A Soul Mate's Promise

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A Soul Mate's Promise Page 16

by Soprano, Robin H

  I just have to bide my time–a few more thousand and I can disappear. Gracie, where are you hiding that damned necklace?

  * * *

  We spent the month of November forming our own routines in the mansion. Sal’s easy, constant love and affection, not to mention his cooking, made the old place warmer and comfortable. Now that I’d have to find a new place, the house I loathed to be in had become a home.

  We didn’t have a hard time living together. I thought at first we’d bump heads and have to get used to each other’s habits. But like everything I encountered with Sal it was easy and we fit perfectly like pieces in a puzzle. Even Antonio mentioned to us that we were adjusting like we were always meant to be.

  Sal still got up sometimes in the middle of the night but it wasn’t as intense. I encouraged him to tell his father about the imprisonment, knowing that the truth really was freeing, but it wasn’t my story to tell. I had to wait and hope that he’d find his way.

  My dreams calmed down, but apparently my notion that I could turn off my psychic ability was naive. I began getting fuzzy images of things I couldn’t figure out–but all of it felt very familiar.

  * * *

  A week before Thanksgiving I come home from work to find Sal and Antonio in my kitchen. I can tell they’re excited about something – it’s in the air. Toby bumps up against me, wanting to be petted and stroked and I reach down to do that.

  “Something smells very good! I can smell it from outside!” Sal comes around the island and wraps me in a hug. “Welcome home, Princess. How was your day?” “Not bad. What’s going on around here?”

  The two men look at each other. “Gracie”, Antonio speaks up. “Leonard Burns called. Richard is going to sign off and give you the last of the money you asked for. The divorce will be final.”

  Not exactly sure of what I’m hearing, I stand there still wrapped in Sal’s embrace feeling confused.

  “Hey, Gracie?” Sal shakes me gently, then turns to his dad, “I think she’s in shock.”

  “What?” I nearly shout. “WHEN? WHO? How did this happen? I’ve got to sit down–give me some wine.”

  Antonio wheels himself in my direction. “Caro, yes, he is-a-willing to end it. He has bigger problems at-a-the company. He’s a-gonna cut you loose so they can figure out who is stealing from them.” Looking satisfied with this report, he nods at me. “And, the police, and us too, suspect the burglary is tied in with the business–so, Richard was advised to finalize the divorce. Hopefully it should keep you out of the loop.”

  “When?” I ask as eager as a kid the week before Christmas.

  “Either next week or the first week of December,” Sal answers me while handing me a glass of wine.

  Uh oh. “Wait, what about the house? Do I have to move out by then? That will really suck.”

  Antonio laughs, clapping his hands. “No, no Gracie that-a Leonard worked a deal for you. You have six months to find a new place you can afford, or Richard will provide you one of his apartments until you do–rent-a-free.”

  “Really?” I squeak. “When did Richard all of a sudden become so generous–especially toward me?”

  Sal turns, tongs in hand. “It’s probably a recent change of heart now that his accounts are frozen and being examined under a microscope.”

  “Yeah, how about that!” I take a long full sip of a nice cold Chardonnay with crispy oak tones. “So what’s for dinner?”

  “Nothing,” Sal answers. “Pop just roasted some chestnuts to have with the wine. I made reservations–we are all going out to celebrate!”

  It was a perfect ending for a perfect night. Sal made love to me so tenderly, he always handled me as if I could break. Things are good, divorce final, money, a job. The dust seemed to be clearing. Before drifting off I said a silent prayer of thanks. Still, in the back of my head a feeling of sadness still clung to me, some days it was not so strong other days it was all I thought about.

  * * *

  Bright and early the next morning Sal, Toby and I walk the beach, watch the sun come up and chase Toby up and down the water’s edge, then Sal chases me all the way back to Antonio’s house with Toby barking playfully right beside us. My four-legged protector it seems is quite happy to let Sal chase me anywhere he pleases. Toby and Sal have finally become good friends.

  Over our laughter we hear Antonio calling us from his deck. He has the phone to his ear with one hand and is waving us to come to him, with the other.

  When we arrive still laughing and out of breath, he hands the phone to Sal. “Here, say hi to your brother.”

  Sal puts the phone to his ear. “Joe? Hey brother! Yeah, good… we’re good.” Sal goes into the house with the phone. I hang back and stay on the deck with Tony.

  “How are Joey and Mary?” I ask. “Are they okay? You look funny. What’s wrong?”

  Tony laughs. “Oh, no no… they are-a-fine, they want to know if we want to go out there for Christmas and visit.”

  “Really? Don’t you want to go?”

  “I would,” he says, “but, its hard-a-to fly when I’m like this.” He motions at his wheelchair and for the first time that I’ve ever seen, he looks sad about his handicap.

  “We can help you, Tony. It’s not impossible. We have time to figure it out. Let’s plan what days we want to go and Sal and I will call the airlines and see what’s available.”

  Sal sticks his head out the door. “I have to make a phone call. I’ll be right back.”

  “Wait,” I nearly shout before he turns to go back in. “Your brother wants us all to go visit them for Christmas, but Tony is feeling like it would be too hard for him.”

  Antonio grabs my hand. “Caro, could you please call-a-me Pop now? You are like-a-one of my own. Please call me Pop.”

  Sal’s smile was brighter than the sun. I bend down and hug Antonio tight and kiss his cheek. “I love you, Pop!”

  Sal interrupts. “I’m going to call a good friend of mine who happens to be a pilot and has his own private jet–so the flight to California will be comfortable for Pop. Free of charge, and we can bring Toby. Just let me call him and see what two days he can take us and pick us up.”

  “Are you serious, Sal?!” I screech.

  “No joke, Princess. Let me call him. Be right back.” And this time he disappears. I’m still reeling at the idea that Sal – my Sal – has the kind of friends who own private jets. Holy shit!!

  I look over at Antonio, my eye’s bugging out of their sockets. “He’s serious!”

  “Oh yes, Caro. Sal’s got lots of buddies from the service and CIA. I’m–a-sure he can make it happen.”

  “Do you feel better now about going?”

  “Yes Caro, much better. You know, when-a-Mary is ready to give birth I would-a-love to be there to see my only grandson arrive.”

  “I absolutely agree. You should be there. When the time arrives we will get you there.”

  Sal sticks his head out of the door. “ We are going to Napa for Christmas!”

  “When do we leave? What’s the plan?” I ask, and for the second time in two days, I’m thinking about Christmas.

  We go December twenty-second and come back on the twenty-seventh. Is that good with you guys?”

  “Perfect, son. Where do we meet him?”

  “Jacksonville airport. He’ll leave us in San Francisco. Then we’ll rent a van and drive into Napa. Joe has a cottage we can stay in on his property. I’ve never been there, but you went Pop, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, right after your momma died. I went out there for a month–it’s-a- beautiful. You guys are-a-gonna love it.”

  “Wow, Christmas in Napa Valley, California!” I look up at Sal, then over to Pop. “Thank you both for making me a part of your lives and your family.”

  Sal puts his hands on my waist, pulls me to his lips and kisses me. With our foreheads still touching, he whispers, “Thank you–for loving me.”


  Thanksgiving morning, my kitchen is
noisy. Antonio is in charge of the turkey and stuffing, I’m doing both the sweet potato and the green bean casseroles and Sal is stuffing mushrooms and slicing rolls. And Toby… well, Toby is drooling all over the floor and us.

  “Toby, you poor-a-thing. The smell of-a-the turkey cooking is making him crazy.” Antonio makes tisking noises and shakes his head at the dog.

  “Don’t worry, he will get plenty,” I comment, laughing.

  Sal throws a piece of cheese at him and he catches it like a pro. “So spoiled, ”I mutter.

  After a while, with not much else to do and everything cooking or on simmer, I go inside and turn the television on to watch the Macy’s parade. Sal peeks in after a little while. ”Do you need anything?”

  “No thanks, I’m fine. I just love to watch this parade–kind of a nice traditional memory from my childhood.”

  He gives me a loving smile. “Best seat is at home. Did you ever go to the parade?”

  “Once. My father took us. It was brutally cold and there were just way too many people. You are right about the best seat is being home on your couch.”

  * * *

  I wake to loud voices coming from the kitchen. I open my eyes and try to get my bearings. Glancing at the parade, it’s almost time for the big guy in the red suit to make his grand entrance, when I hear Sal and Antonio arguing.

  “I couldn’t get back. Let it go, Pop, will you just let it go?”

  “Your mother asked for-a-you on her death bed. You missed all the last holidays of-a-her life.”

  “ENOUGH POP! Please!” Sal’s pleading.

  I get up quickly and bolt into the kitchen. I see Sal and Antonio staring each other down. They look like two angry bulls. Uh-oh. This is not going to be pretty.

  “No more Pop, I can’t. Please, I don’t want to talk about it.”


  I can feel my body trembling, but I’m not willing to watch the two men I love most in the world, hurt each other.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” I demand.

  Sal turns away from his father. “He’s starting with me about where I was when Mom was sick.”

  I glance at Antonio whose eyes are blood red. He also appears to be getting short of breath. I slowly step to his side. “Pop, are you alright? Can you breathe? Sal, get him some water.”

  Sal brings a glass of water over to his father but Antonio won’t take it. I give Sal a very serious look of disappointment. I take the water glass and hand it to Tony. With shaky hands he sips but won’t glance in my direction.

  “I should go, caro. Please forgive me, Holiday’s are hard

  I step back to get a good look at both of them. “Stop this!” I scolded. “YOU TWO ARE NOT GOING TO FIGHT AND RUIN THIS HOLIDAY! THIS HAS GONE FAR ENOUGH!”

  The two of them glare at me in shock. I’m sure neither one has ever heard me yell at anyone.

  “Gracie, it’s okay, calm down,” Sal says, pain etched into his handsome face.

  “NO, SAL. I will not. You have got to tell him where you were and what happened to you. It’s time. Right now–or I will!”

  Sal knows he is defeated because I’m standing my ground. I know this will help him – and Antonio.

  “What is she talking about, Sal? What happened? Where were you? Talk to me, son.”

  “Why don’t you guys go out to the lanai and talk. Leave Toby in here with me.”

  As Antonio starts for the door, I turn to Sal and he pulls me into a fierce hug. I feel him trembling and I understand how hard this is.

  In a low voice he whispers, “I’m sorry. Gracie. I didn’t want it to come out this way. I was going to tell him, I swear I was.”

  I put my hands on his face and look into his eyes. “I believe that, Sal. But now’s your chance. I think it will help you and I know he is going to understand. He loves you very much.”

  He follows his dad out to the pool deck.

  How does a son tell his father about prison and torture? About the fears and long days and nights of wishing he was home with his mother. Knowing he would probably never see her again….

  A few times I walk by and peek in on them. I see Antonio crying, I see Sal furiously wiping his own eyes. I hear them get loud again–but it turned into laughter.

  When they return to the kitchen, Antonio seems better and Sal seems lighter, as though a huge burden has been lifted. The rest of the day is happy, calm. Maybe now that we all know the truth, now that another ghost is banished, we’re closer than before.

  When we sit down to have our Thanksgiving dinner, Antonio says a prayer of thanks and blessings. I’ve heard it many times before, but today, behind his words, being thankful has more of a heart-felt meaning.

  I’m thankful for them both. Sal by some miracle survived that prison and found me. Some people say there are no accidents in life. Maybe miracles do happen.

  * * *

  I wake up to feather light kisses on the back of my neck that trail down to my shoulder.

  “Wake up, Princess,” Sal whispers in muffled tones. “Hey sleepy head, wake up.”

  I open my eyes and see Sal’s handsome face smiling.

  “What’s going on? What time is it?”

  “It’s about five. Sun won’t be up for hours. But you were mumbling in your sleep.”

  “I was? What was I saying?”

  Still exploring my body with kisses, his voice is muffled. “If I knew, I would tell you.”

  “And when I mumble in my sleep you wake me with kisses?”

  “Yes,” he continues between kisses. “You were starting to panic and I wanted to wake you up calmly. Is it working?”

  “Emm hmmm.”


  Sal rolls me on my back and keeps me secure. He kisses my throat, then my breasts, lightly sucking, first the left one, then the right. I’m about ready to scream with the delightful pain of anticipation. He lets his hand slide down between my legs and slips fingers inside me.

  “Sal,” I moan, thrusting my hips upward.

  “Gracie, you’re so warm.” His breath on my skin makes me tremble. “I need to be in you, now,” he whispers as he thrusts inside and holds me still.

  “Don’t move,” he groans, “I just want to be inside you.” His dark eyes focus on mine. “I love you, Gracianna D’Anella.”

  I just about come undone right then. Lying naked with the man I love buried inside me, eyes piercing into my soul, using my full, given name to proclaim his love is mind blowing.

  “I can stay like this with you, forever.”

  I can’t reply. I’m going to come whether he moves or not. Slowly we move, finding our rhythm. He rolls us over and I’m straddling him, his hands securely on my hips keeping me in place. And I am over the cliff. When Sal follows me into ecstasy, an orgasm vibrates me again. I collapse on top of him. I’m panting so hard, I can barely speak.

  “Is this how you are going to wake me every morning?”

  “It’s a possibility” he says with a smile, as he playfully pats my ass.

  I kiss him. “I love you too, Salvetore Anthony Petroni.”. We rest for a while, our bodies still entwined, until my stomach growled. Sal puts his hand on my belly.

  “You’re hungry, Princess. Let me get your breakfast. What time are you going into work today?”

  “Around ten,” I mutter into my pillow.

  * * *

  We go for our morning walk on the beach, a chilly day but beautiful. Sal and I walk hand in hand while Toby searches the beach for treasures.

  “Gracie, would you do something for me?”

  I stop walking and turn to Sal. He places his hands one on each of my arms. “What’s wrong?” I ask, searching his face.

  “I was thinking about your dreams. On some nights you mumble and appear to be struggling. Maybe you could go talk to a doctor.”

  “Doctor?” I echo. “You mean a psychiatrist?”

  He nods. “Yeah. You could go see the one I was goin
g to. I’m just concerned about you.”

  Now I know he doesn’t understand. Does he think I’m crazy after all? I look down at our sneakers in the sand. Sal coaxes my chin up with his fingers. “It’s just a suggestion. Gracie, sometimes talking about stuff helps bring it to the surface and then you can purge it. It helped me. You know that.”

  “I do know... I just don’t know about it for me. Can I think about it? Maybe after the holidays.”

  “Gracie, do this for me. Sometimes one or two sessions is all you need. I’ll call Dr. Brooks today and see about an appointment.”

  I gaze into Sal’s deep brown eyes. He looks truly worried and for that reason alone I tell him to go ahead and make the call. Might even help this psychic thing.

  * * *

  “Holy mother of god!” I say as I look at the tree in my living room that certainly rivals the one in Rockefeller Center. Every time I come into the room I’m in awe of the largest tree I’ve ever had.

  We had a blast picking it out and Sal only dropped it twice after we got the netting cut free and into the stand.

  Sal battles with the lights while I went off to find my ornaments. When we are finished it really looks beautiful and the smell of fresh fir takes over the room, Pop is worn out by the time we’ve got the ornaments on, so he leaves Sal and me to finish the last touches. Sal hits the switch and we are basking in the glow of a million twinkling red, white and green lights.

  “It’s beautiful, Sal, I love it. Thank you for this” Sal comes over to my side to get a better look.

  “No need to thank me, Gracie-It’s ours together. I love you.”

  We both take a seat on the couch to admire our work and snuggle. Sal takes my hand. “I called Dr. Brooks for you. They got you in on Monday afternoon 3pm.” I tense a little. I know I agreed to go, but I’m not feeling happy about it. He gives me a little squeeze. “It’ll be fine. Just talk to him” Feeling nervous I quickly change the subject.


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