Connors' Devils (Devil's Riot MC Book 5)

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Connors' Devils (Devil's Riot MC Book 5) Page 6

by E. C. Land

  Warmth flows through me and I look at Dragon, seeing him nodding his head. He must have felt my emotions running through me. Nodding back to him, I sit at the table. Picking up my fork, I start to eat only to be stopped by Logan shaking his head.

  “Pr-Pra-Prayer fi-first,” he says proudly.

  Well, okay, then. I put my fork back down and place my hands together and wait for the prayer. When no one starts talking, I tilt my head up to find Logan’s head bent down and signing, Thank you Lord for the food in front of me and for answering my prayers and bringing Gadget and Dragon into mommy’s life. Amen.

  I can barely hear my brother or Connors repeat ‘Amen’ after Logan finishes his prayer. My heart is pounding with so many emotions I can’t comprehend them all.

  One thing is for sure, this child is ours and I’ll die before that motherfucker who donated his sperm gets his hands on him again. Fucker will burn at not only Dragon’s hands but mine as well. Same goes for the entire club Hydro is a part of.

  Let him come for my family. Just let him.

  He’ll burn in hell before he puts one finger on either one of them.

  I’ll send him straight to the darkest pit.

  Lifting my fork, I begin to eat as I keep my eyes on the people that mean the world to me. Funny how Connors and her son mean everything to us already and neither of us have touched her except to kiss her. And I can hardly wait. But I will wait an eternity if need be for her. She’s worth it.



  I thought sitting through a meal with two amazingly hot men would be difficult, that the three of us wouldn’t have anything to talk about. I was wrong. They were both easy to talk to and answered questions about themselves when asked something specific.

  Dragon, I found out, was a corpsman in the military and stationed with Thorn and Rage. He didn’t specify how long he was in the military, only that he was honorably discharged after being severely injured in the line of duty, helping to save not only his fellow soldiers but the women and children of a village that was under attack. He also told me little things about himself, like his favorite food, color, and music. I was shocked his favorite color is aquamarine. He even chuckled at my expression when he told me.

  Gadget, on the other hand, went to MIT for computer engineering but refused to go into the military like Dragon. Said they wanted to try different things and this was one way they could do it. He went on to tell me about his experience outsmarting the professors and how he declined offers to work for some of the most top-secret parts of the government all because he could design things at the drop of a hat. I also found out his favorite color is turquoise and that he likes podunk country music. When I asked what the hell that was, he outright laughed before pulling out his phone and playing a song by a man named Big Smo.

  I quickly came to the conclusion that he and I would never agree when it came to music. I’m one for music without words, preferring to listen to instrumentals over country or rap. If I do listen to anything, it’s usually classic rock. Guns and Roses is one of my favorites. I mean November Rain is the best song out there.

  After dinner, Dragon told me to go ahead and spend time with Logan while he and Gadget cleaned up the kitchen. Talk about being surprised at the notion. I’ve never known a man to clean up, not even my own father. He said it was the woman’s place. I inwardly laugh at the thought he’d be rolling in his grave knowing I became a doctor and my sister owned her own business.

  Logan and I played a little bit before I gave him a bath and got him ready for bed. We went through our nighttime routine with ease. Usually, he’d fight me over the bath, hating when I wash his hair. He hates getting soap in his eyes and doesn’t listen when I tell him to tilt his head back. But tonight, he did everything I asked without complaint.

  Tucking him into bed, I pick up our book and begin to read to him without acknowledging the two men watching us in the doorway. Logan falls asleep before I even get to the end of the book. Getting up, I kiss him on top of his head, letting him know in his sleep that I love him. Moving toward the door, both men move back and let me through before Dragon closes Logan’s door, leaving it cracked.

  “It’s time to talk, baby,” Gadget whispers as he guides me to my room. Why I let him, I don’t know, but the way he says those words sends a shiver through my body.

  I’m not ready to have this talk. I know what it will lead to— them walking away. I know they will, especially if and when they get a look at the marks burned into my skin.

  Walking into my room, I move to sit in the middle of my bed and let my eyes follow both men as they each sit on either side of the end, facing me.

  “Alright, mo chroí, it’s time for the three of us to talk. First, we’re gonna go over shit none of us want to discuss but it needs to be done. Second, Gadget and I will tell you something personal about us. Then we’ll move on to you being our ol’ lady,” Dragon says, his voice becoming rougher with each word.

  “Ol’ lady? Are you serious? You don’t even know me and you two want me to be that important to you?” I ask, interrupting him.

  “Baby, doesn’t matter what you say about your past, it’s not gonna stop either one of us from wanting you to be ours,” Gadget says gently.

  I don’t say anything, rather nod at his words.

  “Now, I want you to start with how you ended up being associated with Dragons Fire MC let alone married to Hydro.” Gadget’s voice is firm in his demand.

  Sucking in a breath, I close my eyes. I can’t do this while looking at them. “I was on my last stretch of medical school when a few friends I had back then wanted to go blow off some steam. They convinced me to go with them to this party they’d been invited to. I finally caved after they pestered me all week about it. I didn’t know it was a biker club until we got there. That same night, my life changed. I ended up catching Nick’s eye and woke up the next morning sore in places I didn’t know you could be. On top of that, I was married. When he woke up, Nick told me I was his and I’d never belong to anyone else, not after him. That was the beginning of my life in hell,” I say shaking my head.

  “Nick wanted me to quit school, but Ratchet convinced him it would be a good idea to let me finish. Said it’d be good to have a doctor at the club’s beck and call. For the remainder of my time in school, I had an escort to and from the clubhouse. Nick finally moved me out of the clubhouse after I graduated. Said I could have a job, but all the money was to go to him and he demanded I show him my paycheck each time.” Pausing, I take a deep breath.

  “Nick was always verbally abusive but contained it to only our room at the clubhouse. But when he moved us to a house, he became violent, never hitting me where you’d see bruises, and if he did, he made sure that you weren’t able to tell it came from him. When I became pregnant with Logan, I refused to have him subjected to a monster like Nick and I filed for divorce. I’d spoken with my sister and asked her if I could live with her until I could get my own place. She agreed, however, I didn’t make it past packing my bag. Nick received the papers and went ballistic on me. I thought I was gonna die that night. I was sure he’d killed Logan and it gutted me that I couldn’t protect my son from that. But he’s here and I’ll do anything to keep that monster away from him,” I finish talking and finally look up to find both men sitting still as statues, their features furious.

  You can almost feel the tension flowing off them.

  This is something I didn’t expect. I thought I’d see pity or something saying this woman isn’t worth my time, she’s dumb to put herself in a position like she did. That’s not what I find in their eyes, though.

  What I find is fire. For what, I don’t know.



  Fury flows through my veins as I take in everything Doc said, soaking in everything she went through. She might not have gone into detail, but I didn’t need her to, to know exactly what he did.

  No man should ever lay a hand on a woman in any way other t
han to show her he loves her. My mam taught us that. Said when we found our one to always show her a loving hand and never one in fury, to never take a hand to a woman out of spite or hatred.

  Taking a deep breath, then another I reach over and touch her hand gaining her attention in my direction. Not trusting my voice, I sign, I don’t know what’s going on in that mind of yours, however, I want you to know I think you’re one hell of a strong woman for not only surviving that sort of hell but to know when to get out of it. Some women stay and don’t even attempt to get out. Giving her a small smile, I squeeze her hand reassuringly.

  “Dragon’s right, mo chroí, you are strong and one hell of a mom to that little boy asleep in the other room,” my brother says, reaching over and grabbing her other hand.

  “Thank you,” she whispers, diverting her eyes from the both of us.

  “Now, let’s move on to the next subject at hand,” Gadget starts, looking in my direction. I nod, letting him know to take the lead on this. “Dragon and I are unique. Like I said this morning, he and I are like one person in two bodies. We share a connection that most people find freaky and unusual.”

  “I don’t understand,” Connors’s brows furrow.

  “Let me put it to you this way, baby. We don’t do anything apart. Not even sexually. For instance, I get hard, Dragon gets hard. I get off, the same goes for him,” Gadget says nonchalantly.

  “So, because of some unexplainable thing, the two of you are unable to live separate lives,” she questions.

  “Pretty much,” I rasp.

  “Babe, we don’t share sexually but psychically and physically. We feel everything the other feels— pain, love, anger, all of it,” Gadget finishes.

  “Can I ask what happens if you do something separately?” Connors asks, blushing.

  Snorting, I shake my head. “Doc, you will see some time or another, but for example, when I jack off, Gadget will come without even trying. His dick gets hard if I touch mine and vice versa.” Her eyes widen at my response.

  “Wow, that’s crazy,” she says more to herself than to either of us.

  “Now, this brings me to the last part, you being our ol’ lady,” I say.

  “Why me?” she directs her attention between the two of us.

  “Because you, mo chroí, are one special, beautiful, one-of-a-kind woman who deserves to be loved by not just one man but two. And Gadget and I are those men. We want you for who you are.” My voice becomes strained as I speak.

  “But you don’t know who I am.” I can see the tears filling her eyes.

  “You don’t see it, do you?” Gadget asks.

  Shaking her head, she doesn’t say another word.

  Glancing over at my brother, we share a knowing look. Time to show her without words what she means to us.

  The both of us move toward her, one on either side of her. Connors’s eyes look like they’re about to pop out as Gadget and I stretch out on either side of her.

  Not saying a word, I run my hands up one side of her body as Gadget does the same on the other side.

  Lowering my lips and placing kisses along her neck, I finally run my hand underneath her shirt, enjoying the feel of her skin.

  Moaning, Connors arches her body into my and Gadget’s hands. Moving my hand up to cup her cheek, I take her mouth in a kiss that leaves her breathless. Lifting my mouth from hers, I let Gadget have his turn while I move my mouth down her neck, kissing her through her shirt. She tenses when I get to her breast but relaxes a moment later. I don’t take it any further than letting her feel my hand running along her body.

  Lifting my head from her neck, I focus on her eyes and my dick hardens even more at what I see. She wants both of us, however, tonight will be just this and having her sleep between Gadget and I. I don’t want to go another night without her sharing our bed, even if it’s hers.

  Through the connection between Gadget and myself, I know he feels the same way. People might call us freaks, but I don’t think of it that way. As he explained to Connors, we’re simply one soul sharing two bodies.

  Nudging Gadget, he moves back and settles on his side of Connors and I do the same on mine.

  “What are you doing?” she asks quietly.

  “Getting ready to sleep with our woman for the first time,” Gadget says knowingly with a smirk on his face.

  “But this is my room. You guys are in the guest room,” she responds in an attempt to rationalize what we’re doing.

  “Baby, Gadget and I are sleeping in here. We told you what we want and we’ll give you time to adjust to us being with you before we go any further than we have. However, we will be sleeping with you in this bed from now on,” I say, my voice barely loud enough to go further than the two of them, which is all I need it to do.

  Eyes wide, she doesn’t say another word as we all get comfortable. I lay on my side and roll her to place her back to my chest so she can be curled into Gadget’s chest.

  “If we’re going to do this then can I not call you by your road names but your birth ones?” she asks moments later.

  “Babe, you can call us whatever you want. We’re yours,” Gadget says, running a hand along her arm.

  “Okay, ‘night Dagen, ‘night Casey,” her voice is so quiet, I wonder what is running through her head. Although I want to know, it can wait until another day. This right here, right now, is a small victory for the two of us in the war to win her heart.



  I swear to all there is in this world, if a woman could die of sexual frustration, I’d already have surpassed that. It’s been a full freaking week of having Dagen and Casey in my bed. I stopped calling them by their road names the first night, and truth be told, I prefer it this way. It means something special to me that no one other than me and, well, my son call them by their real names.

  Over the past week, the three of us seem to have gotten into a routine of me waking up snuggled against one of their chests while the other one is tight against my back. Then we all go about our day of work. I found out that Casey runs security for all the companies they own with his friend and brother Nerd, who’s in another charter. And Dagen works at the garage with Rage and Horse. It’s crazy how different yet so similar the two of them are. They have it right, though, they do everything together, at least in my presence, such as while eating dinner, they use the same hand and lift their fork up at the same time. Or they have the same birthmark on the left side of their chest in the shape of a star. Strange but it seems to work for them.

  Shaking my head, I close up my locker for the last time until the first of the year. Thankfully the hospital allowed me to take the time off that I requested. Helps that I had so much built-up vacation time and fellow doctors who owed me for covering for them.

  “Have a good vacation, Doctor Connors,” Jordan calls out as I pass her on the way out.

  “I plan on it. Remember, call me if you want to get together for coffee or something,” I say, smiling as I head out the door.

  Getting to my car, my phone pings, letting me know I have a text message. Pulling it out of my bag, I find it’s from Casey.

  Come to the clubhouse. We’re having a party. Emerson is staying with Logan so come straight here.

  Shaking my head, I figure what the hell. What better way to see how the two men who have ingrained themselves into my life over the past week live? I probably should change but if I do that, it would mean going home and then I might chicken out. No, I need to go straight to the clubhouse like Casey said. Maybe tonight will be the night they do something more with me than kiss me senseless.

  Mind made up, I get in my car, start her up, and turn in the direction of the club. Hopefully, the Devil’s Riot parties aren’t like the parties I’ve experienced in my time with Nick. Those were horrible, especially when Nick would make me sit right next to him while he got his dick sucked by one of the clubwhores. Maybe one of the girls will be there and I’ll have someone I can be comfortable around besides Dag
en and Casey.

  The drive to the clubhouse isn’t as long as I hoped and nerves begin to set in. Pulling into the lot for the club, I park and take a deep breath.

  “Here goes nothing,” I mumble under my breath, even though no one is around to have overheard me. Opening my door, I can hear the music thumping from inside. Scanning the lot, I take in the number of bikes and cars here. I wonder how this place can hold so many people. I mean, I know it’s not small but damn that’s a lot of people. As I walk toward the building, people are all over the place and I can smell a bonfire I’m guessing is behind the clubhouse.

  Once inside, I stop in my tracks at the sight in front of me. Barely dressed women dancing everywhere or hanging onto men as they fraternize with each other. At least they have more clothes on than what I’m used to seeing at a party like this. Scanning the room, I spot the girls sitting at a table together. I make my way over to them since I didn’t see either of the guys in the room. And as much as I’m trying not to let that bother me, it does. Maybe they’re outside at the bonfire or something. No need to get worked up and start comparing them to Nick. Neither of them are him and they’ve been proving that to me all week.

  “Hey, lady, long time no see,” Izzy yells when she spots me, followed by the rest of them calling out greetings.

  “Hey guys, would y’all mind if I sit? I honestly don’t know anyone else here, along with the fact that I’ve been on my feet all day and don’t feel like going on a wild goose chase looking for Gadget and Dragon.” Deciding I need to shut up and stop rambling, I cover my mouth.

  “Sit down, woman. You must be exhausted. And I don’t mean from work, if you know what I mean.” Lynsdey laughs as she winks at me.


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