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A Soul Mate's Promise

Page 21

by Soprano, Robin H

Scratching his head some more, he responded almost excitedly. “Yes, a few more things. Sal, one time you muttered on about Germans raiding trenches and then it just went dark. Gracie had a dream about WWI and that was the puzzle piece for me right there. And her latest dream of WWII….” Dr. Brooks smiled and shook his head in amazement.

  “I’ve got to tell you, she mentioned Pearl Harbor and the USS Oklahoma. Now Sal, in a session we had a few months ago, I wrote here that you were mumbling on, but, I managed to hear the mention of a fiancée again, and Hawaii. You also went into a bit of a trauma about explosions, fire and being trapped on a ship. Again I thought it was your mind compensating. It wasn’t until Monday during Gracie’s visit that I started to come to conclusions. Never did I put much belief in the theory of past lives, but I have been reading up since Gracie came in. I have to be honest with you both- I am stunned and almost speechless over these comparisons.”

  Lifting her hand, Gracie approached the subject of the psychic. “Dr. Brooks, going back to Amina, the psychic. She told us about being old souls and soul mates. We were always together and a trauma has always separated us”.

  “Yes, I remember you mentioning that. I don’t usually put stock into that sort of thing either, but it looks like I am getting enlightened. I suppose all of this is plausible.”

  Sal sat forward in his seat. “Did I ever mention names?”

  “Ah,” the doctor lifted a finger, “not really. Every time I asked you about who you were, your response was vague or you would say you were a soldier. I have asked on occasion who your fiancé is, but you always say Gracie. Hence my thinking you’re just mixing things up since she is a constant in your life as of now.”

  Sal and Gracie sat holding hands tight, listening to the doctor go on.

  “Let me tell you what I have found. Sal, you and Gracie both have told me about how you met. Now, both stories are a little different but you both have said the attraction was magnetic, and familiar.

  “Past life regression is a reincarnation of our souls. We may have lived multiple lives and we keep finding each other or should I say the heart recognizes each other even when our appearance isn’t what we are now. They say the souls know. There is a sudden feeling of familiarity, and perhaps a feeling of safety. For Gracie, meeting you was her jolt of recognition, and hence she has dreams. This can also happen with family members or best friends. Our souls seem to seek out each other over and over. It’s not always a romantic thing.

  “Sal, you were repressing memories from Iraq, Bosnia and a few other missions. Under hypnosis, past life regression came out, but it didn’t surface until after you met Gracie. I wrote down what you told me that day before I put you under.”

  Doc, I met a princess named, Gracie. I don’t know what it is, but I have to be near her. It’s like I have been missing her my whole life. Something about her calms the crazy in my head.

  For you Sal, that was your awakening.”

  Sal put a hand up to his scruffy chin and scratched. “I got to wrap my head around this. It’s all so unbelievable and hard to rationalize.” He took Gracie’s hand and brought it to his lips, giving it a peck. “Gracie, what are you thinking?”

  She took a deep breath and exhaled. He was almost afraid of what she had to say…

  “I am very pleased with what Dr. Brooks has surmised. “I knew this,” she said, eyes sparkling. “I knew, I felt it in my heart. Those dreams were very real. I could smell things and feel things. Emotionally I was affected by it. Normal dreams don’t do that. I believe it, Sal. The day I met you I looked into your eyes and it was a shock. Like Dr. Brooks said, a jolt of recognition. I just knew.”

  They left Dr. Brooks’ office with a tentative appointment for January. He wished them a wonderful Christmas and a great trip to Napa and sent them off with a short list of books that might be useful to their quest for answers.

  * * *

  Later that evening as I was getting into bed, Sal was deeply engrossed in the book we’d stopped to buy on the way home.

  “Any good?” I ask.

  He looks up from the book, his serious expression relaxing as I climb in and snuggle under his arm.

  “Yeah, it’s . . . just so hard to comprehend. I need time to wrap my head around it and let it soak in.”

  “Why is it so hard to believe? Your dad believes it and so do my friends.”

  “Maybe I could believe it more if I had dreams like you do. When I’m hypnotized I don’t remember anything. When Dr. Brooks tells me I said these things, it’s not real to me.” He closed the book and wrapped an arm around me. “I do know without a doubt, I love you and we are meant to be together.”

  Sal gazes at me with sleepy eyes, then he smothers my mouth in a searing kiss and his tongue searches out mine. His hands move up and down my body, setting little fires all over me.

  As he rolls on top of me, I feel his hardness press against me. He pauses for a moment to look at me as if he is waiting for permission.

  I arch my back, coaxing him on. His mouth once again seals on mine. I hear a thump as the book falls to the floor… along with my panties.

  * * *

  Christmas is fast approaching as I send cards, bake cookies, wrap presents and get some shipped. An unexpected call from my brother Steve is a delightful gift.

  He tells me he will be celebrating Christmas in Haiti at the mission post along with the other missionaries, but he’s going to have a few days off right after Christmas and he wants to come see me for New Years.

  I’m thrilled, of course and I tell him all I can about Sal and the abbreviated version of everything else.

  “I’m spending Christmas in Napa with Sal and his family,” I conclude with giggles. “We will be home on the twenty-seventh.

  “Perfect,” my brother says. “I can be in by the twenty-eighth, then I leave on the second of January. I’ll see ya then, sister dear. Have fun and Merry Christmas!”

  * * *

  The morning of the twenty second of December I’m getting ready to leave for the airport and going over things in my mind. I’ve shipped presents to Napa ahead of us and made a fresh batch of cookies to bring to Mary and Joe. That is if they make it… maybe I’ll hide them in a suitcase to be sure.

  I pull out a long black jersey knit cotton skirt that feels like sweat pants. It has a slit to my knee and a drawstring waist with a matching hoodie that zips up the front with pockets. I slide on my chunky sandals knowing I can take them off and put my feet up on the plane.

  “You ready to go, Gracie?” Sal shouts as he hauls suitcases out of the house and into Pop’s van.

  “Yes, Toby is out back and I just want to check all the doors before we go.”

  I call for Toby, then do a sweep of all the doors making sure they are locked up good. Sal joins me in the process and does a double check upstairs.

  “I told Lou to come and drive around a few times to check on things. He’ll keep a watch out but I’m sure it’s going to be fine,” Sal reassures me.

  We set the house alarm, pile in the van and head to Jacksonville Airport.

  We arrive, park and make our way to the terminal that services the private planes. We are through security in a flash. Sal sees his friend and waves.

  A tall thin man with short-cropped brown hair and ice blue eyes strides over to us. “Sal! Merry Christmas, mate!” They hug like two drunken sailors and I can’t hide my grin.

  “Good to see you, man,” Sal says to his buddy. “Hey thanks for helping us out. I appreciate it.”

  “Oh, no worries then. Always a pleasure to be in the company of a true mate.”

  Turning and pulling me by the hand Sal introduces us. “Nick, this is the love of my life, Gracie, and my father, Antonio.”

  “Pleasure to meet you both. Ah and who do we have here?” Nick squats down and lets Toby have a sniff.

  “That would be Toby,” I answer. “It will be his first time to fly.”

  “Oh, he is a handsome boy. No cargo hold for you on
this flight boy. You get to sit with your mum in the human section.”

  “Are you from the U.K, Nick?” I love the accent.

  “No, I’m an Aussie, but everyone gets it confused.”

  “Have you been a pilot for a while?”

  “Twenty years! I am in the air more than on the ground. Have no fear, it’s a good day to fly.”

  He gives me a wink and a smile. “Right, if the inquisition is over, why don’t we make our way out? After you.” He gestures with his hand and bows to the glass doors that slide open with motion detection.

  We walk on the tarmac and up a flight of stairs that enter the plane. Toby is the first to trail his way in. I look up at the jet, a silver exterior with a red metallic stripe running along the body.

  I make my way inside and stand in awe of the elegant interior. My face must tell it all because when Sal turns to see where I am, he chuckles. Pop gets a ride up in a special chair lift and we help him settle into one of the white leather recliner’s.

  “Isn’t it something?” Sal says. “Come, let me show you around. This jet is a 2010 Bombardier global XRS. Nick bought it last year. It’s his baby.”

  As I make my way through the fourteen-passenger jet, I take in the white leather recliner seats on the right and a long white couch on the left with black and red throw pillows. A black plush carpet covers the floor. In the back is a black mirrored wall with a door. I walk through it and can’t believe there’s a galley kitchen equipped with microwave and coffee maker and black granite counter tops.

  Behind the galley is a room with four white leather club chairs, a shiny black conference table and wifi hook ups. In the corner is a door that is marked: LAVATORY.

  Does the plane meet your standards then?” a voice asks.

  I turn to see Nick with his hands at his hips, his smile proud and friendly. Sal is right behind him.

  “Yes, it’s spectacular. I’ve only flown commercial, so I’m a bit speechless!”

  “I’m glad you like her. Alrighty then, everyone take your seats and let’s get this baby up, shall we? Sal, how would you like to join me as first mate and get her up?”

  Sal nods and rubs his hands together. “I’d love to. Sounds great.”

  “Wait a minute,” I stop them, holding up a finger, “if I may cut into this bro-mance, Sal, you can fly a plane?”

  He frowns, then smiles. “I can make my way around a cockpit. I’m not a seasoned pilot like Nick, but, I can fly a plane.”

  “SHUT UP!” I exclaim.

  Sal laughs and tugs me toward him so I slam up against him. “I’m special agent secret spy guy, remember?”

  He looks at me with a little smile playing on his lips as he places his arms around me and squeezes my ass with both his hands.

  “Did I tell you how cute you look today? He kisses me hard and quick. “Princess,” he growls in my ear, “when I’m done getting this plane up, I’d like to see you in the back room on that conference table.”

  “On…ttthe…con.. c..conference table?” I stutter and my breath hitches in my throat.

  Sal puts a finger under my chin and coaxes me to look him in his eyes. “You’re so adorable, and you would look even more adorable laid out on that table. If I don’t make love to you soon I’m going to explode.”

  I’m stunned into silence and find the use of my brain malfunctioning and it’s impossible to speak. I realize my mouth is hanging open when Sal gently closes it with the tip of his finger. He kisses my nose and pulls back quickly. “You alright?”

  “What?” I barely manage.

  Sal shakes his head. “Okay, Princess, get to your seat and buckle up.”

  I take a seat across from Pop. Toby is already at home on the couch with his head on top of a pillow. I buckle myself in and smile excitedly.

  “Here we go! You excited, Pop?”

  “Si, this-a-gonna be a good trip, we all together for Christmas.”

  We hear the screech of the engines come to life. Then Nick’s voice comes over the intercom telling us we are ready to take off and what time we should land in San Francisco. The temperature is a mild fifty-eight degrees, the skies ahead are clear, so relax and enjoy the flight.

  In the cockpit Sal sat in the co-pilot’s chair so the co-pilot takes a seat just outside the door and buckles himself in. He smiles and nods at me. “Ma’am.” I smile back.

  Soon we are speeding down the runway and rising into the blue sky. I feel the lift off in my stomach and as we climb to altitude, Toby whines and cocks his head, not entirely happy.

  Antonio calls for him and on shaky paws, Toby slowly moves to sit on the floor between us. Reaching for him, I pet the scruff of his neck, noting his body is shaking a little.

  After about twenty minutes, we level off, our ears pop back to normal and Toby is back on the couch falling asleep. Sal appears out of the cockpit and the co-pilot goes back in with Nick to resume his station.

  “Good job! We’re alive!” I say, laughing.

  “Really, it was all Nick,” Sal says. “But it was all familiar–once I got in the seat–a lot of my training came back.”

  “Did you have to fly much at your job?” I ask.

  He takes the seat next to me and reaches for my hand. “Very little. When I was Marine in special ops, I flew helicopters a few times, but mostly I was jumping off the copters and planes.”

  He changes the subject. “Nick tells me there are snacks and champagne for us in the galley. You hungry now or should we wait? We have about a six-hour flight.”

  “Maybe wait a little longer. I’m not that hungry yet.”

  “Really? That’s a first–you’re always hungry. Are you feeling okay? You’re not air sick, are you?”

  “No Sal, I’m fine,” I laugh. “I love flying–it’s peaceful. Toby had a moment when we took off, but he’s calmed down now and getting sleepy.”

  Sal taps me on my leg and points to Pop, “Looks like someone else is sleeping.”

  Sal got up and finds a blanket and drapes it over Pop. “Would you like one, too?”

  “I’m fine for now, maybe later, I might need a nap after my initiation into the Mile High Club,” I whisper.

  I pull out a magazine to thumb through then glance back at Sal. Now he’s the one stunned, a devilish smile playing shyly across his lips.

  He sits down and again takes my hand. He kisses it and reclines in his seat, laughing.

  * * *

  After a few hours I get up and use the lavatory. On my way back through the galley, Sal is pouring us some Champagne.

  “One for you and one for me.” He hands me a glass. We clink our glasses together then sip. The Champagne is nice and chilled and the carbonation dances all the way down my throat with a nice fruity after taste. “Oh that’s good,” I purr.

  He picks up the bottle to read the label. “Mumms,” he says. “They’re in Napa–Nick got it for us.”

  “Nice!” I drink some more. “Remind me to thank him later.”

  Sal takes me by the hand and leads me back to the room with the conference table. We look out the tiny round windows and watch as the landscape sweeps by below us.

  “We’re just about to change into the Mountain Time zone,” Sal comments. “So, I guess a few more hours to go.”

  I finish my champagne. Sal brings the bottle and pours a little more into my glass. He picks up his glass and tosses back the remaining liquid.

  I take a few more gulps of my champagne, my eyes on him the whole time. Slowly he reaches for my glass, placing it beside his. Cupping my face in his hands he comes in swift for a kiss, parting my lips with his and I taste the sweet Champagne on our tongues. He draws me in close, our bodies press together. I tangle my fingers in his wavy hair.

  “Gracie,” he groans. Still frantically kissing me. I….I… love you and..…I… want to ask you to…

  “What, Sal? Ask me to....?”

  I’m so hot I can barely breath. I feel my need for him in every part of my body as I grab at him

  He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. I can feel his arousal about to bust through his jeans as his hands clasp me tight against him.

  He places me on that big black table and unzips his pants. Yanking my skirt up higher, I lie back. He tugs at my panties and I feel them slide off past my bare feet. Sal grabs my legs one in each hand and slides me to the edge of that table. As he trails kisses down my throat, I grind my hips against him, urging him on. He enters in one swift move. My breath catches in my chest.

  “Gracie.” Sal hisses my name. He’s not as gentle as normal, a blinding passion drives his thrusts. “Oh Gracie,” he moans. “Oh my god, I had to be inside you.” He pushes and pumps. His whisper is raw. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

  “No..” I beg him, “don’t… stop.” A moan escapes my throat. He spreads my thighs farther apart and I perched up on my elbows, feeling the orgasm rise as he pounds into me. “Sal, I’m gonna…!!”

  “Me too!” he growls.

  Trembling with pleasure and exhaustion, I collapse back on the table, my arms giving out. Sal lifts the bottom of my hoodie and places some kisses all over my belly. When our breathing slows he helps me down. Dizzy with shaky legs, I have to find my balance. Sal holds onto me until I do.

  “That was hot,” I laugh shakily.

  Sal is smiling. “Hell yeah it was–you should have seen how sexy you were on that table. I couldn’t help myself. Was I too rough with you? I don’t ever want to make you…”

  I shut him up with a kiss. I break away and stare at him. In a breathy voice I repeat, “It. Was. Hot!” I push away from him to go into the bathroom to clean up, scooping up my panties in the process. Sal tugs my arm, stopping me.

  “Gracie, wait please. I want you to know I always make love to you. I don’t ever want you to feel as if you’ve been fucked or used. You mean too much to me–I love and respect you with all my heart. I…I..want you to be......”

  “Sal, nooo…” I cut him off. “I don’t think that! Not ever! I know you do. Our passion and love for each other is growing stronger. I know you love me. I love you. So much I swear it hurts.”


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