A Soul Mate's Promise

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A Soul Mate's Promise Page 32

by Soprano, Robin H

  “Is that normal?” I ask.

  “Yes sir–her body is healing. We just want to be cautious with the pregnancy. Don’t worry.”

  I get up and take the few steps to Gracie’s bedside. I kiss her forehead and she feels cold to my lips. “Hang in there, Princess. I’m still here waiting.” When the nurse comes back with the blanket, she places it on top of her.

  “We’re going to put a little something in her IV. I’ll come back in a while and take her temperature again.”

  I watch the medicine slide down the tube and into Gracie’s I.V. I touch her upper arm and cheek. “She feels so cold,” I say to Pop, who is sitting in the corner with a newspaper.

  “Rub her feet, son. Move her legs a little and-a get her blood circulating.”

  “You think that’s all right to do?” I ask. I’m afraid to touch her too much–I don’t want to hurt her. Tears well in my eyes. “What if she is already in pain and I don’t know it? Pop, I feel so helpless. I can’t fix this and it’s driving me insane!”

  “I know how you feel son. I felt like that with-a-your mother. But, we know Gracie is gonna pull through this. I know she will.”

  After I massaged her feet and gently moved her legs from side to side I re-tucked the blanket. Then I put my ear to her chest. I always do, I love to listen to her heart. I place a kiss on it, then take the chair beside her, resting my head down on the bed.

  * * *

  Maggie made it to the hospital with Celine within almost two hours from the time she landed. She followed her through the halls and up to Gracie’s room. On the way, Celine filled her in on the whole crazy story

  Oh my god, this is bad. Maggie saw Sal laying with his head down on the edge of the bed next to Gracie’s bandaged arms. Her breath caught in her throat, and Sal’s head snapped up. His hair was a wavy mess–he had deep dark circles under his eyes with what appeared to be almost a full beard. He looked so morose Maggie’s heart broke for him and Gracie. A loud sob escaped her chest and she held on to the bed rail. Celine reached for her.

  “She’s okay, Maggie, she’s gonna be just fine, you hear me?” Sal stood up and walked around the bed to greet her.

  “Maggie…I’m, Sal.”

  “I know who you are,” she blubbered. “I’m so glad you saved my friend…”

  Sal hugged her without saying anything and let her cry on him until someone handed her a tissue. She found a chair and collapsed into it.

  Then she noticed Antonio and gave him a hello and a sad smile. She hadn’t seen him in years. She took a deep breath, calmed her herself, got to her feet and went to Gracie.

  “Honey, it’s Maggie. I’m here. I made you a special something and just had to bring it myself…” she broke off as the tears started again. She patted Gracie’s fingers gently.

  “Celine,” Sal said, “Did you mention the..…?”

  “No, I believe that’s your news to tell since Gracie can’t.”

  “What news?” Maggie asked, her voice still a little shaken.

  Sal swiped at his scruffy face then scratched under his chin. He looked away, hesitant to speak the words. He sighed.

  “Maggie, Gracie’s pregnant. We believe she wasn’t aware she was. We’re hoping the trauma her body has been through won’t lead to a miscarry.”

  “She’s what? How did she not realize…?” Maggie stared into space, then back at Sal. “You’re not blaming yourself, are you Sal? How would you have known if she didn’t?”

  “I left her,” he abruptly stated. “She begged me not to leave–if I stayed we would have found out together. But I left her alone, so terrified something was going to happen to me that she went into such a depressed state she didn’t notice. What if she miscarried while I was away? Or it could happen now! I will never forgive myself!”

  “Sal, slow it down,” Maggie tells him holding her hands up. “Don’t do that to yourself please…. She needs you now more than ever. She told me for months that she felt something bad was coming. She thought it was coming for you, but it was her all along–she just got it crossed. You both are meant to be.

  “Now, Richard,” she spit out his name. “He was never meant for her–and Gracie always got hurt by him or got caught in his fall out, always! Not this time! I know in my gut and in my soul the baby is going to live Sal, and so is Gracie. This is it, I pointed between them, this…is meant to be!”

  * * *

  The knighting ceremony went on for an hour as Uncle Sabastion dubbed more Templars, and the Archbishop Reims was there to witness them signing the paper. Marsilio leans over to me to whisper in my ear.

  “One of the best days of my life was the day I was dubbed a knight. We were given fortunes after the crusades. Now we are honored with gifts.”

  I look into his dark brown eyes–he is smiling so big. “What kinds of gifts, Your Grace?”

  “I have been given jewels from all over. And, as we speak, my castle in France is just about ready to move in. It will be a wonderful spot for the baby.”

  “I thought your province was Austria. I would love to see Austria,” I say. He chastely kisses my pouting lips.

  “Princess, I will take thee to both my castles. We can live wherever you want as long as we are together.”

  Out of nowhere, Caterina sneaks up behind us. I can smell the mead on her breath. “Sister,” she hisses, “you’re pregnant!”

  Marsilio and I jump and turn to face her.

  “How much have you heard, Caterina? Really, it doesn’t concern you,”. I answer her sharply.

  Marsilio takes me under his arm as protection. “This matter is not for your concern. I was promised her hand before any talk of a child. Now, be off with yourself. I should not have to endure such foolishness!”

  Caterina bows and sashays away.

  “She’s going to tell the Queen!” I whisper nervously. He eyes me up and down, noting my fears.

  “Come, we will tell the Queen first.”

  The ceremony is over and the handsome Knights are all lined up. As the minstrels played their songs, the knights tried to find a lady to dance with.

  Marsilio and I headed over to the throne. We walked properly, heads high, smiles on and holding each other’s hand.

  “Your Majesty,” we bow. I look at her with a small smile. “Mother, may we all talk in private for a moment?”

  “Yes, in my chambers.” She gets up and motions to the doors to her right. Two guards open them for us and my whole family is already there: Uncle Sabastion, Anne, and Caterina.

  We enter with our arms locked. Anne and Sabastion smile at us happily. Caterina gives us an evil glare.

  “Come, come. For heaven’s sake, you all pick the most unimaginable time to have a family discussion.” She turns abruptly and her skirt twirls with force around her legs. "WELL! Out with it!"

  “Your Highness, if I may,” Marsilio starts, “I am madly in love with your daughter and we came to ask you if we can be wed by the end’s week. I must make a trip to France and I would very much like it if Princess Sophia is my wife by then–and by my side.”

  “Of no doubt you love my daughter and you may have your nuptials in a week’s time, but, something tells this old woman there is something else you’re not relinquishing. Out with it!” she says sharply.

  “Mother,” Caterina coos like a contented pigeon. “I do believe I overheard Sophia say she is with child.”

  The queen holds her head and doesn’t even blink. “Whose child?”

  Caterina preens, her expression smug. “She did not say–she would not tell me.”

  Queen mother strolls over to face Marsilio and me.

  In a soft voice, she asks, “Who is the father, Sophia?”

  “Your Majesty, it is Marsilio’s, of course. I have been with no other.”

  The queen raises her calm stare at Marsilio. “Your flesh is of her flesh–it is your child?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty, I am overjoyed.”

  The queen pursed her lips. “Well then,
if you both are happy and content, then we shall get the wedding preparations underway, This is good news!”


  Late in the morning Gracie’s hospital room door opens and Celine, Maggie, and Pop parade in. Maggie hands me a bag. When I open it there is a bagel, egg and cheese sandwich along with a coffee. I have to admit, the coffee smells really good.

  Celine is the first to Gracie’s bed. “Hey, Baby Girl, I miss you. But when you feel better, you come on back. Everyone is here: Maggie, Antonio, and Sal. You love Sal, baby–don’t let him wait too long now. He’s missing on ya real bad.,”

  “Gracie,” Maggie says next. “I came in for you–we know each other like sisters and I know you’re in there fighting to come back. We’re all here, we all love you. And, we all miss you like crazy.”

  “Mio caro, you sleep…you sleeping so peacefully, you take all the time you need to get better. No worries–Toby is-a-fine he gonna be running around soon with you.”


  “What was that?” I say and look at everyone in the room. We all stand silent and everything is quiet.

  “Pop, say it again. About Toby…”

  “Caro, Toby is well–he can’t wait to run and-a-jump with you again…”


  “Should we call the nurse or something? Celine asks excitedly.

  Then it beeps and blips again… Maggie jumps from her chair. “I’ll go get one,” she says and she bolts out the door. A few minutes later, she comes back with the nurse.

  “What seems to be going on here?”

  We all speak at once and it all sounds like gibberish. The nurse puts up her hand like a referee. She points at me.

  “Sal, what happened?”

  “Everyone was talking to her–and when Pop mentioned Toby, she got extra bleeps. We thought maybe something was wrong.”

  “No guys, there doesn’t seem to be anything out of the ordinary. But all of you’ve been talking to her?”

  We gave her a collective “yes.”

  “Okay, well, it’s a lotta love in this room. Maybe she was just responding. I usually don’t allow but two at a time in a room, but, I know you’re all she’s got and I know I would lose the battle if I tried separating you all.”


  “See? See? You heard it!” Did you hear it?” we all chime in like bad students.

  “SHHHH…” the nurse says as she checks Gracie’s vitals, along with the ICP monitor. “Good news–looks like the pressure in her brain has started to decrease, so maybe she is being stimulated by a dream. Her BP is perfect and the fever is going down. I’ll report to the doctor–you’ll probably see him later.”

  Maggie approaches me with another bag–it was bigger than the bagel bag and she places it at my feet. “What’s this?”

  “That,” she points, “are clothes, your tooth brush, underwear and soap. I know you’re not going to leave her, and taking a shower here is not great, so, I thought I’d bring you some stuff–oh and your razor–just in case you want to stop looking like the Brawny guy.”

  “Thank you, Maggie. How was it sleeping at the house?”

  “I chose the small room at the end of the hall and kept the door locked. Truly, I don’t know how she lived there alone all these years, so big and empty like the house is sad from its past. Even when dick head was married to her, he was hardly there! Sal, if those walls could talk….” She shakes her head.

  * * *

  When I get done with a good hot shower, I come out dressed in a fresh tee shirt and jeans with my slippers. I shaved some, and I combed and dried my hair.

  “Hey, good lookin’,” says Celine. “Now you just got to get rid of the raccoon eyes–you need some sleep, Sal.”

  “I’m afraid she’ll wake up and I’ll be out cold–I don’t want to miss her. I’ve got to be there.”

  “Sal, I don’t think you’ll miss anything. The bed is big enough–scoot in there and hold her. Sleep beside her–if she wakes she will be in your arms.”

  I toss a questionable look at Celine then to Maggie–they both nod. “Do you think the nurses will get upset?”

  Maggie looks around. “Why? And really what could they say–‘Get out of you fiancée’s bed? I doubt it.

  “Okay, It would be nice to be able to relax, some.”

  I go to the bed and pull back the covers so I can do the little exercises I do with Gracie every day. I rub each of her feet for a few minutes, and then bend her legs. I slide my palms under her back and roll her on her side to massage her back. How I wish we were home by the sea and that this exercise was foreplay instead of an attempt to prevent bedsores and circulatory problems. I shake those thoughts away.

  I catch a glimpse of Celine and Maggie watching me, smiling, but teary-eyed. When I’m done, I sit her up, careful not to dislodge her I.V. or any of her monitor hookups, and slide myself behind her, and lay back down.

  Maggie covers us with a blanket from the pile on the windowsill, gives her friend a kiss, and promises to be back later.

  Celine gets up, and whistles for Pop who is napping right in his wheelchair. “Come Tony, let’s give them some sleepy time. She turns to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. “Sweet dreams, baby. We will see ya’ll later.”

  My breathing slows to match Gracie’s. I kiss her and tell her I love her. Then I remember the nurse said she might be dreaming.

  “I hope you’re dreaming happy things, Princess–all happy things.”

  I am so comfortable holding Gracie in my arms, I finally relax. Slowly I drift off to sleep.

  * * *

  “Go! Everyone!” the Queen clapped her hands. “Go–the night is still young and I have two more daughters to find suitors for.”

  “Wait,” Caterina stopped in front of her mother. “I am the eldest, I should have been chosen first.”

  “You were dear, and in less than a year you came home crying! We painstakingly got you a divorce. “It will not be that easy to find you a suitor unless he is widowed. Good news is, you should still be young enough to bare an heir.”

  “But Mother, Sophia’s child will be born first. It is not right mine will wait.”

  “Caterina,” Sophia said, “your heir can go ahead of ours. We won’t even be living here. Marsilio wants for us to live in France or Austria.”

  “Oh no, I’m sorry Sophia,” the Queen cut in. “If you are first to bear a child, that child will be first in this house. It is the way it has always been done. You may raise the child where you like but know this: upon my demise you will reign until your child is old enough to do so. ”

  “How is this happening mother?” Caterina growled. “I am the eldest!”

  “Yes, but you have been divorced, Caterina. The Vatican does not look kindly on divorced Queens. Look at all the trouble that buffoon Henry the VIII caused in England. I’m sorry Caterina, but we will find you a suitable mate and you shall be handsomely titled.”

  “But Mother!” Caterina whined.

  The Queen stood taller and looked at Caterina with searing eyes. “You will listen to me, Princess. You will do as you are told or I will send you away with Archbishop Reins and the Duke and Dutchess of Urbino–and there you will become an old spinster, is that what you want?”

  “No, your highness.”

  “Then hold that wicked tongue that forks in your mouth. And the next time you eavesdrop on any conversation in this kingdom I shall put you on horse duty. Am I clear, Daughter?”

  * * *

  Celine and Maggie arrived at the mansion around mid-afternoon. The winter wind coming off the ocean was gentle, as though promising better things to come.

  “This place is so big and lonely – any chance you can stay, Celine?” Maggie asked as she got out of the car.

  Celine thought a minute, then nodded. “Why don’t we relax a while, then go out and have a nice dinner–just us girls. We can get to know one another–how’s that sound? I can spend the night–I’ll just borrow something of
Gracie’s and make do.”

  They walked into the kitchen and Maggie turned to Celine. “Cup of tea or a glass of wine?” she asked.

  “How about a cup of tea for now. We’ll get wine later,” Celine replied. She looked out the wall of windows and watched the sea oats sway on the dunes. “So, you said you settled in the small room at the back of the house?” she asked as Maggie filled the tea kettle.

  “Yeah, it’s yellow and lavender. I like the way it’s decorated, but the house is way too big for one person. Rattling around here would make me crazy unless it was full of kids or animals or something fun.”

  Celine got up off the counter stool in the kitchen and walked over to the brown paper-wrapped rectangle leaning against the wall. “What’s in here, Maggie?”

  The kettle whistled and Maggie shut it off. “Oh!” she said as she looked at it. “I painted a portrait of Gracie and Sal.”

  “Really! You paint?”

  “I dabble. It’s a hobby, really. Would you like to see it?”

  “I absolutely would!” Celine insisted.

  Maggie gently tore the paper from the painting, then removed the bubble wrap. Then she turned it around and showed Celine. “Well, what do you think?”

  “Maggie! Oh my heavens! That is amazing! You’re very talented!”

  “Thank you,” Maggie said. “Gracie sent me two pictures of them via text messaging. One was the night of the benefit and the other was when they were in Napa. The strangest thing though–both pictures felt familiar to me like I’d seen them together before–so I painted what almost felt like a memory.”

  “Maggie you did a hell of a job. Gracie’s going to love it. Sal calls her Princess– did you know that?”

  “No, but it’s all very strange. I got the pictures and I felt something each time. The hairs on my neck stood up. Just the way they did when I knew something was wrong with Gracie–and…here I am!”


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