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Corporate Seduction

Page 12

by A. C. Arthur

  Reka felt calm again. Hell, she was getting hotter with each kiss he carefully distributed. It was time to get this show on the road. Coming up on her knees, she continued to face him. “So, like I said, I came over to help you with that relaxation that you have such a problem with.”

  Her breasts were scant inches away from his face and Khalil had substantial difficulty keeping his gaze focused. “Okay, so what did you have in mind?” He prayed she didn’t want to go out dressed like that. He was barely surviving alone with her in his apartment. If they were out and other men were looking at her, which they undoubtedly would be, he would definitely be visiting the city jail tonight.

  In one smooth motion Reka straddled him, clasping her hands behind his neck. His thighs were thick, muscled and provided a stern cushion for her bottom. He looked stunned for a moment. Then his eyes darkened, falling to her lips.

  “And you call this relaxation?” Khalil’s hands instantly went to her hips, his thumbs grazing over the juncture of her legs while his fingers splayed against soft pliable skin.

  Reka inhaled deeply. She hadn’t been prepared for the myriad sensations rippling through her. Sure, she’d known she was attracted to him, but every fiber of her being was now on alert. Every sweep of his eyes, the powerful hold of his hands, the intoxicating scent of his lingering cologne had her center moistening in response.

  “I know it seems a little stimulating now,” she began breathlessly. “But the end result promises you’ll be more tranquil than ever.” She shifted, bringing her throbbing core closer to his now rigid erection. To her utter delight, those gym shorts did nothing to hide his arousal.

  Gritting his teeth, Khalil tried like hell to remain objective, but she wasn’t making it easy. His hands moved up her back, buried themselves in her hair, even as he pulled her partially open mouth down to his. The kiss was rough, filled with the sexual energy surging between them. Lips, teeth, tongue, moaning, groping and intense pleasure cocooned them and without any warning Khalil lifted her, turning them so that she now lay on the sofa beneath him. “I’m not feeling tranquil right now, Reka,” he growled.

  Reka clasped her legs around his waist and arched her neck so his wandering mouth could find that spot just beneath her ear that simply made her weak. “No? What are you?”

  Nipping her earlobe, he moved his kisses further downward until they were on the inviting cleavage peeking from her outfit. Like a man possessed, he pulled the material from her shoulders and down her arms, until her breasts sprang free. Raising slightly, he noticed the colorful material and how it barely covered her darkening nipple. All the blood rushed from his head to his center and for emphasis, he ground into her with a ferocious need. “I’m about to explode.”

  Clearly inebriated by his brazen desire, Reka grabbed the back of his head, pulling him down towards the heavy globes now tingling in anticipation. “Oh no, baby, not just yet,” she whispered.

  Again Khalil felt his strength slipping. He’d given her control of the kiss the night before and she’d taken him to heights he had never been. Now it seemed she’d taken control again and he was sinking fast. His mouth closed over her right breast even as he deftly slid the material of her bra down, grasping the complete roundness.

  Reka sucked in a breath, her eyes fluttering before closing completely. Her center throbbed and no amount of undulating against his erection was helping. She needed him inside her, now! “Khalil.” She whispered his name in invitation.

  Her voice echoed throughout his brain even as his tongue slid over to lavish her other breast.

  Don’t sleep with her if she’s a part of this investigation.

  The words rang in his ears.

  Reka slid her hand down inside the rim of his shorts and felt her heart stutter when she discovered that he wore no boxers or briefs. Anxiously her fingers wrapped around his hot length. She dragged her hands up and down, feeling him pulsate with each movement. “Khalil, please,” she practically begged.

  I promise to be the best man you never had.

  Funny thing, those words had him halting instantly.

  Staring down into eyes glazed with passion, breasts bared, a body ready for the taking, Khalil took a deep breath. His throbbing erection was now at war with his brain as he slowly pulled on the underwire of her bra until her breasts were covered once more by the bright material.

  “What’s the matter?”

  Her voice was a wounded plea and he avoided her eyes as his fingers brought the sleeves back onto her shoulders and he eased off her.

  Suddenly chilled, Reka pulled herself to an upright position, staring at the now retreating body of the man she’d thought was about to make love to her. “Khalil?”

  He kept walking towards the bedroom. “Get your coat on, Reka.”

  Deflated, dejected and thoroughly pissed off, Reka thrust her arms into her coat and was prepared to walk out the door never to speak to Khalil Franklin again when his hand on her arm stopped her.

  Pulling her back with one hand and slamming the open door with the other, Khalil looked down into her confused face. “When I take you, it won’t be on a couch and it won’t be because you’re trying to help me relax or it’s your way of thanking me for a gift. It has to mean much more than that.” He gritted his teeth. “It will mean much more than that.” He kissed her then, his lips bearing down on hers with all the pent up frustration he was now feeling.

  Reka tried to pull away, unwilling to hear his words and too angry to accept his kiss. But when his arms embraced her gently and he dragged his lips over hers in a soft caress, she heard herself moan. Her arms snaked around his neck and she drifted into the safe haven she now considered him to be.

  No, she didn’t understand him not wanting to sleep with her for a second time. She didn’t understand what was going on in that head of his. But what she did understand was the building need to get to know this man better, to open her heart to him as well as her body, to give him the chance to prove that he was the man for her.

  And as his tongue dueled with hers, she prayed that he was the right one.


  “So what’s going on with you?” Cienna punched the buttons to set the treadmill and took a swig of water while keeping up with the moderate pace.

  Reka shrugged, setting her pace just a little faster. She had a lot of frustration to walk off. “What makes you think something’s wrong?”

  Chuckling, Cienna tossed her friend a knowing look. “Because for the last hour you’ve been trying to kill yourself on the weights and now you’re acting like you’re training for a marathon.” Reka remained quiet. “Your forehead’s all knotted and you grit on everyone that even makes an attempt at pleasant conversation. Something’s going on.”

  Expelling a deep breath and concentrating on unknotting her forehead, Reka decided it was best to go ahead and tell her. Cienna was absolutely ruthless when it came to weeding out her problems. Outside of that, she and Cienna had become really good friends. And while they were two totally different types of woman, she found herself admiring all that Cienna had built out of her life. Keith Page was not a bad catch at all. They both had successful careers, a beautiful home, the cutest daughter ever seen and they loved each other to death. A part of Reka wished she could have just a fraction of that happiness.

  “It’s a man,” she groaned.

  Cienna rolled her eyes. “Good Lord, not again, Reka. What man? And what did the creep do this time?”

  This was exactly the reaction Reka had hoped to avoid. Everybody seemed to know her track record with men and they all shared the same view, that she had no taste when it came to picking a mate. Well, this time she hadn’t actually picked him, he’d sort of dropped the ball in her court and was now content to watch it bounce around. With a small measure of triumph, because she knew this was the last man Cienna would ever expect her to be involved with, she raised a brow and looked over at the toned woman taking even strides on the machine. “It’s Khalil, the computer guy.�

  Cienna did a double take, opening and closing her mouth a couple of times before finally huffing like she was out of breath. “You’re kidding, right? The computer guy? Keith’s friend?”

  “No. Yes. And yes. We’ve sort of been seeing each other since he started working at the firm. Outside of the office, of course.”

  “That’s, ah, surprising.”

  “Why? Because he’s the polished, socialite, career-type and I’m one step above ghetto-fabulous?” Although she really didn’t mean it, Reka heard the irritated sound in her voice.

  Leveling her a surprised look, Cienna simply replied, “No.” She took a few more steps, then resumed speaking. “It’s surprising because he seems so studious, while you’re outgoing and vivacious. I just never would have paired you two up, that’s all.” Leaning her head to the side Cienna looked at herself in the wall-length mirror for a moment. “But I can see where the attraction would come in. You’re both from opposite worlds. It’s only natural that you’d be curious.”

  Reka shrugged. “Well, this curiosity is quickly growing.”

  Cienna’s head snapped. “Did you sleep with him?”

  Sighing, Reka let her head loll back and closed her eyes. All the while her legs were beginning to burn. “No. But that’s not for lack of trying on my part.”

  “Wait.” Cienna held up a hand, giggling. “You’re trying to sleep with him and he hasn’t jumped your bones yet? That’s a first.”

  “You can hold up on those kinds of remarks, Cienna,” Reka said in a mild tone. “It’s not like I’m throwing myself at the guy. Whenever we’re together there’s this thing, something that happens between us. It like draws us closer until I can’t help touching him or he can’t help kissing me.” Reka sighed at the memory. “He kisses me a lot.”

  Cienna resumed a straight face. “Okay, he likes kissing you. That’s a good sign, right?”

  “I thought it was, but every time we get a little beyond kissing he puts on the brakes so fast my head spins. I don’t understand him at all.”

  At that moment Cienna could tell her friend was serious. Seriously into Khalil. Never in the years she’d known Reka Boyd had she seen her like this over any man. “Maybe this is about more than sex.”

  Reka looked over at Cienna, then at her reflection in the mirror, then at Cienna again. “He says he wants it to be more than that.”

  “And what do you want?”

  “I don’t want to be hurt again,” Reka said without hesitation.

  “Nobody wants to be hurt, Reka. Just like nobody wants to be mugged or hit by a car. But they don’t barricade themselves in their house afraid to come out either. Tell me this: Do you like him?”

  With a wistful sigh Reka gave in. “Yes, I think I like him a lot. He’s so different from anybody I’ve ever met. He’s thoughtful and kind and so damn sexy in those expensive-ass suits. I never thought a man dressed to the T every day could move me like that. But man, I almost look forward to seeing his hookup every morning.”

  Cienna laughed. Reka and Tacoma were obsessed with clothes. “But you see something beyond his looks, and it sounds like he sees something in you beyond your body. I’d say this is a prelude to your first mature relationship. You think you can handle that?”

  With burning thighs and sweat pouring from her forehead, Reka jumped off the treadmill. “What I can’t handle is another minute of this tortuous workout. I’m heading to the steam bath.”

  Avoidance. Cienna recognized it and felt sorry for her co-worker. Avoiding the inevitable would not last long. As strong as Reka could be, she was nevertheless putting her money on Khalil to wear her down. Stepping down from her own machine, she followed Reka into the steam bath, thinking over all the things the girl had been through. She deserved some happiness. And for years Cienna had been telling her to leave those clubbing guys and hood rats alone. Maybe Khalil was the one to finally make her see that she needed a real man in her life. After stopping in the locker room to strip and wrap the thick towel around her body, Cienna slowly stepped into the blistering steam. Thoughts of talking to Keith about his friend the moment she got home crept into her mind.

  Maybe Reka and Khalil needed a little push.

  * * *

  It was Friday. Reka hadn’t spoken to Khalil at all yesterday. After Clare informed her that he was in meetings, the thought that he was avoiding her quickly faded from her mind. Yet she felt a pang of something every time she thought about him. Dropping her head onto her desk, she sighed. She missed him.

  Pulling up her personal email account, she found the message he’d sent her the other day and hit the reply button. Since he was nowhere to be found in the office, she’d communicate with him this way.

  * * *

  Unable to avoid her another minute, Khalil walked into Gramercy Tavern, where Naomi Franklin had made reservations for them to have lunch. He’d talked to his sister Danielle earlier this morning and she’d relayed the information that their mother was very concerned about his love life. So with dragging steps, Khalil made his way to the table, knowing that this would be the longest hour of his life.

  “Hello, Mother.” Bending forward, he kissed the smooth coffee-toned cheek of the always elegantly dressed Naomi Franklin.

  Naomi raised her cheek to his kiss and patted her son on the shoulder. “It’s so wonderful of you to give me a little of your time.”

  Taking the seat across from her, Khalil hastily picked up his menu. The sooner they got on with this confrontation the better. “I told you I had a new assignment and it’s been keeping me very busy.”

  Ignoring his comment, Naomi signaled for the waiter. “Your father is having some difficulties with the computer systems at the firm. He’d love for you to take a look at them.”

  The waiter approached.

  Without so much as glancing at the thin man, Naomi rattled off her order. “I’ll have the grilled chicken with pasta and a glass of Chardonnay.”

  The waiter smiled and nodded, then looked to Khalil.

  “Filet mignon, well done, with the potato purée, hold the relish. And a Coke.”

  “Steak is better rare and needs a nice red wine to truly complement its taste,” Naomi commented.

  Khalil looked at the waiter, whose gaze was shifting from him to his mother. “Well done and a Coke. Thanks.”

  With a flick of her wrist, Naomi gave the waiter her menu and waited while he walked away. “I see you’re in a defiant mood this afternoon.”

  A four and a half karat diamond sparkled on her ring finger and smaller diamonds glittered at her ears. Her perfectly colored hair was curled meticulously. Khalil sat back in his chair, making a big show of unfolding his napkin and placing it in his lap. “A grown man has the right to select his own food and drink. I really don’t see that as being defiant.”

  “Don’t get flippant, Khalil. I’m still the mother.”

  He smiled. “That you are. Now tell me, what’s the urgency? When you called you acted as if you wouldn’t see me this weekend.”

  Naomi unfolded her own napkin. “Since your no-show at our last dinner party, I’m not sure when I’ll see you.”

  That was a low blow, one that Khalil decided immediately to ignore. There was really no sense in arguing with his mother. “Okay.”

  “I’ve talked with Sonya.”

  Inwardly he groaned, but outwardly he fixed his lips into a thin line and waited for his mother to proceed.

  “This separation is ridiculous. If we start now we can still have a grand summer wedding planned. I can call the papers and officially announce the engagement just as I was about to do before you momentarily lost your good sense. Our families can make this mutually beneficial connection.”

  “Lamar Davenport is already one of Dad’s biggest clients. Marrying his daughter is not going to make him invest any more money with the company.”

  “But a merger of the companies would be phenomenal.”

  So that’s what the ultimate goal was, to m
erge Franklin Investments with LDS Trading. He knew his father always looked to the bottom line of a financial sheet, but up until now he hadn’t been quite convinced that his mother was the same way. Obviously, he’d been wrong. “I am not marrying Sonya.”

  Their food arrived, as well as another guest.

  “Did I hear my name?”

  Five feet, eleven and a half inches of toned ivory-colored skin stood between Khalil and his mother. She wore a red Chanel suit, with a long straight skirt and a jacket with an almost indiscreet plunge in the neckline. Her hair was cut in a short, shiny black bob grazing the line of her jaw. Cool brown eyes rested on him as pert lips shimmered with too much red lipstick.

  “Sonya.” Khalil stood in a mannerly fashion directing her to a chair. “I can’t really say I’m surprised to see you here.” Casting his mother a deliberate gaze, he returned to his seat.

  Before sitting, Sonya air kissed Naomi on the cheek then turned her gaze back to Khalil. “You’re looking well. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve seen you.”

  “As I mentioned the last time I spoke with you, there’s really no need in us seeing each other.”

  “Khalil, I want you to stop this foolishness. You and Sonya were the perfect couple. And I’m not getting up from this table until you’ve changed your mind about this separation.”

  Khalil slowly picked up his silverware and began to slice his steak. “I sincerely doubt the management will allow you to sit here forever, Mother.”

  Naomi gasped.

  Sonya frowned.

  Khalil stuffed a perfectly well done slice of steak into his mouth.

  * * *

  He was back at the office after a grueling hour and a half lunch with his mother and ex-fiancée. He closed his office door and sat down heavily in his chair. How many times would he have to tell them that it wasn’t going to happen? He was not now, or ever, going to marry Sonya Davenport and he could care less about a merger between her father and his father’s company. If the two men wanted to merge, then they could damn well work the deal out amongst themselves. He would not sacrifice his personal happiness for the sake of business.


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