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A Soul Mate's Promise

Page 34

by Soprano, Robin H

  Anne sticks out her chin. “I tried coaxing her out of her bed chambers before dinner and she would not answer. I told mother and she said for us to pay Caterina no mind, for she probably wants the attention. Mother is not at all happy with her ill manners.”

  “Poor Caterina,” I say. “We truly don’t know how hard it has been for her since returning from that evil Duke. I wish there was something I could do.”

  “Princess, what did I tell you about upsetting yourself?” Marsilio gives me a stern but loving look.” Happy thoughts only.” He seals his command with a swift kiss on the top of my nose and I giggle.

  It is hard not having Caterina around to share in my bliss and I hoped she will be at the wedding. Truth be told, I cannot not stay sad for long. I am overcome by my own joy–marrying the love of my life and being with his child. I beam with delight.

  * * *

  Night comes again on the eleventh day. Everyone has left the hospital and I’m alone with Gracie like I am now every night. I want so much to hear her voice– need to get lost in her hazel eyes. I can’t allow myself to give up hope, especially when things sound better every day. But I miss her so much I hurt.

  I wash up, change into a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt, then reach for a magazine. Planning to sit in the recliner next to Gracie’s bed and thumb through it before curling up around her, I lean over to kiss her forehead.

  When I look down at her, she appears different–something in her face–she has the smallest shadow of a smile on her lips. I look closer and turn on the bedside lamp.

  Holy crap! I gasp and put my hand over my mouth to keep from yelling like a maniac.

  “Gracie,” I call. I pick up her hand. “Gracie, can you hear me?”

  She doesn’t respond, but that little smirk on her lips tells me she’s surfacing.

  I plan to watch her all night, afraid to fall asleep for fear she will wake and I’ll miss it.

  I don’t call for the nurse or anyone–this little victory is mine. I climb on the bed next to her and watch her lips move back and forth all night.

  She is in there–she’s coming back to me.

  * * *

  Morning comes and I wake with a jolt, realizing I’d fallen asleep.

  I glance at Gracie–she’s still out but there’s still that hint of a smile. I get up as the nurses come in to do their daily routines and check on her.

  “Good morning, Sal,” says one of the nurses. “How was your night? You seem to be getting a bit more sleep.”

  “Oh..ahh good, yes, I’m calmer than I was weeks ago. I was running on pure adrenaline then.” I point in Gracie’s direction. “Do you ladies see a change on Gracie’s face? I noticed it last night–I’m hoping it’s just not wishful thinking.”

  The two nurses focus on Gracie. It takes them a minute or two, then one of them gasps, “I believe I see a smile!”

  “Yes!” says the other nurse, “it’s very faint but it’s there–is that what you see?” They ask as they look back at me.

  “That’s exactly what I see,” I say, smiling wider than I have in weeks. “That’s a good sign, right?”

  “Well, any kind of movement is a good sign. Is she responsive at all?”

  “No, I tried calling for her last night, and I watched as her lips moved, forming a smile. I know it’s a small thing, but I feel good about it like maybe she is on her way back.”

  “The doctor thinks she is and all the tests seem to indicate that,” one of the nurses answers. “Her swelling is way down now and her blood count is normal. Only time will tell.”

  “She’s probably dreaming something happy,” says the other nurse. “Maybe about you! Keep talking to her, Sal–I believe she’s on her way.”

  Right before noon, Pop and the ladies show up with a pizza and it smells great. I guess I’m making my way back, too.

  “One of Gracie’s favorite food groups!” Maggie says with a laugh. She takes her slice over to Gracie and waves it under her nose. “Come on, girlfriend,” she coos, “you gotta wake up for a slice.” Maggie sits next to Gracie and nibbles at her slice.

  “Hey, last night I noticed something new,” I say around a mouth full of melty cheese. Everyone turns their attention to me. “Look at Gracie,” I continue. Look really close at her face and tell me what you see.”

  Maggie and Celine lean over, “She looks peaceful,” says Celine.

  “SHE’S SMILING!” Maggie yells.

  “Well I’ll be.” Celine takes another peek. “She is smiling! It’s very slight, but I see it!”

  “So, it’s not the smell of pizza?” Maggie jokes.

  “No,” I laugh. “It’s a small thing I know, but I don’t feel so helpless now.”

  “Let-a-me see, son,” Pop says, wheeling himself closer. “Oh mio caro! I see it, son. I see it! Gracie, come back sweet heart,” Pop says as he pats her hand. He sheds two tears through a big smile, then reaches toward me and I give him my hand. “It’s gonna be all right now, son–it’s-a-gonna be all right.”

  “Oh thank god, a good sign!” Celine says with a wide grin. “You hear me, Gracie? You’re a fighter! Now enough is a enough baby girl. You wake your ass up!”

  * * *

  The morning of my wedding comes with thunder and rain. I am getting dressed with the help of my ladies, and my sister Anne is sitting on the bed.

  Lady Beth is helping with my gown when a big crack of thunder rolls across the sky. “Don’t worry, Princess Sophia, I hear it’s good luck when it rains on a wedding day. They say a wet knot never slips.”

  “Oh, the rain isn’t bothering me. Rain or sun it is my wedding day–maybe it will stop, maybe it won’t–but whoo…” I breathe deep. “I must say, I have butterflies in my tummy.”

  “Butterflies or a baby?” Anne giggles.

  “Okay little Princess,” Beth chides, “off with you now. Go finish getting dressed, and leave your sister be. Your mother will put me in lock up if you are not dressed and ready on time.”

  “She’s fine, Lady Beth, but I am feeling light headed. Maybe you could fetch me some tea?”

  “Yes, Princess and don’t worry–it’s all a part of the symptoms. Wait till you start purging every morning–but no fears–its completely normal. I’ll just be a moment with your tea.”

  Lady Beth scurries out and Anne gazes upon my gown, “You are beautiful sister. I shall miss you.”

  “Oh, no worry’s Anne. I have a surprise for you! I’ve talked about arrangements to have you come to stay with Marsilio and me in France. Would that make you happy?”

  “Yes! Oh sister! Really? When?”

  “Well I thought right after the baby was born. Marsilio will send for you. You can study and explore and maybe when the time is right we can find plenty of suitors for you to choose from. I also think it be best for you not to be close to Caterina right now. I don’t think she is well.”

  “Speaking of, have you seen her yet”? Anne asks making a sad face.

  “No and I have a suspicion I am not going too.”

  “I overheard mother speaking to the physician. She is going to have Caterina checked. At court they are saying she’s gone mad. I’m scared sister–and you will be gone by day’s end.”

  I step over to Anne and hug her close, “Don’t be frightened Anne. Stay with your ladies, and try to stay close to mother. You will be all right. If it gets very bad, write me and we will send for you sooner.”


  “With all my heart.”


  Two weeks. It’s been two miserable weeks since I hauled Gracie out of the sea and she’s still not even aware I’m here. Her heart beats steady and so does the little one’s. Now I understand how I endured Bosnia. I was there as a result of war, a job I had to do. The price I was willing to pay. Knew it going in.

  Gracie was a victim of things that had nothing to do with her. On top of how much I love her, the injustice is killing me a day at a time.

  I look out the wi
ndow at a damp, raw-looking March day. Pop and Celine went and collected Toby yesterday, so life is getting slightly back to normal. They told me he’s limping a little but otherwise seems to be doing well. Except he whines for Gracie.

  I know how you feel, fella. I know exactly how you feel.

  I’m jarred out of my self-pity by a knock on the door. An old man in a light blue “Volunteer” jacket comes in with a delivery of flowers. Just what the room needs, so I smile.

  The heavy glass vase is filled with fresh pink and yellow rose buds. I place the heavy arrangement on the bedside table and open the card. It simply says, Love, Richard.

  Well, at least it’s two dozen and the fact he sent anything is a step in a right direction.

  I go over to Gracie, who still has a small smile playing on her lips. I place a kiss on her forehead, then on her cheek, then like every day, I put my ear to her chest, listening to the steady rhythm and plant a kiss over her heart.

  The morning turns to afternoon and Maggie startles me when she enters the room.

  “Holy crap that’s a lot of roses! Who sent them?” Maggie points.

  I smile and hold up my index finger. “I’ll give you one guess–no peeking at the card.”

  “You shittin’ me…” she blurts.

  Smugly smiling, I raise my eyebrows and nod once.

  “Wow, Richard feeling some heat,” Maggie cracks. “You know, I don’t think he ever got her flowers when they were married–for any occasion. He would say, ‘All that money for what? They just die.’ Such an ass.”

  I shrug. “I just hope he remembers to come see her when she’s better, and gives her a proper apology for being an ass. She deserves that much.”

  “Yes. I agree. But the only problem with that is Richard doesn’t know he’s an ass. He never thought he did anything wrong.” She chuckles shaking her head.

  * * *

  “Oh, where is Lady Beth with my tea? I am dizzy and now nauseated,” I mention to one of the servants.

  “I’m sure it’s just a bit of nerves, Princess. Just sit here and we will finish dressing you. Take deep, steady breaths, m’lady.”

  Thunder roars on in the sky. Clips of lightening reflect through the castle windows. The soft knock at the door is my mother. We stand.

  “Come” I call. She enters my bedchambers and we all bow and greet her as Your Highness.

  “Ahhh… my Sophia. How beautiful you are! Let me look at you,” she says as she approaches me. “Lovely, but you look a little peaked, my dear. Are you all right?”

  “Yes Mother, I think so, but, I do feel a bit dizzy. I believe it might be my nerves. Lady Beth went to retrieve some herb tea, but has not yet arrived. She wanted to make sure Anne was ready –I’m sure she just lost her time.”

  “Everybody out,” commands the Queen. “I want to talk with the Princess alone.” She claps her hands and our servants scatter like mice.

  She comes and sits next to me. “Daughter, I believe you are having pregnancy symptoms. I know you are not nervous to wed Marsilio. The both of you have been in love for years.”

  “Yes, I know Mother, it is just what we were saying in front of the servants. I cannot wait to see him–he will calm me.”

  “Don’t worry, the morning symptoms do not last long. I’ll see what’s keeping Lady Beth and the tea.”

  As she rises from her seat, she smiles and leans over to kiss me on my cheek. “I am so happy for you. I just wish your father could see this glorious day. Uncle Sabastion will be waiting for you at the front gate of our chapel. He is so proud to have the honor of giving your hand to Marsilio. See you soon, Princess.”

  * * *

  Late that afternoon Sal, Antonio, Celine and Maggie were again at Gracie’s bedside. They noticed the small smile she had for several days was gone now.

  Pop was watching TV while Maggie and Celine were reading and talking. Maggie was reluctantly making plans to return to her family. She’d been away almost three weeks and Mike and the kids needed her back home. She only had a couple of more days.

  Sal was getting more quiet every day, wondering what he would do if Gracie didn’t wake up. Or what if she woke and didn’t remember him?

  He prayed day and night for her to wake up. He sat on the side of her bed and held her hand. Then out of nowhere, a glimmer of hope shook him out of his gloom. He looked up–the girls were watching him, wide-eyed.

  “Did I hear a slight moan come from her or am I just going out of my mind?” he asked with skepticism.

  “No…” Maggie answered. “I thought I heard it, too!”

  “I wasn’t sure what I heard,” Celine said, “but now that y’all mention it, it just might have come from her.”

  Pop muted the TV and they sat still, looking at one another.

  “Sal,” Maggie whispered, “Talk to her!”

  “Gracie? Gracie, wake up, now.”

  Looking at her, holding her hand, he spoke softly but firmly. A little sigh escaped from her throat.

  Again they all looked at each other like deer caught in headlights.

  “Get the nurse! Call the Doctor!” Sal yelled, his heart pounding so hard he thought he’d pass out.


  * * *

  Even though I am not feeling good at the moment, I am still overcome with joy. I know the symptoms will pass shortly and it is all part of the little miracle growing inside of me made from pure love.

  A knock at my door startles me out of my thoughts. “Come,” I call. The door opens slowly and Caterina stands there in the doorway.

  “May I enter your chamber, sister? I came upon Lady Beth who seemed frazzled with today’s busy chores. I saw the tea and I told her I would bring it to you.”

  I smile. “Thank you sister, that’s very kind of you. I have been waiting what seems like days for that tea.”

  Caterina strolls into my room and shuts the door. I am happy to see her. She does not have the angry icy demeanor she had yesterday. Instead, her features appear more humble and sorrowful.

  “I hear you are not feeling well this morning,” she says as she puts the teacup down in front of me on the table. “The herbs in the tea should help.”

  “Thank you, sister,” I smile. “I’m very happy to see you. Please say you will attend my wedding today. I don’t want us to part and leave you upset or angry. Thing’s will all work out for the best for you, Caterina, I know it. Now, please say you can be happy for me?”

  I pick up the tea and sip. It is nice and warm, not too sweet and has just a hint of ginger.

  “I am happy for you, Sophia, and yes, I will be in attendance today.”

  She smiles back at me but it does not reach her eyes. I sip some more on the tea–a warm sensation is numbing my stomach and soon I start to feel very strange.

  “Sister?” Caterina asks. “What’s wrong?

  “I do not know,” I say on a breath. “I am feeling very peculiar.”

  The warm sensation builds up into my chest and burns at my throat. “Caterina.. go… get help… something is happening to me… something is very wrong!”

  I cough and hold my throat which is closing. Caterina makes no attempts to move from her seat. She just glares at me with an evil smile on her face. I know in that moment what is happening.

  “You poisoned my tea!” I cough and gasped for air. How could you? Why… sister?”

  My vision begins to spin and fade to black. I hear other voices, like echoes. I heard Marsilio call out, “Gracie!” I hear women telling me to wake up but it is so hard.

  I cough again, my throat feels like sandpaper. I can’t see but I hear voices talking to me, calling to me–where are they?

  I follow the sound but my legs won’t move. I feel heavy and I have pain–my head hurts.

  * * *

  “GRACIE!” Gracie…I’m here–open your eyes! You’re okay! Your okay!”

  Sal was holding her when the nurses and Dr. Rosaro rushed in the room.. She was coughing and look
ed like she was in pain.

  “Sal, let me see her, it’s okay,” Dr. Rosaro said as he pushed his way past Celine, Maggie and Sal.

  “She’s coming around. Gracie,” the doctor spoke. “Can you hear me? Open your eyes if you hear me.”

  They stood around the bed. When Gracie’s eyes popped open, she sucked in a big breath as though she’d been holding it for weeks.

  She struggled to focus. When she did, her eyes met Sal’s. Warm tears flooded his vision when he saw recognition in her eyes, those big hazel eyes.

  “Gracie,” he sobbed. “Oh, thank God, you’re back.”

  * * *

  I’m in a hospital room and not sure why? The headache, maybe?

  I look at Sal who looks like he’s lost weight and his eyes are bloodshot. I looked around and see Celine and Antonio, both of them laughing and crying at the same time.

  Then I hear a familiar voice chime in.

  “Hey, Gracie! Welcome back!” I look up and see my best friend Maggie.

  Good god, I’m confused. “What’s wrong?” I ask. “Sal?” I look around for him.

  “I’m right here,” he says, taking my hand.

  A tall man is on my left side. “Gracie, I’m Dr. Rosaro. How do you feel? Is it difficult to move? Can you sit up? ”

  I try to sit up and Sal helps but the pain in my head is nauseating. I grab my hand away from Sal and clasp both hands to my head. “OW, my head,” I moan.

  “Gracie,” the doctor continues, “Can you move your feet and legs for me?”

  I do as asked. “What’s going on? I ask again.

  “You were in an accident,” the doctor answers. You hurt your head–you’ve had a concussion causing swelling on your brain. You’ve been in a coma for almost three weeks. But, you’re going to be fine. You’re healing. Do you understand?”

  “I guess so. An accident?” I ask. “What kind of accident?”


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