A Soul Mate's Promise

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A Soul Mate's Promise Page 15

by Soprano, Robin H

  I poke him with my hand. “Hey, I’m serious. How should we handle this?”

  “I know you’re serious, Princess. Pop will be fine with me living over at your place for many reasons. First, we’re not children and he really has no say about it. Also, I know for a fact Pop would kill me if, after this weekend, we were casual about our relationship. He knows why I took you away. He once told me if I was going to pursue you that I better be serious and not break your heart, so, I think if I didn’t move in with you he would kill me.”

  “Wait,” I put my hands up. “You and Tony talked about our relationship?”

  Sal rolls his head and his eyes and lets out a big breath. “No, more like Pop told me about our relationship. Gracie, you know how Pop feels about you. He thought I should stay away from you. Then, when I told him I couldn’t, and he saw how you make me feel, he approved. But, he gave me fair warning.”

  I laugh because I can just picture Tony going after Sal about this. “Just thinking about Tony giving you the third degree on us is priceless!”

  “Oh, so glad that’s amusing to you.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say. Having people in my life who care about me makes me giddy. I’m realizing that I’m not just lucky – I’m blessed.

  “So, Princess, would you like to get dressed and go downstairs for dinner? I know you must be starved.”

  “Yes! That restaurant down in the lobby looked fabulous, and if it’s anything like the room service it’s going to be delicious!”

  We get dressed and head down to the lobby that housed an exquisite Restaurant. We enjoy a wonderful dinner in the very busy 95 Cordova restaurant, then we sit at the bar sipping an after dinner cocktail while listening to a little piano music.

  We come back to the room and settled in for our last night. I’m sad that our trip has to end, but I know this man who mended my heart and made me smile and trust again will be with me always. I can feel his love for me in every kiss, in every touch. I can see how he feels about me in his eyes whenever he looks at me. I’ve heard eyes are the mirrors to the soul, and Sal saw deep into mine.

  After we make love again, I say a silent prayer before falling asleep – something I haven’t done a lot of recently. I pray that Sal is my true soul mate. I pray that our love is strong enough that nothing can break us apart.

  Right now, life seems so great, but there’s my intuition nagging at me. Something is wrong. I can’t put a finger on what is troubling me. So, I pray that whatever difficulty I feel is coming for me; I’ll be strong to fight it–with Sal by my side.


  When we arrive home in the late morning, Antonio and Toby seem very happy to see us. But I’m still nervous about how Tony’s going to take all this. He loves us both and I know that so I take a deep breath.

  Still, I feel my face blush when Antonio asks me how the weekend went–and follows it with a wink.

  “It was very nice. I love St. Augustine.”

  “That’s-a-nice, Gracie’ I missed you both. It was–a-too quiet around here.”

  Toby won’t be ignored any more and jumps up on me so he can get lots of my attention. I pat and scratch at his fur, and in return, I get licks and whined at.

  Sal comes in from outside and that father-son look passes between them.

  “Okay, I say firmly. “I’m getting to recognize these glances you two give each other. What’s going on?”

  Sal looks a little guilty and shuffles his feet. “While we were away I had Louie keep an eye on the house. He and Pop saw some guy in a Dodge Ram pick-up drive around and stop in front of your house. Louie approached him, asked what he wanted and the guy said he was lost and drove away.

  “Louie saw him the next day in a dark van but couldn’t get close enough to talk to him again. He might have been the one who broke in last month.”

  My fairytale weekend is truly over. I feel light-headed and sit down. Is this what’s been nagging at me? I clear my throat. I’m not wimping out about this. “Did he get a plate number? Can we do a check?”

  Antonio puts a hand up. “We did–it’s all fake. I called Danny at the police station. They put more patrol cars in the area but really that’s about all they can-a-do unless we catch them red handed.”

  I take a deep breath and Sal sits beside me. “That’s kind of scary. Who is he? What is he looking for?”

  Sal hugs me. “We’ll find out and no one will hurt you. I can keep you safe. I didn’t want you to know any of this–I don’t want you to worry. Gracie, anyone comes close to you I will kill them, you understand?” He puts a hand under my chin to look into my eyes and I hear him but the feeling of impending disaster remains. “Capisce?” he asks, sounding just like his father.

  I can’t do anything but believe him, so I smile and nod. My reward is a quick kiss on the nose.

  * * *

  Sal, Toby and I walk up the pathway to the mansion. From the outside everything looked fine. I was beginning to appreciate that old saying about looks being deceiving.

  “I’m gonna go upstairs and open up some windows,” I tell Sal who was busy going from room to room downstairs. “What are you doing?”

  “Just checking things out,” he answers. “I’m gonna talk to Pop about me moving in here with you. I’ll be right back with some of my things.”

  I give him a seriously nervous look and he smiles from ear to ear. “It’s alright. Pop knows. He’s not blind–it will be fine.”

  “Okay,” I sigh, hoping he’s right. “I trust your judgment. But it still feels awkward.”

  Sal laughs and rattles his head, “I love you Gracie. Just always know that–and so does Pop.”

  * * *

  I can’t wait any longer to call Celine and tell her about my weekend–hell, tell her about my life–so I grab my cellphone and hit the call button.

  “Hey, baby girl! How’s things with Mr. Hottie?”

  “Could not be any better. I will only tell you that we are a perfect fit. And, I mean a perfect fit!”

  “Oh, thank god!” Celine shouts. “I’m so happy for you!” She drops her voice to just above a whisper. “So tell me, is he hung well?”

  I almost drop the phone and my face is so hot it hurts. “Oh my god, Celine–I can’t believe you just asked that! No, no, I take it back. I totally should have seen that coming. I’m just saying, he is beautiful! Everything was great. Just thinking it is making me flush!”

  Celine is all giggles. “Where? When?”

  So, I tell her about our drive in the Viper, our days in the Ancient City and our nights at the Casa Monica.

  “Good, baby. That’s the way it’s supposed be. Hey, I was thinkin’ ‘bout you and your dreams. Have you had any more?”

  “No, I haven’t, but while we were in St. Augustine, I got my tarot cards read. To make a long story short, the psychic told Sal and me that we are old souls and have always been in love. We keep finding each other but there is always something getting in our way to tear us apart, so we keep coming back to get it right.”

  “Holy crap on a cracker! Gracie! That’s incredibly deep. What do you think? You believe it? I think it makes sense, baby.”

  “I know it sounds crazy, but I think there is something to it–those dreams I had are not just normal dreams. I felt like at least I wasn’t nuts. It’s an answer to these dreams and why they give me strong emotional trauma. Sal wasn’t very happy, though. He’s worried it will trigger more dreams.”

  “Wow, Gracie, murder, suicide? Are you sure you’re not upset with all this? That’s a lot to take in. I might have to agree with Sal on this one.”

  “No Celine, really I’m okay. I just hope nothing bad happens to us. I keep feeling something is wrong and I just don’t know what.”

  “Gracie, what could possibly be wrong? Don’t get your panties all twisted–I know your gut has never let you down before but maybe it’s just all the stuff the psychic told you.”

  I fill her in on my divorce settlement and she promises me
a martini celebration. Then I tell her about Tony and Louie’s discovery of the house being watched.

  “But, Sal is moving in here today, so I’m not so worried about being in the house alone. Between him and Toby, I’ll be okay.”

  “Good! Don’t let this get to ya. I gotta gun. You should let Sal teach ya how to use one, too.”

  “I’ve thought about it only recently. I never thought I needed one before now.”

  “Something to think about. Talk to Sal about it, baby. Now listen, you take care, I gotta go. I will see you soon. The SWS has picked the first Saturday in December for the children’s Christmas benefit. I believe it’s the seventh.”

  “Okay. I’ll write it down on the calendar. Antonio and Sal are going with me. That date is familiar…”

  “It’s Pearl Harbor Day,” Celine says.

  “Oh yeah, that’s it. I’ll tell the guys the date and make sure Sal gets a tux.”

  Celine made a yummy noise. “Mmmmm, Sal in a tux. Can’t wait!”

  “Oh go cool yourself off,” I say with a giggle. Call me later in the week for that celebration!”

  “You got it, baby girl. So happy for you! Truly I can breathe and worry less about you.”

  We say our good-bye’s and I hear Sal enter the house. I start to make my way out of my room when I he calls me.

  “Gracie, you still upstairs?”

  I head for the stairs, talking as I go. “Yeah, I was on the phone with Celine. Everything go alright with your dad?”

  At the top of the staircase, I look down. There he stands a duffel bag in one hand and his silver metal briefcase laptop in the other–with Antonio by his side, who reaches a hand out to me and his smile warm as always. I walk down the stairs feeling a bit like a fool.

  “Come here, mio caro.” he motions to me. He takes my hand in his. “Ah my Gracie, I hear you are a little upset over how I would feel if-a- my son moved in with you. You are a good and-respectful gal, I know all this is true or else it would not bother you how I feel. Your parents, God Bless them, have-a- raised you right. Life has thrown you some disappointments. You deserve to be happy and you also make-a-my son very happy. Don’t worry mio caro, I give you both-a-my blessing. I think you two were meant to be.” He pulls my hand to his lips and puts a gentle kiss on my knuckles, then puts it to his cheek. He gazes up at me with his dark eyes.

  “I was-a-not blessed with a daughter, but you are just-a-like one to me. I tell-a-my son to treat you right. I will kill him if he breaks your heart.”

  I burst into laughter and tears at the same time. Sal puts down his stuff and comes to my side putting his arm around my waist.

  “Pop, I won’t break her heart. It took too much to mend it.”

  Antonio nodded, then put up his hands to suggest surrender.

  “Enough with the mushy,” he grunts playfully. “You two get-a-settled and then come over later for dinner. I’ll make-a-something nice and-a-we eat like a family, yes?”

  “Sounds great, Pop. See you later and thanks for that.”

  “I love her too, son. Your momma would have-a-loved to see this.”

  I gave them both a curious look. “I’d like to believe she can,” I offer.

  Antonio wipes his eyes and quickly moves his wheelchair to the door. “See you both later,” he says after clearing his throat. “I got-a-cooking to do.”

  I raise an eyebrow at Sal. “What did you tell him?”

  “I might have mentioned that you feel uncomfortable living together in front of him. So he decided he would talk to you, make you feel better…did it work?”

  Smiling, I shrug. “Yeah, I think it did.”

  * * *

  While we eat, I mentioned to the guys about the SWS benefit on December seventh and mention that they’ll need tuxedos.

  Sal and I also tell Antonio all about what the psychic had told me about the dreams.

  “She said you both were old souls?” Antonio asks.

  I nod. “She says we have been in love before–many times, in past lives. I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m dreaming about.”

  “Caro, when you say dream, what exactly are-a-you dreaming about?”

  I explain about the wars; the uniforms, the smell of leather, and horses and the smoke from the train. I tell him about the leaves and the wind and the noise and confusion. And, the heartbreaking sorrow I wake with.

  Sal picks up the bottle of wine and pours more into all our glasses. “Tell Pop about the newspaper.”

  “What newspaper?” Antonio asks.

  “The one in my dream. It read, The Germans raided the trenches on November 2nd and we lost the 16th Infantry. That’s where Sal in the dream was going and I knew he’d been killed. Sal woke me up that night because I was screaming like a banshee. It felt so real!”

  Antonio is still, staring into space like he’s deep in thought.

  “Pop, you alright?” Sal asks, leaning toward his father.

  “Tony? What happened?” I’m ready to get out of my chair. He doesn’t look good at all.

  Antonio looks back in our direction. He looks as if he’s seen a ghost. “Gracie, have you looked up that date or anything about World War One?”

  “No, why?”

  “Because I believe that’s what really happened. I was trying to remember my history.”

  Sal jumps up from the table. “Give me five minutes to get my computer. Be right back!”

  Tony leans forward and takes my hand. “Does this frighten you, caro?

  I pat his hand and smile. “I’m not sure. If it’s true, and if the gypsy is right, maybe this time we can have a happy ending. I’m not sure I’m psychic, no matter what she says. Or, if I want to do anything about it.”

  I let go of his hand and reached for my wine. Tony picked up his glass and raised it to me. “I am-a-hoping for a happy ending, mia caro.”

  Sal returns, out of breath, toting his hi-tech laptop. He drops into the couch and starts tapping at the keys like a mad man. I just sit there stunned and a little nervous at what he might find.

  “Here… Right here!” Sal shouts, pointing to his screen. I get up from the table and go to read what he’s found. There, lit up for all to see, a piece of American history.

  “My dream really happened. Holy shit!” I say with surprise. “I didn’t believe it!”

  Sal rubs his hand over his face. He’s lost some of his color. “That’s incredible!” he whispers.

  I got back to the table were Tony is still sitting like he’s in a trance. Then I realize his dark eyes are starring at me. Maybe it’s me he can’t believe.

  I gulp down the last of my wine, because god knows I need it right now. “My dreams are from past lives–maybe the psychic was really right. Well, I’m officially freaked the hell out!” I drop into my chair and rest my chin in my hand and I catch Tony’s gaze.

  Sal comes back to the table looking back and forth between his father and me. “I’m at a loss for words here,” he says, putting up his hands. “I didn’t really put much stock into all this. I still don’t think we should live by what the psychic said; old souls, past lives. Sounds like a sci-fi plot. Can this really be happening?”

  Antonio looks at us and whispers, “Anima Gemella.

  I look to Sal for a translation.

  “Soul mates,” Sal says.

  “Soul mates never die.” Antonio speaks again. “It is true. That explains so much. You really are soul mates.”

  * * *

  Richard Boumont was just getting out of a late meeting when his secretary sent him a text.

  Children Xmas benefit 12-7 @ Sawgrass Marriot 7pm. Should I send the usual donation?

  Richard thought for a split second then responded:

  Not yet, must talk with accountant. I will let you know.

  When he arrived back at his penthouse Camille was waiting with martini’s.

  “How did it go? Are our accounts still frozen?”

  Richard grabbed the martini from her and took a big gulp.
“Our private accounts are fine, now. The business accounts are still being looked over. Someone is very slowly stealing from us, making it look like mistakes here and there. There is a little over fifty grand gone and the number is rising. I hope they catch the son-of-a-bitch.”

  Camille tossed back her drink. “Do they have any idea who it is yet?”

  “No. Whoever it is was very smart, left no trail. Probably had this in the works for a long time. I’m sure they will figure it out. In the meantime, I can give Gracie what she wants, cut her loose and then that’s one less thing on my plate. The Children’s Christmas benefit is on December 7th and I’ve got to get a nice donation together– don’t want to give less then I normally do. I don’t want people finding out the company has a money situation–that’s bad publicity for potential clients. I usually give five thousand–I might have to borrow some money from you from your private account if you don’t mind. It would be in the company’s best interest–eventually I’ll pay you back. Now I am so exhausted, I really must go to bed. Are you coming or are you staying up a while longer?”

  “Go on ahead, darling. I’m going to do some work. I’ll be in momentarily.”

  After Richard went to bed, Camille poured another martini. She went into her office and turned on the computer. She sat staring at her bank accounts, heart pounding so hard she heard it in her ears. She’d been raised so poor that there would never be enough to take away all the fear – not really. The idea of loaning Richard money to give away to some kids who didn’t earn it made her skin crawl.

  She was so close to her goal. She tapped on the keys: First Caribbean International Bank. Grand Cayman Island, and put in her password. Up came her statement: 2.5million. She guessed that would have to be enough to get out of here and buy that high rise condo on the beach she had her eye on.

  There’d also be enough left over to get her mother out of that dirty mental institution and into a better facility so she would be set for life. “No one ever helped me or my mom at Christmas or any other time,” She said aloud to herself. “I worked for assholes and stole, begged and borrowed for all I have.”


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