A Soul Mate's Promise

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A Soul Mate's Promise Page 31

by Soprano, Robin H

“Mr. Boumont gave her money and I drove her to get an abortion. Not-a-too long after that, we heard Nancy went insane and got put away. I never knew what happened to little Carolann.”

  “Revenge,” says Dan. “She grew up, got help from the state, changed her name, changed her hair, even got men to pay for plastic surgery and a new nose. Turns out she was stealing from Boumont all along–was gonna take her mother out of the nut house and head to Grand Cayman islands.”

  “But why try to kill Gracie? She had nothing to do with any of that.”

  “Gracie has a diamond necklace that was given to Nancy after the abortion, by Mr. Boumont. Mrs. Boumont demanded it back. Told her not to put up an argument or she’d call child welfare, but as it turned out, that happened all on its own.”

  I think about Gracie laying in a hospital bed attached to monitors–in a coma–and I’m so furious I could punch a hole in the wall.

  “Because of all this crazy bullshit,” I spit out through clenched teeth, “Gracie almost died! Pop, didn’t Richard know who she was?”

  “Probably not, son. Richard was away at schools most of the time–he was never home more than a week at a time. He is a little older than Camille–he would not-a have paid any attention to her–she was a little girl.”

  My fists are clenched tight enough to hurt. “Where is that son of a bitch, anyway? Does he know what he brought into his life–and now ours?”

  Dan answers. “He is on his way home now from Boston. He was away on business–but we called him–he knows some, not all.”

  “It was a necklace…” mutters Antonio to himself.

  “What? Pop? You say something?” My eyes flicker in his direction.

  “A diamond necklace. I was asked to drop a little present off to Nancy a month or so after her procedure–I didn’t know what it was and I no ask. It was-a-the diamond necklace that Luann gave to Gracie.”

  Pop looks nauseated and very tired after learning about Camille James and her mother. I can’t afford anything to happen to him now, too. I rub my hand over my face and put on a small smile. It’s the best I can do. I’m tired, too.

  “Pop, why don’t you go home for a while, get some rest. You know I’ll call if there’s a change.”

  “I can take him.” Officer Dan offers.

  “So tell me Dan, I assume Camille hired the perp to steel Gracie’s necklace at the benefit, then?

  “Yep, correct. We also got a full confession. Camille knew you were away, so she went to pay Gracie a visit, took a gun, but just to scare her. But when she got there, she noticed Gracie was already in a bad way, saw the prescriptions and drugged her tea. We’re just glad you got there when you did Sal.”

  “My fiancée is in a coma–I wasn’t quick enough,” I growl from deep within my chest.

  “She’s alive, Sal,” he answers, “she’s going to make it.”

  Dr. Rosaro, stethoscope draped around his neck, finds us in the lounge and motions at me with his hand. “Gentlemen,” he says, “I ah… need to talk to Sal.”

  My heart stops. “What’s wrong?”

  The doctor looks at Officer Dan and Pop. “Please excuse us; I need to talk to Mr. Patroni alone. Let’s go back down to Gracie’s room, Sal.”

  “That’s our cue,” Dan says to Pop as he starts for the door. Pop lifts his chin at me to get my attention. “I won’t leave yet. I gonna be right-a-outside the door.”

  I give him a nod as he rolls out of the room.

  Back in Gracie’s room, two nurses are hooking up another machine. Oh my god, now what?

  I walk over to Gracie’s bedside and touch her fingertips. Dr. Rosaro glances at the nurses. “Go ahead, hook it up” he says.

  “Okay, what’s this about?” I say, pointing to the new equipment as they are pulling up Gracie’s medical gown and gently placing her legs in stirrups. “Doc, you want to tell me what the hell that is?”

  “Sal, as we kept checking Gracie’s blood I kept getting a reading of high level hormones. That can indicate a lot of things, but the last blood test we did came up positive for a pregnancy. I’m guessing you didn’t know.”

  My legs go weak and I can’t feel the floor beneath my feet. My head spins and a choking sob gets caught in my throat. Pregnant?

  “Nurse, help Mr. Patroni to a chair please. And get him some water.” The doctor taps my shoulder. “Mr. Patroni–Sal–can you hear me?”

  I nod and swipe at my forehead. “Pregnant? She’s pregnant? She thought she couldn’t… she had miscarriages…she thought she was a little too old now to…”

  “She’s right at the cusp–it can happen,” the Doctor says, cutting me off. “I’m concerned about the head trauma and the drugs in her system–we want to see if there’s a heartbeat. We’re going to give her an internal ultrasound–we will be able to detect a fetus and a heartbeat.”

  I watch, still in shock from the news, as the nurse inserts a metallic wand into Gracie. A black and white screen displays pictures of her uterus. They show me the womb and a tiny, black, blinking dot.

  “There it is, doctor–we have a heartbeat,” the specialist says as she points to the screen. My eyes lock on it–that little spot twinkling at me. I bend over to Gracie and kiss her forehead. A baby! I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, so I just thank God they are both alive.

  Doctor Rosaro eyes the little dot and smiles. “Sal, looks like you’re going to be a father–I’d say August, maybe September the latest. She’s about nine weeks along. So far we have a good clear heartbeat. All we can do is hope she doesn’t miscarry while she’s recovering.”


  I put on a long pale-blue dress with the help of my ladies in waiting. They brush my hair and adorn me with jewels and place a small tiara on my head. The sleeves of my dress are almost long enough to touch the floor and the material floats weightlessly as I walkabout.

  I stride through a dimly lit hall made out of massive blocks of stone and the air has a damp musky aroma. There are two guards placed at every entry way and servants scurrying about. My ladies flank me as they escort me out into the castle yard. The air is fresh, the sun bright, and a cool breeze pushes white fluffy clouds east over the sea.

  Under enormous gold and maroon-colored tents the servants prepare for the feast. Smoke fills the air with the smell of roasting meats and rows of tables are covered with an array of pastries and fruits.

  “Ah, there you are, daughter. Are you ready for the Bishop’s feast?”

  “Yes, mother–Your Majesty”. I bow before the small dark-haired, blue-eyed woman. My heart recognizes her as Celine.

  “Come along then, your sisters are already seated.”

  I follow her up a few wooden steps under a tent that has a view of the procession about to begin.

  Trumpets sound and men mill about getting into their places. A tall man dressed in a dark cloak and breeches stands on a podium.

  “Welcome all, to the Bishop’s Feast. Today we honor the Knights Templar for their victorious battle at Malta. Brother Bishop Sabastion will do the honor’s.”

  I smile as I watch my uncle, the Bishop, head to the podium. He is a tall man with dark eyes and when he glances in our direction, my heart recognizes him as Antonio.

  “Good Day, ladies and gentlemen and Your Majesty, Queen Josephine de la Guerche. I am pleased to announce our victory in Malta. Our reinforcements from Sicily arrived and we demoralized the Turkish troops and incited them to abandon the siege of the remaining Christian forts!”

  Everyone at court stands and cheers the knights’ victory. Two big iron gates open and the Knights Templar come galloping in on their horses. They were in white robes, holding shields that bare a Red Cross.

  The horses are also draped in white clothes with holes cut around the eyes.. The knights ride in, waving their swords to all. One in particular slows and stops by our area, he trots up close aside me, and he and his horse bow.

  “My lady,” he announces with a wide smile.. My heart flutters at the familiar,
handsome knight for he owns my heart. His long wavy hair and deep brown eyes–yea–even the scruff of his beard. My heart pounds and my soul knows that he is Salvatore.

  I nod and return his smile. “M’lord Marsilio,” I say as calmly as I can. “Pleasure to see you have returned victorious.”

  “Will I see m’lady at the feast table and would it please you to be seated at your side?”

  “You shall,” I answer. He continues to smile as he rides off on his horse. My pulse quickens at the sight of him and I gently put my hand on my belly.

  * * *

  I wake to the sound of Gracie’s heart monitor beeping faster. My head snaps up and I lean over her…

  “GRACIE?” I shout, “GRACIE?”

  Before I know what’s happening, a nurse comes through the doorway and checks on her.

  “It’s okay, Mr. Petroni, her heart rate sped up a bit but she’s okay. Sometimes they get agitated or perhaps she’s dreaming–but I see nothing to be alarmed about. Try holding her hand–it may help.

  I reach over and gently hold one of Gracie’s bandaged hands. I hope she’s dreaming something happy. I give her hand a little squeeze and tell her I’m here.

  The nurse smiles. “Good, keep it up. She’s leveling off.”

  Gracie’s heart rate and pressure returned to normal. Sitting here I feel so helpless I could cry. Does she know she’s carrying our child?

  I think of how scared she must have been, thinking I was going to be killed, when all along it was her we should have worried about. Gracie’s premonitions were about her safety, not mine.

  Later in the afternoon, Pop comes back to the hospital. I ask him to stay with Gracie so I can go home, clean up and pick up some of Gracie’s things like warm slippers and a nightshirt. I need her phone so I can call her brother.

  Pop comes in and looks over at Gracie. “Hello, mio caro, Pop is here. I gonna stay so Sal can-a-get you some things at home. Toby is well. Veronica removed the bullet from-a-his shoulder and he is recovering at her place. He is a lucky boy,” he says, chuckling as he pats Gracie’s leg. Very-very lucky boy.”

  * * *

  When I return to the hospital a few hours later, I get to the ICU door, identify myself so I can be buzzed through, only to be told she’s no longer here.

  “I’m sorry, what does that mean?” I say to the intercom box on the wall. She was alive and sleeping when I left…

  “Ms. Boumont has been moved to a private room.”

  Before I can pursue it, though, I hear Pop’s wheelchair coming down the hallway. He turns the corner and motions me to follow him.

  “She’s-a still sleeping, but they moved her to a room where we can stay with her without upsetting other patients. Nothing has-a changed since you left.” He looks at me. “You look a little better. But you need some sleep, son.”

  I sigh. “I know, Pop. I’ll get some when everything calms down. I had to make some calls, check the house, clean up the storm damage a little.”

  We get to her new room and I put Gracie’s things off to the side, retrieve the cell phone charger, and plug in her phone.

  Soon, I see all the missed calls and texts from Celine and Maggie. First, I call her brother and tell him everything I can. He says for me to keep him posted on her prognosis and he’ll be home as soon as possible.

  As I’m just about to call Celine, she comes busting through the door of Gracie’s room.

  “Oh my god…Jesus Christ, have mercy! What a nightmare! I called the police because I couldn’t get a hold of her – I wanted them to go check on her, and all they told me was she was in the hospital. She looks over at Gracie and starts to cry. “Sal, is she gonna be all right? Look at her… What happened to her hands?”

  “She has a concussion and her hands got cut from the barnacles under the pier. Camille pushed her off the pier - she was trying to hold on but the ocean was too rough that night.”

  Glancing at Pop, then back to Celine, I take a breath. “We got some news yesterday. I want to know if Gracie mentioned that she was pregnant?”

  Celine’s head snaps in my direction, her big blue eyes as wide as saucers. “PREGNANT? Oh my god! Gracie’s pregnant? Sal, she never said anything and I’ll be the first to tell you, she didn’t have a clue–she thought she was sick because of her nerves–she couldn’t keep any food down. You can even ask your father here,” she motions with her hand toward Pop. “I was going to take her to the hospital because she wasn’t right–she was out of her mind worried about you! I’m glad you’re home now. You are never leaving her again, right?”

  “No, I’m never leaving her again…Ever!”

  “Oh my god, oh my god, a baby!” Celine squealed. “Poor thing, she doesn’t know yet. How long has she been in a coma?”

  “A few days now. She’s stable for the most part and the baby’s heart is still beating. We’re just waiting for the swelling in her brain to go down. Camille drugged her up good. She was too weak to swim.”

  “That bitch!” Celine barked. “Don’t even say her name. Just y’all wait till I get a hold of Richard!”

  I toss Celine a look. “Me first,” I growl.

  “Sal, did you call her brother and her girlfriend Maggie? I can do it if you like,” she offers.

  “I talked to Steve, but I didn’t call Maggie yet. That would be great if you can call her–thanks.”

  “I’m on it.” Celine says as she grabs her cell from her purse and walks out into the hallway.

  I sit back down next to Gracie and put my head down, close my eyes. “She didn’t know she was pregnant, Pop. She didn’t know.”

  “It’ll be all right son, it will be all right.”

  My father’s tone is soothing, but I hear it crack just a little.

  I lift my head just enough to see Pop keeping watch over us.

  “As soon as she is awake and well, I’m marrying her.”

  * * *

  The day’s celebration feast was amusing, everyone frolicking about in merriment. Minstrels played music and dancing was enjoyed by all.

  Sir Marsilio sat next to me and told me of his journey and victorious battles.

  “I am happy thee are safe, m’lord. I’ve much to tell you since last we’ve met.” I smile and look away for a moment.

  He stands and holds out a hand to me. “Shall we walk, Princess?”

  I take his hand and we take our leave of the table. We choose the garden for our stroll and as soon as we are out of everyone’s sight, he grabs my waist and holds tight, taking my mouth as though he is taking gulps of air. I push back, but just a little.

  “My lord!” I breathe.

  “Forgive me, Princess, but I have missed these lips and thy smile–it is all I think about. I cannot wait for you to be my wife. Tell me you have missed me, tell me you love me–all I think about is our last night when I snuck into your bed chamber before I left.”

  I laugh and hug him. “Yes, your grace, I have missed thee and I love thee with all my heart and soul. Our last meeting, you left something behind with me.”

  “I did?” he replies with a furrowed brow. “I can’t imagine what I could have left. Pray, tell me, my love.”

  I take his hand from my waist and gently place it on my belly. At first, a look of confusion crosses his face, then within a moment, his eyes are wide and he grins. “You are with my child!”

  “I am, m’lord. Are you pleased?”

  “Am I pleased?” He echoes, grabbing and kissing me. “I am delirious with joy! My flesh and blood grows within you. With our love we created life! We must tell the Queen at once–we are to wed immediately!”

  * * *

  As Maggie made her way to baggage claim at the Jacksonville airport, she noticed how peaceful and empty it seemed to be–like it was the calm before a storm. But of course, the storm had finally passed.

  While she waited for her bag and the painting she’d carefully wrapped to come along the conveyor, she sat and turned her cell back on.

had to try Gracie again. She was very worried she couldn’t get a hold of her for days! As her cell chimed on, she noticed missed calls: two from Gracie’s friend Celine. The hair on the back of her neck stood at attention! I knew it–something’s very wrong.

  She hit the call back and Celine answered before the ring went through.

  “Maggie? Hi, honey. I have something to tell you about Gracie–she’s in the hospital.”

  “HOSPITAL!” Maggie yelled. “What happened? Is she hurt?”

  “Well, she’s had a head trauma–it’s kind of a long story, but..”

  “Celine, I’m in Florida. I just landed at Jacksonville airport and I’m waiting on my bags. I knew something was wrong! I felt it–she wasn’t answering her phone so Mike put me on a plane as soon as I could get one. I’m here! Where is she? Where is Sal?”

  “Maggie sweetie, you stay put. I’m on my way right now to get you. I’ll be there in half an hour!” The call disconnected.

  Maggie sat frozen in place, stunned. Hospital? Head trauma? What in the hell had happened? When she calmed down, she called home and let Mike know what little she knew.

  * * *

  The Knighting ceremony is beginning. Uncle Sabastion is dubbing the men from the battle.

  Everyone is gathered in the great hall. My mother the Queen, my sister Princess Anne, and my step-sister Lady Caterina all arrive and take to their seats.

  Lady Caterina gazes upon Sir Marsilio and me as I take his arm. Her icy stare makes me shudder.

  “Are you all right, Princess?” Marsilio whispers.

  “Yes, I am fine. Shall we sit here?” I gesture with my hand. I can feel her cold glare on me.

  I return her stare with my own–and almost jump out of my seat. My heart recognizes her troubled soul–as Camille.

  * * *

  “She’s running a little temperature,” the nurse tells me while taking Gracie’s vitals. “It’s not serious, but we’ll keep an eye on it. I’m going to get her a warm blanket.”


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