandmother was following she approached the car where the driver waited.
“Ms. Montgomery.” He said as he opened the door. “I’m Gibbons…the family driver.”
“Hello.” She said as Alexis stopped her jaw dropping.
“Nana has a family driver?”
“Yes Ms. Alexis.” He smiled. “And you must be Master Travis.”
Again Travis hid behind Bailey as he looked up at Gibbons. He stood well over 6 feet, was thin and dressed in a dark suit. Bailey placed him somewhere in his mid to late forties with a mischievous grin that won her over immediately.
“If you will all be so kind as to get in, your grandmother will not be joining us.” He said and Bailey turned to see her getting into another car with Graham. Helping the kids in she slid in behind them and Gibbons closed the door. He had cookies, juice and milk for the kids, water for Bailey and a Disney video to keep them entertained on their drive. Bailey was exhausted and sat back closing her eyes as the kids watched the small screen while they ate their cookies in silence. She must have dozed because she was awoken by Alexis pulling on her arm.
“Bailey look….horses!”